List of usage examples for org.hibernate Criteria scroll
public ScrollableResults scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode) throws HibernateException;
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License:Open Source License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<OrderViewForListing> findOrders() throws RepositoryException { // convert fromDateStr / thruDateStr into Timestamps if the string versions were given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fromDateStr)) { fromDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(fromDateStr, timeZone, locale); }//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(thruDateStr)) { thruDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(thruDateStr, timeZone, locale); } Session session = null; try { // get a hibernate session session = getInfrastructure().getSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(OrderHeader.class); // always filter by the current organization criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, organizationPartyId)); // filters by order type, we only want purchase order criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, OrderTypeConstants.PURCHASE_ORDER)); // set the from/thru date filter if they were given if (fromDate != null) { criteria.add(, fromDate)); } if (thruDate != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruDate)); } // filter the role assoc, there is only one supplier role per order Criteria roleCriteria = criteria.createAlias("orderRoles", "or"); roleCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("" +, RoleTypeConstants.BILL_FROM_VENDOR)); // filter by order status if (findDesiredOnly) { List<String> statuses = UtilMisc.toList(StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_APPROVED, StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_CREATED, StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_HOLD); criteria.add(, statuses)); } // filter by the given orderId string if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(, orderId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by exact matching status, if a statusId was given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(statusId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, statusId)); } // filter by the user who created the order if given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(createdBy)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, createdBy)); } // filter by the given orderName string if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderName)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(, orderName, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given supplierPartyId string, from the OrderRole entity if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(supplierPartyId)) { roleCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("" +, supplierPartyId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by product, if given criteria.createAlias("orderItems", "oi"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productPattern)) { try { // try to get product by using productPattern as productId Product product = getProductRepository().getProductById(productPattern); criteria.add( Restrictions.eq("oi." +, product.getProductId())); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { // could not get the product by using productPattern as productId // find all the products that may match String likePattern = "%" + productPattern + "%"; EntityCondition conditionList = EntityCondition.makeCondition(EntityOperator.OR, EntityCondition.makeCondition(ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.productId.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern), EntityCondition.makeCondition( ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.internalName.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern), EntityCondition.makeCondition(ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.productName.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern), EntityCondition.makeCondition(ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.comments.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern), EntityCondition.makeCondition(ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.description.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern), EntityCondition.makeCondition( ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.longDescription.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern), EntityCondition.makeCondition(ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.idValue.getName(), EntityOperator.LIKE, likePattern)); List<ProductAndGoodIdentification> products = findList(ProductAndGoodIdentification.class, conditionList); if (products.size() > 0) { criteria.add("oi." +, Entity .getDistinctFieldValues(products, ProductAndGoodIdentification.Fields.productId))); } } } // specify the fields to return criteria.setProjection(Projections.projectionList() .add(Projections.distinct( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add("" +; // set the order by if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = Arrays.asList(OrderHeader.Fields.orderDate.desc()); } // some substitution is needed to fit the hibernate field names // this also maps the calculated fields and indicates the non sortable fields Map<String, String> subs = new HashMap<String, String>(); subs.put("partyId", ""); subs.put("partyName", ""); subs.put("orderDateString", "orderDate"); subs.put("orderNameId", "orderId"); subs.put("statusDescription", "statusId"); HibernateUtil.setCriteriaOrder(criteria, orderBy, subs); ScrollableResults results = null; List<OrderViewForListing> results2 = new ArrayList<OrderViewForListing>(); try { // fetch the paginated results results = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); if (usePagination()) { results.setRowNumber(getPageStart()); } else { results.first(); } // convert them into OrderViewForListing objects which will also calculate or format some fields for display Object[] o = results.get(); int n = 0; // number of results actually read while (o != null) { OrderViewForListing r = new