Example usage for org.jdom2 Attribute getIntValue

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Attribute getIntValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Attribute getIntValue.


public int getIntValue() throws DataConversionException 

Source Link


This gets the value of the attribute, in int form, and if no conversion can occur, throws a DataConversionException


From source file:com.ardor3d.extension.model.collada.jdom.ColladaDOMUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * Parse an int value in an attribute.//www  .ja  v a  2  s.c  o  m
 * @param input
 *            Element containing the attribute
 * @param attributeName
 *            Attribute name to parse a value for
 * @return parsed integer
public int getAttributeIntValue(final Element input, final String attributeName, final int defaultVal) {
    final Attribute attribute = input.getAttribute(attributeName);
    if (attribute != null) {
        try {
            return attribute.getIntValue();
        } catch (final DataConversionException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not parse int value", e);
    return defaultVal;

From source file:com.sangupta.jerry.util.DomUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns the integer value of the attribute from the element.
 * /*from  w w w  . j a  va 2 s  .c o m*/
 * @param element
 * @param attributeName
public static int getAttributeValueAsInt(Element element, String attributeName) {
    Attribute attribute = element.getAttribute(attributeName);
    if (attribute != null) {
        try {
            return attribute.getIntValue();
        } catch (DataConversionException e) {

    return 0;

From source file:io.wcm.handler.commons.dom.AbstractElement.java

License:Apache License

 * Gets attribute value as integer./*ww w .  jav  a2 s  .c  om*/
 * @param attributeName Attribute name
 * @return Attribute value as integer or 0 if not set.
public final int getAttributeValueAsInteger(String attributeName) {
    Attribute attribute = getAttribute(attributeName);
    if (attribute == null) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        try {
            return attribute.getIntValue();
        } catch (DataConversionException ex) {
            return 0;

From source file:jodtemplate.pptx.ImageService.java

License:Apache License

private void setPicSize(final Element pic, final Image image) throws DataConversionException {
    final Element ext = pic.getChild(PPTXDocument.SPPR_ELEMENT, getPresentationmlNamespace())
            .getChild(PPTXDocument.XFRM_ELEMENT, getDrawingmlNamespace())
            .getChild(PPTXDocument.EXT_ELEMENT, getDrawingmlNamespace());

    final Attribute cxAttr = ext.getAttribute("cx");
    final Attribute cyAttr = ext.getAttribute("cy");
    final int cx = cxAttr.getIntValue();
    final int cy = cyAttr.getIntValue();

    final ImageSize newSize = calculateNewImageSize(cx, cy, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

From source file:MCHelper.ToTree.java

private static void buildLeaves(Tree t) {
    recipes = root.getChildren("Recipe"); //Rcuprer les recettes
    Iterator i = recipes.iterator(); //Itrer sur la liste

    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Element cur = (Element) i.next(); //On rcupre une des recettes,
        Element prod = (Element) cur.getChild("Outcome");//le noeud du produit
        String name = prod.getText(); //son nom
        Attribute curQtAttr = prod.getAttribute("qt"); //la quantit cre
        int curQt = 1;
        try {/*w  w  w.ja v  a2  s  .c  o  m*/
            curQt = curQtAttr.getIntValue(); //en tant que int
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Erreur :" + ex);
        t.addLeave(name, curQt); //On cr un noeud  son nom et on le stocke

    resources = root.getChildren("Resource"); //On rcupre maintenant les ressources
    i = resources.iterator(); //Et on itre dessus

    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Element cur = (Element) i.next(); //Pour chacune des ressources,
        String name = cur.getText(); //On rcupre son nom
        t.addLeave(name, true); //Et on lui fait un noeud (en indiquant que c'est une ressource) qu'on stocke

    //A la fin de ces boucles, tous les objets du jeu ont d tre recenss :
    //Tous peuvent soit tre trouvs naturellement, ou bien fabriqus.

From source file:MCHelper.ToTree.java

private static void buildTree(Tree t) {
    Iterator i = recipes.iterator();

    while (i.hasNext()) {
        try {//from   w  ww .jav a 2  s  . co  m
            Element curRec = (Element) i.next(); //On rcupre le noeud XML de la recette pioche en bois,
            Element out = curRec.getChild("Outcome"); //le noeud XML du produit pioche en bois,
            String recName = out.getText(); //le nom du produit pioche en bois,

            List<Element> ingredients = curRec.getChildren("Ingredient"); //On fait une liste des ingrdients
            Iterator j = ingredients.iterator(); //et on itre dessus

            //Pour chacun des ingrdients, on veut ajouter le noeud correspondant  son nom
            //dans les enfants de curRec (un ingrdient est un enfant du produit d'une recette).
            while (j.hasNext()) {
                Element curIng = (Element) j.next(); //On rcupre le noeud XML de l'ingrdient bton,
                String ingName = curIng.getText(); //le nom de l'ingrdient bton,
                Attribute qtAttr = curIng.getAttribute("qt"); //et la quantit (attribut) de bton ncessaires pour fabriquer la pioche en bois
                int qt = qtAttr.getIntValue(); //on convertit en int
                t.addChildToLeave(recName, ingName, qt); //On lie les feuilles
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Erreur: " + e);


