Example usage for org.hibernate Criteria setFetchMode

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Criteria setFetchMode


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Criteria setFetchMode.


public Criteria setFetchMode(String associationPath, FetchMode mode) throws HibernateException;

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Specify an association fetching strategy for an association or a collection of values.


From source file:org.archiviststoolkit.mydomain.DomainAccessObjectImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Find an instance by its identifier.// ww  w  . j  a  v a2s  .c o  m
 * @param identifier the identifier we are looking for
 * @return the domain object with the required identifier
 * @throws LookupException fails if we cannot execute the lookup

public DomainObject findByPrimaryKeyCommon(final Long identifier, Session session) throws LookupException {

    DomainObject domainObject;

    try {

        //         try {
        if (getPersistentClass() == Names.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Names.class);
            criteria.setFetchMode("contactNotes", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("nonPreferredNames", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("archDescriptionNames", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else if (getPersistentClass() == Accessions.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Accessions.class);
            criteria.setFetchMode("names", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("repeatingData", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("resources", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("subjects", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("locations", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("deaccessions", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else if (getPersistentClass() == Subjects.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Subjects.class);
            criteria.setFetchMode("archDescriptionSubjects", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else if (getPersistentClass() == Resources.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Resources.class);
            criteria.setFetchMode("names", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("accessions", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("subjects", FetchMode.JOIN);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("repeatingData", FetchMode.JOIN);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("instances", FetchMode.JOIN);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("resourcesComponents", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else if (getPersistentClass() == ResourcesComponents.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(ResourcesComponents.class);
            criteria.setFetchMode("names", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("instances", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("subjects", FetchMode.JOIN);
            criteria.setFetchMode("repeatingData", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else if (getPersistentClass() == Locations.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Locations.class);
            criteria.setFetchMode("repository", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else if (getPersistentClass() == DigitalObjects.class) {
            Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DigitalObjects.class);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("names", FetchMode.JOIN);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("repeatingData", FetchMode.JOIN);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("subjects", FetchMode.JOIN);
            //               criteria.setFetchMode("fileVersions", FetchMode.JOIN);
            domainObject = (DomainObject) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } else {
            domainObject = (DomainObject) session.load(getPersistentClass(), identifier);

        //         } catch (ObjectNotFoundException objectNotFoundException) {
        //            new ErrorDialog("", StringHelper.getStackTrace(e)).showDialog();
        //            domainObject = null;
        //            logger.log(Level.INFO, "Object could not be found by key " + identifier);
        //         }


    } catch (ObjectNotFoundException objectNotFoundException) {
        throw new LookupException("failed to findbyprimarykey: " + objectNotFoundException.toString(),
    } catch (HibernateException hibernateException) {
        throw new LookupException("failed to findbyprimarykey: " + hibernateException.toString(),
    } catch (SQLException sqlException) {
        throw new LookupException("failed to findbyprimarykey: " + sqlException.toString(), sqlException);

    return (domainObject);

From source file:org.archiviststoolkit.plugin.dbdialog.RemoteDBConnectDialogLight.java

 * Method to return the resource in a long session
 * @param identifier/*from www.  j a  va  2  s. c  o m*/
 * @return
public Resources getResource(Long identifier) {
    Transaction tx = null;
    Resources resource = null;

    try {
        tx = session.beginTransaction();
        Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Resources.class);
        criteria.setFetchMode("names", FetchMode.JOIN);
        criteria.setFetchMode("accessions", FetchMode.JOIN);
        criteria.setFetchMode("subjects", FetchMode.JOIN);
        resource = (Resources) criteria.uniqueResult();
        session.setReadOnly(resource, true);
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        try {
        } catch (HibernateException e) {

    return resource;

From source file:org.atemsource.atem.impl.hibernate.service.HibernateDao.java

License:Apache License

public Result getEntities(Class entityClass, int startIndex, int count, Sorting sorting,
        List<String> associationPaths) {
    try {//  ww w . j av  a2  s. c  om
        Criteria query = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass, "entity");
        if (count > 0) {
        if (startIndex >= 0) {

        for (String associationPath : associationPaths) {
            query.setFetchMode(associationPath, FetchMode.SELECT);
        List entities = query.list();
        Integer totalCount = entities.size();
        if (count <= 0) {
            totalCount = ((Number) getSession().createQuery("select count(*) from " + entityClass.getName())
        return new Result(entities, totalCount);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new TechnicalException("cannot get entities of type " + entityClass.getName(), e);