OrderViewForListing(); r.initRepository(this); int i = 0; r.setOrderId((String) o[i++]); r.setOrderName((String) o[i++]); r.setStatusId((String) o[i++]); r.setGrandTotal((BigDecimal) o[i++]); r.setOrderDate((Timestamp) o[i++]); r.setCurrencyUom((String) o[i++]); r.setPartyId((String) o[i++]); r.calculateExtraFields(getDelegator(), timeZone, locale); results2.add(r); n++; if (! { break; } if (usePagination() && n >= getPageSize()) { break; } o = results.get(); } results.last(); // note: row number starts at 0 setResultSize(results.getRowNumber() + 1); } finally { results.close(); } return results2; } catch (InfrastructureException e) { throw new RepositoryException(e); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<OrderViewForListing> findOrders() throws RepositoryException { // convert fromDateStr / thruDateStr into Timestamps if the string versions were given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fromDateStr)) { fromDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(fromDateStr, timeZone, locale); }/*from ww w.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(thruDateStr)) { thruDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(thruDateStr, timeZone, locale); } Session session = null; try { // get a hibernate session session = getInfrastructure().getSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(OrderHeader.class); // always filter by the current organization criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, organizationPartyId)); // filters by order type, we only want sales order criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, OrderTypeConstants.SALES_ORDER)); // set the from/thru date filter if they were given if (fromDate != null) { criteria.add(, fromDate)); } if (thruDate != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruDate)); } // filter the role assoc, there is only one customer role per order Criteria roleCriteria = criteria.createAlias("orderRoles", "or"); roleCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("" +, RoleTypeConstants.BILL_TO_CUSTOMER)); // filter orders created by the given user (TODO: what use is viewPref as a string here, should be a boolean flag instead ?) if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(viewPref)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, userLoginId)); } // filter by order status if (findActiveOnly || findDesiredOnly) { List<String> statuses = UtilMisc.toList(StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_APPROVED, StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_CREATED, StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_HOLD); if (findActiveOnly) { statuses.add(StatusItemConstants.OrderStatus.ORDER_PROCESSING); } criteria.add(, statuses)); } // filter by the given orderId string if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(, orderId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given externalOrderId string if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(externalOrderId)) { criteria.add( Restrictions.ilike(, externalOrderId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by exact matching status, if a statusId was given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(statusId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, statusId)); } // filter by product store if given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productStoreId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, productStoreId)); } // filter by the user who created the order if given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(createdBy)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, createdBy)); } // filter by the given orderName string if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderName)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(, orderName, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given customerPartyId string, from the OrderRole entity if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(customerPartyId)) { roleCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("" +, customerPartyId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given purchaseOrderId string, from the OrderItem entity criteria.createAlias("orderItems", "oi"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(purchaseOrderId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("oi." +, purchaseOrderId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given productId string, from the OrderItem entity if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productId)) { criteria.add( Restrictions.ilike("oi." +, productId, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given shippingAddress string, from the OrderItemShipGroup entity criteria.createAlias("orderItemShipGroups", "oisg"); Criteria address = criteria.createCriteria("oisg.postalAddress"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingAddress)) { address.add(Restrictions.ilike(, shippingAddress, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingCountry)) { address.add(Restrictions.ilike(, shippingCountry, MatchMode.EXACT)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingStateProvince)) { address.add(Restrictions.ilike(, shippingStateProvince, MatchMode.EXACT)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingCity)) { address.add(Restrictions.ilike(, shippingCity, MatchMode.START)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingPostalCode)) { address.add(Restrictions.ilike(, shippingPostalCode, MatchMode.START)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingToName)) { address.add( Restrictions.ilike(, shippingToName, MatchMode.START)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shippingAttnName)) { address.add(Restrictions.ilike(, shippingAttnName, MatchMode.START)); } // filter by the given lotId and serialNumber, which may come either from // OrderItemShipGrpInvRes -> InventoryItem // or // ItemIssuance -> InventoryItem