List of usage examples for org.hibernate Criteria setReadOnly
public Criteria setReadOnly(boolean readOnly);
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true) public Object readInnerPropertyToday(String type, String paramId, String date, String calType) { String average = null;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m List<Reply> list = null; switch (type) { case "rating": session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Reply.class, "reply"); criteria.createAlias("reply.client", "client"); criteria.setReadOnly(true); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", date)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("reply.question", paramId)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("reply.type", type)); list = (List<Reply>) criteria.list(); Float value = 0.0f; for (Reply val : list) { if (val.getAnswer() != null && !val.equals("")) { value += Float.parseFloat(val.getAnswer()); } } value /= list.size(); average = value.toString(); case "descriptive": case "options": case "binary": default: } return average; }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true) public Long fetchEntitySizeToday() { Long size = 0l;//from www . j a va2s . com session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Client.class, "call"); criteria.setReadOnly(true); criteria.add("date", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()), MatchMode.START)); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); size = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); return size; }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true) public String fetchAvgByTypeAndDate(String type, String date) { String average = null;/* w w w .j a va2 s. c o m*/ session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Reply.class, "reply"); criteria.setReadOnly(true); criteria.createAlias("reply.client", "client"); criteria.add("", date, MatchMode.START)); criteria.add("reply.question", type)); criteria.add("reply.answer", "0")); criteria.setResultTransformer(criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); List<Reply> list = criteria.list(); Float value = 0.0f; for (Reply val : list) { if (val.getAnswer() != null && !val.getAnswer().equals("")) { value += Float.parseFloat(val.getAnswer()); } } value /= list.size(); average = value.toString(); return average; }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true) public Long getProm() { Long val = null; session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Reply.class, "reply"); criteria.setReadOnly(true); criteria.add("reply.type", "rating")); criteria.add("reply.answer", "0")); criteria.add(Restrictions.or("reply.answer", "4", MatchMode.START),"reply.answer", "5", MatchMode.START))); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); val = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); return val; }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true) public Long getPass() { Long val = null; session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Reply.class, "reply"); criteria.setReadOnly(true); criteria.add("reply.type", "rating")); criteria.add("reply.answer", "0")); criteria.add(Restrictions.or("reply.answer", "2", MatchMode.START),"reply.answer", "3", MatchMode.START))); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); val = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); return val; }
From source
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true) public Long getDet() { Long val = null; session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Reply.class, "reply"); criteria.setReadOnly(true); criteria.add("reply.type", "rating")); criteria.add("reply.answer", "0")); criteria.add(Restrictions.or("reply.answer", "0", MatchMode.START),"reply.answer", "1", MatchMode.START))); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); val = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); return val; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Checks to see if a new snapshot of size volSize will exceed the quota * @param volSize//from w w w . ja v a 2 s.c o m * @return */ private boolean totalSnapshotSizeLimitExceeded(String snapshotId, int volSize) throws EucalyptusCloudException { int totalSnapshotSize = 0; EntityTransaction dbTrans = Entities.get(SnapshotInfo.class); Criteria query = Entities.createCriteria(SnapshotInfo.class); query.setReadOnly(true); //TODO: zhill, fix this logic by adding a size value to the snapshot record, should do the calculation on the DB // this will be very poor for performance as the number of snapshots increases. //Only look for snaps that are not failed and not error query.add(Restrictions .not(Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq("status", StorageProperties.Status.failed.toString()), Restrictions.eq("status", StorageProperties.Status.error.toString())))); try { List<SnapshotInfo> snapInfos = (List<SnapshotInfo>) query.list(); for (SnapshotInfo sInfo : snapInfos) { try { totalSnapshotSize += blockManager.getSnapshotSize(sInfo.getSnapshotId()); } catch (EucalyptusCloudException