Example usage for org.jdom2 Element cloneContent

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element cloneContent


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element cloneContent.


    public List<Content> cloneContent() 

Source Link


From source file:org.mycore.frontend.editor.MCREditorDefReader.java

License:Open Source License

 * Recursively resolves references by the @ref attribute and
 * replaces them with the referenced component.
 *///from w  ww .ja v  a  2s. c o  m
private void resolveReferences() {
    for (Iterator<Element> it = referencing2ref.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Element referencing = it.next();
        String id = referencing2ref.get(referencing);
        LOGGER.debug("Resolving reference to " + id);

        Element found = id2component.get(id);
        if (found == null) {
            String msg = "Reference to component " + id + " could not be resolved";
            throw new MCRConfigurationException(msg);

        String name = referencing.getName();

        if (name.equals("cell") || name.equals("repeater")) {
            if (found.getParentElement().getName().equals("components")) {
                referencing.addContent(0, found.detach());
            } else {
                referencing.addContent(0, (Element) found.clone());
        } else if (name.equals("panel")) {
            if (referencing2ref.containsValue(id)) {
                referencing.addContent(0, found.cloneContent());
            } else {
                List<Content> content = found.getContent();
                for (int i = 0; !content.isEmpty(); i++) {
                    Content child = content.remove(0);
                    referencing.addContent(i, child);
        } else if (name.equals("include")) {
            Element parent = referencing.getParentElement();
            int pos = parent.indexOf(referencing);

            if (referencing2ref.containsValue(id)) {
                parent.addContent(pos, found.cloneContent());
            } else {
                List<Content> content = found.getContent();
                for (int i = pos; !content.isEmpty(); i++) {
                    Content child = content.remove(0);
                    parent.addContent(i, child);

    Element components = editor.getChild("components");
    String root = components.getAttributeValue("root");

    for (int i = 0; i < components.getContentSize(); i++) {
        Content child = components.getContent(i);
        if (!(child instanceof Element)) {
        if (((Element) child).getName().equals("headline")) {
        if (!root.equals(((Element) child).getAttributeValue("id"))) {

From source file:org.mycore.frontend.editor.MCREditorServlet.java

License:Open Source License

 * Replaces editor elements in static webpage with complete editor
 * definition.//w  ww.j a  v a  2 s.c om
 * @param request
 *            the current MCRServletJob
 * @param uri
 *            the uri of the static XML file containing the editor
 * @param xml
 *            the complete XML document of the static webpage
public static void replaceEditorElements(HttpServletRequest request, String uri, Document xml) {
    String sessionID = request.getParameter("XSL.editor.session.id");

    List<Element> editors = new ArrayList<Element>();
    Iterator it = xml.getDescendants(new ElementFilter("editor"));
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        editors.add((Element) it.next());

    for (Element editor : editors) {
        Element editorResolved = null;
        if (sessionID != null) {
            MCREditorSession editorSession = MCREditorSessionCache.instance().getEditorSession(sessionID);
            if (editorSession == null) {
                throw new MCRException("Editor session is invalid:" + sessionID);
            editorResolved = editorSession.getXML();

        if (sessionID == null || editorResolved == null) {
            Map parameters = request.getParameterMap();
            boolean validate = "true".equals(editor.getAttributeValue("validate", "false"));
            String ref = editor.getAttributeValue("id");
            editorResolved = startSession(parameters, ref, uri, validate);

        String clazz1 = editor.getAttributeValue("class");
        String clazz2 = editorResolved.getAttributeValue("class");
        editor.setAttribute("session", editorResolved.getAttributeValue("session"));
        editor.setAttribute("class", (clazz1 == null ? clazz2 : clazz1));

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.digitalSignature.DigitalSignature.java

License:Open Source License

public String PrepareDocumentToBeSign(Element element) {

    try {// w  ww . j a va  2  s  .  c o m
        //extract the Document to sign and transform it in a valid XML DOM 
        Element rootElement = new Element(element.getName());
        //convert the Element in a JDOM Document
        Document xdoc = new Document(rootElement);
        //create a DOMOutputter to write the content of the JDOM document in a DOM document
        DOMOutputter outputter = new DOMOutputter();
        org.w3c.dom.Document Doctosign = outputter.output(xdoc);

        // Show the document before being sign 
        System.out.println("xml to Sign:");
        XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
        sortie.output(xdoc, System.out);

        //Transform the XML DOM in a String using the xml transformer
        DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(Doctosign);
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
        TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
        transformer.transform(domSource, result);
        String StringTobeSign = writer.toString();

        return StringTobeSign;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;


From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.ResourceManager.java

License:Open Source License

 * updates the input datalist with the changed data in the output datalist
 * @param in  - the JDOM Element containing the input params
 * @param out - the JDOM Element containing the output params
 * @return a JDOM Element with the data updated
 *//*from  w  w  w  . j  av a 2  s  .  c  om*/
private Element updateOutputDataList(Element in, Element out) {

    // get a copy of the 'in' list
    Element result = in.clone();

    // for each child in 'out' list, get its value and copy to 'in' list
    for (Element e : out.getChildren()) {

        // if there's a matching 'in' data item, update its value
        Element resData = result.getChild(e.getName());
        if (resData != null) {
            if (resData.getContentSize() > 0)
        } else {

    return result;

From source file:org.yawlfoundation.yawl.worklet.WorkletService.java

License:Open Source License

 * updates the input datalist with the changed data in the output datalist
 * @param in  - the JDOM Element containing the input params
 * @param out - the JDOM Element containing the output params
 * @return a JDOM Element with the data updated
 *///w ww.  jav a  2 s.co  m
public Element updateDataList(Element in, Element out) {

    // get a copy of the 'in' list      
    Element result = in.clone();

    // for each child in 'out' list, get its value and copy to 'in' list
    for (Element e : out.getChildren()) {

        // if there's a matching 'in' data item, update its value
        Element resData = result.getChild(e.getName());
        if (resData != null) {
            if (resData.getContentSize() > 0)
        } else {
            // if the item is not in the 'in' list, add it.

    return result;