Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core.search IJavaSearchConstants DECLARATIONS

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.core.search IJavaSearchConstants DECLARATIONS


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core.search IJavaSearchConstants DECLARATIONS.



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The search result is a declaration.


From source file:com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.SourceRevealer.java

License:Open Source License

private List<SearchMatch> searchForPattern(String pattern, int searchFor,
        Predicate<SearchMatch> filterPredicate) {
    SearchEngine se = new SearchEngine();
    SearchPattern searchPattern = SearchPattern.createPattern(pattern, searchFor,
            IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE);
    SearchResultAccumulator requestor = new SearchResultAccumulator(filterPredicate);
    try {/* w  ww .  j av a  2s.  co m*/
        se.search(searchPattern, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() },
                SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(), requestor, new NullProgressMonitor());
    } catch (CoreException e) {
        return Collections.emptyList();

    return requestor.getMatches();

From source file:com.android.ide.eclipse.pdt.internal.SourceRevealer.java

License:Apache License

public boolean revealMethod(String fqmn, String fileName, int lineNumber, String perspective) {
    SearchEngine se = new SearchEngine();
    SearchPattern searchPattern = SearchPattern.createPattern(fqmn, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
            IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE);
    MethodSearchRequestor requestor = new MethodSearchRequestor(perspective);
    try {//from  www . j  ava 2 s  .c om
        se.search(searchPattern, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() },
                SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(), requestor, new NullProgressMonitor());
    } catch (CoreException e) {
        return false;

    return requestor.didMatch();

From source file:com.android.ide.eclipse.traceview.editors.TraceviewEditor.java

License:Apache License

public void handleMethod(MethodData method) {
    // it's a bit complicated to convert the signature we have with what the
    // search engine require, so we'll search by name only and test the signature
    // when we get the result(s).
    String methodName = method.getMethodName();
    String className = method.getClassName().replaceAll("/", "."); //$NON-NLS-1$  //$NON-NLS-21$
    String fqmn = className + "." + methodName; //$NON-NLS-1$

    try {/*from   www  .  j a  v  a2 s  . c o  m*/
        SearchEngine se = new SearchEngine();
                SearchPattern.createPattern(fqmn, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                        SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE),
                new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() },
                SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(), new TraceSearchRequestor(method),
                new NullProgressMonitor());
    } catch (CoreException e) {


From source file:com.codenvy.ide.ext.java.server.internal.core.search.matching.VariablePattern.java

License:Open Source License

public VariablePattern(int patternKind, char[] name, int limitTo, int matchRule) {
    super(patternKind, matchRule);

    this.fineGrain = limitTo & FINE_GRAIN_MASK;
    if (this.fineGrain == 0) {
        switch (limitTo & 0xF) {
        case IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS:
            this.findDeclarations = true;
        case IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES:
            this.readAccess = true;
            this.writeAccess = true;
        case IJavaSearchConstants.READ_ACCESSES:
            this.readAccess = true;
        case IJavaSearchConstants.WRITE_ACCESSES:
            this.writeAccess = true;
        case IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURRENCES:
            this.findDeclarations = true;
            this.readAccess = true;
            this.writeAccess = true;
        }/* w  w w.  j a va2s.  c  om*/
        this.findReferences = this.readAccess || this.writeAccess;

    this.name = (this.isCaseSensitive || this.isCamelCase) ? name : CharOperation.toLowerCase(name);

From source file:com.github.ajaxsys.jdtx.utils.JDTUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Find the IMethod in the workspace corresponding to a method signature.
 * This doesn't work for elements declared in inner classes. It's possible
 * this is a 3.2 bug fixed in 3.3//from w w  w.  ja va 2 s.  co  m
 * @return null if not found
public static IMethod findJavaMethodInWorkspaceBrokenForInnerClasses(String methodSig) {
    // dammit ... this doesn't work for inner classes.

    System.err.println("Search for " + methodSig);
    SearchPattern p = SearchPattern.createPattern(methodSig, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
            IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH);
    IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope();
    SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
    final Collection<IJavaElement> kludge = new ArrayList<IJavaElement>();
    SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {

        public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
            kludge.add((IJavaElement) match.getElement());

    try {
        engine.search(p, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() }, scope,
                requestor, null);
    } catch (CoreException e) {
    if (kludge.size() == 1) {
        return (IMethod) kludge.iterator().next();
    } else {
        System.err.println("RETURNED " + kludge.size() + " " + kludge);
        return null;

From source file:com.github.ajaxsys.jdtx.utils.JDTUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Use the search engine to find all methods in a java element
 *//*w w w  .  j a  v  a2  s.  co m*/
public static Collection<IMethod> findMethods(IJavaElement elt) {

    if (elt instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
        Collection<IMethod> result = new ArrayList<IMethod>();
        for (IType type : getClasses((ICompilationUnit) elt)) {
            try {
                for (IMethod m : type.getMethods()) {
            } catch (JavaModelException e) {
        return result;
    } else {
        final Collection<IMethod> result = new ArrayList<IMethod>();
        SearchPattern p = SearchPattern.createPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        SearchPattern p2 = SearchPattern.createPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] { elt },
        SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
        SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {
            public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
                if (match.getElement() instanceof IMethod) {
                    result.add((IMethod) match.getElement());
        try {
            engine.search(p, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() }, scope,
                    requestor, null);
            engine.search(p2, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() }, scope,
                    requestor, null);
        } catch (CoreException e) {

        return result;

