List of usage examples for org.hibernate MappingException MappingException
public MappingException(String message)
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static XQuery getNamedQuery(XSessionImplementor sessionProxy, String queryName) throws HibernateException { errorIfClosed(sessionProxy.getRawSessionImpl()); checkTransactionSynchStatus(sessionProxy.getRawSessionImpl()); NamedQueryDefinition nqd = sessionProxy.getFactory().getNamedQuery(queryName); if (nqd != null) { String queryString = nqd.getQueryString(); XQueryPlan xQueryPlan = (XQueryPlan) sessionProxy.getFactory().getQueryPlanCache() .getHQLQueryPlan(queryString, false, sessionProxy.getRawSessionImpl().getEnabledFilters()); XQuery query = new XQueryImpl(queryString, nqd.getFlushMode(), sessionProxy, xQueryPlan.getParameterMetadata()); query.setComment("named HQL query " + queryName); initQuery(sessionProxy.getRawSessionImpl(), query, nqd); return query; }/*from ww w. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ NamedSQLQueryDefinition nsqlqd = sessionProxy.getFactory().getNamedSQLQuery(queryName); if (nsqlqd != null) { throw new MappingException("Name query \"" + queryName + "\" is a native query"); } throw new MappingException("Named query not known: " + queryName); }
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License:Apache License
protected void bindMapSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, org.hibernate.mapping.Map map, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, map, sessionFactoryBeanName); SimpleValue value = new SimpleValue(mappings, map.getCollectionTable()); bindSimpleValue(getIndexColumnType(property, STRING_TYPE), value, true, getIndexColumnName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings); PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property); if (pc != null && pc.getIndexColumn() != null) { bindColumnConfigToColumn(getColumnForSimpleValue(value), getSingleColumnConfig(pc.getIndexColumn())); }/*from www . ja v a 2s.c o m*/ if (!value.isTypeSpecified()) { throw new MappingException("map index element must specify a type: " + map.getRole()); } map.setIndex(value); if (!property.isOneToMany() && !property.isManyToMany()) { SimpleValue elt = new SimpleValue(mappings, map.getCollectionTable()); map.setElement(elt); String typeName = getTypeName(property, getPropertyConfig(property), getMapping(property.getDomainClass())); if (typeName == null) { if (property.isBasicCollectionType()) { typeName = property.getReferencedPropertyType().getName(); } else { typeName = StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName(); } } bindSimpleValue(typeName, elt, false, getMapElementName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings); elt.setTypeName(typeName); map.setInverse(false); } else { map.setInverse(false); } }
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License:Apache License
protected void bindListSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, org.hibernate.mapping.List list, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, list, sessionFactoryBeanName); String columnName = getIndexColumnName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName); final boolean isManyToMany = property.isManyToMany(); if (isManyToMany && !property.isOwningSide()) { throw new MappingException("Invalid association [" + property.getDomainClass().getName() + "->" + property.getName()//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m + "]. List collection types only supported on the owning side of a many-to-many relationship."); } Table collectionTable = list.getCollectionTable(); SimpleValue iv = new SimpleValue(mappings, collectionTable); bindSimpleValue("integer", iv, true, columnName, mappings); iv.setTypeName("integer"); list.setIndex(iv); list.setBaseIndex(0); list.setInverse(false); Value v = list.getElement(); v.createForeignKey(); if (property.isBidirectional()) { String entityName; Value element = list.getElement(); if (element instanceof ManyToOne) { ManyToOne manyToOne = (ManyToOne) element; entityName = manyToOne.getReferencedEntityName(); } else { entityName = ((OneToMany) element).getReferencedEntityName(); } PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass(entityName); Class<?> mappedClass = referenced.getMappedClass(); Mapping m = getMapping(mappedClass); boolean compositeIdProperty = isCompositeIdProperty(m, property.getOtherSide()); if (!compositeIdProperty) { Backref prop = new Backref(); prop.setEntityName(property.getDomainClass().getFullName()); prop.setName(UNDERSCORE + addUnderscore(property.getDomainClass().getShortName(), property.getName()) + "Backref"); prop.setSelectable(false); prop.setUpdateable(false); if (isManyToMany) { prop.setInsertable(false); } prop.setCollectionRole(list.getRole()); prop.setValue(list.getKey()); DependantValue value = (DependantValue) prop.getValue(); if (!property.isCircular()) { value.setNullable(false); } value.setUpdateable(true); prop.setOptional(false); referenced.addProperty(prop); } if ((!list.getKey().isNullable() && !list.isInverse()) || compositeIdProperty) { IndexBackref ib = new IndexBackref(); ib.setName(UNDERSCORE + property.getName() + "IndexBackref"); ib.setUpdateable(false); ib.setSelectable(false); if (isManyToMany) { ib.setInsertable(false); } ib.setCollectionRole(list.getRole()); ib.setEntityName(list.getOwner().getEntityName()); ib.setValue(list.getIndex()); referenced.addProperty(ib); } } }
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License:Apache License
