Example usage for org.jdom2 Element Element

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element Element


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element Element.


public Element(final String name, final String uri) 

Source Link


Creates a new element with the supplied (local) name and a namespace given by a URI.


From source file:com.rometools.modules.base.io.CustomTagGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

public void generate(final Module module, final Element element) {
    if (!(module instanceof CustomTags)) {
        return;/*from  w w  w  .  j  av a2s  .c  o m*/

    final List<CustomTag> tags = ((CustomTags) module).getValues();
    final Iterator<CustomTag> it = tags.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final CustomTag tag = it.next();

        if (tag.getValue() instanceof DateTimeRange) {
            final DateTimeRange dtr = (DateTimeRange) tag.getValue();
            final Element newTag = new Element(tag.getName(), CustomTagParser.NS);
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "dateTimeRange");
                    generateSimpleElement("start", GoogleBaseParser.LONG_DT_FMT.format(dtr.getStart())));
            newTag.addContent(generateSimpleElement("end", GoogleBaseParser.LONG_DT_FMT.format(dtr.getEnd())));
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof ShortDate) {
            final ShortDate sd = (ShortDate) tag.getValue();
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(),
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "date");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof Date) {
            final Date d = (Date) tag.getValue();
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(),
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "dateTime");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof Integer) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "int");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof IntUnit) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "intUnit");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof Float) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "float");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof FloatUnit) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "floatUnit");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof String) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "string");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof URL) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "url");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof Boolean) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "boolean");
        } else if (tag.getValue() instanceof CustomTagImpl.Location) {
            final Element newTag = generateSimpleElement(tag.getName(), tag.getValue().toString());
            newTag.setAttribute("type", "location");

From source file:com.rometools.modules.base.io.CustomTagGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

protected Element generateSimpleElement(final String name, final String value) {
    final Element element = new Element(name, CustomTagParser.NS);
    element.addContent(value);/* w w  w. jav  a  2s  . c om*/

    return element;

From source file:com.rometools.modules.base.io.GoogleBaseGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

public Element generateTag(final Object o, final String tagName) {
    if (o instanceof URL || o instanceof Float || o instanceof Boolean || o instanceof Integer
            || o instanceof String || o instanceof FloatUnit || o instanceof IntUnit
            || o instanceof GenderEnumeration || o instanceof PaymentTypeEnumeration
            || o instanceof PriceTypeEnumeration || o instanceof CurrencyEnumeration || o instanceof Size
            || o instanceof YearType) {
        return generateSimpleElement(tagName, o.toString());
    } else if (o instanceof ShortDate) {
        return generateSimpleElement(tagName, GoogleBaseParser.SHORT_DT_FMT.format(o));
    } else if (o instanceof Date) {
        return generateSimpleElement(tagName, GoogleBaseParser.LONG_DT_FMT.format(o));
    } else if (o instanceof ShippingType) {
        final ShippingType st = (ShippingType) o;
        final Element element = new Element(tagName, GoogleBaseGenerator.NS);

        element.addContent(generateSimpleElement("country", st.getCountry()));

        element.addContent(generateSimpleElement("service", st.getService().toString()));

        element.addContent(generateSimpleElement("price", st.getPrice().toString()));

        return element;
    } else if (o instanceof DateTimeRange) {
        final DateTimeRange dtr = (DateTimeRange) o;
        final Element element = new Element(tagName, GoogleBaseGenerator.NS);
        element.addContent(generateSimpleElement("start", GoogleBaseParser.LONG_DT_FMT.format(dtr.getStart())));
        element.addContent(generateSimpleElement("end", GoogleBaseParser.LONG_DT_FMT.format(dtr.getEnd())));

        return element;
    }//w w  w  .  j a  v  a2s .  co m

    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown class type to handle: " + o.getClass().getName());

From source file:com.rometools.modules.base.io.GoogleBaseGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

protected Element generateSimpleElement(final String name, final String value) {
    final Element element = new Element(name, GoogleBaseGenerator.NS);
    element.addContent(value);//  w w  w  . j a  v a  2  s  .c  o m

    return element;

From source file:com.rometools.modules.cc.io.CCModuleGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

private void generateRSS1(final CreativeCommons module, final Element element) {
    // throw new RuntimeException( "Generating RSS1 Feeds not currently Supported.");

