Example usage for org.hibernate Query setShort

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setShort


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query setShort.


default Query<R> setShort(String name, short val) 

Source Link


Bind a named short-valued parameter.


From source file:com.cloud.bridge.util.QueryHelper.java

License:Open Source License

public static void bindParameters(Query query, Object[] params) {
    int pos = 0;//from   w w w . j av  a  2 s  .c  om
    if (params != null && params.length > 0) {
        for (Object param : params) {
            if (param instanceof Byte)
                query.setByte(pos++, ((Byte) param).byteValue());
            else if (param instanceof Short)
                query.setShort(pos++, ((Short) param).shortValue());
            else if (param instanceof Integer)
                query.setInteger(pos++, ((Integer) param).intValue());
            else if (param instanceof Long)
                query.setLong(pos++, ((Long) param).longValue());
            else if (param instanceof Float)
                query.setFloat(pos++, ((Float) param).floatValue());
            else if (param instanceof Double)
                query.setDouble(pos++, ((Double) param).doubleValue());
            else if (param instanceof Boolean)
                query.setBoolean(pos++, ((Boolean) param).booleanValue());
            else if (param instanceof Character)
                query.setCharacter(pos++, ((Character) param).charValue());
            else if (param instanceof Date)
                query.setDate(pos++, (Date) param);
            else if (param instanceof Calendar)
                query.setCalendar(pos++, (Calendar) param);
            else if (param instanceof CalendarDateParam)
                query.setCalendarDate(pos++, ((CalendarDateParam) param).dateValue());
            else if (param instanceof TimestampParam)
                query.setTimestamp(pos++, ((TimestampParam) param).timestampValue());
            else if (param instanceof TimeParam)
                query.setTime(pos++, ((TimeParam) param).timeValue());
            else if (param instanceof String)
                query.setString(pos++, (String) param);
            else if (param instanceof TextParam)
                query.setText(pos++, ((TextParam) param).textValue());
            else if (param instanceof byte[])
                query.setBinary(pos++, (byte[]) param);
            else if (param instanceof BigDecimal)
                query.setBigDecimal(pos++, (BigDecimal) param);
            else if (param instanceof BigInteger)
                query.setBigInteger(pos++, (BigInteger) param);
            else if (param instanceof Locale)
                query.setLocale(pos++, (Locale) param);
            else if (param instanceof EntityParam)
                query.setEntity(pos++, ((EntityParam) param).entityValue());
            else if (param instanceof Serializable)
                query.setSerializable(pos++, (Serializable) param);
                query.setEntity(pos++, param);

From source file:com.enonic.cms.store.dao.ContentIndexEntityDao.java

License:Open Source License

public List<ContentKey> findContentKeysByQuery(final String hqlQuery, final Map<String, Object> parameters,
        final boolean cacheable) {
    return executeListResult(ContentKey.class, new HibernateCallback() {

        public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
            Query compiled = session.createQuery(hqlQuery);

            for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
                Object value = parameters.get(key);
                if (value instanceof Date) {
                    compiled.setTimestamp(key, (Date) value);
                } else if (value instanceof String) {
                    compiled.setString(key, (String) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
                    compiled.setBoolean(key, (Boolean) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Long) {
                    compiled.setLong(key, (Long) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    compiled.setInteger(key, (Integer) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Byte) {
                    compiled.setByte(key, (Byte) value);
                } else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
                    compiled.setBinary(key, (byte[]) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Float) {
                    compiled.setFloat(key, (Float) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Double) {
                    compiled.setDouble(key, (Double) value);
                } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
                    compiled.setBigDecimal(key, (BigDecimal) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Short) {
                    compiled.setShort(key, (Short) value);
                } else if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
                    compiled.setBigInteger(key, (BigInteger) value);
                } else if (value instanceof Character) {
                    compiled.setCharacter(key, (Character) value);
                } else {
                    compiled.setParameter(key, value);
                }//from  www  . j  av a2  s.c  o  m

            final List result = compiled.list();

            LinkedHashSet<ContentKey> distinctContentKeySet = new LinkedHashSet<ContentKey>(result.size());

            for (Object value : result) {
                if (value instanceof ContentKey) {
                    distinctContentKeySet.add((ContentKey) value);
                } else {
                    Object[] valueList = (Object[]) value;
                    distinctContentKeySet.add(((ContentKey) valueList[0]));