protected void bindCollectionSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, Collection collection, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { PersistentClass associatedClass = null; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Mapping collection: " + collection.getRole() + " -> " + collection.getCollectionTable().getName()); PropertyConfig propConfig = getPropertyConfig(property); if (propConfig != null && StringUtils.hasText(propConfig.getSort())) { if (!property.isBidirectional() && property.isOneToMany()) { throw new GrailsDomainException("Default sort for associations [" + property.getDomainClass().getName() + "->" + property.getName() + "] are not supported with unidirectional one to many relationships."); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ GrailsDomainClass referenced = property.getReferencedDomainClass(); if (referenced != null) { GrailsDomainClassProperty propertyToSortBy = referenced.getPropertyByName(propConfig.getSort()); String associatedClassName = property.getReferencedDomainClass().getFullName(); associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get(associatedClassName); if (associatedClass != null) { collection.setOrderBy(buildOrderByClause(propertyToSortBy.getName(), associatedClass, collection.getRole(), propConfig.getOrder() != null ? propConfig.getOrder() : "asc")); } } } // Configure one-to-many if (collection.isOneToMany()) { GrailsDomainClass referenced = property.getReferencedDomainClass(); Mapping m = getRootMapping(referenced); boolean tablePerSubclass = m != null && !m.getTablePerHierarchy(); if (referenced != null && !referenced.isRoot() && !tablePerSubclass) { Mapping rootMapping = getRootMapping(referenced); String discriminatorColumnName = RootClass.DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN_NAME; if (rootMapping != null) { final ColumnConfig discriminatorColumn = rootMapping.getDiscriminatorColumn(); if (discriminatorColumn != null) { discriminatorColumnName = discriminatorColumn.getName(); } if (rootMapping.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula") != null) { discriminatorColumnName = (String) m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula"); } } //NOTE: this will build the set for the in clause if it has sublcasses Set<String> discSet = buildDiscriminatorSet(referenced); String inclause = DefaultGroovyMethods.join(discSet, ","); collection.setWhere(discriminatorColumnName + " in (" + inclause + ")"); } OneToMany oneToMany = (OneToMany) collection.getElement(); String associatedClassName = oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName(); associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get(associatedClassName); // if there is no persistent class for the association throw exception if (associatedClass == null) { throw new MappingException( "Association references unmapped class: " + oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName()); } oneToMany.setAssociatedClass(associatedClass); if (shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) { collection.setCollectionTable(associatedClass.getTable()); } bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, propConfig); } if (isSorted(property)) { collection.setSorted(true); } // setup the primary key references DependantValue key = createPrimaryKeyValue(mappings, property, collection, persistentClasses); // link a bidirectional relationship if (property.isBidirectional()) { GrailsDomainClassProperty otherSide = property.getOtherSide(); if (otherSide.isManyToOne() && shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) { linkBidirectionalOneToMany(collection, associatedClass, key, otherSide); } else if (property.isManyToMany() || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) { bindDependentKeyValue(property, key, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } } else { if (hasJoinKeyMapping(propConfig)) { bindSimpleValue("long", key, false, propConfig.getJoinTable().getKey().getName(), mappings); } else { bindDependentKeyValue(property, key, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } } collection.setKey(key); // get cache config if (propConfig != null) { CacheConfig cacheConfig = propConfig.getCache(); if (cacheConfig != null) { collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy(cacheConfig.getUsage()); } } // if we have a many-to-many if (property.isManyToMany() || isBidirectionalOneToManyMap(property)) { GrailsDomainClassProperty otherSide = property.getOtherSide(); if (property.isBidirectional()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Mapping other side " + otherSide.getDomainClass().getName() + "." + otherSide.getName() + " -> " + collection.getCollectionTable().getName() + " as ManyToOne"); ManyToOne element = new ManyToOne(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable()); bindManyToMany(otherSide, element, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); collection.setElement(element); bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, propConfig); if (property.isCircular()) { collection.setInverse(false); } } else { // TODO support unidirectional many-to-many } } else if (shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(property)) { bindCollectionWithJoinTable(property, mappings, collection, propConfig, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else if (isUnidirectionalOneToMany(property)) { // for non-inverse one-to-many, with a not-null fk, add a backref! // there are problems with list and map mappings and join columns relating to duplicate key constraints // TODO change this when HHH-1268 is resolved bindUnidirectionalOneToMany(property, mappings, collection); } }
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License:Apache License
