List of usage examples for org.hibernate Criteria createCriteria
@Deprecated public Criteria createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, int joinType) throws HibernateException;
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License:Open Source License
@Override public PagingLoadResult<Loan> getLoans(PagingLoadConfig configs) throws PigeException { PermissionHelper.checkLoanManagementPermission(getThreadLocalRequest()); logger.debug("Rcupration des emprunts " + "[Pagination: dpart=" + configs.getOffset() + ", max=" + configs.getLimit() + "] ..."); Transaction tx = null;/*from w ww . j a va2 s.c o m*/ List<Loan> loans = null; Session session = null; Integer loanCount = 0; Integer offset = 0; Integer limit = 0; try { session = PigeHibernateUtil.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; Criteria loansCriteria = session.createCriteria(Loan.class); Criteria usersCriteria = null; List<FilterConfig> searchConfigs = configs.get(PIGE.SEARCH_CONFIGS); List<FilterConfig> filterConfigs = configs.get(PIGE.FILTER_CONFIGS); List<FilterConfig> userParam = null; List<FilterConfig> loanParam = null; if (searchConfigs != null) { for (FilterConfig fc : searchConfigs) { if (fc.getField().equals("params")) { logger.debug("Extraction du FilterConfig 'params'..."); BaseListFilterConfig blfc = (BaseListFilterConfig) fc; userParam = blfc.get(PIGE.USER_CONFIGS); logger.debug("Extraction de la liste 'user-param'..." + (userParam == null ? "N/D" : "OK")); loanParam = blfc.get(PIGE.LOAN_CONFIGS); logger.debug("Extraction de la liste 'loan-param'..." + (loanParam == null ? "N/D" : "OK")); break; } } } Criterion filterCriterion = null; Iterator<FilterConfig> itr = null; FilterConfig fc = null; if (loanParam != null) { itr = loanParam.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { fc =; if (fc instanceof BaseDateFilterConfig) { BaseDateFilterConfig dateFC = (BaseDateFilterConfig) fc; startDate = dateFC.get(PIGE.START_DATE, null); endDate = dateFC.get(PIGE.END_DATE, null); itr.remove(); break; } } FilterConfig matchModeConfig = new BaseBooleanFilterConfig(); matchModeConfig.setField(PIGE.MATCH_MODE); matchModeConfig.setValue(Boolean.FALSE); loanParam.add(matchModeConfig); filterCriterion = PigeHibernateUtil.buildFilterCriterion(loanParam); if (filterCriterion != null) { loansCriteria.add(filterCriterion); } if (startDate != null) { logger.debug("Restrictions sur la date d'chance: entre " + startDate.toString() + " et " + (endDate == null ? new Date() : endDate) + " inclusivement..."); loansCriteria.add(Restrictions.between(Loan.START_DATE_REF, startDate, (endDate == null ? new Date() : endDate))); } else if (endDate != null) { logger.debug("Restrictions sur la date d'chance: <= " + endDate.toString()); loansCriteria.add(Restrictions.le(Loan.START_DATE_REF, endDate)); } } if (filterConfigs != null && filterConfigs.size() > 0) { filterCriterion = PigeHibernateUtil.buildFilterCriterion(filterConfigs); if (filterCriterion != null) { loansCriteria.add(filterCriterion); } } usersCriteria = loansCriteria.createCriteria(Loan.USER_REF, "usr", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN); if (userParam != null) { String userScope = null; itr = userParam.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { fc =; if (fc.getField().equals("scope")) { userScope = (String) fc.getValue(); itr.remove(); break; } } if (userScope != null && !userScope.isEmpty() && !userScope.equals("*")) { logger.debug( "Restriction de la recherche sur un usager " + "spcifique: [" + userScope + "] ..."); usersCriteria.add(, userScope, MatchMode.EXACT)); } else { logger.debug("Restriction de la recherche sur un ou des " + "usager spcifique..."); filterCriterion = PigeHibernateUtil.buildFilterCriterion(userParam); if (filterCriterion != null) { usersCriteria.add(filterCriterion); } } } loanCount = (Integer) loansCriteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult(); offset = configs.getOffset(); limit = loanCount; if (limit > 0 && configs.getLimit() > 0) { limit = Math.min(configs.getLimit(), limit); } logger.debug("Paramtres d'extraction des donnes: dpart=" + offset + ", max=" + limit + "] ..."); loansCriteria.setProjection(null); loansCriteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.ROOT_ENTITY); loans = (List) loansCriteria.addOrder(Order.asc("usr." + User.LOAN_NO_REF)).setFirstResult(offset) .setMaxResults(limit).list(); tx.commit(); logger.debug("Rcupration russie!"); } catch (Exception hex) { logger.error(hex); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } if (loans == null) { loans = new ArrayList(); } return new BasePagingLoadResult(loans, offset, loanCount); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Retourne une liste des usagers ayant des emprunts en retards. * * @return liste des usagers/*from w w w . java 2 s.c o m*/ */ public List<User> getAllUserWithLateLoan() { Transaction tx = null; List<User> users = null; Session session = null; try { session = PigeHibernateUtil.