List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Namespace getNamespace
public static Namespace getNamespace(final String uri)
for the supplied URI, and make it usable as a default namespace, as no prefix is supplied. From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Processes the specified element and extracts all the attribute information from it; then sets these attributes * in the specified instance of the class represented by its mapping. * //from ww w . j ava2 s . co m * @param vo POJO whose attributes are being converted from their XML representations. * @param classElement Root XML node representing the instance. * @param cm Class mapping that contains metadata about the class and its attributes. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void setAttributesFromXml(final Object vo, final Element classElement, final ClassMapping cm) { //Namespace namespace = Namespace.getNamespace(cm.getXmlNamespace()); Element elementToProcess = classElement; for (AttributeMapping am : cm.getAttributeMappings()) { Namespace attribNs = Namespace.getNamespace(am.getXmlNamespace()); if (am.getType() == AttributeMapping.Type.Class) { Path childXmlPath = Path.fromString(cm.getXmlPath()); PathSegment ps = new PathSegment(cm.getXmlNamespace(), cm.getXmlTag()); PathSegment attrPs = new PathSegment(am.getXmlNamespace(), am.getXmlTag()); childXmlPath.addSegment(ps); childXmlPath.addSegment(attrPs); ClassMapping childClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(childXmlPath); if (childClass == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path : " + childXmlPath); } if (childClass.getType() == ClassMapping.Type.Union) { List<Element> attribElements = elementToProcess.getChildren(am.getXmlTag(), attribNs); if (am.isList()) { List<Object> listVal = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Element attribElement : attribElements) { Object unionValue = m_unionChoiceHelper.xmlToUnion(cm, attribElement); listVal.add(unionValue); } BeanUtil.setDirectListValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, listVal, "java.util.ArrayList"); } else { Element attribElement = attribElements.get(0); if (attribElement != null) { Object unionValue = m_unionChoiceHelper.xmlToUnion(cm, attribElement); BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, unionValue); } } } else if (childClass.getType() == ClassMapping.Type.Choice) { Object choiceClass = m_unionChoiceHelper.xmlToChoice(cm, am.getXmlTag(), classElement); BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, choiceClass); } else { // Pass in an empty xpathOid and ignore containment, since we are rooted right here List<Object> kids = this.fromXml(elementToProcess, childClass, true); if (kids != null) { if (am.isList()) { BeanUtil.setDirectListValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, kids, childClass.getJavaClassName()); } else if (kids.size() > 0) { BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, kids.get(0)); } } } } else { // Built-in, enumeration and user-defined if (am.isList()) { // This is a leaf-list; get all the values and set the thing List<Element> attribElements = elementToProcess.getChildren(am.getXmlTag(), attribNs); List<Object> primitives = new ArrayList<Object>(); String primitiveClass = "java.lang.String"; for (Element attribElement : attribElements) { Object value = am.convertStringToValue(attribElement.getText()); primitiveClass = value.getClass().getName(); primitives.add(value); } BeanUtil.setDirectListValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, primitives, primitiveClass); } else { Element sourceNode = elementToProcess; if (!am.isSynthetic() || am.getType() == AttributeMapping.Type.Primitive_Boolean) { Element attribElement = elementToProcess.getChild(am.getXmlTag(), attribNs); if (attribElement == null) { s_logger.debug("Attribute with tag: " + am.getXmlTag() + " not received."); continue; } sourceNode = attribElement; } // This will take care of transformations from String to any primitive Java type BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), vo, am.convertStringToValue(sourceNode.getText())); } } } }
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/** * Creates the <b>getStreams</b> request to send to the NETCONF client. * * @param wrap false if just the request XML is desired, true if the complete (valid) XML RPC is required. * @return The XML node representing the getStreams request (if unwrapped) or the completely formed RPC request (if wrapped) *//*from ww w. ja v a 2s .com*/ public static Element createGetStreamRequest(boolean wrap) { final Element get = new Element("get", s_xmlns); final Element filter = new Element("filter", s_xmlns); filter.setAttribute("type", "subtree"); get.addContent(filter); final Element netconf = new Element("netconf", s_notificationNs); filter.addContent(netconf); final Element streams = new Element("streams", s_notificationNs); netconf.addContent(streams); if (wrap) { Namespace xmlns = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"); Element rpcRequest = new Element("rpc", xmlns); rpcRequest.setAttribute("message-id", "000"); rpcRequest.addContent(get); return rpcRequest; } else { return get; } }
