List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Attribute setValue
public Attribute setValue(final String value)
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License:Open Source License
/** * Convert concept name types//from w ww . j a va 2 s. c o m */ private void convertConceptTypeName(Element element) { Attribute attType = element.getAttribute("type", JDOMUtils.XSI_Namespace); if (attType != null) { String oldValue = attType.getValue(); String newValue = ConceptNameMapping.get(oldValue); if (newValue != null) { attType.setValue(newValue); } // Or Junction has type set if ("archimate:OrJunction".equals(oldValue)) { element.setAttribute("type", "or"); } } }
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License:Open Source License
private void setAttributeValue(Element element, String attributeName, String newValue) { if (element != null) { Attribute attribute = element.getAttribute(attributeName); if (attribute != null) { attribute.setValue(newValue); }//w w w. j a va2 s. com } }
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License:Apache License
public void migrate() { File cipherFile = systemEnvironment.getDESCipherFile(); String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss").format(timeProvider.currentTime()); File backupCipherFile = new File(systemEnvironment.getConfigDir(), "cipher.original." + timestamp); File configFile = new File(systemEnvironment.getCruiseConfigFile()); File backupConfigFile = new File(configFile.getParentFile(), configFile.getName() + ".original." + timestamp); try {//from w ww . j a va2 m if (!cipherFile.exists() || !FileUtils.readFileToString(cipherFile, UTF_8).equals(FLAWED_VALUE)) { return; }"Found unsafe cipher {} on server, Go will make an attempt to rekey", FLAWED_VALUE); FileUtils.copyFile(cipherFile, backupCipherFile);"Old cipher was successfully backed up to {}", backupCipherFile.getAbsoluteFile()); FileUtils.copyFile(configFile, backupConfigFile);"Old config was successfully backed up to {}", backupConfigFile.getAbsoluteFile()); String oldCipher = FileUtils.readFileToString(backupCipherFile, UTF_8); new DESCipherProvider(systemEnvironment).resetCipher(); String newCipher = FileUtils.readFileToString(cipherFile, UTF_8); if (newCipher.equals(oldCipher)) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to generate a new safe cipher. Your cipher is unsafe."); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(backupCipherFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(backupConfigFile); return; } Document document = new SAXBuilder().build(configFile); List<String> encryptedAttributes = Arrays.asList("encryptedPassword", "encryptedManagerPassword"); List<String> encryptedNodes = Arrays.asList("encryptedValue"); XPathFactory xPathFactory = XPathFactory.instance(); for (String attributeName : encryptedAttributes) { XPathExpression<Element> xpathExpression = xPathFactory .compile(String.format("//*[@%s]", attributeName), Filters.element()); List<Element> encryptedPasswordElements = xpathExpression.evaluate(document); for (Element element : encryptedPasswordElements) { Attribute encryptedPassword = element.getAttribute(attributeName); encryptedPassword.setValue(reEncryptUsingNewKey(decodeHex(oldCipher), decodeHex(newCipher), encryptedPassword.getValue())); LOGGER.debug("Replaced encrypted value at {}", element.toString()); } } for (String nodeName : encryptedNodes) { XPathExpression<Element> xpathExpression = xPathFactory.compile(String.format("//%s", nodeName), Filters.element()); List<Element> encryptedNode = xpathExpression.evaluate(document); for (Element element : encryptedNode) { element.setText( reEncryptUsingNewKey(decodeHex(oldCipher), decodeHex(newCipher), element.getValue())); LOGGER.debug("Replaced encrypted value at {}", element.toString()); } } try (FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(configFile)) { XmlUtils.writeXml(document, fileOutputStream); }"Successfully re-encrypted config"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Re-keying of cipher failed with error: [{}]", e.getMessage(), e); if (backupCipherFile.exists()) { try { FileUtils.copyFile(backupCipherFile, cipherFile); } catch (IOException e1) { LOGGER.error( "Could not replace the cipher file [{}] with original one [{}], please do so manually. Error: [{}]", cipherFile.getAbsolutePath(), backupCipherFile.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage(), e); bomb(e1); } } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * update the disks in the domain XML. It is assumed that the the size of the volumes is the same as the number of * disk elements and that the order is the same. *//* w w w. java 2s .co m*/ public static void updateDisks(Document domainXml, List<StorageVol> volumes) throws LibvirtException { XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.instance(); XPathExpression<Element> diskExpr = xpf.compile(XPATH_DISK, Filters.element()); XPathExpression<Attribute> fileExpr = xpf.compile(XPATH_DISK_FILE, Filters.attribute()); List<Element> disks = diskExpr.evaluate(domainXml); Iterator<StorageVol> cloneDiskIter = volumes.iterator(); for (Element disk : disks) { Attribute file = fileExpr.evaluateFirst(disk); StorageVol cloneDisk =; file.setValue(cloneDisk.getPath()); } }