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); Criteria userCriteria = session.createCriteria(User.class); Criteria loanCriteria = userCriteria.createCriteria(User.LOAN_COLLECTION_REF, "ln", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN); loanCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq(Loan.STATUS_REF, LoanStatus.STATUS_LATE)); users = (List) loanCriteria.list(); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception hex) { logger.error(hex); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } if (users == null) { users = new ArrayList(); } // Le hashset permet de retirer les doublons provenant de la requte // SQL. return new ArrayList(new HashSet(users)); }
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License:Apache License
protected void addNewCriteriaToContext(ItemPath path, Definition def, String realName) { ItemPath lastPropPath = path.allExceptLast(); if (ItemPath.EMPTY_PATH.equals(lastPropPath)) { lastPropPath = null;//www.ja v a 2 s . co m } // Virtual path is defined for example for virtual collections. {c:role/c:assignment} and {c:role/c:iducement} // must use the same criteria, therefore {c:role/assigmnents} is also path under which is this criteria saved. final ItemPath virtualPath = lastPropPath != null ? new ItemPath(lastPropPath, new QName("", realName)) : new ItemPath(new QName("", realName)); Criteria existing = getContext().getCriteria(path); if (existing != null) { return; } // If there is already criteria on virtual path, only add new path to aliases and criterias. Criteria virtualCriteria = getContext().getCriteria(virtualPath); if (virtualCriteria != null) { getContext().addAlias(path, virtualCriteria.getAlias()); getContext().addCriteria(path, virtualCriteria); return; } // get parent criteria Criteria pCriteria = getContext().getCriteria(lastPropPath); // create new criteria and alias for this relationship String alias = getContext().addAlias(path, def); Criteria criteria = pCriteria.createCriteria(realName, alias, JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); getContext().addCriteria(path, criteria); //also add virtual path to criteria map getContext().addCriteria(virtualPath, criteria); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryOrganizationNorm() throws Exception { Session session = open();/*from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ try { ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringNormMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RUser.class, "u"); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("u", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); Criteria o = main.createCriteria("organization", "o", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); o.add(Restrictions.eq("o.norm", "asdf")); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, UserType.class, query);"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryOrganizationOrig() throws Exception { Session session = open();/*w w w.j a va 2s. co m*/ try { ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, PolyStringOrigMatchingRule.NAME, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RUser.class, "u"); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("u", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); Criteria o = main.createCriteria("organization", "o", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); o.add(Restrictions.eq("o.orig", "asdf")); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, UserType.class, query);"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryOrganizationStrict() throws Exception { Session session = open();/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ try { ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(UserType.F_ORGANIZATION, UserType.class, prismContext, null, new PolyString("asdf", "asdf")); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RUser.class, "u"); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("u", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); Criteria o = main.createCriteria("organization", "o", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); o.add(Restrictions.conjunction().add(Restrictions.eq("o.orig", "asdf")) .add(Restrictions.eq("o.norm", "asdf"))); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, UserType.class, query);"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryDependent() throws Exception { Session session = open();/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ try { Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RTask.class, "t"); Criteria