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/** * Called when a hello message is received. We process the capabilities to check if notifications are supported by the device. *//*from ww w . jav a2 s .c om*/ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void handleHelloResponse(Element response) { // Process the Hello response to make sure we have notification capabilities Namespace xmlns = Namespace.getNamespace(BASE_NAMESPACE); Element capsRoot = response.getChild("capabilities", xmlns); if (capsRoot == null) { s_logger.error("Invalid hello response received; no capabilites sent by device."); } else { List<Element> caps = capsRoot.getChildren("capability", xmlns); for (Element capElem : caps) { String capName = capElem.getText().trim(); if (capName.equals("urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:notification:1.0")) { m_notificationsSupported = true; break; } } } }
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/** * Called when a regular (non-hello) message is received. The message can be one of three types:<ol> * <li>rpc-reply - This would be a response to the <b>create-subscription</b> message</li> * <li>replayComplete - This is an indicator that says old notifications have been replayed - ignored</li> * <li>notification - This is an actual notification - call the registered listener</li> * </ol>//from w ww . jav a2s. co m */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void handleResponse(Element response) { try { // We are interested in three types of responses // RPC-OK (in response to create-subscription); verify using the message ID and OK response String responseType = response.getName(); if (responseType.equals("rpc-reply")) { // This must be a response to the create-subscription message; verify using the message ID Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(BASE_NAMESPACE); String messageId = response.getAttributeValue("message-id"); if (m_createSubscriptionMessageId.equals(messageId)) { Element ok = response.getChild("ok", ns); if (ok != null) { s_logger.debug("Got an OK response to create-subscription."); m_readyToReceiveNotifications = true; } else { s_logger.warn("Expected an OK response to create-subscription; did not get one"); s_logger.warn("Actual response: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(response)); } } else { //;"Reply received to keep-alive ping on async. channel"); } } else if (responseType.equals("replayComplete")) { // We don't really care about this one"Received ReplayComplete indicator from device"); } else if (responseType.equals("notification")) { Element root = null; if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Top-level notification XML: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(response)); } // Notifications (call the listener) s_logger.debug("Got a notification from device: " + responseType); Timestamp eventTime = null; ArrayList<Element> dataNodes = new ArrayList<Element>(); List<Element> kids = (List<Element>) response.getChildren(); for (Element kid : kids) { if (kid.getName().equals("eventTime") && kid.getNamespaceURI().equals(NOTIF_NAMESPACE)) { try { eventTime = new RFC3399Timestamp(kid.getText()).getSqlTimestamp(); } catch (final Exception ex) { s_logger.warn("Error parsing event date: " + kid.getText() + " using current time"); ; eventTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } else { dataNodes.add(kid); } } if (dataNodes.size() > 0) { root = new Element("data"); for (Element dataNode : dataNodes) { dataNode.detach(); root.addContent(dataNode); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Notification data: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(root)); } m_lastReceivedNotificationTime = eventTime; m_listener.notify(eventTime, root); } else { s_logger.warn("Unexpected XML message received from device: " + responseType); } } catch (final Exception fex) { // Any exception in event processing should just ignore the event, instead of throwing it to the // caller (since the thread it is being called in will bag out otherwise) s_logger.error("Error processing notification: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(response, true)); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.error(fex, fex); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Create the <b>create-subscription</b> message to send to the device. * * @param messageId Message ID to use. * @param stream Stream to create subscription for (NULL to use the default stream). * @param startTime Start time from when messages need to be replayed (NULL if no replay is required). * @return XML representing the create-subscription message. */// www.j a v a2 s . c o m private static Element createSubscriptionMessageXml(final String messageId, final String