Example usage for org.hibernate Query setMaxResults

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setMaxResults


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query setMaxResults.


    Query<R> setMaxResults(int maxResult);

Source Link


From source file:com.consult.app.dao.impl.UserDaoImpl.java

public List<Object> getPreIdAuthenticateUsers(CountRequest req) {
    try {// ww  w .ja v a  2 s .c  om
        //String userId, int type, String field1,
        //         String field2, Long updateTime, int userType
        String hql = "select new com.consult.app.response.admin.AuthenticateUserItem("
                + "user.userId, 3, certificate.idNumber, certificate.realName, user.updateTime, profile.userType, user.telephone) "
                + "from User user, Certificate certificate, Profile profile "
                + "where user.userId=profile.userId and user.certificateId=certificate.userId "
                + "and user.isAuthenticate=? order by user.userId asc";
        Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql);
        query.setLong(0, Constant.USER_AUTHENTICATE_WAIT);
        return query.list();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

From source file:com.consult.app.dao.impl.UserDaoImpl.java

public List<Object> getLongUnloginUserTelephone(int appType, Long startId, int count, Long threshTime) {
    try {//w ww. ja v  a  2  s  .  co m
        //         String content, Integer pushType, String token,
        //         Integer notificationType, int badgeCount
        String hql = "select new com.consult.app.response.user.TelephoneItem(user.telephone) "
                + "from User user, Token token "
                + "where user.userId=token.userId and user.token=token.token and user.userId>? ";
        if (appType != Cookie.APP_TYPE_ALL) {
            hql = hql + " and user.loginFrom=? ";
        hql = hql + " and profile.userType=? and user.lastLogin<? order by user.userId asc";
        Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql);
        int i = 0;
        query.setLong(i, startId);
        if (appType != Cookie.APP_TYPE_ALL) {
            query.setInteger(++i, appType);
        query.setInteger(++i, Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER);
        query.setLong(++i, threshTime);
        query.setMaxResults(count + 1);
        return query.list();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

From source file:com.consult.app.dao.impl.UserDaoImpl.java

public List<Object> getReadyToCheckUser(Long startId, int count) {

    try {//from   w ww  .  ja  v a  2 s  .c  o m
        //         String content, Integer pushType, String token,
        //         Integer notificationType, int badgeCount
        String hql = "from User user " + "where user.userId>? and user.smsLocate=? order by user.userId asc";
        Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql);
        query.setLong(0, startId);
        query.setInteger(1, Constant.SMS_LOCATE_READY_TO_CHECK);
        query.setMaxResults(count + 1);
        return query.list();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;


From source file:com.consult.app.dao.impl.UserDaoImpl.java

public List<Object> searchDriverList(SearchDriverRequest req) {
    /**//from w ww. j  a v a  2  s  .  c  om
    long possitionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUtils.DAY * 14;
    Query query = null;
    StringBuffer querysql = new StringBuffer("");
    String truckLengthCondition = req.getTruckLength() <= 0d ? "" : "and p.truck_length=:truckLength";
    String sqlTem = "(select u.user_id as userId,p.picture as picture,p.user_name as userName,u.telephone as telephone,p.truck_length as truckLength,p.truck_load as truckLoad,p.truck_type as truckType,p.number as number,u.is_authenticate as isAuthenticate,u.create_time as updateTime,p.order_count as orderCount,u.city as cityId,abs(u.city-:start) as sortFlag from users u, profiles p, %s sub, search_conditions sc where sub.user_id=u.user_id and u.user_id=p.user_id and p.user_type=1 and sub.search_id=sc.search_id and u.telephone>13000000000 "
            + truckLengthCondition
            + " and sub.push_subscribe=1 and u.push_subscribe=1 and u.type=1 and sub.type>0 and (sc.end=:end or sc.end=:endFather) and (sc.start=:start or sc.start=:startFather) and u.update_time>:before and u.update_time<:after and u.update_time>:possitionTime)";
    for (int i = 0; i < Constant.SHARD_TABLE_SUBSCRIBE.length; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            querysql.append("select t.* from (" + String.format(sqlTem, Constant.SHARD_TABLE_SUBSCRIBE[i])
                    + " union all ");
        } else if (i == Constant.SHARD_TABLE_SUBSCRIBE.length - 1) {
            querysql.append(String.format(sqlTem, Constant.SHARD_TABLE_SUBSCRIBE[i])
                    + ") t group by t.userId order by t.sortFlag asc,t.updateTime desc");//,t.orderCount desc
        } else {
            querysql.append(String.format(sqlTem, Constant.SHARD_TABLE_SUBSCRIBE[i]) + " union all ");