e) { LOG.error(e); } } int sizeLimitGB = WalrusInfo.getWalrusInfo().getStorageMaxTotalSnapshotSizeInGb(); LOG.debug("Snapshot " + snapshotId + " checking snapshot total size of " + totalSnapshotSize + " against limit of " + sizeLimitGB); return (totalSnapshotSize + volSize) > sizeLimitGB; } catch (final Throwable e) { LOG.error("Error finding total snapshot used size " + e.getMessage()); throw new EucalyptusCloudException("Failed to check snapshot total size limit", e); } finally { if (dbTrans.isActive()) { dbTrans.rollback(); } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Retrieves an iterator over the compliance snapshots for the specified consumer. * * @param consumerUUID//from ww w. j av a 2s . c o m * The UUID for the consumer for which to retrieve compliance snapshots. * * @param startDate * The start date to use to filter snapshots retrieved. If specified, only snapshots occurring * after the start date, and the snapshot immediately preceding it, will be retrieved. * * @param endDate * The end date to use to filter snapshots retrieved. If specified, only snapshots occurring * before the end date will be retrieved. * * @param pageRequest * A PageRequest instance containing paging information from the request. If null, no paging * will be performed. * * @return * A Page instance containing an iterator over the snapshots for the specified consumer, and * the paging information for the query. */ @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:indentation") public Page<Iterator<Compliance>> getSnapshotIteratorForConsumer(String consumerUUID, Date startDate, Date endDate, PageRequest pageRequest) { Page<Iterator<Compliance>> page = new Page<Iterator<Compliance>>(); page.setPageRequest(pageRequest); Session session = this.currentSession(); Criteria query = session.createCriteria(Compliance.class, "comp1"); query.createAlias("comp1.consumer", "cons1"); query.add(Restrictions.eq("cons1.uuid", consumerUUID)); if (startDate != null) { DetachedCriteria subquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Compliance.class, "comp2"); subquery.createAlias("comp2.consumer", "cons2"); subquery.createAlias("cons2.consumerState", "state2"); subquery.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.isNull("state2.deleted"),"state2.deleted", startDate))); subquery.add("state2.created", startDate)); subquery.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("cons2.uuid", "cons1.uuid")); subquery.add("", startDate)); subquery.setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add(Projections.max(""))); query.add(Restrictions.disjunction().add("", startDate)) .add(Subqueries.propertyEq("", subquery))); } if (endDate != null) { query.add(Restrictions.le("", endDate)); } query.setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE); query.setReadOnly(true); if (pageRequest != null && pageRequest.isPaging()) { page.setMaxRecords(this.getRowCount(query)); query.setFirstResult((pageRequest.getPage() - 1) * pageRequest.getPerPage()); query.setMaxResults(pageRequest.getPerPage()); if (pageRequest.getSortBy() != null) { query.addOrder( pageRequest.getOrder() == PageRequest.Order.ASCENDING ? Order.asc(pageRequest.getSortBy()) : Order.desc(pageRequest.getSortBy())); } } page.setPageData(new AutoEvictingColumnarResultsIterator<Compliance>(session, query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY), 0)); return page; }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Populates criteria arguments for the given target class and arguments map * * @param grailsApplication the GrailsApplication instance * @param targetClass The target class//from ww w. j a va 2 s .c om * @param c The criteria instance * @param argMap The arguments map * */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void populateArgumentsForCriteria(GrailsApplication grailsApplication, Class<?> targetClass, Criteria c, Map argMap) { Integer maxParam = null; Integer offsetParam = null; SimpleTypeConverter converter = new SimpleTypeConverter(); if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_MAX)) { maxParam = converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_MAX), Integer.class); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_OFFSET)) { offsetParam = converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_OFFSET), Integer.class); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE)) { c.setFetchSize(converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE), Integer.class)); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT)) { c.setTimeout(converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT), Integer.class)); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE)) { c.setFlushMode(converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE), FlushMode.class)); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY)) { c.setReadOnly(GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY, argMap)); } String orderParam = (String) argMap.get(ARGUMENT_ORDER); Object fetchObj = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FETCH); if (fetchObj