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License:Open Source License
public static NetCDFFile makeUnion(String filename, String other) throws Exception { Object obj = new Object(); URL url = obj.getClass().getResource("/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/data/hydra/resources/union.ncml"); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false); Document doc = null;/*from w ww . j av a 2s . c o m*/ try { doc =; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List list = root.getChildren(); list = ((Element) list.get(1)).getChildren(); org.jdom2.Attribute attr1 = (org.jdom2.Attribute) (((Element) list.get(0)).getAttributes()).get(0); attr1.setValue(filename); org.jdom2.Attribute attr2 = (org.jdom2.Attribute) (((Element) list.get(1)).getAttributes()).get(0); attr2.setValue(other); XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(); String newStr = xmlOut.outputString(doc); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(newStr.getBytes()); return new NetCDFFile(is); }
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License:Open Source License
public static NetCDFFile makeUnion(String filename, String other) throws Exception { Object obj = new Object(); URL url = obj.getClass().getResource("/edu/wisc/ssec/mcidasv/data/hydra/resources/union.ncml"); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false); Document doc = null;/*from w w w.j a va2 s . c o m*/ try { doc =; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List list = root.getChildren(); list = ((Element) list.get(1)).getChildren(); org.jdom2.Attribute attr1 = (((Element) list.get(0)).getAttributes()).get(0); attr1.setValue(filename); org.jdom2.Attribute attr2 = (((Element) list.get(1)).getAttributes()).get(0); attr2.setValue(other); XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(); String newStr = xmlOut.outputString(doc); logger.trace("union string:\n{}", newStr); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(newStr.getBytes()); return new NetCDFFile(is); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Method that generates a complexType tag, wherever it has to be generated and in the correct way * @param configuration the inference configuration * @param complexType the complex type to which the tag will be generated * @param anonymous whether this complex type must be anonymous (i.e. it must not have a 'name' attribute) * @param targetNamespace the target namespace which is currently being generated * @param namespaceURIToPrefixMappings solved mappings between namespace URIs and prefixes * @param mainNamespace main namespace/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param xsdNamespace namespace of the XML Schema * @return a JDOM2 {@link Element} which describes the complex type */ private Element generateComplexType(XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration, ComplexType complexType, boolean anonymous, String targetNamespace, Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, String mainNamespace, Namespace xsdNamespace) { Element complexTypeElement = new Element("complexType", xsdNamespace); for (String commentOnComplexType : ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(complexType.getComments())) { complexTypeElement.addContent(new Comment(commentOnComplexType)); } if (!anonymous) { Attribute complexTypeNameAttr = new Attribute("name", ""); complexTypeNameAttr.setValue(complexType.getName()); complexTypeElement.setAttribute(complexTypeNameAttr); } SimpleType simpleType = complexType.getTextSimpleType(); boolean hasChildren = !complexType.getRegularExpression().equals(new EmptyRegularExpression()); boolean hasNonWhitespaceSimpleContent = !simpleType.isEmpty() && !simpleType.consistOnlyOfWhitespaceCharacters(); if (hasChildren) { //Mixed complex type. As far as I know, XSD does not allow to constraint simple content on mixed types if (hasNonWhitespaceSimpleContent) { Attribute mixedAttr = new Attribute("mixed", ""); mixedAttr.setValue("true"); complexTypeElement.setAttribute(mixedAttr); } Element childrenContent = generateRegexpRepresentation(complexType.getRegularExpression(), configuration, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, complexType, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace); if (childrenContent.getName().equals("element")) { Element unwrappedChildrenContent = childrenContent; childrenContent = new Element("sequence", xsdNamespace); childrenContent.addContent(unwrappedChildrenContent); } complexTypeElement.addContent(childrenContent); List<Element> attributesInfo = generateAttributeList(complexType, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace); complexTypeElement.addContent(attributesInfo); } else if (complexType.getAttributeList().size() > 0 && !simpleType.isEmpty()) { Element simpleContentElement = new Element("simpleContent", xsdNamespace); Element extensionElement = new Element("extension", xsdNamespace); Attribute extensionBaseAttr = new Attribute("base", ""); String simpleTypeRepresentationName = complexType.getTextSimpleType() .getRepresentationName(configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()); if (!simpleTypeRepresentationName.contains(XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX) && !namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(mainNamespace).equals("")) { simpleTypeRepresentationName = namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(mainNamespace) + ":" + simpleTypeRepresentationName; } extensionBaseAttr.setValue(simpleTypeRepresentationName); extensionElement.setAttribute(extensionBaseAttr); List<Element> attributesInfo = generateAttributeList(complexType, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace); extensionElement.addContent(attributesInfo); simpleContentElement.addContent(extensionElement); complexTypeElement.addContent(simpleContentElement); } else if (complexType.getAttributeList().size() > 0) { List<Element> attributesInfo = generateAttributeList(complexType, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace); complexTypeElement.addContent(attributesInfo); } //If the complex type consists of a non empty simple type without either children or attributes, no complexType tag would be generated, so it is not handled here return complexTypeElement; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Generates an element that describes an attribute (including name, type and optionality) * @param schemaAttribute the attribute to describe * @param isGlobal whether it will be declared globally or not * @param configuration the inference configuration * @param namespaceURIToPrefixMappings the solved mappings between namespace URIs and prefixes * @param targetNamespace the target namespace of the XSD that is being currently generated * @param mainNamespace the main namespace * @param schemaAttributeKey the key used at the {@link Schema} attributes structures, which will be * also used to name attribute groups used at inter-namespace importing and exporting when the * workaround is enabled./*from www . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * @param xsdNamespace the XSD namespace * @return a JDOM2 {@link Element} describing the attribute */ private Element generateAttribute(SchemaAttribute schemaAttribute, boolean isGlobal, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration, Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, String targetNamespace, String mainNamespace, String schemaAttributeKey, Namespace xsdNamespace) { Element attributeElement = new Element("attribute", xsdNamespace); boolean workaround = configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround(); boolean belongsToSkippedNamespace = configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains( schemaAttribute.getNamespace()) || schemaAttribute.getNamespace().equals(xsdNamespace.getURI()); if ((schemaAttribute.getNamespace().equals(mainNamespace) || schemaAttribute.getNamespace().equals("")) || (isGlobal && (!workaround))) { fillNormalAttributeElement(schemaAttribute, attributeElement, configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, isGlobal, xsdNamespace); return attributeElement; } else if (!isGlobal && (!workaround || belongsToSkippedNamespace)) { Attribute attributeRefAttr = new Attribute("ref", ""); String namespacePrefix = namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(schemaAttribute.getNamespace()); String attributeRefValue = schemaAttribute.getName(); if (!namespacePrefix.equals("")) attributeRefValue = namespacePrefix + ":" + attributeRefValue; attributeRefAttr.setValue(attributeRefValue); attributeElement.setAttribute(attributeRefAttr); return attributeElement; } else { Element attributeGroupElement = new Element("attributeGroup", xsdNamespace); if (isGlobal) { Attribute attributeGroupNameAttr = new Attribute("name", ""); attributeGroupNameAttr.setValue(schemaAttributeKey); attributeGroupElement.setAttribute(attributeGroupNameAttr); fillNormalAttributeElement(schemaAttribute, attributeElement, configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, isGlobal, xsdNamespace); attributeGroupElement.addContent(attributeElement); return attributeGroupElement; } else { Attribute attributeGroupRefAttr = new Attribute("ref", ""); String namespacePrefix = namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(schemaAttribute.getNamespace()); String refValue = ""; if (!namespacePrefix.equals("")) refValue = namespacePrefix + ":"; refValue += schemaAttributeKey; attributeGroupRefAttr.setValue(refValue); attributeGroupElement.setAttribute(attributeGroupRefAttr); Attribute attributeUseAttr = new Attribute("use", ""); String attributeUseValue = schemaAttribute.isOptional() ? "optional" : "required"; attributeUseAttr.setValue(attributeUseValue); attributeElement.setAttribute(attributeUseAttr); return attributeGroupElement; } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Fills an already created 'attribute' element (a future element called 'attribute' on the schema document) in a situation * such that it should have a name and a type, via 