    query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(querysql.toString())
            .addScalar("userId", StandardBasicTypes.LONG).addScalar("picture", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
            .addScalar("userName", StandardBasicTypes.STRING).addScalar("telephone", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
            .addScalar("truckLength", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("truckLoad", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("truckType", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER).addScalar("number", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
            .addScalar("isAuthenticate", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("updateTime", StandardBasicTypes.LONG)
            .addScalar("orderCount", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER).addScalar("cityId", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
    if (req.getTruckLength() > 0) {
        query.setDouble("truckLength", req.getTruckLength());
    query.setInteger("end", req.getEnd()).setInteger("endFather", req.getEndFather())
            .setInteger("start", req.getStart()).setInteger("startFather", req.getStartFather())
            .setLong("before", req.getBefore()).setLong("after", req.getAfter())
            .setLong("possitionTime", possitionTime);
    List<Object> all = query.list();
    return all;

From source file:com.copyright.common.hibernate.HibernateDao.java

License:Apache License

 * ?Query,./*from  ww w .  ja  v a 2 s. co m*/
protected Query setPageParameterToQuery(final Query q, final Page<T> page) {
    Assert.isTrue(page.getPageSize() > 0, "Page Size must larger than zero");

    q.setFirstResult(page.getFirst() - 1);
    return q;

From source file:com.corendal.netapps.wiki.writedatabeans.AbstractArticle.java

License:Open Source License

public void load() {
    /*//w w  w  .j a va 2  s . co  m
     * set the record as "not found"

     * initialize the populate flag
    this.isRawBodyHTMLPopulated = false;
    this.isBodyTextPopulated = false;
    this.isBodyHTMLPopulated = false;

     * initialize the prepared statement and the result set
    PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

     * get the JDBC data session
    HibernateDataSession ds = DataSessionSetGlobal.get()

     * get the primary key of the article
    PrimaryKey entityPk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLES);
    PrimaryKey recordPk = this.getPrimaryKey();

     * retrieve the article information from the database
    String selectStatement = "select content_version.version_num, "
            + "content_version.version_info_id, content_version.request_id, "
            + "content_version.friendly_address, " + "content.content_class_typ_id, content_version.id, "
            + "content.content_rule_typ_id, content_version.cmnt, content.enabled_flag " + "from "
            + ds.getTableNameWithDefaultSchema("content_version") + ", "
            + ds.getTableNameWithDefaultSchema("content") + " " + "where content_version.content_id = ? "
            + "and content.content_typ_id = ? " + "and content_version.current_flag = ? "
            + "and content.id = content_version.content_id ";
    // FIXME: hibernate select query

    try {
         * create the prepared statement
        prepStmt = ds.getReadConnection().prepareStatement(selectStatement);

         * associate the id and the article type
        prepStmt.setString(1, recordPk.toString());
        prepStmt.setString(2, ContentTypesDictionary.ARTICLE);
        prepStmt.setString(3, "Y");

         * execute the query
        rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();

         * loop the results
        while (rs.next()) {
            this.versionNum = rs.getInt(1);
            this.versionInfoId = rs.getString(2);
            this.requestId = rs.getString(3);
            this.friendlyAddress = rs.getString(4);
            this.contentClassTypeId = rs.getString(5);
            this.versionId = rs.getString(6);
            this.contentRuleTypeId = rs.getString(7);
            this.comment = ds.getStringFromCharacterStream(rs, 8);
            this.enabledFlag = rs.getString(9);
    } catch (Exception e) {
         * log the exception
        LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, recordPk);
    } finally {
         * close the recordset and the prepared statement

