Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup MethodBinding isPublic

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup MethodBinding isPublic


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup MethodBinding isPublic.


public final boolean isPublic() 

Source Link


From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.copyinheritance.CopyInheritance.java

License:Open Source License

 * Copy a given method to the tsub-role.
 * Adds the new method to AST and performs initial creation of bindings.
 * @param method  method to copy//from  w w w .j ava  2 s  .  c o m
 * @param targetRoleDecl target role class
private static void copyMethod(MethodBinding method, TypeDeclaration targetRoleDecl) {
    boolean wasSynthetic = false;
    ReferenceBinding site = null;

    if ((method.modifiers & AccSynthetic) != 0) {
        wasSynthetic = true;
        // some, but not all, synthetics shall be generated with strong signatures as indicated by 'site':
        if (!SyntheticBaseCallSurrogate.isBaseCallSurrogateName(method.selector))
            site = targetRoleDecl.binding;
        if (SyntheticRoleBridgeMethodBinding.isPrivateBridgeSelector(method.selector))
            return; // will be generated anew

    if (TypeContainerMethod.isTypeContainer(method))
        return; // don't copy these dummy methods

    if (isCreator(method) || CharOperation.equals(IOTConstants._OT_GETBASE, method.selector)
            || CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.CAST_PREFIX, method.selector)
            || CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.GET_CLASS_PREFIX, method.selector))
        return; // create/getBase/cast/getClass-methods are generated anew in each team.
    // (can only happen in a team that is a role of an outer team.)
    // Note: we don't use AccSynthetic on creators, because
    // Synthetic methods are not read from byte code.
    // FIXME(SH): this last note is not true any more.

    if (targetRoleDecl.isTeam() && (ReflectionGenerator.isReflectionMethod(method)
            || SerializationGenerator.isSerializationMethod(method)))
    if (MethodModel.isFakedMethod(method))
        return; // will be generated anew (basecall-surrogate, rolefield-bridge)

    if (CharOperation.equals(IOTConstants.MIGRATE_TO_TEAM, method.selector))
        return; // can only be used from the exact team

    // avoid copying twice (see copyGeneratedFeatures()):

    // some useful objects:
    ReferenceBinding srcRole = method.declaringClass;
    TypeDeclaration targetTeamDecl = targetRoleDecl.enclosingType;
    ReferenceBinding srcTeam = TeamModel.getEnclosingTeam(srcRole);
    ReferenceBinding tgtTeam = targetTeamDecl.binding;

    MethodBinding origin = (method.copyInheritanceSrc != null) ? method.copyInheritanceSrc : method;

    AbstractMethodDeclaration methodFound = findMethod(srcTeam, method, tgtTeam, targetRoleDecl);

    if (method.isConstructor()) {
        if (CharOperation.equals(srcRole.compoundName, IOTConstants.ORG_OBJECTTEAMS_TEAM_OTCONFINED)) {
            // must add default constructor explicitly,
            // since if we would copy the one from Team.__OT__Confined,
            // it would invoke the wrong super().
            ConstructorDeclaration ctor = targetRoleDecl.createDefaultConstructor(true, true);
            targetRoleDecl.binding.resolveGeneratedMethod(ctor, false, origin);
        } else if (targetRoleDecl.getRoleModel()._refinesExtends) {
            // even if we can't copy the ctor, we need to mark
            // the current ctor as overriding the tsuper version.
            if (methodFound != null)
            return; // extends is covariantly redefined, don't copy ctor!
            // attempts to invoke this tsuper ctor are caught in ExplicitConstructorCall.resolve().

    // If method already exists in subteam,
    // + adjust method in subteam to the more general signature (here)
    // + extend copy with marker arg (below).
    // else give an exact copy.
    boolean reuseFoundMethod = false;
    if (methodFound != null) {
        // do not touch broken methods:
        // (methodFound might have no binding,
        //  e.g., due to a missing import of return-type)
        if (methodFound.binding == null)

        if (methodFound.binding.copyInheritanceSrc == origin)
            return; // diamond inheritance: copying the same method from two different sources

        // tsuper method trumps previously inferred callout:
        if (methodFound.isMappingWrapper == WrapperKind.CALLOUT) {
            MethodModel model = methodFound.model;
            if (model != null && model._inferredCallout != null) {
                // reset callout related stuff:
                methodFound.isMappingWrapper = WrapperKind.NONE;
                model._inferredCallout = null;
                methodFound.statements = null;
                // setup as a copied method:
                methodFound.isCopied = true;
                methodFound.binding.copyInheritanceSrc = method;
                methodFound.sourceMethodBinding = method;
                reuseFoundMethod = true;

        // do this in any case so that ConstantPoolObjectMapper won't fail:

        // abstract methods have no byte code to copy;
        // new method silently replaces abstract version:
        if (method.isAbstract()) {
            weakenSignature(methodFound, method);

        if (method.isFinal()) {
            methodFound.scope.problemReporter().finalMethodCannotBeOverridden(methodFound.binding, method);
        weakenSignature(methodFound, method);
        MethodBinding foundSrc = methodFound.binding.copyInheritanceSrc;
        if (foundSrc != null && foundSrc != origin) {
            // found a copied method which has a different origin, choose the more specific:
            // if incommensurable prefer the new copy (assuming it comes from *implicit* super team)
            if (!TeamModel.isMoreSpecificThan(foundSrc.declaringClass, origin.declaringClass)) {
                // more specific method overwrites previous linkage:
                methodFound.sourceMethodBinding = origin;
                methodFound.isTSuper = TSuperHelper.isTSuper(method);
                // TODO(SH): also update CopyInheritanceSrc-Attribute!
                if (!method.isAbstract()) {
                    // not abstract any more, joining abstract and implemented methods:
                    methodFound.modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract | AccSemicolonBody);
                    methodFound.binding.modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract | AccSemicolonBody);
                    // TODO(SH): might need multiple copyInheritanceSrc!
                    // TODO(SH) need to adjust copiedInContext?
    AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(targetRoleDecl.sourceStart, targetRoleDecl.sourceEnd);
    gen.replaceableEnclosingClass = tgtTeam;
    final AbstractMethodDeclaration newMethodDecl;
    if (methodFound != null && reuseFoundMethod) {
        newMethodDecl = methodFound;
    } else {
        newMethodDecl = AstConverter.createMethod(method, site, targetRoleDecl.compilationResult,
                DecapsulationState.REPORTED, gen);

        if (methodFound != null)
            TSuperHelper.addMarkerArg(newMethodDecl, srcTeam);

        if (newMethodDecl.isConstructor()) {
            // comments (SH):
            // other phases may depend on this field (constructorCall) being set,
            // although it carries no real information.
            ConstructorDeclaration cd = (ConstructorDeclaration) newMethodDecl;
            cd.constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall();

            if (Lifting.isLiftingCtor(method) && method.parameters[0].isRole()) {
                // if baseclass is implicitely redefined use the strong type:
                ReferenceBinding newBase = targetRoleDecl.binding.baseclass();
                if (TypeBinding.notEquals(newBase, method.parameters[0]))
                    newMethodDecl.arguments[0].type = gen.baseclassReference(newBase);

        AstEdit.addMethod(targetRoleDecl, newMethodDecl, wasSynthetic, false/*addToFront*/, origin);
    if (method.isPrivate()) {
        newMethodDecl.binding.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed; // don't warn unused copied method

    newMethodDecl.binding.copiedInContext = tgtTeam.enclosingType();
    MethodModel newModel = MethodModel.getModel(newMethodDecl);
    newModel.addAttribute(CopyInheritanceSourceAttribute.copyInherSrcAttribute(origin, newModel));
    if (wasSynthetic)
        targetRoleDecl.getRoleModel().addSyntheticMethodMapping(method, newMethodDecl.binding);

    if (method.isAnyCallin() && !method.isCallin()) // callin wrapper
        newMethodDecl.isMappingWrapper = WrapperKind.CALLIN;

    if (methodFound == null) {
        // copy down some more properties:
        if (TSuperHelper.isTSuper(method))
            newMethodDecl.isTSuper = true;
        if (method.model != null && method.model.callinFlags != 0)
            MethodModel.addCallinFlag(newMethodDecl, method.model.callinFlags);
        if (method.isAnyCallin()) {
            TypeBinding inheritedSrcReturn = MethodModel.getReturnType(method);
            if (inheritedSrcReturn.isRole())
                inheritedSrcReturn = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(inheritedSrcReturn,
            MethodModel.saveReturnType(newMethodDecl.binding, inheritedSrcReturn);
        } else {
            if (!method.isPublic() // non-public source-level class method?
                    && !method.isConstructor() && !targetRoleDecl.isInterface()
                    && !CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.OT_DOLLAR_NAME, method.selector)) {
        // more checking: abstract method in non-abstract class?
        if (newMethodDecl.isAbstract() && (targetRoleDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) == 0) {
            targetRoleDecl.scope.problemReporter().setRechecker(new IProblemRechecker() {
                public boolean shouldBeReported(IrritantSet[] foundIrritants) {
                    if (newMethodDecl.isAbstract()) // implemented by callout?
                        return true;
                    return false; // false alarm
            }).abstractMethodMustBeImplemented(targetRoleDecl.binding, newMethodDecl.binding);

