List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element addContent
@Override public Element addContent(final Collection<? extends Content> newContent)
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@Override public String convert(InputStream scxmlContent, GrammarReference srgsReferences) { Document vxml = emptyVxmlDocument(); Document scxml = helper.parseStream(scxmlContent); Element form = vxml.getRootElement().getChild("form", NS_VXML); appendGrammarFile(form, srgsReferences); List<Element> states = new ArrayList<>(scxml.getRootElement().getChildren("state", NS_SCXML)); states.addAll(scxml.getRootElement().getChildren("final", NS_SCXML)); String initialName = helper.extractAttribute(scxml.getRootElement(), "initial"); List<Element> transformedVxmlStates = transformStates(assignTransformationsToStates(states, initialName), srgsReferences);//from ww w. ja v a 2 s. c om form.addContent(transformedVxmlStates); return helper.render(vxml); }
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/** * Append element pointing to file with srgs grammar to the form */// ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m public void appendGrammarFile(Element form, GrammarReference srgsReferences) { if (srgsReferences.grammarFile() != null) { Element grammar = new Element("grammar", NS_VXML); grammar.setAttribute("type", "application/srgs+xml"); grammar.setAttribute("src", srgsReferences.grammarFile()); form.addContent(grammar); } }
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/** * Append element pointing to reference inside the grammar file to the field *///from www. j av a 2s. c om public void appendGrammarField(Element field, GrammarReference srgsReferences) { String name = helper.extractAttribute(field, "name"); if (!srgsReferences.stateHasGrammarReference(name)) { return; } String reference = srgsReferences.referenceForState(name); Element grammar = new Element("grammar", NS_VXML); grammar.setAttribute("src", reference); grammar.setAttribute("type", "application/srgs+xml"); field.addContent(grammar); }
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/** * Performs transformations on every state and adds grammar reference. * Remembers which states were already visited so that clear elements for backward navigation can be created. *//*ww w. j a va 2s . co m*/ public List<Element> transformStates(LinkedHashMap<Element, String> statesWithTransforms, GrammarReference grammarReference) { List<Element> transformed = new ArrayList<>(); Stack<String> visitedStates = new Stack<>(); for (Entry<Element, String> stateTransformPair : statesWithTransforms.entrySet()) { Element state = stateTransformPair.getKey(); String transform = stateTransformPair.getValue(); visitedStates.add(helper.extractAttribute(state, "id")); Element field = helper.transformElement(state, transform); AssemblerResult<Element> transitionsAssembler = assembleClearsForBackwardTransitions(state, visitedStates); if (transitionsAssembler.isAvailable()) { Element filled = getFilledElementAppendLazyly(field); filled.addContent(transitionsAssembler.result()); } appendGrammarField(field, grammarReference); transformed.add(field); } return transformed; }
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/** * Return the {@code <filled>} element of {@code field}. * If it didnt exists, create it first// w ww . ja va2 s .c o m */ public Element getFilledElementAppendLazyly(Element field) { if (field.getChild("filled", NS_VXML) == null) { Element filled = new Element("filled", NS_VXML); field.addContent(filled); } return field.getChild("filled", NS_VXML); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Gets a representation of the {@code Device} in * a JDOM {@code Element}.//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m * * @return {@code Element} representing the {@code Device} */ public Element marshal() { log.fine("Marshalling device: " + name); preMarshal(); final Element device = new Element("device"); device.setAttribute("name", name); for (Descriptor descriptor : this) { log.finest("Marshalling '" + descriptor.getName() + "'"); device.addContent(descriptor.marshal()); } postMarshal(); return device; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Gets a representation of the {@code Hardware} object in * a JDOM {@code Element}.//from w w w .j ava 2s. co m * * @param hardware {@code Element} representing the * {@code Hardware} object */ public void marshal(final Element hardware) { log.fine("Marshalling hardware"); hardware.setAttribute("name", name); for (Device device : this) { hardware.addContent(device.marshal()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Element marshal() { final Element register = new Element(tagName); register.setAttribute("name", name); final String value = getValue(); register.addContent(value); log.fine("Register '" + name + "' holding value '" + value + "' marshalled"); return register; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Builds a block tag.//from www . j a va 2 s .com * * @param memory memory array * @param tag tag to build * @param startAddress starting address * @param number number of bytes */ public static void buildBlockElement(final byte[] memory, final Element tag, final int startAddress, final int number) { log.finer(String.format("Method buildMemoryElement called: start address: %04x," + " number of bytes: %d", startAddress, number)); final int size = memory.length; boolean inSequence = false; StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); Element bytes; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < number;) { final int memoryI = memory[(startAddress + i) % size] & 0xff; final int remain = number - i; boolean compress = false; if (remain >= COUNT_LIMIT) { compress = true; for (j = 0; j < COUNT_LIMIT; j++) { if (memoryI != (memory[(startAddress + i + j) % size] & 0xff)) { compress = false; break; } } } if (compress) { for (; j < remain; j++) { if (memoryI != (memory[(startAddress + i + j) % size] & 0xff)) { break; } } if (inSequence) { bytes = new Element(subtagName); bytes.addContent(data.toString()); tag.addContent(bytes); data = new StringBuilder(); log.finest("Data sequence closed"); } inSequence = false; bytes = new Element(subtagName); bytes.setAttribute("count", String.valueOf(j)); bytes.addContent(String.format("%02x", memoryI)); tag.addContent(bytes); log.finest(String.format("Repeated data sequence written, count: %d, data: %02x", j, memoryI)); i += j; } else { if (!inSequence) { data = new StringBuilder(); log.finest("Unique data sequence started"); } data.append(String.format("%02x", memoryI)); log.finest(String.format("One byte written: %02x", memoryI)); inSequence = true; i++; } } if (inSequence) { bytes = new Element(subtagName); bytes.addContent(data.toString()); tag.addContent(bytes); log.finest("Final data sequence closed"); } log.finer("Method buildMemoryElement finished"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Writes the tape to an XML file./*from w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * * @param file output file */ public void write(final File file) { log.fine("Writing tape data to an XML file, file: " + file); final Element tag = new Element("tape"); final Namespace namespace = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI); tag.addNamespaceDeclaration(namespace); tag.setAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Application.XSD_PREFIX + "tape-" + TAPE_XML_FILE_VERSION + ".xsd", namespace); tag.setAttribute("version", TAPE_XML_FILE_VERSION); tag.setAttribute("rate", String.valueOf(tapeRecorderInterface.tapeSampleRate)); tag.setAttribute("unit", "per sec"); try { long currPos = -1; for (long start : tape.navigableKeySet()) { final long duration = tape.get(start); log.finest(String.format("Fetched: (%d, %d)", start, duration)); if ((start > currPos) && (duration > 0)) { final Element pulse = new Element("pulse"); pulse.setAttribute("start", String.valueOf(start)); pulse.setAttribute("duration", String.valueOf(duration)); tag.addContent(pulse); log.finest(String.format("Write: (%d, %d)", start, duration)); currPos = start + duration; } } } catch (final Exception exception) { log.fine("Error, writing failed, exception: " + exception.getMessage()); throw Application.createError(this, "XMLWrite"); } final Document doc = new Document(tag); try (final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file)) { new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).output(doc, writer); } catch (final Exception exception) { log.fine("Error, writing failed, exception: " + exception.getMessage()); throw Application.createError(this, "XMLWrite"); } log.fine("Writing completed"); }