List of usage examples for org.dom4j QName getName
public String getName()
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License:Apache License
@Override public void onCreate(final ITenant tenant) { final StandardEvaluationContext ctx = new StandardEvaluationContext(); ctx.setRootObject(new RootObjectImpl(tenant)); /*/*from w w w.j a v a2 s . co m*/ * First load dom4j Documents and sort the entity files into the proper order */ final Map<PortalDataKey, Set<Document>> importQueue = new HashMap<PortalDataKey, Set<Document>>(); Resource rsc = null; try { for (Resource r : templateResources) { rsc = r; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Loading template resource file for tenant " + "'" + tenant.getFname() + "': " + rsc.getFilename()); } final Document doc =; final QName qname = doc.getRootElement().getQName(); PortalDataKey atLeastOneMatchingDataKey = null; for (PortalDataKey pdk : dataKeyImportOrder) { // Matching is tougher because it's dom4j <> w3c... boolean matches = qname.getName().equals(pdk.getName().getLocalPart()) && qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(pdk.getName().getNamespaceURI()); if (matches) { // Found the right bucket... atLeastOneMatchingDataKey = pdk; Set<Document> bucket = importQueue.get(atLeastOneMatchingDataKey); if (bucket == null) { // First of these we've seen; create the bucket; bucket = new HashSet<Document>(); importQueue.put(atLeastOneMatchingDataKey, bucket); } bucket.add(doc); /* * At this point, we would normally add a break; * statement, but group_membership.xml files need to * match more than one PortalDataKey. */ } } if (atLeastOneMatchingDataKey == null) { // We can't proceed throw new RuntimeException( "No PortalDataKey found for QName: " + doc.getRootElement().getQName()); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to process the specified template: " + (rsc != null ? rsc.getFilename() : ""), e); } log.trace("Ready to import data entity templates for new tenant '{}'; importQueue={}", tenant.getName(), importQueue); /* * Now import the identified entities each bucket in turn */ Document doc = null; org.w3c.dom.Document w3c = null; try { for (PortalDataKey pdk : dataKeyImportOrder) { Set<Document> bucket = importQueue.get(pdk); if (bucket != null) { log.debug("Importing the specified PortalDataKey tenant '{}': {}", tenant.getName(), pdk.getName()); for (Document d : bucket) { doc = d; log.trace("Importing document XML={}", doc.asXML()); for (String xpath : XPATH_EXPRESSIONS) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Node> nodes = doc.selectNodes(xpath); for (Node n : nodes) { String inpt, otpt; switch (n.getNodeType()) { case org.w3c.dom.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: Attribute a = (Attribute) n; inpt = a.getValue(); otpt = processText(inpt, ctx); if (!otpt.equals(inpt)) { a.setValue(otpt); } break; case org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE: Text t = (Text) n; inpt = t.getText(); otpt = processText(inpt, ctx); if (!otpt.equals(inpt)) { t.setText(otpt); } break; default: String msg = "Unsupported node type: " + n.getNodeTypeName(); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } } w3c = writer.write(doc, domImpl); Source source = new DOMSource(w3c); source.setSystemId(rsc.getFilename()); // must be set, else import chokes dataHandlerService.importData(source, pdk); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("w3c DOM=" + this.nodeToString(w3c)); throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to process the specified template document: " + (doc != null ? doc.asXML() : ""), e); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void migrate(Document input) throws Exception { Element root = input.getRootElement(); for (String prefix : listPrefixToMigrate) { Namespace newNamespace = new Namespace(prefix, EnumPrefixes.getPrefix(prefix).getNamespace()); Namespace oldNamespace = root.getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); if (oldNamespace != null) { root.remove(oldNamespace);//from w w 2s . c o m } root.add(newNamespace); // Change the name of every elements with the prefix StringBuilder prefixXpath = new StringBuilder("//"); prefixXpath.append(prefix); prefixXpath.append(":*"); // Create a new XPath expression, with the old namespace in order // to // get the elements matching the expression XPath xpath = new Dom4jXPath(prefixXpath.toString()); SimpleNamespaceContext nc = new SimpleNamespaceContext(); nc.addNamespace(prefix, oldNamespace.getURI()); xpath.setNamespaceContext(nc); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> elementsToMigrate = xpath.selectNodes(input); for (Element element : elementsToMigrate) { // The namespace to change is not hold by the element but the // QName QName qname = element.getQName(); QName newQName = new QName(qname.getName(), newNamespace, qname.getQualifiedName()); element.setQName(newQName); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void registerHandlers(DocumentDispatcher dispatcher) { mHandlerMapPublisher.receivedHandlerMap(dispatcher.getHandlers()); Map<QName, ? extends