            List<ContentKey> distinctContentKeyList = new ArrayList<ContentKey>(distinctContentKeySet.size());
            return distinctContentKeyList;

From source file:com.mimp.hibernate.HiberFamilia.java

public ArrayList<Taller> listaTalleresHabilitados() {
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    session.beginTransaction();//from   w ww . ja v a 2 s.  c o  m
    String hql = "From Taller T WHERE T.habilitado = :hab order by T.id";
    Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
    query.setShort("hab", Short.parseShort("0"));
    List talleres = query.list();
    ArrayList<Taller> allTalleres = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator iter = talleres.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Taller temp = (Taller) iter.next();
    return allTalleres;

From source file:com.mimp.hibernate.HiberFamilia.java

public ArrayList<Taller> listaTalleresHabilitadosPorDep(String ua) {
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    session.beginTransaction();/*from  w  ww. j  a  v a  2  s  . c o  m*/
    String hql = "From Taller T WHERE T.habilitado = :hab and T.unidad = :ua order by T.id asc";
    Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
    query.setShort("hab", Short.parseShort("0"));
    query.setString("ua", ua);
    List talleres = query.list();
    ArrayList<Taller> allTalleres = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator iter = talleres.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Taller temp = (Taller) iter.next();
    return allTalleres;

From source file:com.mimp.hibernate.HiberMain.java

public ArrayList<Designacion> getListaDesignacionesAdoptantesExtranjero(long idExp) {

    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    session.beginTransaction();//ww w .j  a  v a  2 s .  c  o m
    String hql = "From Designacion D where D.expedienteFamilia = :idExp and D.aceptacionConsejo = :aceptacion and D.tipoPropuesta = :tipo order by D.fechaConsejo DESC";
    Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
    query.setLong("idExp", idExp);
    query.setShort("aceptacion", Short.parseShort("4"));
    query.setString("tipo", "extranjero");
    List designaciones = query.list();
    ArrayList<Designacion> allDesignaciones = new ArrayList();

    for (Iterator iter = designaciones.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Designacion temp = (Designacion) iter.next();

    return allDesignaciones;


From source file:com.qcadoo.model.internal.search.SearchQueryImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public void addParameters(final Query query) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> parameter : strings.entrySet()) {
        query.setString(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    }/*from ww w. j a va  2 s . c om*/
    for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> parameter : booleans.entrySet()) {
        query.setBoolean(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Byte> parameter : bytes.entrySet()) {
        query.setByte(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Short> parameter : shorts.entrySet()) {
        query.setShort(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> parameter : integers.entrySet()) {
        query.setInteger(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Long> parameter : longs.entrySet()) {
        query.setLong(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Float> parameter : floats.entrySet()) {
        query.setFloat(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> parameter : doubles.entrySet()) {
        query.setDouble(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, BigDecimal> parameter : bigDecimals.entrySet()) {
        query.setBigDecimal(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Date> parameter : dates.entrySet()) {
        query.setDate(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Date> parameter : times.entrySet()) {
        query.setTime(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Date> parameter : timestamps.entrySet()) {
        query.setTimestamp(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> parameter : parameters.entrySet()) {
        query.setParameter(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<? extends Object>> parametersList : parameterLists.entrySet()) {
        query.setParameterList(parametersList.getKey(), parametersList.getValue());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> parameter : entities.entrySet()) {
        query.setEntity(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue());

From source file:de.fhg.fokus.hss.db.op.IMPI_IMPU_DAO.java

License:Open Source License

public static List get_all_IMPU_of_IMSU_with_User_State(Session session, int id_imsu, short user_state) {
    Query query;
    query = session.createSQLQuery("select * from impi_impu" + "   inner join impi on impi_impu.id_impi=impi.id"
            + "   inner join impu on impi_impu.id_impu=impu.id"
            + "      where impi.id_imsu=? and impu.user_state=?").addEntity(IMPU.class);
    query.setInteger(0, id_imsu);/*from w  w  w  . j a v a 2s.  c  o  m*/
    query.setShort(1, user_state);
    return query.list();

