List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setNamespace
public Element setNamespace(Namespace namespace)
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License:Open Source License
/** * Clears namespace signature from the element and all of the children. *///from w w w . j a v a 2 s . com private static void clearNamespace(Element elt) { if (elt == null) { return; } elt.setNamespace(null); for (Object item : elt.getContent()) { if (item instanceof Element) { clearNamespace((Element) item); } } }
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License:Apache License
private void adjustNamespaces(final Element element) { element.setNamespace(null); final List<Namespace> namespaces = new ArrayList<Namespace>(element.getAdditionalNamespaces()); for (final Namespace namespace : namespaces) { element.removeNamespaceDeclaration(namespace); }/*from w w w. j av a2s .c o m*/ element.setNamespace(ModuleXmlBuilder.NS); for (final Element child : element.getChildren()) { adjustNamespaces(child); } }
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License:Apache License
public static void adjustNamespaces(final Element element, Namespace ns) { element.setNamespace(null); final List<Namespace> namespaces = new ArrayList<Namespace>(element.getAdditionalNamespaces()); for (final Namespace namespace : namespaces) { element.removeNamespaceDeclaration(namespace); }/*w ww . jav a 2 s . co m*/ element.setNamespace(ns); for (final Element child : element.getChildren()) { adjustNamespaces(child, ns); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * This method sets a given namespace to the given element and any of its descendants whose * name is a provided one and have no namespace. * @param name the name of the searched elements * @param rootElement the root element to begin the search at * @param namespace the namespace to set *//*www . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ private void setNamespaceToElementsByName(String name, Element rootElement, Namespace namespace) { IteratorIterable<Element> descendants = rootElement .getDescendants(Filters.element(name, Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)); for (Element descendant : descendants) { descendant.setNamespace(namespace); } if (rootElement.getName().equals(name) && rootElement.getNamespace().equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) { rootElement.setNamespace(namespace); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void init(File inFile, File outFile) throws Exception { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Namespace oldns = root.getNamespace(); Element newRoot = new Element("html", ""); Namespace xmlns = newRoot.getNamespace(); Element head = root.getChild("head", oldns); head.setNamespace(xmlns); for (Element child : head.getChildren()) child.setNamespace(xmlns);/*from w w w .ja va2 s . co m*/ Element title = new Element("title", xmlns); title.addContent("ocr"); if (head != null) head.addContent(title); Element body = root.getChild("body", oldns); body.setNamespace(xmlns); /*Element oldPage; try{ oldPage=body.getChild("div",xmlns); }catch(Exception ex){ oldPage=new Element("div",xmlns); }*/ Element page = new Element("div", xmlns); page.setAttribute("class", "ocr_page"); page.setAttribute("id", "i" + inFile.getName().substring(1).replace(".html", ".png")); XPathExpression<Element> xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//*[@class='ocr_carea']", Filters.element(), null, Namespace.getNamespace("ns", "")); List<Element> careaElL = xpath.evaluate(body); for (Element careaEl : careaElL) { page.addContent(new Comment("<div class=\"" + careaEl.getAttributeValue("class") + "\" title=\"" + careaEl.getAttributeValue("title") + "\">")); for (Element pEl : careaEl.getChildren()) { page.addContent(new Comment("<p>")); for (Element lineEl : pEl.getChildren()) { lineEl.removeAttribute("id"); lineEl.setNamespace(xmlns); for (Element child : lineEl.getChildren()) { child.removeAttribute("id"); child.removeAttribute("lang"); child.removeAttribute("lang", xmlns); child.setNamespace(xmlns); } page.addContent(lineEl.clone()); } page.addContent(new Comment("</p>")); } page.addContent(new Comment("</div>")); } //oldPage.detach(); if (body != null) { body.removeContent(); body.addContent(page); } newRoot.addContent(root.removeContent()); doc.detachRootElement(); doc.setRootElement(newRoot); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutputter.output(doc, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile))); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Recursively apply a default namespace to an element tree. This will log * instances that are changed at the root of a tree (but not elements * underneath that root).