SoapHandler> services = mSoapService.getServices(); for (Map.Entry<QName, ? extends SoapHandler> entry : services.entrySet()) { QName qName = entry.getKey(); org.dom4j.QName zimbraQName = new org.dom4j.QName(qName.getName(), Namespace.get(qName.getNamespace())); dispatcher.registerHandler(zimbraQName, wrapHandler(entry.getValue())); }/*from ww w.j a va 2s . com*/ }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void registerHandlers(DocumentDispatcher dispatcher) { // these are latest original handlers, they may be already overriden Map<org.dom4j.QName, DocumentHandler> oringinalHandlers = dispatcher.getHandlers(); mHandlerMapPublisher.receivedHandlerMap(oringinalHandlers); Map<QName, OverridenSoapHandler> services = mSoapService.getServices(); for (Map.Entry<QName, OverridenSoapHandler> entry : services.entrySet()) { QName qName = entry.getKey(); org.dom4j.QName zimbraQName = new org.dom4j.QName(qName.getName(), Namespace.get(qName.getNamespace())); DocumentHandler originalDocumentHandler = null; if (mOriginalHandlers.containsKey(zimbraQName)) { originalDocumentHandler = mOriginalHandlers.get(zimbraQName); entry.getValue().setOriginalHandler(unWrapHandler(originalDocumentHandler)); }//from ww w .java 2 s . c om if (originalDocumentHandler != null) { dispatcher.registerHandler(zimbraQName, wrapHandler(entry.getValue(), originalDocumentHandler)); } else { ZimbraLog.extensions.warn("Unable to proxy SOAP Request: " + zimbraQName.toString()); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void registerHandlers(@NotNull DocumentDispatcher dispatcher) { Map<QName, ? extends SoapHandler> services = mSoapService.getServices(); for (QName qName : services.keySet()) { org.dom4j.QName zimbraQName = new org.dom4j.QName(qName.getName(), Namespace.get(qName.getNamespace())); dispatcher.unRegisterHandler(zimbraQName); if (mOriginalHandlersMap.containsKey(zimbraQName)) { dispatcher.registerHandler(zimbraQName, mOriginalHandlersMap.get(zimbraQName)); }//from w w w .ja v a2 s .com } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void registerHandlers(@NotNull DocumentDispatcher dispatcher) { Map<QName, ? extends SoapHandler> services = mSoapService.getServices(); for (QName qName : services.keySet()) { org.dom4j.QName zimbraQName = new org.dom4j.QName(qName.getName(), Namespace.get(qName.getNamespace())); dispatcher.unRegisterHandler(zimbraQName); }//from w w w . j av a2 s . c o m }
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License:Open Source License
public static Processor createProcessorWithInputs(Element testNode, boolean saxDebug) { // Create processor QName processorName = XMLProcessorRegistry.extractProcessorQName(testNode); ProcessorFactory processorFactory = ProcessorFactoryRegistry.lookup(processorName); if (processorFactory == null) throw new OXFException("Cannot find processor factory with name '" + processorName.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + processorName.getName() + "'"); Processor processor = processorFactory.createInstance(); // Connect inputs for (Iterator j = XPathUtils.selectIterator(testNode, "input"); j.hasNext();) { Element inputElement = (Element); String name = XPathUtils.selectStringValue(inputElement, "@name"); if (XPathUtils.selectStringValue(inputElement, "@href") == null) { // Case of embedded XML Element originalElement = (Element) ((Element) inputElement).elementIterator().next(); if (originalElement == null) throw new OXFException("Input content is mandatory"); Element copiedElement = Dom4jUtils.copyElementCopyParentNamespaces(originalElement); final String sid = Dom4jUtils.makeSystemId(originalElement); final DOMGenerator domGenerator = new DOMGenerator(copiedElement, "input from pipeline utils", DOMGenerator.ZeroValidity, sid); if (saxDebug) { final SAXLoggerProcessor loggerProcessor = new SAXLoggerProcessor(); PipelineUtils.connect(domGenerator, "data", loggerProcessor, "data"); PipelineUtils.connect(loggerProcessor, "data", processor, name); } else { PipelineUtils.connect(domGenerator, "data", processor, name); }/* ww w. j ava2s . co m*/ } else { // Href LocationData locationData = (LocationData) inputElement.getData(); URL fullURL = createRelativeURL(locationData, XPathUtils.selectStringValue(inputElement, "@href")); URLGenerator urlGenerator = new URLGenerator(fullURL); urlGenerator.setLocationData(locationData); PipelineUtils.connect(urlGenerator, "data", processor, name); } } return processor; }
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License:Open Source License
public void end(String uri, String localname, String qName) throws SAXException { // Restore output getInterpreterContext().setOutput(savedOutput); // Normalize/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m*/ final String contentString; if (content == null) contentString = ""; else contentString = content.toString().trim(); // Output attribute final QName attributeQName = getQName(getDocumentLocator(), attributeName, getInterpreterContext().getPrefixesMap()); getInterpreterContext().getOutput().startPrefixMapping(attributeQName.getName(), attributeQName.getNamespaceURI());// NOTE: we may have to check that the mapping does not exist yet getInterpreterContext().getOutput().addAttribute(attributeQName.getNamespaceURI(), attributeQName.getName(), attributeName, contentString); // Clear state savedOutput = null; attributeName = null; content = null; }