criteria.createCriteria("orderItemShipGrpInvReses", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN).createCriteria("inventoryItem", "rii", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN); criteria.createCriteria("itemIssuances", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN).createCriteria("inventoryItem", "iii", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(lotId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.or( Restrictions.ilike("rii." +, lotId, MatchMode.START), Restrictions.ilike("iii." +, lotId, MatchMode.START))); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(serialNumber)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.or( Restrictions.ilike("rii." +, serialNumber, MatchMode.START), Restrictions.ilike("iii." +, serialNumber, MatchMode.START))); } criteria.createCriteria("trackingCodeOrders", "tco", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN); // specify the fields to return criteria.setProjection(Projections.projectionList() .add(Projections.distinct( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add("" + .add("oi." + .add("tco." +; Debug.logInfo("criteria.toString() : " + criteria.toString(), MODULE); // set the order by if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = Arrays.asList(OrderHeader.Fields.orderDate.desc()); } // some substitution is needed to fit the hibernate field names // this also maps the calculated fields and indicates the non sortable fields Map<String, String> subs = new HashMap<String, String>(); subs.put("partyId", ""); subs.put("partyName", ""); subs.put("orderDateString", "orderDate"); subs.put("shipByDateString", null); subs.put("orderNameId", "orderId"); subs.put("statusDescription", "statusId"); subs.put("correspondingPoId", "oi.correspondingPoId"); subs.put("trackingCodeId", "tco.trackingCodeId"); HibernateUtil.setCriteriaOrder(criteria, orderBy, subs); ScrollableResults results = null; List<OrderViewForListing> results2 = new ArrayList<OrderViewForListing>(); try { // fetch the paginated results results = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); if (usePagination()) { results.setRowNumber(getPageStart()); } else { results.first(); } // convert them into OrderViewForListing objects which will also calculate or format some fields for display Object[] o = results.get(); int n = 0; // number of results actually read while (o != null) { OrderViewForListing r = new OrderViewForListing(); r.initRepository(this); int i = 0; r.setOrderId((String) o[i++]); r.setOrderName((String) o[i++]); r.setStatusId((String) o[i++]); r.setGrandTotal((BigDecimal) o[i++]); r.setOrderDate((Timestamp) o[i++]); r.setCurrencyUom((String) o[i++]); r.setPartyId((String) o[i++]); r.setCorrespondingPoId((String) o[i++]); r.setTrackingCodeId((String) o[i++]); r.calculateExtraFields(getDelegator(), timeZone, locale); results2.add(r); n++; if (! { break; } if (usePagination() && n >= getPageSize()) { break; } o = results.get(); } results.last(); // note: row number starts at 0 setResultSize(results.getRowNumber() + 1); } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } return results2; } catch (InfrastructureException e) { Debug.logError(e, MODULE); throw new RepositoryException(e); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<InvoiceViewForListing> findInvoices() throws RepositoryException { // convert from / thru from String into Timestamps if the string versions were given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fromInvoiceDateString)) { fromInvoiceDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(fromInvoiceDateString, timeZone, locale); }//from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(thruInvoiceDateString)) { thruInvoiceDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(thruInvoiceDateString, timeZone, locale); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fromDueDateString)) { fromDueDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(fromDueDateString, timeZone, locale); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(thruDueDateString)) { thruDueDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(thruDueDateString, timeZone, locale); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fromPaidDateString)) { fromPaidDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(fromPaidDateString, timeZone, locale); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(thruPaidDateString)) { thruPaidDate = UtilDate.toTimestamp(thruPaidDateString, timeZone, locale); } Session session = null; try { // get a hibernate session session = getInfrastructure().getSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Invoice.class); // always filter by invoice type criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, invoiceTypeId)); // some id filters if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(partyId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, partyId)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(partyIdFrom)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, partyIdFrom)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(invoiceId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, invoiceId)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(statusId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, statusId)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(processingStatusId)) { // this is a special case where we want an empty status if ("_NA_".equals(processingStatusId)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, null)); } else { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(, processingStatusId)); } } // set the from/thru date filter if they were given if (fromInvoiceDate != null) { criteria.add(, fromInvoiceDate)); } if (thruInvoiceDate != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruInvoiceDate)); } if (fromDueDate != null) { criteria.add(, fromDueDate)); } if (thruDueDate != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruDueDate)); } if (fromPaidDate != null) { criteria.add(, fromPaidDate)); } if (thruPaidDate != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruPaidDate)); } // set the from/thru amount filter if they were given if (fromAmount != null) { criteria.add(, fromAmount)); } if (thruAmount != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruAmount)); } if (fromOpenAmount != null) { criteria.add(, fromOpenAmount)); } if (thruOpenAmount != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(, thruOpenAmount)); } // set the other like filters if they were given if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(referenceNumber)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(, referenceNumber, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(message)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(, message, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); } // order Id search needs a join with OrderItemBilling if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(orderId)) { criteria.createAlias("orderItemBillings", "oib"); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("oib." +, orderId)); } // item description search needs a join with InvoiceItem if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(itemDescription)) { criteria.createAlias("invoiceItems", "ii"); criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("ii." +, itemDescription, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); } // TODO: accounting tags // specify the fields to return criteria.setProjection(Projections.projectionList() .add(Projections.distinct( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add( .add(; // set the order by if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = Arrays.asList(Invoice.Fields.invoiceDate.desc()); } // some substitution is needed to fit the hibernate field names // this also maps the calculated fields and indicates the non sortable fields Map<String, String> subs = new HashMap<String, String>(); subs.put("partyName", "partyId"); subs.put("partyNameFrom", "partyIdFrom"); subs.put("invoiceDateString", "invoiceDate"); subs.put("dueDateString", "dueDate"); subs.put("statusDescription", "statusId"); subs.put("processingStatusDescription", "processingStatusId"); HibernateUtil.setCriteriaOrder(criteria, orderBy, subs); ScrollableResults results = null; List<InvoiceViewForListing> results2 = new ArrayList<InvoiceViewForListing>(); try { // fetch the paginated results results = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); if (usePagination()) { results.setRowNumber(getPageStart()); } // convert them into InvoiceViewForListing objects which will also calculate or format some fields for display Object[] o = results.get(); int n = 0; // number of results actually read while (o != null) { InvoiceViewForListing r = new InvoiceViewForListing(); r.initRepository(this); int i = 0; r.setInvoiceId((String) o[i++]); r.setPartyId((String) o[i++]); r.setPartyIdFrom((String) o[i++]); r.setStatusId((String) o[i++]); r.setProcessingStatusId((String) o[i++]); r.setInvoiceDate((Timestamp) o[i++]); r.setDueDate((Timestamp) o[i++]); r.setCurrencyUomId((String) o[i++]); r.setInvoiceTotal((BigDecimal) o[i++]); r.setOpenAmount((BigDecimal) o[i++]); r.setReferenceNumber((String) o[i++]); r.calculateExtraFields(getDelegator(), timeZone, locale); results2.add(r); n++; if (! { break; } if (usePagination() && n >= getPageSize()) { break; } o = results.get(); } results.last(); // note: row number starts at 0 setResultSize(results.getRowNumber() + 1); } finally { results.close(); } return results2; } catch (InfrastructureException e) { throw new RepositoryException(e); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Creates the hibernate search index for a given Entity class. * @param fullTextSession a <code>FullTextSession</code> value * @param entityClass a <code>Class</code> value */// www . j a va2s . c o m @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void createIndexForEntity(FullTextSession fullTextSession, Class entityClass) { Criteria query = fullTextSession.createCriteria(entityClass) //load necessary associations .setFetchMode("distributor", FetchMode.JOIN) //distinct them (due to collection load) .setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY) //set flush mode, ensure it will write to disk on commit the transaction .setFlushMode(FlushMode.COMMIT) //minimize cache interaction .setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE).setFetchSize(Session.FETCH_SIZE); //scroll in forward only ScrollableResults scroll = query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); int batch = 0; while ( { batch++; fullTextSession.index(scroll.get(0)); if (batch % Session.FETCH_SIZE == 0) { // batch flush index into session per FETCH_SIZE fullTextSession.flushToIndexes(); fullTextSession.clear(); } } // flush last changes fullTextSession.flushToIndexes(); fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().optimize(entityClass); }
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License:Open Source License
private long reindexObjects(final Class<?> clazz, final ReindexSettings settings) { final Session session = getSession(); Criteria criteria = createCriteria(session, clazz, settings, true); final Long number = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); // Get number of objects to re-index (select count(*) from). final boolean scrollMode = number > MIN_REINDEX_ENTRIES_4_USE_SCROLL_MODE ? true : false;"Starting re-indexing of " + number + " entries (total number) of type " + clazz.getName() + " with scrollMode=" + scrollMode + "..."); final int batchSize = 1000;// NumberUtils.createInteger(System.getProperty("") final FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session); fullTextSession.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); fullTextSession.setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE); long index = 0; if (scrollMode == true) { // Scroll-able results will avoid loading too many objects in memory criteria = createCriteria(fullTextSession, clazz, settings, false); final ScrollableResults results = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); while ( == true) { final Object obj = results.get(0); if (obj instanceof ExtendedBaseDO<?>) { ((ExtendedBaseDO<?>) obj).recalculate(); }/*from w w w.j av a 2 s . c o m*/ fullTextSession.index(obj); // index each element if (index++ % batchSize == 0) session.flush(); // clear every batchSize since the queue is processed } } else { criteria = createCriteria(session, clazz, settings, false); final List<?> list = criteria.list(); for (final Object obj : list) { if (obj instanceof ExtendedBaseDO<?>) { ((ExtendedBaseDO<?>) obj).recalculate(); } fullTextSession.index(obj); if (index++ % batchSize == 0) session.flush(); // clear every batchSize since the queue is processed } } final SearchFactory searchFactory = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory(); searchFactory.optimize(clazz);"Re-indexing of " + index + " objects of type " + clazz.getName() + " done."); return index; }
