List of usage examples for org.hibernate FetchMode SELECT
FetchMode SELECT
To view the source code for org.hibernate FetchMode SELECT.
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License:Apache License
@Override @Transactional/*w ww . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ public void updateVolume(final String volumeUri, final String displayName, final String issueCsv) throws IllegalArgumentException { hibernateTemplate.execute(new HibernateCallback() { @Override public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Volume volume = (Volume) session.createCriteria(Volume.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("volumeUri", volumeUri)).setFetchMode("issues", FetchMode.JOIN) .setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).uniqueResult(); if (volume != null) { //check that we've only reordered the issue csv, not added or deleted String existingIssues = AdminServiceImpl.this.formatIssueCsv(volume.getIssues()); for (String oldIssue : existingIssues.split(",")) { if (!issueCsv.contains(oldIssue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Removed issue '" + oldIssue + "' from csv when updating volume"); } } for (String newIssue : issueCsv.split(",")) { if (!existingIssues.contains(newIssue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Added issue '" + newIssue + "' to csv when updating volume"); } } volume.getIssues().clear(); for (String issueUri : issueCsv.split(",")) { Issue issue = (Issue) session.createCriteria(Issue.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("issueUri", issueUri)) .setFetchMode("articleDois", FetchMode.SELECT) .setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).uniqueResult(); if (issue != null) { volume.getIssues().add(issue); } } volume.setDisplayName(displayName); session.update(volume); } return null; } }); }
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License:Apache License
public Result getEntities(Class entityClass, int startIndex, int count, Sorting sorting, List<String> associationPaths) { try {/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ Criteria query = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass, "entity"); if (count > 0) { query.setMaxResults(count); } if (startIndex >= 0) { query.setFirstResult(startIndex); } for (String associationPath : associationPaths) { query.setFetchMode(associationPath, FetchMode.SELECT); } List entities = query.list(); Integer totalCount = entities.size(); if (count <= 0) { totalCount = ((Number) getSession().createQuery("select count(*) from " + entityClass.getName()) .uniqueResult()).intValue(); } return new Result(entities, totalCount); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TechnicalException("cannot get entities of type " + entityClass.getName(), e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Retrieves the fetch mode for the specified instance; otherwise returns the default FetchMode. * * @param object The object, converted to a string * @return The FetchMode/* ww w. j a va2s .com*/ */ public static FetchMode getFetchMode(Object object) { String name = object != null ? object.toString() : "default"; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(FetchMode.JOIN.toString()) || name.equalsIgnoreCase("eager")) { return FetchMode.JOIN; } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(FetchMode.SELECT.toString()) || name.equalsIgnoreCase("lazy")) { return FetchMode.SELECT; } return FetchMode.DEFAULT; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Query select(String property) { if (criteria != null) criteria.setFetchMode(property, FetchMode.SELECT); else if (detachedCriteria != null) detachedCriteria.setFetchMode(property, FetchMode.SELECT); return this; }
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License:Apache License
protected void applyFetchStrategies() { for (Map.Entry<String, FetchType> entry : fetchStrategies.entrySet()) { switch (entry.getValue()) { case EAGER: if (criteria != null) criteria.setFetchMode(entry.getKey(), FetchMode.JOIN); else if (detachedCriteria != null) detachedCriteria.setFetchMode(entry.getKey(), FetchMode.JOIN); break; case LAZY: if (criteria != null) criteria.setFetchMode(entry.getKey(), FetchMode.SELECT); else if (detachedCriteria != null) detachedCriteria.setFetchMode(entry.getKey(), FetchMode.SELECT); break; }/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Extra lazy mapping for lists needs a real property for the list index and * a real inverse for the other side as well. * //from w ww . ja v a2s . co m * This method iterates over all associations and adds an inverse for the * list and set mappings. */ protected void addExtraLazyInverseProperties() { final Map<String, PersistentClass> persistentClasses = new HashMap<String, PersistentClass>(); for (Iterator<?> pcs = getClassMappings(); pcs.hasNext();) { final PersistentClass pc = (PersistentClass); if (isClassOrSuperClassEAVMapped(pc)) { continue; } persistentClasses.put(pc.getEntityName(), pc); } for (Iterator<?> pcs = getClassMappings(); pcs.hasNext();) { final PersistentClass pc = (PersistentClass); // copy to prevent concurrent modification final Iterator<?> propIt = pc.getPropertyIterator(); final List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(); while (propIt.hasNext()) { final Property prop = (Property); props.add(prop); } for (Property prop : props) { EClass eClass = null; if (pc.getMetaAttribute(HbMapperConstants.FEATUREMAP_META) == null) { if (pc.getEntityName() != null) { eClass = getEntityNameStrategy().toEClass(pc.getEntityName()); } else { eClass = EModelResolver.instance().getEClass(pc.getMappedClass()); } } final EStructuralFeature ef = eClass == null ? null : StoreUtil.getEStructuralFeature(eClass, prop.getName()); if (ef != null && ef instanceof EReference && prop.getValue() instanceof Collection) { final Collection collection = (Collection) prop.getValue(); final EReference eReference = (EReference) ef; // only work for extra lazy if (!collection.isExtraLazy()) { continue; } final Value elementValue = collection.getElement(); final PersistentClass elementPC; if (elementValue instanceof OneToMany) { final OneToMany oneToMany = (OneToMany) elementValue; elementPC = oneToMany.getAssociatedClass(); } else if (elementValue instanceof ManyToOne) { final