d = main.createCriteria("dependent", "d", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); d.add(Restrictions.eq("d.elements", "123456")); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("t", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); ObjectFilter filter = EqualFilter.createEqual(TaskType.F_DEPENDENT, TaskType.class, prismContext, null, "123456"); ObjectQuery query = ObjectQuery.createObjectQuery(filter); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, TaskType.class, query);"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryGenericLong() throws Exception { Session session = open();// ww w .j a v a 2 s . c om try { Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RGenericObject.class, "g"); Criteria stringExt = main.createCriteria("longs", "l", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); //and Criterion c1 = Restrictions.eq("name.norm", "generic object"); //and Conjunction c2 = Restrictions.conjunction(); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("l.ownerType", RObjectExtensionType.EXTENSION)); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("", new QName("", "intType"))); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("l.value", 123L)); Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.conjunction(); conjunction.add(c1); conjunction.add(c2); main.add(conjunction); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("g", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, GenericObjectType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-and-generic.xml"));"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryOrComposite() throws Exception { Session session = open();//from w ww.j a v a 2s . c o m try { Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RShadow.class, "r"); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("r", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); Criteria stringExt = main.createCriteria("strings", "s1", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); //or Criterion c1 = Restrictions.eq("intent", "some account type"); //or Conjunction c2 = Restrictions.conjunction(); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("s1.ownerType", RObjectExtensionType.ATTRIBUTES)); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("", new QName("", "foo"))); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("s1.value", "foo value")); //or Conjunction c3 = Restrictions.conjunction(); c3.add(Restrictions.eq("s1.ownerType", RObjectExtensionType.EXTENSION)); c3.add(Restrictions.eq("", new QName("", "stringType"))); c3.add(Restrictions.eq("s1.value", "uid=test,dc=example,dc=com")); //or Conjunction c4 = Restrictions.conjunction(); c4.add(Restrictions.eq("r.resourceRef.targetOid", "d0db5be9-cb93-401f-b6c1-86ffffe4cd5e")); c4.add(Restrictions.eq("r.resourceRef.type", QNameUtil.qNameToUri(ResourceType.COMPLEX_TYPE))); Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); disjunction.add(c1); disjunction.add(c2); disjunction.add(c3); disjunction.add(c4); main.add(disjunction); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, ShadowType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-or-composite.xml"));"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void queryAccountByAttributesAndResourceRef() throws Exception { Session session = open();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ try { Criteria main = session.createCriteria(RShadow.class, "r"); Criteria stringAttr = main.createCriteria("strings", "s1x", JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); //and Conjunction c1 = Restrictions.conjunction(); c1.add(Restrictions.eq("r.resourceRef.targetOid", "aae7be60-df56-11df-8608-0002a5d5c51b")); c1.add(Restrictions.eq("r.resourceRef.type", QNameUtil.qNameToUri(ResourceType.COMPLEX_TYPE))); //and Conjunction c2 = Restrictions.conjunction(); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("s1x.ownerType", RObjectExtensionType.ATTRIBUTES)); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("", new QName("", "foo"))); c2.add(Restrictions.eq("s1x.value", "uid=jbond,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")); Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.conjunction(); conjunction.add(c1); conjunction.add(c2); main.add(conjunction); ProjectionList projections = Projections.projectionList(); addFullObjectProjectionList("r", projections, false); main.setProjection(projections); String expected = HibernateToSqlTranslator.toSql(main); String real = getInterpretedQuery(session, ShadowType.class, new File(TEST_DIR, "query-account-by-attributes-and-resource-ref.xml"));"exp. query>\n{}\nreal query>\n{}", new Object[] { expected, real }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected, real); } finally { close(session); } }