stream, final Timestamp startTime) { Namespace netconfNs = Namespace.getNamespace(BASE_NAMESPACE); Element rpc = new Element("rpc", netconfNs); rpc.setAttribute("message-id", messageId); Namespace notificationNs = Namespace.getNamespace(NOTIF_NAMESPACE); Element cs = new Element("create-subscription", notificationNs); rpc.addContent(cs); // Add the stream name (if specified) if (stream != null) { Element streamElem = new Element("stream", notificationNs); streamElem.setText(stream); cs.addContent(streamElem); } // Add the start time (if specified) if (startTime != null) { Element fromWhen = new Element("startTime", notificationNs); RFC3399Timestamp ts = new RFC3399Timestamp(startTime); fromWhen.setText(ts.toString()); cs.addContent(fromWhen); } return rpc; }
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private static Element createSubscriptionMessageXml(final String messageId, final String stream, final Element filter, final String startTime, final String stopTime) { Namespace netconfNs = Namespace.getNamespace(BASE_NAMESPACE); Element rpc = new Element("rpc", netconfNs); rpc.setAttribute("message-id", messageId); Namespace notificationNs = Namespace.getNamespace(NOTIF_NAMESPACE); Element cs = new Element("create-subscription", notificationNs); rpc.addContent(cs);/* www .j a v a2 s .c o m*/ // Add the stream name (if specified) if (stream != null) { Element streamElem = new Element("stream", notificationNs); streamElem.setText(stream); cs.addContent(streamElem); } if (filter != null) { cs.addContent(filter); } // Add the start time (if specified) if (startTime != null) { Element fromWhen = new Element("startTime", notificationNs); fromWhen.setText(startTime); cs.addContent(fromWhen); } if (stopTime != null) { Element stopAt = new Element("stopTime", notificationNs); stopAt.setText(stopTime); cs.addContent(stopAt); } return rpc; }
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/** * Sends the <i>hello</i> handshake, which is the first data exchange on a new NETCONF connection. *///from w w w. j a private void exchangeHellos() { // Send the "hello" message to the other end Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"); final Element hello = new Element("hello", ns); final Element caps = new Element("capabilities", ns); hello.addContent(caps); addCapabilities(caps, ns); // send this way to force non-chunked. Hello's must be non-chunked streamDataOutToWire(hello, false, false); streamDataInFromWire(false, false); // syncSend(hello, true, false); }
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License:Open Source License
public Pair<String, List<EopPolygon>> parse(InputStream stream) { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document jdomDoc = null;/*w w w. j av a 2 m*/ try { jdomDoc =; //get the root element Element web_app = jdomDoc.getRootElement(); String maskEpsg = ""; Namespace gml = Namespace.getNamespace(""); Namespace eop = Namespace.getNamespace(""); List<Element> targeted = web_app.getChildren("boundedBy", gml); if (!targeted.isEmpty()) { Element aEnvelope = targeted.get(0).getChild("Envelope", gml); if (aEnvelope != null) { maskEpsg = aEnvelope.getAttribute("srsName").getValue(); } } List<EopPolygon> recoveredGeometries = new ArrayList<>(); IteratorIterable<Content> contents = web_app.getDescendants(); while (contents.hasNext()) { Content web_app_content =; if (!web_app_content.getCType().equals(CType.Text) && !web_app_content.getCType().equals(CType.Comment)) { boolean withGml = (web_app_content.getNamespacesInScope().get(0).getPrefix().contains("gml")); if (withGml) { boolean parentNotGml = !(web_app_content.getParentElement().getNamespace().getPrefix() .contains("gml")); if (parentNotGml) { Element capturedElement = (Element) web_app_content; Attribute attr = null; String polygonId = ""; String typeId = ""; if (capturedElement.getName().contains("Polygon")) { attr = capturedElement.getAttribute("id", gml); if (attr != null) { polygonId = attr.getValue(); if (polygonId.indexOf('.') != -1) { typeId = polygonId.substring(0, polygonId.indexOf('.')); } } } Document newDoc = new Document(capturedElement.clone().detach()); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); xmlOutput.output(newDoc, baos); String replacedContent = baos.toString().replace("/", "/"); InputStream ois = new ByteArrayInputStream(replacedContent.getBytes()); List<Polygon> pols = streamParseGML3(ois); for (Polygon pol : pols) { recoveredGeometries.add(new EopPolygon(polygonId, typeId, pol)); } } } } } return new Pair<String, List<EopPolygon>>(maskEpsg, recoveredGeometries); } catch (JDOMException e) { // {@report "parse xml problem !"} } catch (IOException e) { // {@report "IO problem !"} } return new Pair<String, List<EopPolygon>>("", new ArrayList<>()); }