// www .j av a2s. co m * * @param element * target root element * @param namespace * namespace to apply as default * @param shouldLog * {@code true} if logging should be applied to any matches */ void applyDefaultNamespaceRecursively(Element element, Namespace namespace, boolean shouldLog) { if (Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE.equals(element.getNamespace())) { if (shouldLog) { getLog().info( String.format("Applying default namespace to element tree root '%s'", element.getName())); shouldLog = false; } element.setNamespace(namespace); } for (Element child : element.getChildren()) { applyDefaultNamespaceRecursively(child, namespace, shouldLog); } }
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License:Apache License
private void addNamespaceRecursive(Element element, Namespace namespace) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(element.getNamespaceURI())) { element.setNamespace(namespace); List<Element> childList = element.getChildren(); if (!childList.isEmpty()) { for (Element child : childList) { addNamespaceRecursive(child, namespace); }/*from ww w .j a v a 2s . co m*/ } } }
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License:Open Source License
private void changeNameSpace(Element element, Namespace ns) { element.setNamespace(ns); for (Object childElements : element.getChildren()) { changeNameSpace((Element) childElements, ns); }//from ww w . jav a2 s. co m }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Converts the NetconfException to its XML version. * * @return XML-ized version of the exception, similar to what you would see on the wire. *///ww w. j a v a 2s . c om public Element toXml() { final Element root = new Element("rpc-error", s_xmlns); final Element type = new Element("error-type", s_xmlns); type.setText(m_type.toString()); root.addContent(type); final Element tag = new Element("error-tag", s_xmlns); type.setText(m_tag.getNetconfTag()); root.addContent(tag); final Element severity = new Element("error-severity", s_xmlns); type.setText(m_severity.toString()); root.addContent(severity); final Element message = new Element("error-message", s_xmlns); type.setText(m_message); root.addContent(message); if (m_path != null) { final Element path = new Element("error-path", s_xmlns); path.addContent(m_path); root.addContent(path); } if (m_info != null) { try { // Note: the info tag may have a different namespace; we lose it in the transformation Element info = XmlUtils.fromXmlString(m_info); info.setNamespace(s_xmlns); root.addContent(info); } catch (final Exception ex) { s_logger.error("Error converting NetconfException to XML"); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.error(ex, ex); } } } return root; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * This method creates a new xml document with process metadata * // w w w. j a va 2 s . co m * @param process the process to export * @return a new xml document * @throws ConfigurationException */ public Document createDocument(Process process, boolean addNamespace) { Element processElm = new Element("process"); Document doc = new Document(processElm); processElm.setAttribute("processID", String.valueOf(process.getId())); Namespace xmlns = Namespace.getNamespace(""); processElm.setNamespace(xmlns); // namespace declaration if (addNamespace) { Namespace xsi = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", ""); processElm.addNamespaceDeclaration(xsi); Attribute attSchema = new Attribute("schemaLocation", "" + " XML-logfile.xsd", xsi); processElm.setAttribute(attSchema); } // process information ArrayList<Element> processElements = new ArrayList<>(); Element processTitle = new Element("title", xmlns); processTitle.setText(process.getTitel()); processElements.add(processTitle); Element project = new Element("project", xmlns); project.setText(process.getProjekt().getTitel()); processElements.add(project); Element date = new Element("time", xmlns); date.setAttribute("type", "creation date"); date.setText(String.valueOf(process.getErstellungsdatum())); processElements.add(date); Element ruleset = new Element("ruleset", xmlns); ruleset.setText(process.getRegelsatz().getDatei()); processElements.add(ruleset); Element comment = new Element("comments", xmlns); List<LogEntry> log = process.getProcessLog(); for (LogEntry entry : log) { Element commentLine = new