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License:Open Source License
public void execute(XFormsActionInterpreter actionInterpreter, Element actionElement, Scope actionScope, boolean hasOverriddenContext, Item overriddenContext) { final XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument = actionInterpreter.containingDocument(); {//w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om final String levelAttribute; final QName levelQName; { final String tempLevelAttribute = actionElement.attributeValue(XFormsConstants.LEVEL_QNAME); if (tempLevelAttribute == null) { // "The default is "modal" if the attribute is not specified." levelQName = XFormsConstants.XFORMS_MODAL_LEVEL_QNAME; levelAttribute = levelQName.getName(); } else { levelAttribute = tempLevelAttribute; levelQName = Dom4jUtils.extractAttributeValueQName(actionElement, XFormsConstants.LEVEL_QNAME); } } // Get message value final String messageValue; { final String elementValue = XFormsUtils.getElementValue(actionInterpreter.container(), actionInterpreter.actionXPathContext(), actionInterpreter.getSourceEffectiveId(actionElement), actionElement, false, false, null); // If we got a null consider the message to be an empty string messageValue = elementValue != null ? elementValue : ""; } if (LOG_APPEARANCES.get(levelQName) != null) { // Special log appearance final IndentedLogger indentedLogger = containingDocument.indentedLogger(); if (XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_LOG_DEBUG_LEVEL_QNAME.equals(levelQName)) { indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:message", messageValue); } else if (XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_LOG_INFO_DEBUG_LEVEL_QNAME.equals(levelQName)) { indentedLogger.logInfo("xf:message", messageValue); } else if (XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_LOG_WARN_DEBUG_LEVEL_QNAME.equals(levelQName)) { indentedLogger.logWarning("xf:message", messageValue); } else if (XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_LOG_ERROR_DEBUG_LEVEL_QNAME.equals(levelQName)) { indentedLogger.logError("xf:message", messageValue); } } else if (SUPPORTED_APPEARANCES.get(levelQName) != null) { // Any other supported appearance are sent to the client final String level; if (levelQName.getNamespacePrefix().equals("")) { level = levelAttribute; } else { level = "{" + levelQName.getNamespaceURI() + "}" + levelQName.getName(); } // Store message for sending to client containingDocument.addMessageToRun(messageValue, level); // NOTE: In the future, we *may* want to save and resume the event state before and after // displaying a message, in order to possibly provide a behavior which is more consistent with what // users may expect regarding actions executed after xf:message. } else { // Unsupported appearance throw new OXFException( "xf:message element's 'level' attribute must have value: 'ephemeral'|'modeless'|'modal'|'xxf:log-debug'|'xxf:log-info'|'xxf:log-warn'|'xxf:log-error'."); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public static org.dom4j.Document cleanXML(org.dom4j.Document doc, String stylesheetURL) { try {/*from w ww . j av a 2 s .co m*/ final org.dom4j.Element element = doc.getRootElement(); final String systemId = Dom4jUtils.makeSystemId(element); // The date to clean final DOMGenerator dataToClean = new DOMGenerator(doc, "clean xml", DOMGenerator.ZeroValidity, systemId); // The stylesheet final URLGenerator stylesheetGenerator = new URLGenerator(stylesheetURL); // The transformation // Define the name of the processor (this is a QName) final QName processorName = new QName("xslt", XMLConstants.OXF_PROCESSORS_NAMESPACE); // Get a factory for this processor final ProcessorFactory processorFactory = ProcessorFactoryRegistry.lookup(processorName); if (processorFactory == null) throw new OXFException("Cannot find processor factory with name '" + processorName.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + processorName.getName() + "'"); // Create processor final Processor xsltProcessor = processorFactory.createInstance(); // Where the result goes final DOMSerializer transformationOutput = new DOMSerializer(); // Connect PipelineUtils.connect(stylesheetGenerator, "data", xsltProcessor, "config"); PipelineUtils.connect(dataToClean, "data", xsltProcessor, "data"); PipelineUtils.connect(xsltProcessor, "data", transformationOutput, "data"); // Run the pipeline // Candidate for Scala withPipelineContext final PipelineContext pipelineContext = new PipelineContext(); boolean success = false; try { final org.dom4j.Document result = transformationOutput.runGetDocument(pipelineContext); success = true; return result; } finally { pipelineContext.destroy(success); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new OXFException(e); } }