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.RoleSplitter.java

License:Open Source License

 * After bindings have been created the synthetic interface is setup
 * to mirror the extends of the role class.
 * This method only treats the case of regular superclasses:
 *   + copy signatures for all methods that are directly or inderictly
 *     inherited (not including java.lang.Object).
 * (role superclasses are treated in linkSuperAndBaseInIfc()).
 * @param teamDecl//from   w w w.ja va 2 s  . c  o m
 * @param roleClass
 * @param roleIfcDecl
public static void setupInterfaceForExtends(TypeDeclaration teamDecl, TypeDeclaration roleClass,
        TypeDeclaration roleIfcDecl) {
    ReferenceBinding superClass = roleClass.binding.superclass();
    if (superClass == null)
        return; // current must be Confined
    if (superClass.isDirectRole()
            && !CharOperation.equals(superClass.internalName(), IOTConstants.OTCONFINED)) {
        return; // already processed in linkSuperAndBaseInIfc()
    ReferenceBinding[] tsupers = roleClass.getRoleModel().getTSuperRoleBindings();
    for (ReferenceBinding tsuperRole : tsupers)
        if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(tsuperRole.superclass(), superClass))
            return; // already included via tsuper.

    // workaround for mixed binary/source roles (cause for this situation unknown):
    if (roleIfcDecl == null)

    ReferenceBinding ifcBinding = roleIfcDecl.binding;
    ReferenceBinding javaLangObject = teamDecl.scope.getJavaLangObject();

    AstGenerator gen;
    if (roleClass.superclass != null)
        gen = new AstGenerator(roleClass.superclass.sourceStart, roleClass.superclass.sourceEnd);
        gen = new AstGenerator(roleClass.sourceStart, roleClass.sourceEnd);

    while (superClass != null && TypeBinding.notEquals(superClass, javaLangObject)) {
        MethodBinding[] methods = superClass.methods();
        methodLoop: for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            MethodBinding m = methods[i];
            if (m.isConstructor())
                continue; // not inherited
            if (m.isPrivate())
                continue; // not inherited
            if (m.isStatic())
                continue; // not applicable in roles
            if (!m.isPublic()) { // not visible via interface
                MethodBinding existingMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(roleIfcDecl.scope, ifcBinding,
                        m.selector, m.parameters);
                if (existingMethod != null && existingMethod.isValidBinding())
                ProblemMethodBinding problemMethod = new ProblemMethodBinding(m, m.selector, m.parameters,
                problemMethod.modifiers = m.modifiers;
                problemMethod.modifiers |= AccAbstract | AccSemicolonBody; // don't confuse the MethodVerifier with class method in ifc
                problemMethod.thrownExceptions = m.thrownExceptions;
                problemMethod.returnType = m.returnType;
                MethodModel.getModel(problemMethod).problemDetail = ProblemDetail.RoleInheritsNonPublic;
                ifcBinding.addMethod(problemMethod); // adding binding only as to support error reporting without generating new code

            for (int j = 0; j < IOTConstants.OT_KEYWORDS.length; j++) {
                if (CharOperation.equals(m.selector, IOTConstants.OT_KEYWORDS[j])) {
                    roleClass.scope.problemReporter().inheritedNameIsOTKeyword(m, gen.sourceStart,
                    continue methodLoop;
            MethodBinding declaredMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findCompatibleMethod(ifcBinding, m);

            if (declaredMethod == null) {
                MethodDeclaration newmethod = AstConverter.genIfcMethodFromBinding(teamDecl, m, gen);

                // the following also creates bindings, which helps to avoid
                // entering the same signature twice
                // (next time findCompatibleMethod() above will also find the new method).
                boolean wasSynthetic = false;
                if ((newmethod.modifiers & AccSynthetic) != 0) {
                    wasSynthetic = true;
                    newmethod.modifiers &= ~AccSynthetic;
                AstEdit.addMethod(roleIfcDecl, newmethod, wasSynthetic, false, null/*copyInheritanceSrc*/);
                if (newmethod.binding != null) {
                    newmethod.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;
                    newmethod.binding.copyInheritanceSrc = m;
            } else {
                if (!Protections.isAsVisible(declaredMethod.modifiers, m.modifiers))
                    roleClass.scope.problemReporter().visibilityConflict(declaredMethod, m);
        superClass = superClass.superclass();


From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.RoleTypeCreator.java

License:Open Source License

private static void checkArrayLoweringForReturn(MethodBinding method, BlockScope scope) {
    int dimensions = method.returnType.dimensions();
    if (dimensions == 0)
        return; // not an array
    if ((method.declaringClass.isRole() && !method.isPublic()) || method.isPrivate())
        return; // not visible
    TypeBinding leafReturn = method.returnType.leafComponentType();
    if (!leafReturn.isRole())
        return; // not a role type
    TypeBinding baseType = ((ReferenceBinding) leafReturn).baseclass();
    if (baseType == null)
        return; // not bound
    baseType = scope.createArrayType(baseType, dimensions);
    new ArrayLowering(null).ensureTransformMethod(scope, null, method.returnType, baseType, false);