     * retrieve the parent information from the database
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
         * retrieve the parent information from the database
        try {
             * get the query
            Query query = ds.getReadNamedQuery(LOAD);

             * associate the query parameters
            query.setParameter("childContentId", recordPk.toString());
            query.setParameter("mainFlag", "Y");

             * only get one content map

             * get content map mapping
            ContentMapMapping contentMapMapping = (ContentMapMapping) query.uniqueResult();

             * store values from mapping
            if (contentMapMapping != null) {
                this.mainParentId = contentMapMapping.getParentContentId();
        } catch (Exception e) {
             * log the exception
            LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, recordPk);

     * retrieve the editor from the database
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
        PrimaryKey rolePk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(RolesDictionary.EDITOR);
        this.editorId = AccountRoleXrefFactory.getSingleAccountId(this, ds, entityPk, rolePk, recordPk);

     * retrieve the associate editors from the database
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
        PrimaryKey rolePk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(RolesDictionary.EDITOR);
        this.associateEditorsId = GroupRoleXrefFactory.getSingleGroupId(this, ds, entityPk, rolePk, recordPk);

     * retrieve the author information from the database
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
        selectStatement = "select account_role_xref.account_id " + "from "
                + ds.getTableNameWithDefaultSchema("account_role_xref") + ", "
                + ds.getTableNameWithDefaultSchema("content_version") + " "
                + "where content_version.version_num= ? " + "and content_version.content_id = ? "
                + "and account_role_xref.role_id = ? " + "and account_role_xref.entity_id = ? "
                + "and content_version.id=account_role_xref.record_id";
        // FIXME: hibernate select query

        try {
             * create the prepared statement
            prepStmt = ds.getReadConnection().prepareStatement(selectStatement);

             * associate the id, the version number and the editor role
            prepStmt.setInt(1, this.versionNum);
            prepStmt.setString(2, recordPk.toString());
            prepStmt.setString(3, RolesDictionary.AUTHOR);
            prepStmt.setString(4, EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLE_VERSIONS);

             * execute the query
            rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();

             * loop the results
            this.authorId = null;

            while (rs.next()) {
                this.authorId = rs.getString(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
             * log the exception
            LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, recordPk);
        } finally {
             * close the recordset and the prepared statement

     * load this write data bean
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
        super.load(entityPk, recordPk);

From source file:com.corendal.netapps.wiki.writedatabeans.AbstractArticle.java

License:Open Source License

 * Populates the body of this article./*from   w w w .j  a  va  2s .  c o  m*/
private void populateBodyHTML() {
     * indicate that the body has been populated
    this.isBodyHTMLPopulated = true;

     * get the JDBC data session
    HibernateDataSession ds = DataSessionSetGlobal.get()

     * get the primary key of the article
    PrimaryKey entityPk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLES);
    PrimaryKey recordPk = this.getPrimaryKey();

     * retrieve the body html information from the database
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
        try {
             * get the query
            Query query = ds.getReadNamedQuery(POPULATE_BODY_HTML);

             * associate the query parameters
            query.setParameter("contentVersionId", this.versionId);

             * only get one content body

             * get content body mapping
            ContentBodyMapping contentBodyMapping = (ContentBodyMapping) query.uniqueResult();

            this.bodyHTML = null;

             * store values from mapping
            if (contentBodyMapping != null) {
                this.bodyHTML = contentBodyMapping.getBodyHtml();
        } catch (Exception e) {
             * log the exception
            LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, recordPk);

From source file:com.corendal.netapps.wiki.writedatabeans.AbstractArticle.java

License:Open Source License

 * Populates the body of this article.//from  www. ja v  a  2s .com
private void populateBodyText() {
     * indicate that the body has been populated
    this.isBodyTextPopulated = true;

     * get the JDBC data session
    HibernateDataSession ds = DataSessionSetGlobal.get()

     * get the primary key of the article
    PrimaryKey entityPk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLES);
    PrimaryKey recordPk = this.getPrimaryKey();

