Example usage for org.hibernate Query scroll

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query scroll


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query scroll.


ScrollableResults scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode);

Source Link


Return the query results as ScrollableResults.


From source file:org.zanata.search.HTextFlowTargetIndexingStrategy.java

License:Open Source License

protected ScrollableResults queryResults(int ignoredOffset, FullTextSession session) {
    // TODO move this query into something like HTextFlowTargetStreamingDAO
    Query query = session.createQuery("from HTextFlowTarget tft " + "join fetch tft.locale "
            + "join fetch tft.textFlow " + "join fetch tft.textFlow.document "
            + "join fetch tft.textFlow.document.locale " + "join fetch tft.textFlow.document.projectIteration "
            + "join fetch tft.textFlow.document.projectIteration.project");
    return query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);

From source file:org.zanata.search.SimpleClassIndexingStrategy.java

License:Open Source License

protected ScrollableResults queryResults(int offset, FullTextSession session) {
    Query query = session.createQuery("from " + getEntityType().getName());
    query.setFirstResult(offset);/*from   www  .java2s.  c om*/
    return query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);

From source file:ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.bioAssayData.DesignElementDataVectorDaoImpl.java

License:Apache License

private void getVectorsBatch(Map<Long, Collection<Long>> cs2gene, org.hibernate.Query queryObject,
        Map<T, Collection<Long>> dedv2genes, Collection<Long> batch) {
    queryObject.setParameterList("cs", batch);
    queryObject.setReadOnly(true);//from  ww  w .  j  a  va2  s.  c  o m
    ScrollableResults results = queryObject.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);

    while (results.next()) {
        T dedv = (T) results.get(0);
        Long cs = (Long) results.get(1);
        Collection<Long> associatedGenes = cs2gene.get(cs);
        if (!dedv2genes.containsKey(dedv)) {
            dedv2genes.put(dedv, associatedGenes);
        } else {
            Collection<Long> mappedGenes = dedv2genes.get(dedv);


From source file:ubic.gemma.persistence.util.CommonQueries.java

License:Apache License

public static Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> getCs2GeneMap(Collection<Gene> genes,
        Collection<ArrayDesign> arrayDesigns, Session session) {

    StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
    timer.start();/*from  w  ww.  j  ava 2s  .  c  om*/
    final String csQueryString = "select distinct cs, gene from Gene as gene"
            + " inner join gene.products gp, BioSequence2GeneProduct ba, CompositeSequence cs "
            + " where ba.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and ba.geneProduct = gp"
            + " and gene in (:genes) and cs.arrayDesign in (:ads) ";

    Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> cs2gene = new HashMap<>();
    Query queryObject = session.createQuery(csQueryString);
    queryObject.setParameterList("genes", genes);
    queryObject.setParameterList("ads", arrayDesigns);

    ScrollableResults results = queryObject.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);
    CommonQueries.addGenes(cs2gene, results);
    if (timer.getTime() > 200) {
        CommonQueries.log.info("Get cs2gene for " + genes.size() + " :" + timer.getTime() + "ms");
    return cs2gene;


From source file:ubic.gemma.persistence.util.CommonQueries.java

License:Apache License

 * @param genes   genes/*from ww w .java2s . com*/
 * @param session session
 * @return map of probes to input genes they map to. Other genes those probes might detect are not included.
public static Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> getCs2GeneMap(Collection<Gene> genes, Session session) {

    StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
    final String csQueryString = "select distinct cs, gene from Gene as gene"
            + " inner join gene.products gp, BioSequence2GeneProduct ba, CompositeSequence cs "
            + " where ba.bioSequence=cs.biologicalCharacteristic and ba.geneProduct = gp"
            + " and gene in (:genes)  ";

    Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> cs2gene = new HashMap<>();
    org.hibernate.Query queryObject = session.createQuery(csQueryString);
    queryObject.setParameterList("genes", genes);

    ScrollableResults results = queryObject.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);
    CommonQueries.addGenes(cs2gene, results);
    if (timer.getTime() > 200) {
        CommonQueries.log.info("Get cs2gene for " + genes.size() + " :" + timer.getTime() + "ms");
    return cs2gene;

From source file:vnpt.media.efinder.model.PaginationResult.java

public PaginationResult(Query query, int page, int maxResult, int maxNavigationPage) {
    final int pageIndex = page - 1 < 0 ? 0 : page - 1;
    int fromRecordIndex = pageIndex * maxResult;
    int maxRecordIndex = fromRecordIndex + maxResult;

    ScrollableResults resultScroll = query.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);

    List results = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean hasResult = resultScroll.first();
    if (hasResult) {
        // Cuon toi vi tri
        hasResult = resultScroll.scroll(fromRecordIndex);
        if (hasResult) {
            do {/*from ww w  .  j a va 2s .  com*/
                E record = (E) resultScroll.get(0);
            } while (resultScroll.next()//
                    && resultScroll.getRowNumber() >= fromRecordIndex
                    && resultScroll.getRowNumber() < maxRecordIndex);

        // chuyen toi ban ghi cuoi

    // Tong so ban ghi
    this.totalRecords = resultScroll.getRowNumber() + 1;
    this.currentPage = pageIndex + 1;
    this.list = results;
    this.maxResult = maxResult;
    this.totalPages = (this.totalRecords / this.maxResult);
    if (totalRecords % this.maxResult != 0) {
        this.totalPages = this.totalPages + 1;
    this.maxNavigationPage = totalPages;

    if (maxNavigationPage < totalPages) {
        this.maxNavigationPage = maxNavigationPage;