instanceof Map) { Map fetch = (Map) fetchObj; for (Object o : fetch.keySet()) { String associationName = (String) o; c.setFetchMode(associationName, getFetchMode(fetch.get(associationName))); } } final String sort = (String) argMap.get(ARGUMENT_SORT); final String order = ORDER_DESC.equalsIgnoreCase(orderParam) ? ORDER_DESC : ORDER_ASC; final int max = maxParam == null ? -1 : maxParam; final int offset = offsetParam == null ? -1 : offsetParam; if (max > -1) { c.setMaxResults(max); } if (offset > -1) { c.setFirstResult(offset); } if (GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_CACHE, argMap)) { c.setCacheable(true); } if (GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_LOCK, argMap)) { c.setLockMode(LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); } else { if (argMap.get(ARGUMENT_CACHE) == null) { cacheCriteriaByMapping(targetClass, c); } } if (sort != null) { boolean ignoreCase = true; Object caseArg = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE); if (caseArg instanceof Boolean) { ignoreCase = (Boolean) caseArg; } addOrderPossiblyNested(grailsApplication, c, targetClass, sort, order, ignoreCase); } else { Mapping m = GrailsDomainBinder.getMapping(targetClass); if (m != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(m.getSort())) { addOrderPossiblyNested(grailsApplication, c, targetClass, m.getSort(), m.getOrder(), true); } } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Populates criteria arguments for the given target class and arguments map * * @param datastore the GrailsApplication instance * @param targetClass The target class/*from www. ja v a 2 s . com*/ * @param c The criteria instance * @param argMap The arguments map */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void populateArgumentsForCriteria(AbstractHibernateDatastore datastore, Class<?> targetClass, Criteria c, Map argMap, ConversionService conversionService, boolean useDefaultMapping) { Integer maxParam = null; Integer offsetParam = null; if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_MAX)) { maxParam = conversionService.convert(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_MAX), Integer.class); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_OFFSET)) { offsetParam = conversionService.convert(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_OFFSET), Integer.class); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE)) { c.setFetchSize(conversionService.convert(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE), Integer.class)); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT)) { c.setTimeout(conversionService.convert(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT), Integer.class)); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE)) { c.setFlushMode(convertFlushMode(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE))); } if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY)) { c.setReadOnly(ClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY, argMap)); } String orderParam = (String) argMap.get(ARGUMENT_ORDER); Object fetchObj = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FETCH); if (fetchObj instanceof Map) { Map fetch = (Map) fetchObj; for (Object o : fetch.keySet()) { String associationName = (String) o; c.setFetchMode(associationName, getFetchMode(fetch.get(associationName))); } } final int max = maxParam == null ? -1 : maxParam; final int offset = offsetParam == null ? -1 : offsetParam; if (max > -1) { c.setMaxResults(max); } if (offset > -1) { c.setFirstResult(offset); } if (ClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_LOCK, argMap)) { c.setLockMode(LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); c.setCacheable(false); } else { if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_CACHE)) { c.setCacheable(ClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_CACHE, argMap)); } else { cacheCriteriaByMapping(targetClass, c); } } final Object sortObj = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_SORT); if (sortObj != null) { boolean ignoreCase = true; Object caseArg = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE); if (caseArg instanceof Boolean) { ignoreCase = (Boolean) caseArg; } if (sortObj instanceof Map) { Map sortMap = (Map) sortObj; for (Object sort : sortMap.keySet()) { final String order = ORDER_DESC.equalsIgnoreCase((String) sortMap.get(sort)) ? ORDER_DESC : ORDER_ASC; addOrderPossiblyNested(datastore, c, targetClass, (String) sort, order, ignoreCase); } } else { final String sort = (String) sortObj; final String order = ORDER_DESC.equalsIgnoreCase(orderParam) ? ORDER_DESC : ORDER_ASC; addOrderPossiblyNested(datastore, c, targetClass, sort, order, ignoreCase); } } else if (useDefaultMapping) { Mapping m = GrailsDomainBinder.getMapping(targetClass); if (m != null) { Map sortMap = m.getSort().getNamesAndDirections(); for (Object sort : sortMap.keySet()) { final String order = ORDER_DESC.equalsIgnoreCase((String) sortMap.get(sort)) ? ORDER_DESC : ORDER_ASC; addOrderPossiblyNested(datastore, c, targetClass, (String) sort, order, true); } } } }