    LOG.debug(element.getName());/*  w  ww. j a va 2 s  .co  m*/
    if (element.getName().equals("channel")) {
        // Do all licenses list.
        final License[] all = module.getAllLicenses();
        for (final License element2 : all) {
            final Element license = new Element("License", RSS1);
            license.setAttribute("about", element2.getValue(), RDF);
            final License.Behaviour[] permits = element2.getPermits();
            for (int j = 0; permits != null && j < permits.length; j++) {
                final Element permit = new Element("permits", RSS1);
                permit.setAttribute("resource", permits[j].toString(), RDF);
            final License.Behaviour[] requires = element2.getPermits();
            for (int j = 0; requires != null && j < requires.length; j++) {
                final Element permit = new Element("requires", RSS1);
                permit.setAttribute("resource", permits[j].toString(), RDF);
            LOG.debug("Is Root? {}", element.getParentElement());

    // Do local licenses
    final License[] licenses = module.getLicenses();
    for (final License license2 : licenses) {
        final Element license = new Element("license", RSS1);
        license.setAttribute("resource", license2.getValue(), RDF);


From source file:com.rometools.modules.cc.io.CCModuleGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

private void generateRSS2(final CreativeCommons module, final Element element) {
    final License[] licenses = module.getLicenses();
    for (int i = 0; licenses != null && i < licenses.length; i++) {
        final Element license = new Element("license", RSS2);
        element.addContent(license);/*from   w ww  .j  a  va  2  s  . co m*/

From source file:com.rometools.modules.content.io.ContentModuleGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

public void generate(final com.rometools.rome.feed.module.Module module, final org.jdom2.Element element) {
    // this is not necessary, it is done to avoid the namespace definition in every item.
    Element root = element;//from  w  ww . ja v a  2 s  . c om

    while (root.getParent() != null && root.getParent() instanceof Element) {
        root = (Element) root.getParent();


    if (!(module instanceof ContentModule)) {

    final ContentModule cm = (ContentModule) module;

    final List<String> encodeds = cm.getEncodeds();

    if (encodeds != null) {
        LOG.debug("{}", cm.getEncodeds().size());
        for (int i = 0; i < encodeds.size(); i++) {
            element.addContent(generateCDATAElement("encoded", encodeds.get(i).toString()));

    final List<ContentItem> contentItems = cm.getContentItems();

    if (contentItems != null && !contentItems.isEmpty()) {
        final Element items = new Element("items", CONTENT_NS);
        final Element bag = new Element("Bag", RDF_NS);

        for (int i = 0; i < contentItems.size(); i++) {
            final ContentItem contentItem = contentItems.get(i);
            final Element li = new Element("li", RDF_NS);
            final Element item = new Element("item", CONTENT_NS);

            if (contentItem.getContentAbout() != null) {
                final Attribute about = new Attribute("about", contentItem.getContentAbout(), RDF_NS);

            if (contentItem.getContentFormat() != null) {
                // LOG.debug( "Format");
                final Element format = new Element("format", CONTENT_NS);
                final Attribute formatResource = new Attribute("resource", contentItem.getContentFormat(),


            if (contentItem.getContentEncoding() != null) {
                // LOG.debug( "Encoding");
                final Element encoding = new Element("encoding", CONTENT_NS);
                final Attribute encodingResource = new Attribute("resource", contentItem.getContentEncoding(),

            if (contentItem.getContentValue() != null) {
                final Element value = new Element("value", RDF_NS);

                if (contentItem.getContentValueParseType() != null) {
                    final Attribute parseType = new Attribute("parseType",
                            contentItem.getContentValueParseType(), RDF_NS);

                if (contentItem.getContentValueNamespaces() != null) {
                    final List<Namespace> namespaces = contentItem.getContentValueNamespaces();

                    for (int ni = 0; ni < namespaces.size(); ni++) {

                final List<Content> detached = new ArrayList<Content>();

                for (int c = 0; c < contentItem.getContentValueDOM().size(); c++) {

            } // end value

        } // end contentItems loop


From source file:com.rometools.modules.content.io.ContentModuleGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

protected Element generateSimpleElement(final String name, final String value) {
    final Element element = new Element(name, CONTENT_NS);
    element.addContent(value);//from   w  w w.j  a v a  2 s .  c om

    return element;

From source file:com.rometools.modules.content.io.ContentModuleGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

protected Element generateCDATAElement(final String name, final String value) {
    final Element element = new Element(name, CONTENT_NS);
    final CDATA cdata = new CDATA(value);
    element.addContent(cdata);//  w w w  . ja v a2  s.  c  o  m

    return element;

From source file:com.rometools.modules.feedburner.io.FeedBurnerModuleGenerator.java

License:Apache License

protected Element generateSimpleElement(final String name, final String value) {
    final Element element = new Element(name, FeedBurnerModuleGenerator.NS);
    element.addContent(value);//from w w  w  .j  a  va2  s.  c  om

    return element;