Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getTextTrim

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getTextTrim


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getTextTrim.


public String getTextTrim() 

Source Link


Returns the textual content of this element with all surrounding whitespace removed.


From source file:gov.nasa.jpl.mudrod.main.MudrodEngine.java

License:Apache License

 * Load the configuration provided at <a href=
 * "https://github.com/mudrod/mudrod/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/config.xml">config.xml</a>.
 * @return a populated {@link java.util.Properties} object.
 *///from w  w  w  .ja va2 s  .co m
public Properties loadConfig() {
    SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();

    InputStream configStream = locateConfig();

    Document document;
    try {
        document = saxBuilder.build(configStream);
        Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();
        List<Element> paraList = rootNode.getChildren("para");

        for (int i = 0; i < paraList.size(); i++) {
            Element paraNode = paraList.get(i);
            String attributeName = paraNode.getAttributeValue("name");
            if (MudrodConstants.SVM_SGD_MODEL.equals(attributeName)) {
                props.put(attributeName, decompressSVMWithSGDModel(paraNode.getTextTrim()));
            } else {
                props.put(attributeName, paraNode.getTextTrim());
    } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Exception whilst retrieving or processing XML contained within 'config.xml'!", e);
    return getConfig();


From source file:io.smartspaces.master.server.services.internal.support.JdomMasterDomainModelImporter.java

License:Apache License

 * Get an individual named script.//from w w  w. j  a  v a2  s  . com
 * @param scriptElement
 *          the script XML element
 * @param automationRepository
 *          repository for automation entities
private void getNamedScript(Element scriptElement, AutomationRepository automationRepository) {
    String id = scriptElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID);

    NamedScript script = automationRepository.newNamedScript();

    String name = scriptElement.getChildTextTrim(ELEMENT_NAME_NAME);
    String description = scriptElement.getChildTextTrim(ELEMENT_NAME_DESCRIPTION);
    String language = scriptElement.getChildTextTrim(ELEMENT_NAME_NAMED_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE);
    String content = scriptElement.getChildTextTrim(ELEMENT_NAME_NAMED_SCRIPT_CONTENT);


    Element scheduleElement = scriptElement.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME_NAMED_SCRIPT_SCHEDULE);
    if (scheduleElement != null) {


    Map<String, Object> metadata = getMetadata(scriptElement.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME_METADATA));
    if (metadata != null) {


From source file:io.smartspaces.workbench.project.jdom.JdomProjectGroupTemplateSpecificationReader.java

License:Apache License

 * Add the given element to the spec./*ww  w .ja v a 2s. c  o  m*/
 * @param spec
 *          specification to configure
 * @param namespace
 *          XML namespace for elements
 * @param child
 *          child element to add
private void addElementToSpec(GroupProjectTemplateSpecification spec, Namespace namespace, Element child) {
    String name = child.getName();

    try {
        if (JdomProjectReader.PROJECT_GROUP_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(name)) {
            addProjects(spec, child);
        } else if (JdomPrototypeProcessor.GROUP_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(name)) {
            addPrototypes(spec, child);
        } else if (JdomProjectReader.PROJECT_ELEMENT_NAME_NAME.equals(name)) {
        } else if (JdomProjectReader.PROJECT_ELEMENT_NAME_DESCRIPTION.equals(name)) {
        } else if (JdomReader.PROJECT_ELEMENT_NAME_TEMPLATES.equals(name)) {
            // This is really a prototype chain for the entire group project, but we
            // need to control when it is processed,
            // so instead snarf the attribute from the templates element when it is
            // processed.
            processPrototypeChain(spec, namespace, child);
            spec.addExtraConstituents(getContainerConstituents(namespace, child, null));
        } else if (JdomProjectReader.PROJECT_ELEMENT_NAME_VERSION.equals(name)) {
        } else {
            throw new SimpleSmartSpacesException("Unrecognized element name: " + name);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SimpleSmartSpacesException("While processing projectGroup element: " + name, e);

From source file:it.intecs.pisa.openCatalogue.solr.ingester.Ingester.java

private static void generateMap2(org.dom4j.Element el, Map map) {
    String value = el.getTextTrim();
    String currentPath = getXPath(el);
    Iterator a = null;//from ww w.j  a  v a2 s .c  o  m
    Iterator i = el.elementIterator();
    a = el.attributeIterator();
    while (a.hasNext()) {
        org.dom4j.Attribute attr = (org.dom4j.Attribute) a.next();
        String aval = attr.getValue();
        String apath = currentPath + "_" + attr.getName();
        //System.out.println("PATH:" + apath + "   ---   " + aval);
        map.put(apath, aval);

    if (!i.hasNext() && value != null) {
        //            System.out.println("PATH:" + currentPath);
        map.put(currentPath, value);
    } else {
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            generateMap2((org.dom4j.Element) i.next(), map);