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

  * //from   ww w . ja  v a  2s.c o  m
  * @author Arthur Carvalho
  * @date 19/06/2010
  * @param obterValorDebitoHelper
  * @return o valor do dbito
  * @throws ErroRepositorioException
public BigDecimal obterValorDebitoHidrometroCapacidade(ObterValorDebitoHelper params)
        throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    String consulta;
    BigDecimal retornoConsulta = null;
    Query query = null;

    try {

        consulta = "SELECT scv.valor " + "FROM ServicoCobrancaValor scv "
                + "where scv.servicoTipo.id = :servicoTipoId " + "and scv.imovelPerfil.id = :imovelPerfilId "
                + "and scv.dataVigenciaInicial <= :dataAtual " + "and scv.dataVigenciaFinal >= :dataAtual ";

        if (params.getSituacaoMedicao() != null) {
            consulta += "and scv.indicadorMedido = :situacaoMedicao ";
        if (params.getHidrometroCapacidade() != null) {
            consulta += "and scv.hidrometroCapacidade.id = :hidrometroCapacidadeId ";

        consulta += " ORDER BY scv.dataVigenciaFinal DESC ";

        query = session.createQuery(consulta).setInteger("imovelPerfilId", params.getImovelPerfil().getId())
                .setInteger("servicoTipoId", params.getServicoTipo().getId()).setDate("dataAtual", new Date());

        if (params.getSituacaoMedicao() != null) {
            query.setShort("situacaoMedicao", params.getSituacaoMedicao());
        if (params.getHidrometroCapacidade() != null) {
            query.setInteger("hidrometroCapacidadeId", params.getHidrometroCapacidade().getId());

        retornoConsulta = (BigDecimal) query.setMaxResults(1).uniqueResult();
        if (retornoConsulta == null) {

            consulta = "SELECT scv.valor " + "FROM ServicoCobrancaValor scv "
                    + "where scv.servicoTipo.id = :servicoTipoId "
                    + "and scv.imovelPerfil.id = :imovelPerfilId "
                    + "and scv.dataVigenciaInicial <= :dataAtual " + "and scv.dataVigenciaFinal >= :dataAtual ";

            if (params.getSituacaoMedicao() != null) {
                consulta += "and scv.indicadorMedido = :situacaoMedicao ";

            consulta += " ORDER BY scv.dataVigenciaFinal DESC ";

            query = session.createQuery(consulta).setInteger("imovelPerfilId", params.getImovelPerfil().getId())
                    .setInteger("servicoTipoId", params.getServicoTipo().getId())
                    .setDate("dataAtual", new Date());

            if (params.getSituacaoMedicao() != null) {
                query.setShort("situacaoMedicao", params.getSituacaoMedicao());

            retornoConsulta = (BigDecimal) query.setMaxResults(1).uniqueResult();

            if (retornoConsulta == null) {
                consulta = "SELECT scv.valor " + "FROM ServicoCobrancaValor scv "
                        + "where scv.servicoTipo.id = :servicoTipoId "
                        + "and scv.dataVigenciaInicial <= :dataAtual "
                        + "and scv.dataVigenciaFinal >= :dataAtual ";

                if (params.getSituacaoMedicao() != null) {
                    consulta += "and scv.indicadorMedido = :situacaoMedicao ";
                if (params.getHidrometroCapacidade() != null) {
                    consulta += "and scv.hidrometroCapacidade.id = :hidrometroCapacidadeId ";
                consulta += " ORDER BY scv.dataVigenciaFinal DESC ";

                query = session.createQuery(consulta)
                        .setInteger("servicoTipoId", params.getServicoTipo().getId())
                        .setDate("dataAtual", new Date());

                if (params.getSituacaoMedicao() != null) {
                    query.setShort("situacaoMedicao", params.getSituacaoMedicao());
                if (params.getHidrometroCapacidade() != null) {
                    query.setInteger("hidrometroCapacidadeId", params.getHidrometroCapacidade().getId());

                retornoConsulta = (BigDecimal) query.setMaxResults(1).uniqueResult();

                if (retornoConsulta == null) {
                    consulta = "SELECT st.valor " + "FROM ServicoTipo st " + "where st.id = :servicoTipoId ";
                    retornoConsulta = (BigDecimal) session.createQuery(consulta)
                            .setInteger("servicoTipoId", params.getServicoTipo().getId()).setMaxResults(1)


