List of usage examples for org.jdom2 DocType DocType
public DocType(String elementName, String systemID)
with the specified element name and reference to an external DTD. From source
private List<Content> rootContentFor(JspTree jspTree) { List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<>(); if (showBanner) { contents.add(new Comment("Created with JSP2Thymeleaf")); contents.add(new Text(NEWLINE)); }// www.j a v a 2 s.c om contents.addAll(contentFor(jspTree, this)); final Optional<Content> foundHtmlElement = .findFirst(); if (foundHtmlElement.isPresent()) { final Element htmlElement = (Element) foundHtmlElement.get(); contents.remove(htmlElement); trimTrailingWhitespace(contents); htmlElement.addContent(contents); htmlElement.setNamespace(xmlns); ActiveNamespaces.get().forEach(ns -> htmlElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(ns)); return Arrays.asList(new DocType("html", THYMELEAF_DTD), htmlElement); } else { Element thFragment = createFragmentDef(contents); return Arrays.asList(new DocType("html", THYMELEAF_DTD), thFragment); } }