From source file:it.intecs.pisa.openCatalogue.solr.ingester.Ingester.java

protected static void generateDefaultMap(Element el, Map map) {
    String key = "";
    List<Element> listEmpElement = el.getChildren();
    if (el.getName().equals("indexFieldName")) {
        key = el.getTextTrim();
        //            System.out.println("key:" + key);
        map.put(key, "");
    } else {//from  ww w.jav a2  s.co  m
        for (Element empElement : listEmpElement) {
            generateDefaultMap(empElement, map);

From source file:LectorXml.CargarXML.java

public void cargarDiccionario(String ruta) {

    //se cra un SAXBuilder para poder parsear el archivo
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    File ArchivoXml = new File(ruta);

    try {//ww  w. jav a  2 s .c  o m
        //se crea el docuemento a traves del archio
        Document documento = (Document) builder.build(ArchivoXml);
        //se obtiene la raiz scrabble
        Element raiz = documento.getRootElement();

        //se obtiene la lista de hijos de la raiz 
        List list = raiz.getChildren("diccionario");
        //si lista tiene un elemento lo obtiene
        if (list.size() == 1) {
            //se obtiene el elemento diccionario
            Element diccionario = (Element) list.get(0);

            // se obtiene los elementos de diccionario qe son palabras
            List list_palabras = diccionario.getChildren();

            for (int x = 0; x < list_palabras.size(); x++) {
                Element palabra = (Element) list_palabras.get(x);
                System.out.println("" + palabra.getTextTrim());

        } else if (list.size() == 0) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No existe ninguna dimension del tablero");
        } else {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Revise su archivo de entrada");

    } catch (IOException io) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, io.getMessage());
    } catch (JDOMException ex) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ex.getMessage());

From source file:mammothkiosk.Bone.java

 * Constructor that takes a JDOM element as an argument. Parses the data from
 * bones.xml found in the element, then parses its specific id.xml file for
 * further data./*from   w  ww  . j  a va  2s . com*/
 * @param boneRec The bone record to parse for information
public Bone(Element boneRec) {
    // Retrieve info from boneRec (bones.xml file)
    Element temp;
    id = (temp = boneRec.getChild("uniqueid")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    year = (temp = boneRec.getChild("year")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    objectnum = (temp = boneRec.getChild("objectnum")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    part = (temp = boneRec.getChild("part")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    previous = (temp = boneRec.getChild("previous")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    taxon = (temp = boneRec.getChild("taxon")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    element = (temp = boneRec.getChild("element")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    subelement = (temp = boneRec.getChild("subelement")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    side = (temp = boneRec.getChild("side")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    portion = (temp = boneRec.getChild("portion")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    completeness = (temp = boneRec.getChild("completeness")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    expside = (temp = boneRec.getChild("expside")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    crack = (temp = boneRec.getChild("crack")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    articulate = (temp = boneRec.getChild("articulate")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    gender = (temp = boneRec.getChild("gender")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    remarks = (temp = boneRec.getChild("remarks")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    datefound = (temp = boneRec.getChild("datefound")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    foundby = (temp = boneRec.getChild("foundby")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    elevation = (temp = boneRec.getChild("elevation")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    updates = (temp = boneRec.getChild("updates")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    mappic = (temp = boneRec.getChild("mappic")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    fieldnotes = (temp = boneRec.getChild("fieldnotes")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    removed = (temp = boneRec.getChild("removed")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    removedby = (temp = boneRec.getChild("removedby")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    azimuth = (temp = boneRec.getChild("azimuth")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    incline = (temp = boneRec.getChild("incline")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    labrec = (temp = boneRec.getChild("labrec")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    objectid = (temp = boneRec.getChild("objectid")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;
    shapelength = (temp = boneRec.getChild("shapelength")) != null ? temp.getTextTrim() : null;

    min = null;
    max = null;
    polylines = null;

    boneImage = null;

    // Retrieve info for drawing bone from respective bone-shape file
    SAXBuilder saxBuild = new SAXBuilder();
    Document doc;

    try {
        doc = saxBuild.build("../bonexml/" + id + ".xml");

        Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Exception in Bone Constructor: " + ex.getMessage());

From source file:middleware.Reserva.java

public static ArrayList<Reserva> ConsultarReservas() {
    //lista de reservaas
    ArrayList<Reserva> listaReservas = new ArrayList<Reserva>();

    //Se crea un SAXBuilder para poder parsear el archivo
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    //archivo que tiene las reservas
    File xmlFile = new File("reserva.xml");
    try {//from   w ww .j a  v a2 s.c  o m
        //Se crea el documento a traves del archivo
        Document document = (Document) builder.build(xmlFile);
        //Se obtiene la raiz 'reservas'
        Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();
        //Se obtiene la lista de hijos de la raiz 'vuelo'
        List list = rootNode.getChildren("reserva");
        //Se recorre la lista de hijos de 'disponibilidad'
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {//objeto de reservas
            Reserva objeto = new Reserva();
            //Se obtiene el elemento 'vuelo'
            Element tabla = (Element) list.get(i);