protected void bindCollectionWithJoinTable(GrailsDomainClassProperty property, Mappings mappings, Collection collection, PropertyConfig config, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName); SimpleValue element;/* w w w .j av a 2 s . co m*/ if (property.isBasicCollectionType()) { element = new SimpleValue(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable()); } else { // for a normal unidirectional one-to-many we use a join column element = new ManyToOne(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable()); bindUnidirectionalOneToManyInverseValues(property, (ManyToOne) element); } collection.setInverse(false); String columnName; final boolean hasJoinColumnMapping = hasJoinColumnMapping(config); if (property.isBasicCollectionType()) { final Class<?> referencedType = property.getReferencedPropertyType(); String className = referencedType.getName(); final boolean isEnum = referencedType.isEnum(); if (hasJoinColumnMapping) { columnName = config.getJoinTable().getColumn().getName(); } else { columnName = isEnum ? namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(className) : addUnderscore(namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName()), namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(className)); } if (isEnum) { bindEnumType(property, referencedType, element, columnName); } else { String typeName = getTypeName(property, config, getMapping(property.getDomainClass())); if (typeName == null) { Type type = mappings.getTypeResolver().basic(className); if (type != null) { typeName = type.getName(); } } if (typeName == null) { String domainName = property.getDomainClass().getName(); throw new MappingException("Missing type or column for column[" + columnName + "] on domain[" + domainName + "] referencing[" + className + "]"); } bindSimpleValue(typeName, element, true, columnName, mappings); if (hasJoinColumnMapping) { bindColumnConfigToColumn(getColumnForSimpleValue(element), config.getJoinTable().getColumn()); } } } else { final GrailsDomainClass domainClass = property.getReferencedDomainClass(); Mapping m = getMapping(domainClass.getClazz()); if (hasCompositeIdentifier(m)) { CompositeIdentity ci = (CompositeIdentity) m.getIdentity(); bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne(property, element, ci, domainClass, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else { if (hasJoinColumnMapping) { columnName = config.getJoinTable().getColumn().getName(); } else { columnName = namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(domainClass.getPropertyName()) + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX; } bindSimpleValue("long", element, true, columnName, mappings); } } collection.setElement(element); bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, config); }
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License:Apache License
protected void bindIdentity(GrailsDomainClass domainClass, RootClass root, Mappings mappings, Mapping gormMapping, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { GrailsDomainClassProperty identifierProp = domainClass.getIdentifier(); if (gormMapping == null) { bindSimpleId(identifierProp, root, mappings, null, sessionFactoryBeanName); return;/*from w w w . ja va 2 s .c o m*/ } Object id = gormMapping.getIdentity(); if (id instanceof CompositeIdentity) { bindCompositeId(domainClass, root, (CompositeIdentity) id, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else { final Identity identity = (Identity) id; String propertyName = identity.getName(); if (propertyName != null) { GrailsDomainClassProperty namedIdentityProp = domainClass.getPropertyByName(propertyName); if (namedIdentityProp == null) { throw new MappingException("Mapping specifies an identifier property name that doesn't exist [" + propertyName + "]"); } if (!namedIdentityProp.equals(identifierProp)) { identifierProp = namedIdentityProp; } } bindSimpleId(identifierProp, root, mappings, identity, sessionFactoryBeanName); } }
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License:Apache License
protected void bindCompositeId(GrailsDomainClass domainClass, RootClass root, CompositeIdentity compositeIdentity, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { Component id = new Component(mappings, root); id.setNullValue("undefined"); root.setIdentifier(id);/* www . j a va2 s . c o m*/ root.setEmbeddedIdentifier(true); id.setComponentClassName(domainClass.getFullName()); id.setKey(true); id.setEmbedded(true); String path = qualify(root.getEntityName(), "id"); id.setRoleName(path); String[] props = compositeIdentity.getPropertyNames(); for (String propName : props) { GrailsDomainClassProperty property = domainClass.getPropertyByName(propName); if (property == null) { throw new MappingException( "Property [" + propName + "] referenced in composite-id mapping of class [" + domainClass.getFullName() + "] is not a valid property!"); } bindComponentProperty(id, null, property, root, "", root.getTable(), mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Creates and binds the properties for the specified Grails domain class and PersistentClass * and binds them to the Hibernate runtime meta model * * @param domainClass The Grails domain class * @param persistentClass The Hibernate PersistentClass instance * @param mappings The Hibernate Mappings instance * @param sessionFactoryBeanName the session factory bean name *//*ww w . j av a 2s . com*/ protected void createClassProperties(GrailsDomainClass domainClass, PersistentClass persistentClass, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { GrailsDomainClassProperty[] persistentProperties = domainClass.getPersistentProperties(); Table table = persistentClass.getTable(); Mapping gormMapping = getMapping(domainClass.getClazz()); if (gormMapping != null) { table.setComment(gormMapping.getComment()); } for (GrailsDomainClassProperty currentGrailsProp : persistentProperties) { // if its inherited skip boolean isBidirectionalManyToOne = isBidirectionalManyToOne(currentGrailsProp); if (currentGrailsProp.isInherited()) { continue; } if (currentGrailsProp.isInherited() && isBidirectionalManyToOne && currentGrailsProp.isCircular()) { continue; } if (isCompositeIdProperty(gormMapping, currentGrailsProp)) continue; if (isIdentityProperty(gormMapping, currentGrailsProp)) continue; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding persistent property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "]"); } Value value = null; // see if it's a collection type CollectionType collectionType = CT.collectionTypeForClass(currentGrailsProp.getType()); Class<?> userType = getUserType(currentGrailsProp); if (userType != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] as SimpleValue"); } value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table); bindSimpleValue(currentGrailsProp, null, (SimpleValue) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else if (collectionType != null) { String typeName = getTypeName(currentGrailsProp, getPropertyConfig(currentGrailsProp), gormMapping); if ("serializable".equals(typeName)) { value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table); bindSimpleValue(typeName, (SimpleValue) value, currentGrailsProp.isOptional(), getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(currentGrailsProp, EMPTY_PATH, null, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings); } else { // create collection Collection collection = collectionType.create(currentGrailsProp, persistentClass, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); mappings.addCollection(collection); value = collection; } } else if (currentGrailsProp.isEnum()) { value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table); bindEnumType(currentGrailsProp, (SimpleValue) value, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName); } // work out what type of relationship it is and bind value else if (currentGrailsProp.isManyToOne()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] as ManyToOne"); value = new ManyToOne(mappings, table); bindManyToOne(currentGrailsProp, (ManyToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else if (currentGrailsProp.isOneToOne() && userType == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] as OneToOne"); if (currentGrailsProp.isHasOne() && !currentGrailsProp.isBidirectional()) { throw new MappingException("hasOne property [" + currentGrailsProp.getDomainClass().getName() + "." + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] is not bidirectional. Specify the other side of the relationship!"); } else if (canBindOneToOneWithSingleColumnAndForeignKey(currentGrailsProp)) { value = new OneToOne(mappings, table, persistentClass); bindOneToOne(currentGrailsProp, (OneToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else { if (currentGrailsProp.isHasOne() && currentGrailsProp.isBidirectional()) { value = new OneToOne(mappings, table, persistentClass); bindOneToOne(currentGrailsProp, (OneToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else { value = new ManyToOne(mappings, table); bindManyToOne(currentGrailsProp, (ManyToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } } } else if (currentGrailsProp.isEmbedded()) { value = new Component(mappings, persistentClass); bindComponent((Component) value, currentGrailsProp, true, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] as SimpleValue"); } value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table); bindSimpleValue(currentGrailsProp, null, (SimpleValue) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } if (value != null) { Property property = createProperty(value, persistentClass, currentGrailsProp, mappings); persistentClass.addProperty(property); } } bindNaturalIdentifier(table, gormMapping, persistentClass); }
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License:Apache License
private static void bindMapSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, org.hibernate.mapping.Map map, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, map, sessionFactoryBeanName); SimpleValue value = new SimpleValue(mappings, map.getCollectionTable()); bindSimpleValue(getIndexColumnType(property, STRING_TYPE), value, true, getIndexColumnName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings); PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property); if (pc != null && pc.getIndexColumn() != null) { bindColumnConfigToColumn(getColumnForSimpleValue(value), getSingleColumnConfig(pc.getIndexColumn())); }/* w ww .jav a2 s . c om*/ if (!value.isTypeSpecified()) { throw new MappingException("map index element must specify a type: " + map.getRole()); } map.setIndex(value); if (!property.isOneToMany() && !property.isManyToMany()) { SimpleValue elt = new SimpleValue(mappings, map.getCollectionTable()); map.setElement(elt); String typeName = getTypeName(property, getPropertyConfig(property), getMapping(property.getDomainClass())); if (typeName == null) { if (property.isBasicCollectionType()) { typeName = property.getReferencedPropertyType().getName(); } else { typeName = StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName(); } } bindSimpleValue(typeName, elt, false, getMapElementName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings); elt.setTypeName(typeName); map.setInverse(false); } else { map.setInverse(false); } }
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License:Apache License