From source file:com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.search.JavaQueryParticipantTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testLimitTo() throws CoreException {
    IJavaElement element = getTestType1().getField("keith");
    QuerySpecification query;//ww w .ja v a2s . c  o m

    // Limit to: references
    query = new ElementQuerySpecification(element, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, WORKSPACE_SCOPE, "");
    assertSearchMatch(createWindowsTestMatch(990, 5), query);

    // Limit to: all occurrences (declaration and all references, although in
    // this case we're only using our search engine so we'll only have refs)
    query = new ElementQuerySpecification(element, IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURRENCES, WORKSPACE_SCOPE, "");
    assertSearchMatch(createWindowsTestMatch(990, 5), query);

    // Limit to: read accesses (we don't differentiate between read/write
    // accesses, so this returns all references)
    query = new ElementQuerySpecification(element, IJavaSearchConstants.READ_ACCESSES, WORKSPACE_SCOPE, "");
    assertSearchMatch(createWindowsTestMatch(990, 5), query);

    // Limit to: write accesses (we don't differentiate between read/write
    // accesses, so this returns all references)
    query = new ElementQuerySpecification(element, IJavaSearchConstants.WRITE_ACCESSES, WORKSPACE_SCOPE, "");
    assertSearchMatch(createWindowsTestMatch(990, 5), query);

    // Limit to: declarations (unsupported)
    query = new ElementQuerySpecification(element, IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, WORKSPACE_SCOPE, "");
    assertSearchMatches(NO_MATCHES, query);

    // Limit to: implementors (unsupported)
    query = new ElementQuerySpecification(element, IJavaSearchConstants.IMPLEMENTORS, WORKSPACE_SCOPE, "");
    assertSearchMatches(NO_MATCHES, query);

From source file:com.ibm.wala.ide.util.JdtUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * Find the IMethod in the workspace corresponding to a method signature.
 * //w  w w  .  j  a  va2  s  .c o  m
 * This doesn't work for elements declared in inner classes. It's possible this is a 3.2 bug fixed in 3.3
 * @return null if not found
public static IMethod findJavaMethodInWorkspaceBrokenForInnerClasses(String methodSig) {
    // dammit ... this doesn't work for inner classes.

    System.err.println("Search for " + methodSig);
    SearchPattern p = SearchPattern.createPattern(methodSig, IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
            IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH);
    IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope();
    SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
    final Collection<IJavaElement> kludge = HashSetFactory.make();
    SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {

        public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
            kludge.add((IJavaElement) match.getElement());

    try {
        engine.search(p, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() }, scope,
                requestor, null);
    } catch (CoreException e) {
    if (kludge.size() == 1) {
        return (IMethod) kludge.iterator().next();
    } else {
        System.err.println("RETURNED " + kludge.size() + " " + kludge);
        return null;

From source file:com.ibm.wala.ide.util.JdtUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * Use the search engine to find all methods in a java element
 */// ww w.  j a  va  2s.  c o m
public static Collection<IMethod> findMethods(IJavaElement elt) {

    if (elt instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
        Collection<IMethod> result = HashSetFactory.make();
        for (IType type : getClasses((ICompilationUnit) elt)) {
            try {
                for (IMethod m : type.getMethods()) {
            } catch (JavaModelException e) {
        return result;
    } else {
        final Collection<IMethod> result = HashSetFactory.make();
        SearchPattern p = SearchPattern.createPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        SearchPattern p2 = SearchPattern.createPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH);
        IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] { elt },
        SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
        SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {
            public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
                if (match.getElement() instanceof IMethod) {
                    result.add((IMethod) match.getElement());
        try {
            engine.search(p, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() }, scope,
                    requestor, null);
            engine.search(p2, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() }, scope,
                    requestor, null);
        } catch (CoreException e) {

        return result;

From source file:com.iw.plugins.spindle.ant.AntScriptGenerator.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 *  /*from  w  ww  .ja  va  2s  .c o  m*/
private void harvestServletJars(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    try {
        IJavaProject jproject = fTapestryProject.getJavaProject();
        if (jproject == null)

        // let's locate all occurances of a package in the project classpath that
        // we know should be
        // from the java servlet jar..

        SearchPattern pattern = SearchPattern.createPattern("javax.servlet.http", IJavaSearchConstants.PACKAGE,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH);

        IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] { jproject });

        //we could get lots of hits for various reasons so lets collect the ones
        // we are interested in..
        //we collect the roots (jars) that contain the package of interest.
        final List roots = new ArrayList();

        SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {
            public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
                //only keep the roots that are in jar files and that we have not
                // already seen!
                Object element = match.getElement();
                if (element instanceof IPackageFragment) {
                    IPackageFragment frag = (IPackageFragment) element;
                    if (frag.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY) {
                        IPackageFragmentRoot root = (IPackageFragmentRoot) frag.getParent();
                        if (!roots.contains(root))
        //    Search - do the search
        SearchEngine searchEngine = new SearchEngine();
        searchEngine.search(pattern, new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() },
                scope, requestor, monitor);

        if (!roots.isEmpty())
            fServletAPIRoots = roots;

    } catch (CoreException e) {