    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException("Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {
    return retornoConsulta;

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

 * [UC1056] Gerar Relatrio de Acompanhamento dos Registros de Atendimento
 * /*from   ww  w. j  a v  a 2s. co  m*/
 * @author Hugo Leonardo, Diogo Peixoto
 * @date 28/09/2010, 26/04/2011
 * @param FiltrarAcompanhamentoRegistroAtendimentoHelper
 * @return Collection
 * @throws ErroRepositorioException
public Collection pesquisarRelatorioAcompanhamentoRAAnalitico(
        FiltrarAcompanhamentoRegistroAtendimentoHelper helper) throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Collection retorno = null;
    String consulta = "";
    Query query = null;
    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    String groupByMunicipio = "";
    String orderBy = " rau.unidadeOrganizacional ";

    if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getMunicipiosAssociados())) {
        groupByMunicipio = " GROUP BY munRA.nome, munRA.id,  rau.unidadeOrganizacional.id, step.descricao, ra.registroAtendimento, "
                + " ra.dataEncerramento, ra.dataEncerramento, ame.descricao, rau.unidadeOrganizacional.descricao, ame.id, ra.id ";
        orderBy = " munRA.nome ";

    try {
        consulta += this.montarSelectRelatorioAcompanhamentoAnalitico(helper)
                + this.montarFromRelatorioAcompanhamentoAnalitico(helper)
                + " where ra.unidadeAtual = uni.id and ";

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getIdUnidadeAtendimento())) {
            consulta += " rau.unidadeOrganizacional = :unidade  and " + " rau.atendimentoRelacaoTipo = 1 and ";

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getMunicipiosAssociados())) {
            consulta += " (munRA.id IN (:municipios) or munImo.id IN (:municipios)) and ";

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getIdsMotivoEncerramentoSelecionados())) {

            consulta += " ame.id in (:motivo) and ";

        if (helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoFinal() != null) {

            consulta += " (ra.registroAtendimento between :dtAtendimentoIncial and :dtAtendimentoFinal) and ";

        if (helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoFinal() != null) {
            consulta += " (ra.dataEncerramento between :dtEncerramentoIncial and :dtEncerramentoFinal) and ";

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA())) {
            consulta += " ra.codigoSituacao = :situacao and ";

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")
                && Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos())
                && helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("1")) {

            consulta += " (ra.dataPrevistaAtual >= :dtCorrente "
                    + " or ra.dataPrevistaOriginal >= :dtCorrente) and ";

        } else if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")
                && Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos())
                && helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("0")) {

            consulta += " (ra.dataPrevistaAtual < :dtCorrente "
                    + " or ra.dataPrevistaOriginal < :dtCorrente) and ";

        // remove o ltimo AND
        consulta = Util.removerUltimosCaracteres(consulta, 4);
        consulta += groupByMunicipio;
        consulta += " ORDER BY " + orderBy;

        query = (Query) session.createQuery(consulta);

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getIdUnidadeAtendimento())) {

            query.setString("unidade", helper.getIdUnidadeAtendimento().toString());

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getMunicipiosAssociados())) {
            query.setParameterList("municipios", helper.getMunicipiosAssociados());

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getIdsMotivoEncerramentoSelecionados())) {

            query.setParameterList("motivo", helper.getIdsMotivoEncerramentoSelecionados());

        if (helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoFinal() != null) {

            query.setDate("dtAtendimentoFinal", Util.formatarDataFinal(helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoFinal()));

        if (helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoFinal() != null) {

            query.setDate("dtEncerramentoFinal", Util.formatarDataFinal(helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoFinal()));

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")
                && Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos())
                && (helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("0") || helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("1"))) {

            query.setDate("dtCorrente", new Date());

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")) {

            query.setShort("situacao", RegistroAtendimento.SITUACAO_PENDENTE);
        } else if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("1")) {

            query.setShort("situacao", RegistroAtendimento.SITUACAO_ENCERRADO);

        retorno = query.list();

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {

    return retorno;