private static void bindCollectionSecondPass(GrailsDomainClassProperty property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, Collection collection, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { PersistentClass associatedClass = null; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Mapping collection: " + collection.getRole() + " -> " + collection.getCollectionTable().getName()); PropertyConfig propConfig = getPropertyConfig(property); if (propConfig != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(propConfig.getSort())) { if (!property.isBidirectional() && property.isOneToMany()) { throw new GrailsDomainException("Default sort for associations [" + property.getDomainClass().getName() + "->" + property.getName() + "] are not supported with unidirectional one to many relationships."); }// w ww . j a v a 2s. c om GrailsDomainClass referenced = property.getReferencedDomainClass(); if (referenced != null) { GrailsDomainClassProperty propertyToSortBy = referenced.getPropertyByName(propConfig.getSort()); String associatedClassName = property.getReferencedDomainClass().getFullName(); associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get(associatedClassName); if (associatedClass != null) { collection.setOrderBy(buildOrderByClause(propertyToSortBy.getName(), associatedClass, collection.getRole(), propConfig.getOrder() != null ? propConfig.getOrder() : "asc")); } } } // Configure one-to-many if (collection.isOneToMany()) { GrailsDomainClass referenced = property.getReferencedDomainClass(); Mapping m = getRootMapping(referenced); boolean tablePerSubclass = m != null && !m.getTablePerHierarchy(); if (referenced != null && !referenced.isRoot() && !tablePerSubclass) { Mapping rootMapping = getRootMapping(referenced); String discriminatorColumnName = RootClass.DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN_NAME; if (rootMapping != null) { final ColumnConfig discriminatorColumn = rootMapping.getDiscriminatorColumn(); if (discriminatorColumn != null) { discriminatorColumnName = discriminatorColumn.getName(); } if (rootMapping.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula") != null) { discriminatorColumnName = (String) m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula"); } } //NOTE: this will build the set for the in clause if it has sublcasses Set<String> discSet = buildDiscriminatorSet(referenced); String inclause = StringUtils.join(discSet, ','); collection.setWhere(discriminatorColumnName + " in (" + inclause + ")"); } OneToMany oneToMany = (OneToMany) collection.getElement(); String associatedClassName = oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName(); associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get(associatedClassName); // if there is no persistent class for the association throw exception if (associatedClass == null) { throw new MappingException( "Association references unmapped class: " + oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName()); } oneToMany.setAssociatedClass(associatedClass); if (shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) { collection.setCollectionTable(associatedClass.getTable()); } bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, propConfig); } if (isSorted(property)) { collection.setSorted(true); } // setup the primary key references DependantValue key = createPrimaryKeyValue(mappings, property, collection, persistentClasses); // link a bidirectional relationship if (property.isBidirectional()) { GrailsDomainClassProperty otherSide = property.getOtherSide(); if (otherSide.isManyToOne() && shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) { linkBidirectionalOneToMany(collection, associatedClass, key, otherSide); } else if (property.isManyToMany() || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) { bindDependentKeyValue(property, key, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } } else { if (hasJoinKeyMapping(propConfig)) { bindSimpleValue("long", key, false, propConfig.getJoinTable().getKey().getName(), mappings); } else { bindDependentKeyValue(property, key, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } } collection.setKey(key); // get cache config if (propConfig != null) { CacheConfig cacheConfig = propConfig.getCache(); if (cacheConfig != null) { collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy(cacheConfig.getUsage()); } } // if we have a many-to-many if (property.isManyToMany() || isBidirectionalOneToManyMap(property)) { GrailsDomainClassProperty otherSide = property.getOtherSide(); if (property.isBidirectional()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Mapping other side " + otherSide.getDomainClass().getName() + "." + otherSide.getName() + " -> " + collection.getCollectionTable().getName() + " as ManyToOne"); ManyToOne element = new ManyToOne(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable()); bindManyToMany(otherSide, element, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); collection.setElement(element); bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, propConfig); if (property.isCircular()) { collection.setInverse(false); } } else { // TODO support unidirectional many-to-many } } else if (shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(property)) { bindCollectionWithJoinTable(property, mappings, collection, propConfig, sessionFactoryBeanName); } else if (isUnidirectionalOneToMany(property)) { // for non-inverse one-to-many, with a not-null fk, add a backref! // there are problems with list and map mappings and join columns relating to duplicate key constraints // TODO change this when HHH-1268 is resolved bindUnidirectionalOneToMany(property, mappings, collection); } }