ManyToOne mto = (ManyToOne) elementValue; elementPC = persistentClasses.get(mto.getReferencedEntityName()); } else { continue; } if (isClassOrSuperClassEAVMapped(elementPC)) { continue; } collection.setInverse(true); // and add an eopposite if (eReference.getEOpposite() == null) { final Table collectionTable = collection.getCollectionTable(); if (isClassOrSuperClassEAVMapped(elementPC)) { continue; } final Property inverseRefProperty = new Property(); inverseRefProperty.setName(StoreUtil.getExtraLazyInversePropertyName(ef)); final Map<Object, Object> metas = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); final MetaAttribute metaAttribute = new MetaAttribute( HbConstants.SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_INDICATOR); metaAttribute.addValue("true"); metas.put(HbConstants.SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_INDICATOR, metaAttribute); inverseRefProperty.setMetaAttributes(metas); inverseRefProperty.setNodeName(inverseRefProperty.getName()); inverseRefProperty.setPropertyAccessorName(SyntheticPropertyHandler.class.getName()); inverseRefProperty.setLazy(false); final ManyToOne mto = new ManyToOne(getMappings(), collectionTable); mto.setReferencedEntityName(pc.getEntityName()); mto.setLazy(false); mto.setFetchMode(FetchMode.SELECT); inverseRefProperty.setValue(mto); final Iterator<?> it = collection.getKey().getColumnIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Column originalColumn = (Column); // final Column newColumn = new // Column(originalColumn.getName()); mto.addColumn(originalColumn); } mto.createForeignKey(); // now determine if a join should be created if (collectionTable.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(elementPC.getTable().getName())) { elementPC.addProperty(inverseRefProperty); } else { // create a join final Join join = new Join(); join.setPersistentClass(elementPC); join.setTable(collectionTable); join.addProperty(inverseRefProperty); final ManyToOne keyValue = new ManyToOne(getMappings(), collectionTable); join.setKey(keyValue); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Iterator<Column> keyColumns = collection.getElement().getColumnIterator(); while (keyColumns.hasNext()) { keyValue.addColumn(; } keyValue.setReferencedEntityName(elementPC.getEntityName()); keyValue.setTable(collectionTable); keyValue.createForeignKey(); elementPC.addJoin(join); } } // add an opposite index if (collection.isIndexed() && !collection.isMap()) { Table collectionTable = collection.getCollectionTable(); IndexedCollection indexedCollection = (IndexedCollection) collection; final Column column = (Column) indexedCollection.getIndex().getColumnIterator().next(); final Property indexProperty = new Property(); indexProperty.setName(StoreUtil.getExtraLazyInverseIndexPropertyName(ef)); final Map<Object, Object> metas = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); final MetaAttribute metaAttribute = new MetaAttribute( HbConstants.SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_INDICATOR); metaAttribute.addValue("true"); metas.put(HbConstants.SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_INDICATOR, metaAttribute); indexProperty.setMetaAttributes(metas); indexProperty.setNodeName(indexProperty.getName()); indexProperty.setPropertyAccessorName(SyntheticPropertyHandler.class.getName()); // always make this nullable, nullability is controlled // by the main property indexProperty.setOptional(true); Join join = null; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Iterator<Join> it = (Iterator<Join>) elementPC.getJoinIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Join foundJoin =; if (foundJoin.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(collectionTable.getName())) { join = foundJoin; collectionTable = join.getTable(); break; } } final SimpleValue sv = new SimpleValue(getMappings(), indexedCollection.getIndex().getTable()); sv.setTypeName("integer"); // final Column svColumn = new Column(column.getName()); sv.addColumn(column); // checkColumnExists(collectionTable, // svColumn)); indexProperty.setValue(sv); if (join != null) { join.addProperty(indexProperty); } else { elementPC.addProperty(indexProperty); } } } } } }
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License:Open Source License
public FetchMode getFetchMode(int i) { return FetchMode.SELECT; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * * @param t//from w w w . java 2 s . c o m * Set a the fetched object * @param fetch * Set the name of the fetch profile */ protected void enableProfilePostQuery(final T t, final String fetch) { if (fetch != null && t != null) { Fetch[] fetchDefs = getProfile(fetch); if (fetchDefs == null || fetchDefs.length < 1) { return; } for (Fetch f : fetchDefs) { if (f.getMode().equals(FetchMode.SELECT)) { String association = f.getAssociation(); if (association.indexOf(".") == -1) { initializeProperty(t, f.getAssociation()); } else { List<String> associations = Arrays.asList(association.split("\\.")); initializeProperties(t, associations); } } } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param t/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ * Set the taxon * @param fetch * Set the fetch profile */ @Override public final void enableProfilePostQuery(final Taxon t, final String fetch) { if (fetch != null && t != null) { for (Fetch f : getProfile(fetch)) { if (f.getMode().equals(FetchMode.SELECT)) { String association = f.getAssociation(); if (association.indexOf(".") == -1) { initializeProperty(t, f.getAssociation()); } else { List<String> associations = Arrays.asList(association.split("\\.")); initializeProperties(t, associations); } } } } }
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License:Apache License
public final List<UserAccount> retrieveListOwnerUsers(final Account account, final Integer maxResults, final Integer start) { final DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(UserAccount.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("account", account)); criteria.setFetchMode("secUserPermissions", FetchMode.SELECT); criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("enjoyDate")); getHibernateTemplate().setCacheQueries(true); return (List<UserAccount>) getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria, start, maxResults); }