Example usage for org.hibernate SharedSessionContract createQuery

List of usage examples for org.hibernate SharedSessionContract createQuery


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate SharedSessionContract createQuery.


<R> Query<R> createQuery(String queryString, Class<R> resultClass);

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Create a typed Query instance for the given HQL/JPQL query string.


From source file:com.romeikat.datamessie.core.base.dao.impl.StatisticsDao.java

License:Open Source License

public StatisticsSparseTable getStatistics(final SharedSessionContract ssc, final Collection<Long> sourceIds,
        final LocalDate published) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(sourceIds) || published == null) {
        return new StatisticsSparseTable();
    }//www . java 2s  .c  om

    // Query
    final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder();
    hql.append("SELECT s.sourceId, s.state, documents ");
    hql.append("FROM Statistics s ");
    hql.append("WHERE s.sourceId IN :_sourceIds ");
    hql.append("AND s.published = :_published ");
    hql.append("GROUP BY s.sourceId, s.state ");
    final Query<Object[]> query = ssc.createQuery(hql.toString(), Object[].class);
    query.setParameterList("_sourceIds", sourceIds);
    query.setParameter("_published", published);

    // Execute
    final List<Object[]> records = query.list();

    // Postprocess
    final StatisticsSparseTable statistics = new StatisticsSparseTable();
    for (final Object[] record : records) {
        final long sourceId = (Long) record[0];
        final DocumentProcessingState state = (DocumentProcessingState) record[1];
        final long number = (Long) record[2];

        final DocumentsPerState documentsForState = new DocumentsPerState();
        documentsForState.put(state, number);
        statistics.putValue(sourceId, published, documentsForState);

    // Done
    return statistics;