List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setInteger
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setInteger(String name, int val)
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License:Open Source License
protected void deleteAnnotations(int solutionPk) { Query q = session .createQuery(" SELECT ctA" + " FROM CtAnnotations as ctA" + " WHERE ctA.ctSolutions = :solutionPk"); q.setInteger("solutionPk", solutionPk); for (CtAnnotations a : (List<CtAnnotations>) q.list()) { session.delete(a);/*from w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } }
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License:Open Source License
protected void copyEntityProperties(Map<Integer, ?> oldToNewMap, Class tableCls, Map<Integer, Integer> entityPropertiesMap) { // get all properties Query q = session.createQuery( "FROM CtEntityProperties ctEntityProperties" + " WHERE ctEntityProperties.ctSolutions = :pkSolution" + " AND ctEntityProperties.entityName = :entityName"); q.setInteger("pkSolution", oldSolution.getPkSolution()); q.setString("entityName", CtEntityPropertiesUtil.getClassName(tableCls)); List<CtEntityProperties> allEntityProperties = (List<CtEntityProperties>) q.list(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, ?> e : oldToNewMap.entrySet()) { Integer oldObjPk = e.getKey(); Integer newObjPk = getPk(e.getValue()); // System.out.println("oldPk: " + (oldObjPk) ); // List<CtEntityProperties> l = CtEntityPropertiesUtil.find(session, oldSolution, tableCls, oldObjPk, null); for (CtEntityProperties ep : findEntityProperties(allEntityProperties, oldObjPk)) { // System.out.println( "Name: " + ep.getName() + " Value: " + ep.getValue() ); CtEntityProperties ep2 = new CtEntityProperties(); ep2.setCtSolutions(newSolution); ep2.setEntityName(ep.getEntityName()); ep2.setEntityPk(newObjPk);/*from w w w.jav a2 s . c om*/ ep2.setName(ep.getName()); ep2.setValue(ep.getValue());; int oldPk = ep.getPkEntityProperty(); int newPk = ep2.getPkEntityProperty(); entityPropertiesMap.put(oldPk, newPk); assert oldPk != newPk; // session.evict( ep2 ); } } }
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License:Open Source License
static void dropAllExistingTracks(Session session) { // Clear the current solution of all tracks String hql = "SELECT ctTracksDetections" + " FROM CtTracksDetections as ctTracksDetections" + " JOIN ctTracksDetections.ctTracks ctTracks" + " WHERE ctTracks.ctSolutions = :solutionPk"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setInteger("solutionPk", CtSolutionController.getSolutions().getPkSolution()); List<CtTracksDetections> results = q.list(); for (CtTracksDetections td : results) { session.delete(td);//from ww w . ja v a 2s .c om } hql = "SELECT ctTracks" + " FROM CtTracks as ctTracks" + " WHERE ctTracks.ctSolutions = :solutionPk"; q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setInteger("solutionPk", CtSolutionController.getSolutions().getPkSolution()); List<CtTracks> results2 = q.list(); for (CtTracks t : results2) { session.delete(t); } }
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License:Open Source License
static void dropExistingTracks(Session session, TkTracks tracks, int startTimeIdxInclusive, int endTimeIdxInclusive) { CtSolutions solution = (CtSolutions) CtObjectDirectory.get("solution"); // Drop all existing track detection associations int trackCnt = 0; for (TkTrack t : tracks) { ++trackCnt;// w w w .j a va2 s. c o m for (TkTrackElement e : t.elements) { TkDetection d = e.det; if (d == null) { continue; } System.out.println("d.timeIdx: " + (d.timeIdx)); System.out.println("trackCnt: " + (trackCnt)); System.out.println("total no. tracks: " + (trackCnt)); if (d.timeIdx == startTimeIdxInclusive || d.timeIdx == endTimeIdxInclusive) { continue; } Integer detectionPk = d.find(DETECTION_PK); String hql = "SELECT ctTracksDetections" + " FROM CtTracksDetections as ctTracksDetections" + " JOIN ctTracksDetections.ctDetections ctDetections" + " WHERE ctDetections.pkDetection = :detectionPk"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setInteger("detectionPk", detectionPk); List<CtTracksDetections> results = q.list(); HashSet<CtTracks> modified = new HashSet<CtTracks>(); for (CtTracksDetections td : results) { CtTracks t_n = td.getCtTracks(); CtDetections d_n = td.getCtDetections(); CtSolutions s = t_n.getCtSolutions(); if (s.getPkSolution() == solution.getPkSolution()) { // if( td.getCtTracks().getCtSolutions().getPkSolution() == solution.getPkSolution() ) { t_n.getCtTracksDetectionses().remove(td); d_n.getCtTracksDetectionses().remove(td); session.delete(td); modified.add(t_n); } } // now clean up tracks that have no surviving detections: for (CtTracks t_n : modified) { Set<CtTracksDetections> tds = t_n.getCtTracksDetectionses(); if (tds.isEmpty()) { CtSolutions s = t_n.getCtSolutions(); s.getCtTrackses().remove(t_n); session.delete(t); session.update(s); } } // String hql = // "DELETE from CtTracksDetections as ctTracksDetections" // + " WHERE fk_detection = " + detectionPk; // System.out.println("hql: " + (hql) ); // // Query query = session.createQuery(hql); // int row = query.executeUpdate(); // System.out.println("Rows deleted: " + row); } } }
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License:Open Source License