Element("comment", xmlns); commentLine.setAttribute("type", entry.getType().getTitle()); commentLine.setAttribute("user", entry.getUserName()); commentLine.setText(entry.getContent()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entry.getSecondContent())) { comment.setAttribute("secondField", entry.getSecondContent()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entry.getThirdContent())) { comment.setAttribute("thirdField", entry.getThirdContent()); } comment.addContent(commentLine); } processElements.add(comment); if (process.getBatch() != null) { Element batch = new Element("batch", xmlns); batch.setText(String.valueOf(process.getBatch().getBatchId())); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(process.getBatch().getBatchName())) { batch.setAttribute("batchName", process.getBatch().getBatchName()); } if (process.getBatch().getStartDate() != null) { batch.setAttribute("startDate", Helper.getDateAsFormattedString(process.getBatch().getStartDate())); } if (process.getBatch().getEndDate() != null) { batch.setAttribute("endDate", Helper.getDateAsFormattedString(process.getBatch().getEndDate())); } processElements.add(batch); } List<Element> processProperties = new ArrayList<>(); List<ProcessProperty> propertyList = PropertyParser.getInstance().getPropertiesForProcess(process); for (ProcessProperty prop : propertyList) { Element property = new Element("property", xmlns); property.setAttribute("propertyIdentifier", prop.getName()); if (prop.getValue() != null) { property.setAttribute("value", prop.getValue()); } else { property.setAttribute("value", ""); } Element label = new Element("label", xmlns); label.setText(prop.getName()); property.addContent(label); processProperties.add(property); } if (processProperties.size() != 0) { Element properties = new Element("properties", xmlns); properties.addContent(processProperties); processElements.add(properties); } // step information Element steps = new Element("steps", xmlns); List<Element> stepElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Step s : process.getSchritteList()) { Element stepElement = new Element("step", xmlns); stepElement.setAttribute("stepID", String.valueOf(s.getId())); Element steptitle = new Element("title", xmlns); steptitle.setText(s.getTitel()); stepElement.addContent(steptitle); Element state = new Element("processingstatus", xmlns); state.setText(s.getBearbeitungsstatusAsString()); stepElement.addContent(state); Element begin = new Element("time", xmlns); begin.setAttribute("type", "start time"); begin.setText(s.getBearbeitungsbeginnAsFormattedString()); stepElement.addContent(begin); Element end = new Element("time", xmlns); end.setAttribute("type", "end time"); end.setText(s.getBearbeitungsendeAsFormattedString()); stepElement.addContent(end); if (s.getBearbeitungsbenutzer() != null && s.getBearbeitungsbenutzer().getNachVorname() != null) { Element user = new Element("user", xmlns); user.setText(s.getBearbeitungsbenutzer().getNachVorname()); stepElement.addContent(user); } Element editType = new Element("edittype", xmlns); editType.setText(s.getEditTypeEnum().getTitle()); stepElement.addContent(editType); stepElements.add(stepElement); } if (stepElements != null) { steps.addContent(stepElements); processElements.add(steps); } // template information Element templates = new Element("originals", xmlns); List<Element> templateElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Template v : process.getVorlagenList()) { Element template = new Element("original", xmlns); template.setAttribute("originalID", String.valueOf(v.getId())); List<Element> templateProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Templateproperty prop : v.getEigenschaftenList()) { Element property = new Element("property", xmlns); property.setAttribute("propertyIdentifier", prop.getTitel()); if (prop.getWert() != null) { property.setAttribute("value", prop.getWert()); } else { property.setAttribute("value", ""); } Element label = new Element("label", xmlns); label.setText(prop.getTitel()); property.addContent(label); templateProperties.add(property); if (prop.getTitel().equals("Signatur")) { Element secondProperty = new Element("property", xmlns); secondProperty.setAttribute("propertyIdentifier", prop.getTitel() + "Encoded"); if (prop.getWert() != null) { secondProperty.setAttribute("value", "vorl:" + prop.getWert()); Element secondLabel = new Element("label", xmlns); secondLabel.setText(prop.getTitel()); secondProperty.addContent(secondLabel); templateProperties.add(secondProperty); } } } if (templateProperties.size() != 0) { Element properties = new