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/** * Load the IDMEF from an XML file (containing the alerts in IDMEF format) * cf * Serialize this list of alerts in a file, in order to send them to the client when it * makes the proper request.//from w ww .j a v a2s . co m * * @param idmefXMLString the XML string of the alerts * @throws JDOMException * @throws IOException */ public static void loadIDMEFAlertsFromXML(String idmefXMLString) throws JDOMException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String alertsTemporaryPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("alerts-temporary-path"); if (alertsTemporaryPath == null || alertsTemporaryPath.isEmpty()) { alertsTemporaryPath = ProjectProperties.getProperty("output-path") + "/alerts.bin"; } if (alertsTemporaryPath == null || alertsTemporaryPath.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The path where the alerts should be saved is invalid."); } //Load the alerts history File alertsFile = new File(alertsTemporaryPath); List<Alert> alerts; if (alertsFile.exists()) { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(alertsTemporaryPath)); try { alerts = (List<Alert>) ois.readObject(); } catch (InvalidClassException exception) { // The sources have been changed since the alerts where saved, reinitialize the database alerts = new ArrayList<Alert>(); } } else { alerts = new ArrayList<Alert>(); } //Load the alerts from the XML SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); Document document = StringReader(idmefXMLString)); Namespace idmefNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(""); Element root = document.getRootElement(); for (Element alertElement : root.getChildren("Alert", idmefNamespace)) { Alert alert = new Alert(alertElement); alerts.add(alert); } //Save to the alerts in temporary file ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(alertsFile)); oos.writeObject(alerts); Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, alerts.size() + " alerts are now stored in temporary file."); }
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/** * Load an alert from a idmef:Alert element * * @param alertElement the DOM element idmef:Alert */// www . ja v a2s .co m public Alert(Element alertElement) { Namespace idmefNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(""); if (alertElement == null || !alertElement.getName().equals("Alert")) { throw new IllegalStateException("The IDMEF alert to parse is not valid"); } Element createTimeElement = alertElement.getChild("CreateTime", idmefNamespace); if (createTimeElement != null) { timestamp = new TimeStamp(createTimeElement.getAttributeValue("ntpstamp").replaceAll("0x", "")) .getDate(); } Element detectTimeElement = alertElement.getChild("DetectTime", idmefNamespace); if (detectTimeElement != null) { timestamp = new TimeStamp(detectTimeElement.getAttributeValue("ntpstamp").replaceAll("0x", "")) .getDate(); } if (timestamp == null) throw new IllegalStateException("invalid timestamp for the IDMEF alert"); //sources for (Element sourceElement : alertElement.getChildren("Source", idmefNamespace)) { Element sourceNode = sourceElement.getChild("Node", idmefNamespace); if (sourceNode != null) { Element sourceAddress = sourceNode.getChild("Address", idmefNamespace); //If there is an address if (sourceAddress != null) { Element sourceIP = sourceAddress.getChild("address", idmefNamespace); Element sourceMask = sourceAddress.getChild("netmask", idmefNamespace); if (sourceIP != null && sourceMask != null) { this.sources.add(sourceIP.getText() + "/" + sourceMask); } else if (sourceIP != null) { this.sources.add(sourceIP.getText()); } } else { // There is no address, their must be a "name" Element sourceName = sourceNode.getChild("name", idmefNamespace); if (sourceName != null) { this.sources.add(sourceName.getText()); } } } } //targets for (Element targetElement : alertElement.getChildren("Target", idmefNamespace)) { Element targetNode = targetElement.getChild("Node", idmefNamespace); if (targetNode != null) { Element targetAddress = targetNode.getChild("Address", idmefNamespace); //If there is an address if (targetAddress != null) { Element targetIP = targetAddress.getChild("address", idmefNamespace); Element targetMask = targetAddress.getChild("netmask", idmefNamespace); if (targetIP != null && targetMask != null) { this.targets.add(targetIP.getText() + "/" + targetMask); } else if (targetIP != null) { this.targets.add(targetIP.getText()); } } else { // There is no address, their must be a "name" Element targetName = targetNode.getChild("name", idmefNamespace); if (targetName != null) { this.targets.add(targetName.getText()); } } } } //add classification information Element classificationElement = alertElement.getChild("Classification", idmefNamespace); if (classificationElement != null) { = classificationElement.getAttributeValue("text"); for (Element referenceElement : classificationElement.getChildren("Reference", idmefNamespace)) { switch (referenceElement.getAttributeValue("origin")) { case "cve": cveLinks.put(referenceElement.getChild("name", idmefNamespace).getText(), referenceElement.getChild("url", idmefNamespace).getText()); break; } } } }