     * retrieve the body text information from the database
    if (this.getIsFound()) {
        try {
             * get the query
            Query query = ds.getReadNamedQuery(POPULATE_BODY_TEXT);

             * associate the query parameters
            query.setParameter("contentVersionId", this.versionId);

             * only get one content body

             * get content body mapping
            ContentBodyMapping contentBodyMapping = (ContentBodyMapping) query.uniqueResult();

            this.bodyText = null;

             * store values from mapping
            if (contentBodyMapping != null) {
                this.bodyText = contentBodyMapping.getBodyText();
        } catch (Exception e) {
             * log the exception
            LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, recordPk);

From source file:com.corendal.netapps.wiki.writedatabeans.AbstractArticle.java

License:Open Source License

public PrimaryKey getFirstRequestPrimaryKey() {
    /*//from   w  ww .  jav a  2 s. c  o  m
     * initialize the request id
    String firstRequestId = null;

     * get the JDBC data session
    HibernateDataSession ds = DataSessionSetGlobal.get()

     * get the primary key of the article
    PrimaryKey entityPk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLES);
    PrimaryKey recordPk = this.getPrimaryKey();

    try {
         * get the query
        Query query = ds.getReadNamedQuery(GET_FIRST_REQUEST_PRIMARY_KEY);

         * associate the query parameters
        query.setParameter("contentId", recordPk.toString());
        query.setParameter("versionNumber", 1);

         * only get one version

         * get content version mapping
        ContentVersionMapping contentVersionMapping = (ContentVersionMapping) query.uniqueResult();

         * store values from mapping
        if (contentVersionMapping != null) {
            firstRequestId = contentVersionMapping.getRequestId();
    } catch (Exception e) {
         * log the exception
        LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, recordPk);

     * return
    return PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKeyOrNull(firstRequestId);

From source file:com.corendal.netapps.wiki.writedatabeans.AbstractArticle.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a ranked list of all article primary keys that have been
 * accessed./*w w w  . j a  va  2  s.  c  o  m*/
 * @param cnt
 *            number of rows to return
 * @return a java.util.List object
public static final List<PrimaryKey> findEnabledByRank(int cnt) {
     * initialize the result
    List<PrimaryKey> primaryKeys = new ArrayList<PrimaryKey>();

     * initialize the prepared statement and the result set
    PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

     * get the JDBC data session
    HibernateDataSession ds = DataSessionSetGlobal.get()

     * retrieve the content access period information from the database
    Date maxAccessDate = null;

    try {
         * get the query
        Query query = ds.getReadNamedQuery(FIND_ENABLED_BY_RANK_1);

         * only get one benefit

         * get benefit mapping
        maxAccessDate = (Date) query.uniqueResult();
    } catch (Exception e) {
         * log the exception
        PrimaryKey entityPk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLES);
        LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, null);

     * retrieve the content information from the database
    if (maxAccessDate != null) {
        String selectStatement = "select content_id, access_rank, access_num " + "from "
                + ds.getTableNameWithDefaultSchema("content_access_period") + ", "
                + ds.getTableNameWithDefaultSchema("content") + " "
                + "where content_access_period.content_id = content.id " + "and content.content_typ_id = ? "
                + "and content_access_period.access_date = ? " + "order by access_date desc, access_rank ";
        // FIXME: hibernate select query

        try {
             * create the prepared statement
            prepStmt = ds.getReadConnection().prepareStatement(selectStatement);

             * associate the id
            prepStmt.setString(1, ContentTypesDictionary.ARTICLE);
            prepStmt.setDate(2, DateUtil.getDateToSQLDate(maxAccessDate));

             * execute the query
            rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();

             * loop the results
            int itemCount = 0;

            while ((rs.next()) && (itemCount < cnt)) {
                PrimaryKey pk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(rs.getString(1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
             * log the exception
            PrimaryKey entityPk = PrimaryKeyUtil.getAlphanumericSingleKey(EntitiesDictionary.ARTICLES);
            LoggerUtil.logError(ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME, e, entityPk, null);
        } finally {
             * close the recordset and the prepared statement

     * return all article primary keys
    return primaryKeys;