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License:Open Source License
private long reindexObjects(final Class<?> clazz, final ReindexSettings settings) { final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = createCriteria(session, clazz, settings, true); final Long number = (Long) criteria.uniqueResult(); // Get number of objects to re-index (select count(*) from). final boolean scrollMode = number > MIN_REINDEX_ENTRIES_4_USE_SCROLL_MODE ? true : false;"Starting re-indexing of " + number + " entries (total number) of type " + clazz.getName() + " with scrollMode=" + scrollMode + "..."); final int batchSize = 1000;// NumberUtils.createInteger(System.getProperty("") final FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session); HibernateCompatUtils.setFlushMode(fullTextSession, FlushMode.MANUAL); HibernateCompatUtils.setCacheMode(fullTextSession, CacheMode.IGNORE); long index = 0; if (scrollMode == true) { // Scroll-able results will avoid loading too many objects in memory criteria = createCriteria(fullTextSession, clazz, settings, false); final ScrollableResults results = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); while ( == true) { final Object obj = results.get(0); if (obj instanceof ExtendedBaseDO<?>) { ((ExtendedBaseDO<?>) obj).recalculate(); }//from w w w. j a v a 2s . com HibernateCompatUtils.index(fullTextSession, obj); if (index++ % batchSize == 0) { session.flush(); // clear every batchSize since the queue is processed } } } else { criteria = createCriteria(session, clazz, settings, false); final List<?> list = criteria.list(); for (final Object obj : list) { if (obj instanceof ExtendedBaseDO<?>) { ((ExtendedBaseDO<?>) obj).recalculate(); } HibernateCompatUtils.index(fullTextSession, obj); if (index++ % batchSize == 0) { session.flush(); // clear every batchSize since the queue is processed } } } final SearchFactory searchFactory = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory(); searchFactory.optimize(clazz);"Re-indexing of " + index + " objects of type " + clazz.getName() + " done."); return index; }
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License:Open Source License
private ScrollableResults getScrollableResults(FullTextSession ftSession, Class<?> entity, Collection<Long> ids) { Criteria query = ftSession.createCriteria(entity); query.add("id", ids)); return query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); }
From source
License:Mozilla Public License
/** * Populates a {@link PageData} with the results for the given criteria. * @param pageData The page to retrieve. * @param criteria The query.// w w w. j ava 2 s . c om * @param sortColumn The sort column or <code>null</code> * @param descending <code>true</code> for descending sort, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return The populated page. */ public static PageData populatePageData(PageData pageData, Criteria criteria, String sortColumn, boolean descending) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("populatePageData from criteria: " + criteria.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); if (pageData.getOffset() == 0) { // Set the total result size into the page data. criteria.setProjection(Projections.count(ATTR_DEVICE_ID)); Object uniqueResult = criteria.uniqueResult(); if (uniqueResult instanceof Integer) { pageData.setTotal((Integer) uniqueResult); } else if (uniqueResult instanceof Long) { pageData.setTotal(((Long) uniqueResult).intValue()); } else { pageData.setTotal(((BigInteger) uniqueResult).intValue()); } criteria.setProjection(null); } if (sortColumn != null) { if (sortColumn.equals(ATTR_IP_ADDRESS)) { criteria.addOrder(descending ? Order.desc(ATTR_IP_HIGH) : Order.asc(ATTR_IP_HIGH)) .addOrder(descending ? Order.desc(ATTR_IP_LOW) : Order.asc(ATTR_IP_LOW)); } else { criteria.addOrder((descending ? Order.desc(sortColumn.trim()) : Order.asc(sortColumn.trim()))); } } List<ZDeviceLite> list = new ArrayList<ZDeviceLite>(); ScrollableResults scroll = criteria.scroll(); while ( { Object[] objects = scroll.get(); list.add((ZDeviceLite) objects[0]); } scroll.close(); pageData.setDevices(list.toArray(new ZDeviceLite[0])); return pageData; }
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License:Mozilla Public License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public PageData getExecutionData(PageData pageData, String sortColumn, boolean descending) { Session session = SchedulerActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(ExecutionData.class).add(Restrictions.isNotNull("startTime")) .setFirstResult(pageData.getOffset()).setMaxResults(pageData.getPageSize()); if (pageData.getOffset() == 0) { // Set the total result size into the page data. criteria.setProjection(Projections.count("id")); Integer total = (Integer) criteria.uniqueResult(); pageData.setTotal(total);//from ww w. ja va2 s .c o m criteria.setProjection(null); } if (sortColumn != null) { criteria.addOrder((descending ? Order.desc(sortColumn.trim()) : Order.asc(sortColumn.trim()))); } List<ExecutionData> list = new ArrayList<ExecutionData>(); ScrollableResults scroll = criteria.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); while ( { list.add((ExecutionData) scroll.get(0)); } scroll.close(); pageData.setExecutionData(list); return pageData; }
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License:Apache License
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ */ public ResultsIterator<T> findAllIterator() { final Criteria crit = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(getPersistentClass()); final ScrollableResults results = crit.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); return new ResultsIteratorImpl<T>(results); }