List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Attribute getValue
public String getValue()
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License:Apache License
private void showMapConfigItem(Element el) { for (Control wi : selectedItemGroup.getChildren()) { wi.dispose();/* www . j a v a2s. c o m*/ } List<Attribute> tiAtts = el.getAttributes(); Label l1; Text t1; for (Attribute att : tiAtts) { l1 = new Label(selectedItemGroup, SWT.NONE); l1.setText(att.getName() + ":"); t1 = new Text(selectedItemGroup, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER); t1.setEditable(true); t1.setText(att.getValue()); // ------------- <Listener> -------------- WidgetMapping.put(t1, att); t1.addModifyListener(widgetListener); // ------------- </Listener> -------------- GridData gd = new GridData(); gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; t1.setLayoutData(gd); } // TI's children List<Element> tiEls = el.getChildren(); for (Element tiEl : tiEls) { // mapConfigItem if (tiEl.getName().equals("options")) { // l1 = new Label(selectedItemGroup, SWT.NONE); // l1.setText(tiEl.getName() + ":"); // Combo combo = new Combo(selectedItemGroup, SWT.NONE | SWT.READ_ONLY); List<Element> opt = tiEl.getChildren(); for (Element e : opt) { l1 = new Label(selectedItemGroup, SWT.NONE); l1.setText(e.getName() + ":"); t1 = new Text(selectedItemGroup, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER); t1.setEditable(true); t1.setText(e.getValue()); // ------------- <Listener> -------------- WidgetMapping.put(t1, e); t1.addModifyListener(widgetListener); // ------------- </Listener> -------------- GridData gd = new GridData(); gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; t1.setLayoutData(gd); } // GridData gd = new GridData(); // gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; // gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; // combo.setLayoutData(gd); // Validators } else if (tiEl.getName().equals("validators")) { //DO NOTHING! } else { l1 = new Label(selectedItemGroup, SWT.NONE); l1.setText(tiEl.getName() + ":"); t1 = new Text(selectedItemGroup, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER); t1.setEditable(true); t1.setText(tiEl.getValue()); // ------------- <Listener> -------------- WidgetMapping.put(t1, tiEl); t1.addModifyListener(widgetListener); // ------------- </Listener> -------------- GridData gd = new GridData(); gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; t1.setLayoutData(gd); } } }
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License:Apache License
private String getId(Element element) { Attribute a = element.getAttribute("id", XFlatConstants.xFlatNs); if (a != null) { return a.getValue(); }/* www.j av a 2s .co m*/ return null; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Replace the stored attributes (if any) with the JDOM attributes specified. * @param jdomAttributes a List of JDOM Attribute objects to convert to key=value * pairs and place in this map, replacing any previous contents. *///ww w . j a v a 2s . co m public void fromJDOM(List<Attribute> jdomAttributes) { if (jdomAttributes != null) { clear(); for (Attribute attribute : jdomAttributes) { put(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Gets an attribute value, fixing its namespace prefix (if any) * @param attribute the attribute to get the value for * @param prefix the correct namespace prefix * @param defNS the default namespace//from w w w . j a v a2 s . com * @return the attribute's value with the prefix corrected if required */ private String getAttributeValue(Attribute attribute, String prefix, Namespace defNS) { String value = attribute.getValue(); if (prefix.length() > 0) { value = value.replaceFirst(prefix, defNS.getPrefix()); } return value; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") /**//from w w w.j a v a2 s. c om * TODO@tbe: determine order of activities, store them as utilisation relations and sort * activities according to utilisation relations */ public Collection<Element> getActivityElements(String caseId) throws IOException, JDOMException, JaxenException { Element element = SchedulingService.getInstance().getSpecificationForCase(caseId); Document doc = new Document(element); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("bla", element.getNamespace().getURI()); for (Object o : element.getAdditionalNamespaces()) { Namespace ns = (Namespace) o; map.put(ns.getPrefix(), ns.getURI()); } org.jaxen.XPath xp = new JDOMXPath("//bla:expression/@query"); xp.