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.GrailsHibernateUtil.java

License:Apache License

 * Populates criteria arguments for the given target class and arguments map
 * @param grailsApplication the GrailsApplication instance
 * @param targetClass The target class/*  ww  w . j  av  a  2 s. co m*/
 * @param c The criteria instance
 * @param argMap The arguments map
public static void populateArgumentsForCriteria(GrailsApplication grailsApplication, Class<?> targetClass,
        Criteria c, Map argMap) {
    Integer maxParam = null;
    Integer offsetParam = null;
    SimpleTypeConverter converter = new SimpleTypeConverter();
    if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_MAX)) {
        maxParam = converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_MAX), Integer.class);
    if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_OFFSET)) {
        offsetParam = converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_OFFSET), Integer.class);
    if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE)) {
        c.setFetchSize(converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FETCH_SIZE), Integer.class));
    if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT)) {
        c.setTimeout(converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_TIMEOUT), Integer.class));
    if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE)) {
        c.setFlushMode(converter.convertIfNecessary(argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FLUSH_MODE), FlushMode.class));
    if (argMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY)) {
        c.setReadOnly(GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_READ_ONLY, argMap));
    String orderParam = (String) argMap.get(ARGUMENT_ORDER);
    Object fetchObj = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_FETCH);
    if (fetchObj instanceof Map) {
        Map fetch = (Map) fetchObj;
        for (Object o : fetch.keySet()) {
            String associationName = (String) o;
            c.setFetchMode(associationName, getFetchMode(fetch.get(associationName)));

    final String sort = (String) argMap.get(ARGUMENT_SORT);
    final String order = ORDER_DESC.equalsIgnoreCase(orderParam) ? ORDER_DESC : ORDER_ASC;
    final int max = maxParam == null ? -1 : maxParam;
    final int offset = offsetParam == null ? -1 : offsetParam;
    if (max > -1) {
    if (offset > -1) {
    if (GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_CACHE, argMap)) {
    if (GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_LOCK, argMap)) {
    } else {
        if (argMap.get(ARGUMENT_CACHE) == null) {
            cacheCriteriaByMapping(targetClass, c);
    if (sort != null) {
        boolean ignoreCase = true;
        Object caseArg = argMap.get(ARGUMENT_IGNORE_CASE);
        if (caseArg instanceof Boolean) {
            ignoreCase = (Boolean) caseArg;
        addOrderPossiblyNested(grailsApplication, c, targetClass, sort, order, ignoreCase);
    } else {
        Mapping m = GrailsDomainBinder.getMapping(targetClass);
        if (m != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(m.getSort())) {
            addOrderPossiblyNested(grailsApplication, c, targetClass, m.getSort(), m.getOrder(), true);

From source file:org.ednovo.gooru.infrastructure.persistence.hibernate.content.ContentRepositoryHibernate.java

License:Open Source License

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
@Override/*from   www  . j a v  a2  s  .  c om*/
public Content findContentByGooruId(String gooruContentId, boolean fetchUser) {
    if (!fetchUser) {
        List<Content> cc = getSession().createQuery(
                "SELECT c FROM Content c   WHERE c.gooruOid = ? AND " + generateAuthQueryWithDataNew("c."))
                .setString(0, gooruContentId).list();
        return cc.size() == 0 ? null : cc.get(0);
    } else {
        Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Content.class);
        crit.setFetchMode("user", FetchMode.EAGER).setFetchMode("userPermSet", FetchMode.JOIN)
                .add(Restrictions.eq("gooruOid", gooruContentId));
        Content content = (Content) crit.uniqueResult();

        return content;

From source file:org.emonocot.persistence.dao.hibernate.DaoImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param criteria//from   www . j a va2  s .co m
 *            Set a Criteria instance
 * @param fetch
 *            Set the name of the fetch profile
 * @return true if the criteria have been set, false otherwise
protected boolean enableProfilePreQuery(final Criteria criteria, final String fetch) {
    boolean setCriteria = false;
    if (fetch != null) {
        for (Fetch f : getProfile(fetch)) {
            if (f.getMode().equals(FetchMode.JOIN)) {
                criteria.setFetchMode(f.getAssociation(), f.getMode());
                setCriteria = true;
    return setCriteria;