From source file:gcom.atendimentopublico.RepositorioAtendimentoPublicoHBM.java

License:Open Source License

 * [UC1056] Gerar Relatrio de Acompanhamento dos Registros de Atendimento
 * /*from w  w w.j  av a 2 s. c  o  m*/
 * @author Hugo Leonardo, Diogo Peixoto
 * @date 30/09/2010, 26/04/2011
 * @param FiltrarAcompanhamentoRegistroAtendimentoHelper
 * @return Integer
 * @throws ErroRepositorioException
public Integer countPesquisarRelatorioAcompanhamentoRAAnalitico(
        FiltrarAcompanhamentoRegistroAtendimentoHelper helper) throws ErroRepositorioException {

    Integer retorno = 0;
    String consulta = "";
    Query query = null;
    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();

    try {
        consulta += " select count(distinct ra.id) " //0 
                + " from gcom.atendimentopublico.registroatendimento.RegistroAtendimento ra "
                + " inner join ra.solicitacaoTipoEspecificacao step "
                + " left join ra.atendimentoMotivoEncerramento ame ";

        consulta += " inner join ra.registroAtendimentoUnidades rau "
                + " inner join rau.unidadeOrganizacional uni " + " left join ra.localidade locRA "
                + " left join locRA.municipio munRA " + " left join ra.imovel imov "
                + " left join imov.localidade locImo " + " left join locImo.municipio munImo "

                + " where ra.unidadeAtual = uni.id and ";

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getIdUnidadeAtendimento())) {

            consulta += " rau.unidadeOrganizacional = :unidade  and " + " rau.atendimentoRelacaoTipo = 1 and ";

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getMunicipiosAssociados())) {
            consulta += " (munRA.id IN (:municipios) or munImo.id IN (:municipios)) and ";

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getIdsMotivoEncerramentoSelecionados())) {

            consulta += " ame.id in (:motivo) and ";

        if (helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoFinal() != null) {

            consulta += " (ra.registroAtendimento between :dtAtendimentoIncial and :dtAtendimentoFinal) and ";

        if (helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoFinal() != null) {

            consulta += " (ra.dataEncerramento between :dtEncerramentoIncial and :dtEncerramentoFinal) and ";

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA())) {

            consulta += " ra.codigoSituacao = :situacao and ";

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")
                && Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos())
                && helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("1")) {

            consulta += " (ra.dataPrevistaAtual >= :dtCorrente "
                    + " or ra.dataPrevistaOriginal >= :dtCorrente) and ";
        } else if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")
                && Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos())
                && helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("0")) {

            consulta += " (ra.dataPrevistaAtual < :dtCorrente "
                    + " or ra.dataPrevistaOriginal < :dtCorrente) and ";

        // remove o ltimo AND
        consulta = Util.removerUltimosCaracteres(consulta, 4);

        query = (Query) session.createQuery(consulta);

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getIdUnidadeAtendimento())) {

            query.setString("unidade", helper.getIdUnidadeAtendimento().toString());

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getMunicipiosAssociados())) {
            query.setParameterList("municipios", helper.getMunicipiosAssociados());

        if (!Util.isVazioOrNulo(helper.getIdsMotivoEncerramentoSelecionados())) {

            query.setParameterList("motivo", helper.getIdsMotivoEncerramentoSelecionados());

        if (helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoFinal() != null) {

            query.setDate("dtAtendimentoFinal", Util.formatarDataFinal(helper.getPeriodoAtendimentoFinal()));

        if (helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoInicial() != null && helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoFinal() != null) {

            query.setDate("dtEncerramentoFinal", Util.formatarDataFinal(helper.getPeriodoEncerramentoFinal()));

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")
                && Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos())
                && (helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("0") || helper.getSituacaoRAAbertos().equals("1"))) {

            query.setDate("dtCorrente", new Date());

        if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("0")) {

            query.setShort("situacao", RegistroAtendimento.SITUACAO_PENDENTE);

        } else if (Util.verificarNaoVazio(helper.getSituacaoRA()) && helper.getSituacaoRA().equals("1")) {

            query.setShort("situacao", RegistroAtendimento.SITUACAO_ENCERRADO);

        retorno = (Integer) query.setMaxResults(1).uniqueResult();

    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new ErroRepositorioException(e, "Erro no Hibernate");
    } finally {

    return retorno;