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(map)); List<Attribute> list = xp.selectNodes(doc); List<String> activityNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Attribute e : list) { String value = e.getValue(); int startIndex = value.indexOf("<" + XML_ACTIVITYNAME + ">"); int endIndex = value.indexOf("</" + XML_ACTIVITYNAME + ">"); while (startIndex >= 0 && endIndex > startIndex) { if (!value.startsWith("<" + XML_EVENT_RECEIVE + ">")) { String activityName = value.substring(startIndex + lenActName, endIndex).trim(); // ignore XPath expressions if (!activityName.contains("/") && !activityNames.contains(activityName)) { activityNames.add(activityName); } } value = value.substring(endIndex + lenActName); startIndex = value.indexOf("<" + XML_ACTIVITYNAME + ">"); endIndex = value.indexOf("</" + XML_ACTIVITYNAME + ">"); } } //TODO@tbe: sort activities, only until order of activities can be determined from process model final List<String> possibleActivities = Utils .parseCSV(PropertyReader.getInstance().getSchedulingProperty("possibleActivitiesSorted")); Collections.sort(activityNames, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String a1, String a2) { if (possibleActivities.indexOf(a1) < 0) { return -1; // set missing activities at beginning } else if (possibleActivities.indexOf(a2) < 0) { return 1; // set missing activities at beginning } else { return possibleActivities.indexOf(a1) - possibleActivities.indexOf(a2); } } }); logger.debug("activityNames: " + Utils.toString(activityNames)); Collection<Element> activities = new ArrayList<Element>(); Element preRelation = null; // relation of previous activity for (int i = 0; i < activityNames.size(); i++) { String activityName = activityNames.get(i); if (i > 0) { preRelation.getChild(XML_OTHERACTIVITYNAME).setText(activityName); } Element activity = FormGenerator.getTemplate(XML_ACTIVITY); activities.add(activity); activity.getChild(XML_ACTIVITYNAME).setText(activityName); if (i < activityNames.size() - 1) { preRelation = FormGenerator.getTemplate(XML_UTILISATIONREL); activity.addContent(preRelation); } } return activities; }
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License:Open Source License
public static String attribute2String(Attribute a) { if (a == null) return null; else/*w w w. j ava2 s . c o m*/ return a.getName() + "=" + a.getValue(); }
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License:Open Source License
private static String getAttributeFromSchema(String elementName, String attributeXPath) { String value = null;//from w w w .j a va2 s . c om try { String xpath = "//xs:element[@name='" + elementName + "']/" + attributeXPath; for (Document doc : getSchemaDocs()) { Attribute attr = getAttribute(doc, xpath); if (attr != null) { value = attr.getValue(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("cannot load '" + attributeXPath + "' from element '" + elementName + "' from XSD", e); } return value; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * merges content of two elements recursively into element minor following * content will be copied: Text, Element, Attribute if conflicts, minor will * be overwrite with content of major/*from w w w. j a va 2 s.c o m*/ * * @param minor * @param major */ public static boolean mergeElements(Element minor, Element major) throws Exception { // logger.debug("minor: " + Utils.element2String(minor, false)); // logger.debug("major: " + Utils.element2String(major, false)); boolean changed = false; if (minor == null) { minor = major; // logger.debug("set minor = " + Utils.element2String(major, false)); changed = true; } else if (major != null) { if (!minor.getText().equals(major.getText())) { minor.setText(major.getText()); // logger.debug("minor.setText("+major.getText()+")"); changed = true; } for (Attribute a : (List<Attribute>) major.getAttributes()) { Attribute aCopy = (Attribute) Utils.deepCopy(a); if (minor.getAttribute(a.getName()) == null || !minor.getAttributeValue(a.getName()).equals(a.getValue())) { minor.setAttribute(aCopy.detach()); // logger.debug("minor.setAttribute("+Utils.toString(a)+")"); changed = true; } } for (Element e : (List<Element>) major.getChildren()) { Element eCopy = (Element) Utils.deepCopy(e); List<Element> minorChildren = minor.getChildren(e.getName()); // logger.debug("minorChildren: " + Utils.toString(minorChildren)); // logger.debug("e: " + Utils.toString(e)); Element firstInList = existInList(minorChildren, e); if (firstInList == null) { // logger.debug("minor.addContent: " + // Utils.toString(eCopy.detach())); minor = minor.addContent(eCopy.detach()); // logger.debug("minor.addContent("+Utils.element2String(e, // false)+")"); changed = true; } else { changed = mergeElements(firstInList, eCopy) || changed; } } } return changed; }
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License:Open Source License
