List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getNamespacesInScope
public List<Namespace> getNamespacesInScope()
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public void runApolloService() { XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(); XMLDeserializer deserializer = new XMLDeserializer(); InfectiousDiseaseScenario baseScenario = idtes.getInfectiousDiseaseScenarioWithoutIntervention(); // clear all set control strategies in base baseScenario.getInfectiousDiseaseControlStrategies().clear(); List<SoftwareIdentification> modelIds = idtes.getInfectiousDiseaseTransmissionModelIds(); try {//www. j av a2s . c o m DataServiceAccessor dataServiceAccessor = new DataServiceAccessor(); for (SoftwareIdentification modelId : modelIds) { // create a base scenario copy String baseXml = serializer.serializeObject(baseScenario); InfectiousDiseaseScenario baseScenarioCopy = deserializer.getObjectFromMessage(baseXml, InfectiousDiseaseScenario.class); for (InfectiousDiseaseControlStrategy strategy : idtes.getInfectiousDiseaseControlStrategies()) { for (InfectiousDiseaseControlMeasure controlMeasure : strategy.getControlMeasures()) { baseScenarioCopy.getInfectiousDiseaseControlStrategies().add(controlMeasure); } } List<SensitivityAnalysisSpecification> sensitivityAnalyses = idtes.getSensitivityAnalyses(); for (SensitivityAnalysisSpecification sensitivityAnalysis : sensitivityAnalyses) { if (sensitivityAnalysis instanceof OneWaySensitivityAnalysisOfContinousVariableSpecification) { OneWaySensitivityAnalysisOfContinousVariableSpecification owsaocv = (OneWaySensitivityAnalysisOfContinousVariableSpecification) sensitivityAnalysis; double min = owsaocv.getMinimumValue(); double max = owsaocv.getMaximumValue(); double increment = (max - min) / owsaocv.getNumberOfDiscretizations().intValueExact(); String scenarioXML = serializer.serializeObject(baseScenarioCopy); double val = min; while (val <= max) { String param = owsaocv.getUniqueApolloLabelOfParameter(); Document jdomDocument; SAXBuilder jdomBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); try { jdomDocument = new ByteArrayInputStream(scenarioXML.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } catch (JDOMException | IOException ex) { ErrorUtils.reportError(runId, "Error inserting experiment run. Error was " + ex.getMessage(), authentication); return; } Element e = jdomDocument.getRootElement(); List<Namespace> namespaces = e.getNamespacesInScope(); for (Namespace namespace : namespaces) { if (namespace.getURI().contains("")) { param = param.replaceAll("/", "/" + namespace.getPrefix() + ":"); param = param.replaceAll("\\[", "\\[" + namespace.getPrefix() + ":"); break; } } XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.instance(); XPathExpression<Element> expr; expr = xpf.compile(param, Filters.element(), null, namespaces); List<Element> elements = expr.evaluate(jdomDocument); for (Element element : elements) { element.setText(Double.toString(val)); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutputter.output(jdomDocument, baos); InfectiousDiseaseScenario newScenario = deserializer.getObjectFromMessage( new String(baos.toByteArray()), InfectiousDiseaseScenario.class); // new scenario is ready to be staged RunSimulationMessage runSimulationMessage = new RunSimulationMessage(); runSimulationMessage.setAuthentication(authentication); runSimulationMessage .setSimulatorTimeSpecification(message.getSimulatorTimeSpecification()); runSimulationMessage.setSoftwareIdentification(modelId); runSimulationMessage.setInfectiousDiseaseScenario(newScenario); StageMethod stageMethod = new StageMethod(runSimulationMessage, runId); InsertRunResult result = stageMethod.stage(); BigInteger newRunId = result.getRunId(); MethodCallStatus status = dataServiceAccessor.getRunStatus(newRunId, authentication); if (status.getStatus().equals(MethodCallStatusEnum.FAILED)) { ErrorUtils.reportError(runId, "Error inserting run in experiment with run ID " + runId + "" + ". Error was for inserting ID " + newRunId + " with message " + status.getMessage(), authentication); return; } val += increment; } } } } dataServiceAccessor.updateStatusOfRun(runId, MethodCallStatusEnum.TRANSLATION_COMPLETED, "All runs for this experiment have been translated", authentication); } catch (DeserializationException | IOException | SerializationException | RunManagementException ex) { ErrorUtils.reportError(runId, "Error inserting experiment run. Error was " + ex.getMessage(), authentication); return; } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * This method traverses all the elements of each input document in order to find all the namespace URI to prefix mappings present at the documents. * With that information, the map between namespace URIs and their known prefixes is filled. It is used later to solve which prefix should be bound * to each namespace URI.//from w w w. j av a 2s. c o m */ private void fillKnownNamespaceToPrefixMappings() { Filter<Element> elementFilter = Filters.element(); for (int i = 0; i < xmlDocuments.size(); i++) { for (Element element : xmlDocuments.get(i).getDescendants(elementFilter)) { for (Namespace namespace : element.getNamespacesInScope()) { //We do not add XSI to the known namespaces if (namespace.getURI().equalsIgnoreCase(XSI_NAMESPACE_URI)) continue; String uri = namespace.getURI(); String prefix = namespace.getPrefix(); SortedSet<String> currentPrefixes = prefixNamespaceMapping.get(uri); if (currentPrefixes == null) { currentPrefixes = new TreeSet<String>(); prefixNamespaceMapping.put(uri, currentPrefixes); } currentPrefixes.add(prefix); } //If the element belongs to the empty namespace (empty string) with no prefix, we must add //this to the prefix-namespace mapping explicitly if (element.getNamespacePrefix().equals("") && element.getNamespaceURI().equals("")) { String uri = ""; String prefix = ""; SortedSet<String> currentPrefixes = prefixNamespaceMapping.get(uri); if (currentPrefixes == null) { currentPrefixes = new TreeSet<>(); prefixNamespaceMapping.put(uri, currentPrefixes); } currentPrefixes.add(prefix); } } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static Team parseTeam(Document document) throws MalformedURLException { // Parse out the details Element rootNode = document.getRootElement(); // I need the espn namespace List<Namespace> namespaceList = rootNode.getNamespacesInScope(); Namespace ns = Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE; for (Namespace namespace : namespaceList) { if (namespace.getPrefix() == "espn") { ns = namespace;/*from w w w . j a va2 s. c om*/ break; } } // Find the "item" element that has the right stuff in it Element channel = rootNode.getChild("channel"); List<Element> items = channel.getChildren("item"); Element teamElement = null; for (Element item : items) { if (item.getChild("teamAbbrev", ns) != null) { teamElement = item.clone(); break; } } if (teamElement == null) { // Couldn't find any info about the team, so skip it. return null; } // Make sure that the given ID matches the ID in the team (else this // is not a real team) Long teamId = Long.valueOf(teamElement.getChildText("teamId", ns)); Team team = new Team(); team.setId(teamId); String abbreviation = digOutCDATA(teamElement, "teamAbbrev", ns); String displayName = digOutCDATA(teamElement, "teamDisplayName", ns); String location = digOutCDATA(teamElement, "teamLocation", ns); String nickname = digOutCDATA(teamElement, "teamNickname", ns); String teamNameString = teamElement.getChildText("teamName", ns); String teamColorString = "#" + teamElement.getChildText("teamColor", ns); String teamLogoUrl = teamElement.getChildText("teamLogo", ns); TeamName teamName = new TeamName(location, teamNameString, displayName, nickname, abbreviation); team.setName(teamName); try { if (teamColorString != null) { RGBAColor color = RGBAColor.fromCSSString(teamColorString); team.setColor(color); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Is this okay? } // Save the image name (should be the same as the downloaded version) URL url = new URL(teamLogoUrl); File file = new File(url.getPath()); String teamLogoName = file.getName(); team.setPicture(teamLogoName); return team; }