            //Se obtiene el atributo 'id' que esta en el tag 'vuelo'
            String idVuelo = tabla.getAttributeValue("clave");

            //Se obtiene la lista de hijos del tag 'reserva'   
            List lista_campos = tabla.getChildren();
            //Se obtiene la lista de hijos del tag 'vuelo'  
            Element tabla2 = (Element) lista_campos.get(0);
            List Lista_nombres = tabla2.getChildren();
            //Se recorre la lista de campos
            for (int j = 0; j < lista_campos.size(); j++) {
                //Se obtiene el elemento 'campo'
                Element campo = (Element) lista_campos.get(j);
                Element hijosCampo = (Element) Lista_nombres.get(j);
                //Se obtienen los valores que estan entre los tags 
                //se guarda en el objeto los datos de la reserva
                String linea = campo.getAttributeValue("clave");
                String lineaNombre = hijosCampo.getTextTrim();
                if (campo.getName() == "vuelo") {
                    //linea= campo.getAttributeValue("vuelo");
                if (hijosCampo.getName() == "nombre") {

                //System.out.println( "\t"+linea+"\t\t");
            //se agrega a la lista el objeto
            //System.out.println( "\"\t\t");
        //listaVuelos. add(objeto);
    } catch (IOException io) {
    } catch (JDOMException jdomex) {
    } // se retorna la lista de las reservas
    return listaReservas;


From source file:middleware.Vuelo.java

public static ArrayList<Vuelo> ConsultarVuelos() {

    ArrayList<Vuelo> listaVuelos = new ArrayList<Vuelo>();

    //Se crea un SAXBuilder para poder parsear el archivo
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    File xmlFile = new File("disponibilidad.xml");
    try {//ww w . j  a  v a  2  s .  c o  m
        //Se crea el documento a traves del archivo
        Document document = (Document) builder.build(xmlFile);
        //Se obtiene la raiz 'disponibilidad'
        Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();
        //Se obtiene la lista de hijos de la raiz 'vuelo'
        List list = rootNode.getChildren("vuelo");
        //Se recorre la lista de hijos de 'disponibilidad'
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            Vuelo objeto = new Vuelo();
            //Se obtiene el elemento 'vuelo'
            Element tabla = (Element) list.get(i);
            //Se obtiene el atributo 'id' que esta en el tag 'vuelo'
            String idVuelo = tabla.getAttributeValue("id");
            //Se obtiene la lista de hijos del tag 'vuelo'   
            List lista_campos = tabla.getChildren();
            //Se recorre la lista de campos
            for (int j = 0; j < lista_campos.size(); j++) {
                //Se obtiene el elemento 'campo'
                Element campo = (Element) lista_campos.get(j);
                //Se obtienen los valores que estan entre los tags '<campo></campo>'
                //Se obtiene el valor que esta entre los tags '<nombre></nombre>'
                String linea = campo.getTextTrim();
                //dependiendo de la etiqueta que esta parada guarda en un atributo del objeto
                if (campo.getName() == "linea") {
                if (campo.getName() == "origen") {
                if (campo.getName() == "destino") {
                if (campo.getName() == "fecha") {
                if (campo.getName() == "hora") {
                if (campo.getName() == "capacidad") {
                if (campo.getName() == "precio") {
                //System.out.println( "\t"+linea+"\t\t");

            //se inserta el objeto de vuelos en la lista de vuelos
            //System.out.println( "");
        //listaVuelos. add(objeto);
    } catch (IOException io) {
    } catch (JDOMException jdomex) {
    } // se retorna la lista de vuelos
    return listaVuelos;


From source file:neon.narrative.Resolver.java

License:Open Source License

private void addItem(Element var, List<String> strings) {
    Collection<RItem> items = Engine.getResources().getResources(RItem.class);
    if (var.getAttributeValue("type") != null) {
        for (RItem item : items) {
            if (item.type.name().equals(var.getAttributeValue("type"))) {
                strings.add("$" + var.getTextTrim() + "$");
                break; // uit de for loop halen
            }/*  w w  w .  j ava  2 s  . co  m*/
    } else if (var.getAttributeValue("id") != null) {
        String[] things = var.getAttributeValue("id").split(",");
        String item = things[Dice.roll(1, things.length, -1)];
        strings.add("$" + var.getTextTrim() + "$");
    } else {
        String item = items.toArray()[Dice.roll(1, items.size(), -1)].toString();
        strings.add("$" + var.getTextTrim() + "$");