private YDecomposition createDecomposition(Element decompElem) { Namespace schemaInstanceNS = decompElem.getNamespace("xsi"); String xsiType = _decompElem.getAttributeValue("type", schemaInstanceNS); String id = _decompElem.getAttributeValue("id"); String elementName = _decompElem.getName(); if ("NetFactsType".equals(xsiType) || "rootNet".equals(elementName)) { _decomposition = new YNet(id, _specificationParser.getSpecification()); parseNet((YNet) _decomposition, decompElem); } else if ("WebServiceGatewayFactsType".equals(xsiType)) { _decomposition = new YAWLServiceGateway(id, _specificationParser.getSpecification()); parseWebServiceGateway((YAWLServiceGateway) _decomposition, decompElem); }/*from w w w. j ava 2*/ /** * AJH: Added to support XML attribute pass-thru from specification into task output data doclet. * Load element attributes */ for (Attribute attr : decompElem.getAttributes()) { String attname = attr.getName(); boolean isXsiNS = attr.getNamespace() == schemaInstanceNS; //don't add the standard YAWL schema attributes to the pass through list. if (!("id".equals(attname) || ("type".equals(attname) && isXsiNS))) { String value = attr.getValue(); if (value.startsWith("dynamic{")) { _decomposition.setAttribute(attr.getName(), new DynamicValue(value, _decomposition)); } else _decomposition.setAttribute(attr.getName(), value); } } parseDecompositionRoles(_decomposition, decompElem); _decomposition.setLogPredicate(parseLogPredicate(decompElem, _yawlNS)); // added for resourcing parseExternalInteraction(_decomposition, decompElem); parseCodelet(_decomposition, decompElem); return _decomposition; }
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License:Open Source License
private void parseSpecification(Element specificationElem, YSchemaVersion version) throws YSyntaxException { List<Element> decompositionElems = specificationElem.getChildren("decomposition", _yawlNS); for (Element decompositionElem : decompositionElems) { Namespace xsiNameSpc = decompositionElem.getNamespace("xsi"); String decompID = decompositionElem.getAttributeValue("id"); Attribute type = decompositionElem.getAttribute("type", xsiNameSpc); if (type != null) { String decompType = type.getValue(); _decompAndTypeMap.put(decompID, decompType); }//from w ww .j av a 2s .c om } String uriString = specificationElem.getAttributeValue("uri"); _specification = new YSpecification(uriString); _specification.setVersion(version); _specification.setMetaData(parseMetaData(specificationElem)); String name = specificationElem.getChildText("name", _yawlNS); String documentation = specificationElem.getChildText("documentation", _yawlNS); // if name and doco fields missing from spec, see if they are in metadata if (name == null) name = _specification.getMetaData().getTitle(); if (documentation == null) documentation = _specification.getMetaData().getDescription(); _specification.setName(name); _specification.setDocumentation(documentation); Namespace schema4SchemaNS = Namespace.getNamespace(_schema4SchemaURI); Element schemaElem = specificationElem.getChild("schema", schema4SchemaNS); if (null != schemaElem) { extractEmptyComplexTypeFlagTypeNames(schemaElem); _specification.setSchema(JDOMUtil.elementToString(schemaElem)); } else { // if the spec has no schema definition insert a default one so that a // DataValidator gets created _specification.setSchema(_defaultSchema); } //If is version beta2 we loop through in a slightly different way. if (isBeta2Version()) { _decompositionParser = new YDecompositionParser[decompositionElems.size() + 1]; Element rootNetElem = specificationElem.getChild("rootNet", _yawlNS); _decompositionParser[0] = new YDecompositionParser(rootNetElem, this, _specification.getSchemaVersion()); YNet rootNet = (YNet) _decompositionParser[0].getDecomposition(); _specification.setRootNet(rootNet); for (int i = 1; i <= decompositionElems.size(); i++) { Element decompositionElem = decompositionElems.get(i - 1); _decompositionParser[i] = new YDecompositionParser(decompositionElem, this, _specification.getSchemaVersion()); YDecomposition decomposition = _decompositionParser[i].getDecomposition(); _specification.addDecomposition(decomposition); } } else {//must be beta3 or greater _decompositionParser = new YDecompositionParser[decompositionElems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < decompositionElems.size(); i++) { Element decompositionElem = decompositionElems.get(i); _decompositionParser[i] = new YDecompositionParser(decompositionElem, this, _specification.getSchemaVersion()); YDecomposition decomposition = _decompositionParser[i].getDecomposition(); _specification.addDecomposition(decomposition); } } addSchema(specificationElem); }