From source file:org.esn.esobase.data.DBService.java

public SysAccount getAccount(String login) {
    SysAccount result = null;//  w  w w. ja va 2s  . c o m
    Session session = (Session) em.getDelegate();
    Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(SysAccount.class);
    crit.add(Restrictions.eq("login", login));
    crit.setFetchMode("roles", FetchMode.JOIN);
    result = (SysAccount) crit.uniqueResult();
    return result;

From source file:org.esn.esobase.data.DBService.java

public BeanItemContainer<Npc> getNpcs(BeanItemContainer<Npc> container, TRANSLATE_STATUS translateStatus,
        SysAccount translator, boolean noTranslations) {
    container.removeAllItems();/*from w w w  .ja  va 2 s  .  co m*/
    Session session = (Session) em.getDelegate();
    Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Npc.class);
    crit.setFetchMode("location", FetchMode.JOIN);
    if (translateStatus != null && translator != null) {
        Query q = em.createNativeQuery(
                "select npc_id from (select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join topic t on tt.npctopic_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus and tt.author_id=:authorId\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join topic t on tt.playertopic_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus and tt.author_id=:authorId\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join greeting t on tt.greeting_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus and tt.author_id=:authorId\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join subtitle t on tt.subtitle_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus and tt.author_id=:authorId) as rr group by npc_id");
        q.setParameter("authorId", translator.getId());
        q.setParameter("translateStatus", translateStatus.name());
        List<BigInteger> resultList = q.getResultList();
        List<Long> longResultList = new ArrayList();
        for (BigInteger id : resultList) {
        if (longResultList.isEmpty()) {
        crit.add(Restrictions.in("id", longResultList));
    } else if (translateStatus != null) {
        Query q = em.createNativeQuery(
                "select npc_id from (select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join topic t on tt.npctopic_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join topic t on tt.playertopic_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join greeting t on tt.greeting_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join subtitle t on tt.subtitle_id=t.id where tt.status=:translateStatus) as rr group by npc_id");
        q.setParameter("translateStatus", translateStatus.name());
        List<BigInteger> resultList = q.getResultList();
        List<Long> longResultList = new ArrayList();
        for (BigInteger id : resultList) {
        if (longResultList.isEmpty()) {
        crit.add(Restrictions.in("id", longResultList));
    } else if (translator != null) {
        Query q = em.createNativeQuery(
                "select npc_id from (select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join topic t on tt.npctopic_id=t.id where tt.author_id=:authorId\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join topic t on tt.playertopic_id=t.id where tt.author_id=:authorId\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join greeting t on tt.greeting_id=t.id where tt.author_id=:authorId\n"
                        + "union all select t.npc_id from translatedtext tt join subtitle t on tt.subtitle_id=t.id where tt.author_id=:authorId) as rr group by npc_id");
        q.setParameter("authorId", translator.getId());
        List<BigInteger> resultList = q.getResultList();
        List<Long> longResultList = new ArrayList();
        for (BigInteger id : resultList) {
        if (longResultList.isEmpty()) {
        crit.add(Restrictions.in("id", longResultList));
    if (noTranslations) {
        crit.add(Restrictions.lt("progress", BigDecimal.ONE));
    List<Npc> list = crit.list();
    return container;

From source file:org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.accessimpl.jpahibernate.JpaHibFindByConditionAccessImpl.java

License:Apache License

private void addFetchStrategy(Criteria criteria) {
    for (ConditionalCriteria crit : cndCriterias) {
        if (Operator.FetchEager.equals(crit.getOperator())) {
            criteria.setFetchMode(crit.getPropertyFullName(), FetchMode.JOIN);
        } else if (Operator.FetchLazy.equals(crit.getOperator())) {
            criteria.setFetchMode(crit.getPropertyFullName(), FetchMode.SELECT);
        }//from  w  w w . java 2 s.co m

From source file:org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.accessimpl.jpahibernate.JpaHibFindByCriteriaAccessImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Add the fetch modes to the criteria. Can be overridden
 * to build more advanced criterias./* ww w.j  a v  a 2 s  .c  o m*/
protected void addFetch(Criteria criteria) {
    for (String associationPath : fetchAssociations) {
        criteria.setFetchMode(associationPath, getFetchMode(associationPath));