static CtTracks findExistingTrackAtStart(Session session, TkTrack t, int startTimeIdxInclusive) { // session.flush(); TkDetection firstDetection = t.elements.get(0).det; if (firstDetection == null) { throw new Error("First detection of a track can not be null"); }// www . ja va 2 s. c om // join first detection to any existing tracks if (firstDetection.timeIdx != startTimeIdxInclusive) { return null; } CtSolutions solution = (CtSolutions) CtObjectDirectory.get("solution"); Integer detectionPk = firstDetection.find(DETECTION_PK); // retrieve the track that contains the detection String hql = " SELECT ctTD" + " FROM CtTracksDetections as ctTD" + " JOIN ctTD.ctDetections as ctD" + " WHERE ctD.pkDetection = :detectionPk"; System.out.println("hql: " + (hql)); // session.flush(); Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setInteger("detectionPk", detectionPk); List<CtTracksDetections> results = q.list(); // make sure there's only one track associated with this detection CtTracks track = null; for (CtTracksDetections td : results) { if (td.getCtTracks().getCtSolutions().getPkSolution() == solution.getPkSolution()) { if (track != null) { throw new Error("Detection associated with more than 1 track," + "this should not happen when all tracks-detections assoc" + "have been cleaned between start and end time idx."); } track = td.getCtTracks(); // use existing one } } return track; // may be null if detection is not in a track }
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License:Open Source License
static boolean mergeTracksAtEnd(Session session, TkTrack t, int endTimeIdxInclusive, CtTracks tt) { // session.flush(); TkDetection lastDetection = t.getLast().det; if (lastDetection == null) { return false; // no detection associated at track's end. }//from w w w . j av a 2 s . com // join first detection to any existing tracks if (lastDetection.timeIdx != endTimeIdxInclusive) { return false; // no detection on the boundary } Integer detectionPk = lastDetection.find(DETECTION_PK); // retrieve all tracks that contains the detection // note that this last detection may be a place for a fork. String hql = "SELECT ctTracksDetections" + " FROM CtTracksDetections as ctTracksDetections" + " JOIN ctTracksDetections.ctDetections ctDetections" + " WHERE ctDetections.pkDetection = :detectionPk"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setInteger("detectionPk", detectionPk); List results = q.list(); if (results.isEmpty()) { return false; // no existing tracks so no need to remap } if (results.size() > 1) { // this is a forking detection. When gets here: // - all tracks-detection assoc before this detection has been cleared // And since this is a fork, the track does not continue past this // detection. Since this detection will be associated with the new track // we don't have to remap anything. return false; } CtTracksDetections td = (CtTracksDetections) results.get(0); Set<CtTracksDetections> remap = td.getCtTracks().getCtTracksDetectionses(); for (CtTracksDetections td2 : remap) { System.out.println( "Remapping: " + td2.getCtTracks().getPkTrack() + " " + td2.getCtDetections().getPkDetection() + " to: " + tt.getPkTrack() + " " + td2.getCtDetections().getPkDetection()); if (td2.getCtTracks().getPkTrack() == tt.getPkTrack()) { continue; // no change } CtTracks tt0 = td2.getCtTracks(); td2.setCtTracks(tt); tt0.getCtTracksDetectionses().remove(td2); tt.getCtTracksDetectionses().add(td2); session.update(td2); session.update(tt); session.update(tt0); } // session.flush(); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
static void removeEmptyTracks(Session session) { CtSolutions solution = (CtSolutions) CtObjectDirectory.get("solution"); String hql = "SELECT ctTracks" + " FROM CtTracks as ctTracks" + " JOIN ctTracks.ctSolutions as ctSolutions" + " WHERE ctSolutions.pkSolution = :solutionPk"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setInteger("solutionPk", solution.getPkSolution()); List<CtTracks> results = q.list(); for (CtTracks t : results) { Set<CtTracksDetections> s = t.getCtTracksDetectionses(); // System.out.println("t.getPkTrack(): " + (t.getPkTrack()) ); // System.out.println("t.getCtTracksDetectionses().size(): " + (t.getCtTracksDetectionses().size()) ); // System.out.println("s.isEmpty(): " + (s.isEmpty()) );; if (s.isEmpty()) { // empty track, delete it solution.getCtTrackses().remove(t); session.update(solution);// w w w .ja va 2 s . c o m session.delete(t); } } }
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@Override public List<Elemento> listarElementosPorCurso(Integer idcurso) { String hql = "select t from Elemento t where t.elementoCursoId.cursoId = :idcurso"; Query consulta = this.sessao.createQuery(hql); consulta.setInteger("idcurso", idcurso); List<Elemento> lista = (List<Elemento>) consulta.list(); this.sessao.close(); return lista; }
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@Override public List<Subelemento> listarSubElementosPorCurso(Integer idcurso) { String hql = "select t from Subelemento t where t.subelementoElementoId.elementoCursoId.cursoId = :idcurso"; Query consulta = this.sessao.createQuery(hql); consulta.setInteger("idcurso", idcurso); List<Subelemento> lista = (List<Subelemento>) consulta.list(); this.sessao.close(); return lista; }
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@Override public List<Subelemento> listarSubElementosPorElemento(Integer idelemento) { String hql = "select t from Subelemento t where t.subelementoElementoId.elementoId = :idelemento"; Query consulta = this.sessao.createQuery(hql); consulta.setInteger("idelemento", idelemento); List<Subelemento> lista = (List<Subelemento>) consulta.list(); this.sessao.close(); return lista; }