Example usage for org.hibernate Session interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Session interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Session interface-usage.


From source file com.amalto.core.storage.hibernate.LockUpdateSession.java

 * A implementation of {@link org.hibernate.Session} that ensures all read operations are performed using pessimistic
 * locks.
 * @see com.amalto.core.storage.transaction.Transaction.LockStrategy
 * @see com.amalto.core.storage.transaction.StorageTransaction#getLockStrategy()

From source file com.github.jmnarloch.hstreams.StreamSession.java

 * A wrapper around the {@link Session} interface that overrides most of the methods return types.
 * @author Jakub Narloch
public interface StreamSession extends BaseStreamSession, Session {

From source file com.picocontainer.persistence.hibernate.AbstractSessionDecorator.java

 * Abstract session decorator
public abstract class AbstractSessionDecorator implements Session {

From source file com.springsource.insight.plugin.hibernate.DummySessionImpl.java

public class DummySessionImpl implements Session {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7080645949615301278L;
    protected static final int DUMMY_ENTITY_COUNT = -1;
    protected static final int DUMMY_COLLECTION_COUNT = -1;
    protected static final FlushMode DUMMY_FLUSH_MODE = FlushMode.MANUAL;

From source file de.cosmocode.palava.jpa.hibernate.ForwardingSession.java

 * Decorates a {@link Session} to alter behaviour for certain methods.
 * @author Willi Schoenborn
abstract class ForwardingSession extends ForwardingObject implements Session {

From source file mockit.emulation.hibernate3.SessionEmul.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "ClassWithTooManyMethods", "OverlyCoupledClass" })
class SessionEmul implements Session {
    final Map<Serializable, Object> entityCache = new HashMap<Serializable, Object>();
    final Map<Serializable, Object> loadedEntities = new HashMap<Serializable, Object>();
    final SessionFactory sessionFactory;
    Connection connection;

From source file org.babyfish.hibernate.classic.XSession.java

 * @author Tao Chen
public interface XSession extends org.babyfish.hibernate.XSession, Session {


From source file org.babyfish.hibernate.XSession.java

 * @author Tao Chen
public interface XSession extends Session {


From source file org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.hibernate4.SessionDecorator.java

 * @author Andres Almiray
public class SessionDecorator implements Session {
    private final Session delegate;

From source file org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.hibernate5.SessionDecorator.java

 * @author Andres Almiray
public class SessionDecorator implements Session {
    private final Session delegate;