'type' attribute or a nested simpleType tag (depending on the configuration). * @param schemaAttribute the source SchemaAttribute * @param attributeElement the 'attribute' element * @param configuration the inference configuration * @param namespaceURIToPrefixMappings the resolved namespaceURIToPrefixMappings * @param targetNamespace the target namespace of the current schema * @param mainNamespace the default namespace of the inference * @param isGlobal whether the attribute is being declared at the top of the schema (global) or not (because it is local, it means, declared into its enclosing complex type). * @param xsdNamespace namespace URI for XML Schema Documents *///from www . ja v a2 s . c o m private void fillNormalAttributeElement(SchemaAttribute schemaAttribute, Element attributeElement, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration, Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, String targetNamespace, String mainNamespace, boolean isGlobal, Namespace xsdNamespace) { Attribute attributeNameAttr = new Attribute("name", ""); attributeNameAttr.setValue(schemaAttribute.getName()); attributeElement.setAttribute(attributeNameAttr); if (configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal() || !schemaAttribute.getSimpleType().isEnum()) { Attribute attributeTypeAttr = new Attribute("type", ""); String simpleTypeRepresentationName = schemaAttribute.getSimpleType() .getRepresentationName(configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()); if (!simpleTypeRepresentationName.startsWith(XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX) && !namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(mainNamespace).equals("")) { simpleTypeRepresentationName = namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(mainNamespace) + ":" + simpleTypeRepresentationName; } attributeTypeAttr.setValue(simpleTypeRepresentationName); if (!schemaAttribute.getSimpleType().isEmpty()) attributeElement.setAttribute(attributeTypeAttr); } else { Element simpleType = generateSimpleType(schemaAttribute.getSimpleType(), true, configuration, xsdNamespace); attributeElement.addContent(simpleType); } if (!(isGlobal && !configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround())) { Attribute attributeUseAttr = new Attribute("use", ""); String attributeUseValue = schemaAttribute.isOptional() ? "optional" : "required"; attributeUseAttr.setValue(attributeUseValue); attributeElement.setAttribute(attributeUseAttr); } //If the namespace of the attribute (which should be equals to the target namespace in this method) //is prefixed, this attribute should be marked as qualified. //Globally declared attributes (which may only happen if they belong to an auxiliary namespace and the workaround is disabled) //are always qualified and it is prohibited to include the attribute 'form' (even with the value 'qualified'), so we omit it. if ((schemaAttribute.getNamespace() != null) && (!schemaAttribute.getNamespace().equals("")) && (!namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(schemaAttribute.getNamespace()).equals("")) && !(isGlobal && !configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround())) { Attribute attribtueFormAttr = new Attribute("form", "qualified"); attributeElement.setAttribute(attribtueFormAttr); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Generates an element that describes a {@link SimpleType}, whenever it is necessary. * @param simpleType the simple type to describe * @param anonymous whether it must be anonymous (lack of a 'name' attribute) or not * @param configuration the inference configuration * @param xsdNamespace the XSD namespace * @return a JDOM2 {@link Element} that describes the {@link SimpleType} *///from w w w . jav a2s . c om private Element generateSimpleType(SimpleType simpleType, boolean anonymous, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration, Namespace xsdNamespace) { checkArgument(simpleType.isEnum()); checkArgument(!simpleType.isEmpty()); Element simpleTypeElement = new Element("simpleType", xsdNamespace); if (!anonymous) { Attribute simpleTypeNameAttr = new Attribute("name", ""); simpleTypeNameAttr .setValue(simpleType.getRepresentationName(configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator())); simpleTypeElement.setAttribute(simpleTypeNameAttr); //System.err.println(simpleType.getRepresentationName("-")); } Element restrictionElement = new Element("restriction", xsdNamespace); Attribute restrictionBaseAttr = new Attribute("base", ""); restrictionBaseAttr.setValue(simpleType.getBuiltinType()); restrictionElement.setAttribute(restrictionBaseAttr); SortedSet<String> values = new TreeSet<>(); for (String value : simpleType) { values.add(value); } for (String value : values) { Element enumerationElement = new Element("enumeration", xsdNamespace); Attribute enumerationValueAttr = new Attribute("value", ""); enumerationValueAttr.setValue(value); enumerationElement.setAttribute(enumerationValueAttr); restrictionElement.addContent(enumerationElement); } simpleTypeElement.addContent(restrictionElement); return simpleTypeElement; }