Element("properties", xmlns); properties.addContent(templateProperties); template.addContent(properties); } templateElements.add(template); } if (templateElements != null) { templates.addContent(templateElements); processElements.add(templates); } // digital document information Element digdoc = new Element("digitalDocuments", xmlns); List<Element> docElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Masterpiece w : process.getWerkstueckeList()) { Element dd = new Element("digitalDocument", xmlns); dd.setAttribute("digitalDocumentID", String.valueOf(w.getId())); List<Element> docProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Masterpieceproperty prop : w.getEigenschaftenList()) { Element property = new Element("property", xmlns); property.setAttribute("propertyIdentifier", prop.getTitel()); if (prop.getWert() != null) { property.setAttribute("value", prop.getWert()); } else { property.setAttribute("value", ""); } Element label = new Element("label", xmlns); label.setText(prop.getTitel()); property.addContent(label); docProperties.add(property); } if (docProperties.size() != 0) { Element properties = new Element("properties", xmlns); properties.addContent(docProperties); dd.addContent(properties); } docElements.add(dd); } if (docElements != null) { digdoc.addContent(docElements); processElements.add(digdoc); } // history List<HistoryEvent> eventList = HistoryManager.getHistoryEvents(process.getId()); if (eventList != null && !eventList.isEmpty()) { List<Element> eventElementList = new ArrayList<>(eventList.size()); for (HistoryEvent event : eventList) { Element element = new Element("historyEvent", xmlns); element.setAttribute("id", "" + event.getId()); element.setAttribute("date", Helper.getDateAsFormattedString(event.getDate())); element.setAttribute("type", event.getHistoryType().getTitle()); if (event.getNumericValue() != null) { element.setAttribute("numeric_value", "" + event.getNumericValue()); } if (event.getStringValue() != null) { element.setText(event.getStringValue()); } eventElementList.add(element); } if (!eventElementList.isEmpty()) { Element metadataElement = new Element("history", xmlns); metadataElement.addContent(eventElementList); processElements.add(metadataElement); } } // metadata List<StringPair> metadata = MetadataManager.getMetadata(process.getId()); if (metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) { List<Element> mdlist = new ArrayList<>(); for (StringPair md : metadata) { String name = md.getOne(); String value = md.getTwo(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { Element element = new Element("metadata", xmlns); element.setAttribute("name", name); element.addContent(value); mdlist.add(element); } } if (!mdlist.isEmpty()) { Element metadataElement = new Element("metadatalist", xmlns); metadataElement.addContent(mdlist); processElements.add(metadataElement); } } // METS information Element metsElement = new Element("metsInformation", xmlns); List<Element> metadataElements = new ArrayList<>(); try { String filename = process.getMetadataFilePath(); Document metsDoc = new SAXBuilder().build(filename); Document anchorDoc = null; String anchorfilename = process.getMetadataFilePath().replace("meta.xml", "meta_anchor.xml"); Path anchorFile = Paths.get(anchorfilename); if (StorageProvider.getInstance().isFileExists(anchorFile) && StorageProvider.getInstance().isReadable(anchorFile)) { anchorDoc = new SAXBuilder().build(anchorfilename); } List<Namespace> namespaces = getNamespacesFromConfig(); HashMap<String, String> fields = getMetsFieldsFromConfig(false); for (String key : fields.keySet()) { List<Element> metsValues = getMetsValues(fields.get(key), metsDoc, namespaces); for (Element element : metsValues) { Element ele = new Element("property", xmlns); ele.setAttribute("name", key); ele.addContent(element.getTextTrim()); metadataElements.add(ele); } } if (anchorDoc != null) { fields = getMetsFieldsFromConfig(true); for (String key : fields.keySet()) { List<Element> metsValues = getMetsValues(fields.get(key), anchorDoc, namespaces); for (Element element : metsValues) { Element ele = new Element("property", xmlns); ele.setAttribute("name", key); ele.addContent(element.getTextTrim()); metadataElements.add(ele); } } } if (metadataElements != null) { metsElement.addContent(metadataElements); processElements.add(metsElement); } } catch (SwapException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (JDOMException e) { logger.error(e); } catch (JaxenException e) { logger.error(e); } processElm.setContent(processElements); return doc; }