Example usage for org.jdom2 Element addContent

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element addContent


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element addContent.


public Element addContent(final Collection<? extends Content> newContent) 

Source Link


Appends all children in the given collection to the end of the content list.


From source file:cz.muni.fi.pb138.scxml2voicexmlj.voicexml.XsltStateStackConverter.java

public String convert(InputStream scxmlContent, GrammarReference srgsReferences) {
    Document vxml = emptyVxmlDocument();
    Document scxml = helper.parseStream(scxmlContent);
    Element form = vxml.getRootElement().getChild("form", NS_VXML);
    appendGrammarFile(form, srgsReferences);
    List<Element> states = new ArrayList<>(scxml.getRootElement().getChildren("state", NS_SCXML));
    states.addAll(scxml.getRootElement().getChildren("final", NS_SCXML));
    String initialName = helper.extractAttribute(scxml.getRootElement(), "initial");
    List<Element> transformedVxmlStates = transformStates(assignTransformationsToStates(states, initialName),
            srgsReferences);//from ww  w.  ja  v a  2  s. c  om
    return helper.render(vxml);

From source file:cz.muni.fi.pb138.scxml2voicexmlj.voicexml.XsltStateStackConverter.java

 * Append element pointing to file with srgs grammar to the form
 */// ww  w  .  j  av  a  2 s. c o  m
public void appendGrammarFile(Element form, GrammarReference srgsReferences) {
    if (srgsReferences.grammarFile() != null) {
        Element grammar = new Element("grammar", NS_VXML);
        grammar.setAttribute("type", "application/srgs+xml");
        grammar.setAttribute("src", srgsReferences.grammarFile());

From source file:cz.muni.fi.pb138.scxml2voicexmlj.voicexml.XsltStateStackConverter.java

 * Append element pointing to reference inside the grammar file to the field
 *///from www. j  av  a 2s.  c  om
public void appendGrammarField(Element field, GrammarReference srgsReferences) {
    String name = helper.extractAttribute(field, "name");
    if (!srgsReferences.stateHasGrammarReference(name)) {
    String reference = srgsReferences.referenceForState(name);
    Element grammar = new Element("grammar", NS_VXML);
    grammar.setAttribute("src", reference);
    grammar.setAttribute("type", "application/srgs+xml");

From source file:cz.muni.fi.pb138.scxml2voicexmlj.voicexml.XsltStateStackConverter.java

 * Performs transformations on every state and adds grammar reference.
 * Remembers which states were already visited so that clear elements for backward navigation can be created.
 *//*ww w. j a va  2s . co  m*/
public List<Element> transformStates(LinkedHashMap<Element, String> statesWithTransforms,
        GrammarReference grammarReference) {
    List<Element> transformed = new ArrayList<>();
    Stack<String> visitedStates = new Stack<>();
    for (Entry<Element, String> stateTransformPair : statesWithTransforms.entrySet()) {
        Element state = stateTransformPair.getKey();
        String transform = stateTransformPair.getValue();

        visitedStates.add(helper.extractAttribute(state, "id"));
        Element field = helper.transformElement(state, transform);
        AssemblerResult<Element> transitionsAssembler = assembleClearsForBackwardTransitions(state,
        if (transitionsAssembler.isAvailable()) {
            Element filled = getFilledElementAppendLazyly(field);
        appendGrammarField(field, grammarReference);
    return transformed;

From source file:cz.muni.fi.pb138.scxml2voicexmlj.voicexml.XsltStateStackConverter.java

 * Return the {@code <filled>} element of {@code field}.
 * If it didnt exists, create it first// w  ww  .  ja va2  s  .c  o  m
public Element getFilledElementAppendLazyly(Element field) {
    if (field.getChild("filled", NS_VXML) == null) {
        Element filled = new Element("filled", NS_VXML);
    return field.getChild("filled", NS_VXML);

From source file:cz.pecina.retro.cpu.Device.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets a representation of the {@code Device} in 
 * a JDOM {@code Element}.//from  w w w  .  j a v  a  2  s  .c o  m
 * @return {@code Element} representing the {@code Device}
public Element marshal() {
    log.fine("Marshalling device: " + name);
    final Element device = new Element("device");
    device.setAttribute("name", name);
    for (Descriptor descriptor : this) {
        log.finest("Marshalling '" + descriptor.getName() + "'");
    return device;