From source file:mx.com.pixup.portal.dao.ArtistaParserDaoJdbc.java

public void parserXML() {

    try {/*from  www. ja v a 2  s. c om*/

        //variables BD
        String sql = "INSERT INTO artista VALUES (?,?,?)";
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

        //se obtiene elemento raiz
        Element artistas = this.xmlDocumento.getRootElement();
        //elementos 2do nivel
        List<Element> listaArtistas = artistas.getChildren();
        Iterator<Element> i = listaArtistas.iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Element artista = i.next();

            //Elementos de tercer nivel
            Attribute id = artista.getAttribute("id");
            Element nombre = artista.getChild("nombre");
            Element descripcion = artista.getChild("descripcion");

            //construye parametros de la query
            preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            preparedStatement.setInt(1, id.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setString(2, nombre.getText());
            preparedStatement.setString(3, descripcion.getText());


        //preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);           
        // preparedStatement.setInt(1, valor);
        //  preparedStatement.execute();

    } catch (Exception e) {
        //*** se quit el return porque el mtodo es void


From source file:mx.com.pixup.portal.dao.CancionParserDaoJdbc.java

public void parserXML() {

    try {//from ww  w .j av  a 2  s.  c om

        //variables BD
        String sql = "INSERT INTO cancion VALUES (?,?,?)";
        //String sql = "INSERT INTO cancion(nombre, duracion) VALUES (?,?)";
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

        //se obtiene elemento raiz
        Element cancion = this.xmlDocumento.getRootElement();
        //elementos 2do nivel
        Element nombre = cancion.getChild("nombre");
        Element duracion = cancion.getChild("duracion");
        Attribute id = cancion.getAttribute("id");
        //construye parametros de la query
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        preparedStatement.setInt(1, id.getIntValue());
        preparedStatement.setString(2, nombre.getText());
        preparedStatement.setString(3, duracion.getText());

    } catch (Exception e) {
        //*** se quit el return porque el mtodo es void


From source file:mx.com.pixup.portal.dao.DiscoParserDaoJdbc.java

public void parserXML() {

    try {/*ww  w .  jav a2 s .  c  o m*/

        //variables BD
        String sql = "INSERT INTO disco VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

        //se obtiene elemento raiz
        Element discos = this.xmlDocument.getRootElement();
        //elementos 2do nivel
        List<Element> listaDiscos = discos.getChildren();
        Iterator<Element> i = listaDiscos.iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Element disco = i.next();

            Attribute id = disco.getAttribute("id");
            Attribute idioma = disco.getAttribute("idioma");
            Attribute pais = disco.getAttribute("pais");
            Attribute disquera = disco.getAttribute("disquera");
            Attribute genero = disco.getAttribute("genero");

            //Elementos de 3er nivel
            Element titulo = disco.getChild("titulo");
            Element fechalanzamiento = disco.getChild("fechalanzamiento");
            Element precio = disco.getChild("precio");
            Element cantidad = disco.getChild("cantidad");
            Element promocion = disco.getChild("promocion");
            Element iva = disco.getChild("iva");

            //construye parametros de la query
            preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            preparedStatement.setInt(1, id.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setString(2, titulo.getText());
            preparedStatement.setString(3, fechalanzamiento.getText());
            preparedStatement.setDouble(4, Double.parseDouble(precio.getText()));
            preparedStatement.setInt(5, Integer.parseInt(cantidad.getText()));
            preparedStatement.setInt(6, idioma.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setInt(7, pais.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setInt(8, disquera.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setInt(9, genero.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setInt(10, Integer.parseInt(promocion.getText()));
            preparedStatement.setInt(11, Integer.parseInt(iva.getText()));


    } catch (Exception e) {
        //*** se quit el return porque el mtodo es void


From source file:mx.com.pixup.portal.dao.EstadoMunicipioParserDaoJdbc.java

public void parserXML() {

    try {/*from   w  ww . j av a  2 s  . co m*/

        //variables BD
        String sql = "INSERT INTO estado VALUES (?,?)";
        String sqlM = "INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (?,?,?)";
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();

        //se obtiene elemento raiz
        Element estado = this.xmlDocumento.getRootElement();
        //elementos 2do nivel
        Element nombre = estado.getChild("nombre");
        Element municipios = estado.getChild("municipios");
        Attribute id = estado.getAttribute("id");
        //construye parametros de la query
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        preparedStatement.setInt(1, id.getIntValue());
        preparedStatement.setString(2, nombre.getText());

        List<Element> listaMunicipios = municipios.getChildren("municipio");
        Iterator<Element> i = listaMunicipios.iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Element municipio = i.next();
            //Elementos de tercer nivel
            Attribute idMunicipio = municipio.getAttribute("id");
            String nombreMunicipio = municipio.getText();
            //construye parametros de la query
            preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlM);
            preparedStatement.setInt(1, idMunicipio.getIntValue());
            preparedStatement.setString(2, nombreMunicipio);
            preparedStatement.setInt(3, id.getIntValue());


    } catch (Exception e) {
        //*** se quit el return porque el mtodo es void