From source file:cz.pecina.retro.cpu.Hardware.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets a representation of the {@code Hardware} object in 
 * a JDOM {@code Element}.//from   w  w  w  .j ava 2s. co m
 * @param hardware {@code Element} representing the
 * {@code Hardware} object
public void marshal(final Element hardware) {
    log.fine("Marshalling hardware");
    hardware.setAttribute("name", name);
    for (Device device : this) {

From source file:cz.pecina.retro.cpu.Register.java

License:Open Source License

public Element marshal() {
    final Element register = new Element(tagName);
    register.setAttribute("name", name);
    final String value = getValue();
    log.fine("Register '" + name + "' holding value '" + value + "' marshalled");
    return register;

From source file:cz.pecina.retro.memory.Snapshot.java

License:Open Source License

 * Builds a block tag.//from  www .  j a va 2  s .com
 * @param memory       memory array
 * @param tag          tag to build
 * @param startAddress starting address
 * @param number       number of bytes
public static void buildBlockElement(final byte[] memory, final Element tag, final int startAddress,
        final int number) {
    log.finer(String.format("Method buildMemoryElement called: start address: %04x," + " number of bytes: %d",
            startAddress, number));
    final int size = memory.length;
    boolean inSequence = false;
    StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
    Element bytes;
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < number;) {
        final int memoryI = memory[(startAddress + i) % size] & 0xff;
        final int remain = number - i;
        boolean compress = false;
        if (remain >= COUNT_LIMIT) {
            compress = true;
            for (j = 0; j < COUNT_LIMIT; j++) {
                if (memoryI != (memory[(startAddress + i + j) % size] & 0xff)) {
                    compress = false;
        if (compress) {
            for (; j < remain; j++) {
                if (memoryI != (memory[(startAddress + i + j) % size] & 0xff)) {
            if (inSequence) {
                bytes = new Element(subtagName);
                data = new StringBuilder();
                log.finest("Data sequence closed");
            inSequence = false;
            bytes = new Element(subtagName);
            bytes.setAttribute("count", String.valueOf(j));
            bytes.addContent(String.format("%02x", memoryI));
            log.finest(String.format("Repeated data sequence written, count: %d, data: %02x", j, memoryI));
            i += j;
        } else {
            if (!inSequence) {
                data = new StringBuilder();
                log.finest("Unique data sequence started");
            data.append(String.format("%02x", memoryI));
            log.finest(String.format("One byte written: %02x", memoryI));
            inSequence = true;
    if (inSequence) {
        bytes = new Element(subtagName);
        log.finest("Final data sequence closed");
    log.finer("Method buildMemoryElement finished");

From source file:cz.pecina.retro.trec.XML.java

License:Open Source License

 * Writes the tape to an XML file./*from  w  w w .  j a v  a 2s .c  o m*/
 * @param file output file
public void write(final File file) {
    log.fine("Writing tape data to an XML file, file: " + file);
    final Element tag = new Element("tape");
    final Namespace namespace = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI);
            Application.XSD_PREFIX + "tape-" + TAPE_XML_FILE_VERSION + ".xsd", namespace);
    tag.setAttribute("version", TAPE_XML_FILE_VERSION);
    tag.setAttribute("rate", String.valueOf(tapeRecorderInterface.tapeSampleRate));
    tag.setAttribute("unit", "per sec");
    try {
        long currPos = -1;
        for (long start : tape.navigableKeySet()) {
            final long duration = tape.get(start);
            log.finest(String.format("Fetched: (%d, %d)", start, duration));
            if ((start > currPos) && (duration > 0)) {
                final Element pulse = new Element("pulse");
                pulse.setAttribute("start", String.valueOf(start));
                pulse.setAttribute("duration", String.valueOf(duration));
                log.finest(String.format("Write: (%d, %d)", start, duration));
                currPos = start + duration;
    } catch (final Exception exception) {
        log.fine("Error, writing failed, exception: " + exception.getMessage());
        throw Application.createError(this, "XMLWrite");
    final Document doc = new Document(tag);
    try (final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file)) {
        new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).output(doc, writer);
    } catch (final Exception exception) {
        log.fine("Error, writing failed, exception: " + exception.getMessage());
        throw Application.createError(this, "XMLWrite");
    log.fine("Writing completed");