List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element indexOf
int indexOf(Node node);
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes a element by pulling up its children into the parent node. *///from w w w. j a v a 2 s .com private void removeElement(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <ut>'s content // instead of the <ut>. ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.appendContent(p_element); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes a TU element by pulling up the content of the TUV in * the given locale into the parent node. *//*from www .jav a 2 s . c om*/ private void removeTuElement(Element p_element, String p_locale) { // The source or target language TUV to replace the TU with. Element tuv = (Element) p_element.selectSingleNode("//Tuv[@Lang='" + p_locale + "']"); Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the tuv content. ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.appendContent(tuv); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
static private void mergeDescripGrp(Element p_one, Element p_two, Element p_descripGrp, NodeComparator p_comp) { Element p_descrip = p_descripGrp.element("descrip"); if (p_descrip == null || !p_descrip.hasContent()) { return;/*from w w w.j a v a2 s. c o m*/ } String type = p_descrip.attributeValue("type"); // some descrips can occur only once per entry. boolean occursOnce = fieldOccursOnce(type); // Find nodes that match the descrip. List matches = p_one.selectNodes("descripGrp[descrip/@type='" + type + "']"); if (matches == null || matches.size() == 0) { // descripGrp does not exist in entry 1, add. int index = findDescripInsertionPoint(p_one, type); p_one.content().add(index, p_descripGrp); return; } // Check if one of the matches contains the same descrip for (int i = 0, max = matches.size(); i < max; i++) { Element descripGrp = (Element) matches.get(i); Element descrip = descripGrp.element("descrip"); if (fieldEquals(descrip, p_descrip, p_comp)) { // could be a case/formatting-insensitive match descrip.detach(); descripGrp.content().add(0, p_descrip); mergeInnerGroups(descripGrp, p_descripGrp, p_comp); return; } } // DescripGrp was not found, add new descripGrp to old. if (occursOnce) { // DescripGrp can occur only once, merge by overwriting. // (Single descrips also contain just text, no HTML.) Element descGrp = (Element) matches.get(0); Element desc = descGrp.element("descrip"); desc.setText(getInnerText(p_descrip)); mergeInnerGroups(descGrp, p_descripGrp, p_comp); } else { // Multiple descrips may exist (for e.g., definition), // so add the new one after the last. Element last = (Element) matches.get(matches.size() - 1); p_one.content().add(p_one.indexOf(last) + 1, p_descripGrp); } }
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License:Apache License
private void convertToNoteGrp(Element p_elem) { Element noteGrp = p_elem.createCopy("noteGrp"); // noteGrps contain no other fields, remove all child // nodes, remembering the <descrip type="note"> itself for (ListIterator lit = noteGrp.elements().listIterator(); lit.hasNext();) { Element child = (Element); if (child.getName().equals("descrip")) { Element note = child.createCopy("note"); note.remove(note.attribute("type")); lit.set(note);/* w w w.j a v a 2s. c o m*/ } else { lit.remove(); } } Element parent = p_elem.getParent(); parent.content().set(parent.indexOf(p_elem), noteGrp); }
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License:Apache License
private void convertToSourceGrp(Element p_elem) { Element sourceGrp = p_elem.createCopy("sourceGrp"); // sourceGrp contains noteGrp, remove all non-noteGrp // children, remembering the <descrip type="source"> itself for (ListIterator lit = sourceGrp.elements().listIterator(); lit.hasNext();) { Element child = (Element); if (child.getName().equals("descrip")) { Element source = child.createCopy("source"); source.remove(source.attribute("type")); lit.set(source);//from ww w .j a v a2s . co m } else if (!child.getName().equals("noteGrp")) { lit.remove(); } } Element parent = p_elem.getParent(); parent.content().set(parent.indexOf(p_elem), sourceGrp); }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Element traverse(Element element, Resource resource) throws ProcessorException { try {//from w w w.j a va 2 GaleContext gale = GaleContext.of(resource); String expr = element.attributeValue("expr"); String var = element.attributeValue("var"); List<Object> alist = new LinkedList<Object>(); Object list = gale.eval(expr); if (list.getClass().isArray()) for (Object o : (Object[]) list) alist.add(o); else for (Object o : (Iterable<Object>) list) alist.add(o); if (alist.size() == 0) { element.getParent().remove(element); return null; } // optionally sort the array String sort = element.attributeValue("sort"); if (sort != null && !"".equals(sort)) { final boolean ascending = ("false".equals(element.attributeValue("ascending")) ? false : true); List<Object[]> slist = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Object o : alist) { Object result = null; if (o instanceof Concept) { CacheSession<EntityValue> session = gale.openUmSession(); session.setBaseUri(((Concept) o).getUri()); result =, sort, Argument.of("gale", "", gale, "session", "nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession", session, "value", "", o)); } else { CacheSession<EntityValue> session = gale.openUmSession(); result =, sort, Argument.of("gale", "", gale, "session", "nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession", session, "value", o.getClass().getName(), o)); } slist.add(new Object[] { result, o }); } Collections.sort(slist, new Comparator<Object[]>() { public int compare(Object[] arg0, Object[] arg1) { Object o1 = arg0[0]; Object o2 = arg1[0]; if (!ascending) { Object temp = o1; o1 = o2; o2 = temp; } if (o1 == null) return (o2 == null ? 0 : -1); if (o2 == null) return 1; if (o1 instanceof Number) return (new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue())) .compareTo(new Double(((Number) o2).doubleValue())); return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } }); alist.clear(); for (Object[] o : slist) alist.add(o[1]); } // process for-loop String guid = GaleUtil.newGUID(); resource.put(guid, alist.toArray()); Element parent = element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(element); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\Q%" + var + "\\E\\W"); for (int i = 0; i < alist.size(); i++) { Element clone = element.createCopy(); Object object = ((Object[]) resource.get(guid))[i]; String type = object.getClass().getName(); if (type.indexOf("_$$_") >= 0) type = type.substring(0, type.indexOf("_$$_")); if (object instanceof Concept) { replace(clone, p, ((Concept) object).getUri().toString()); } else if (object instanceof String) { replace(clone, p, (String) object); } else if (object instanceof Number || object instanceof Boolean) { replace(clone, p, object.toString()); } else { replace(clone, p, "((" + type + ")((Object[])gale.getResource().get(\"" + guid + "\"))[" + i + "])"); } processor.traverseChildren(clone, resource); for (Node n : (List<Node>) clone.content()) { parent.content().add(index, n); index++; } } element.detach(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return (Element) GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, GaleUtil.createErrorElement("[" + e.getMessage() + "]")); } return null; }
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License:Educational Community License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setTexts(String key, String[] texts) { Node basis = document.selectSingleNode(attach.get(key)); Element parent = basis.getParent(); int pos = parent.indexOf(basis); List<Node> nodes = (List<Node>) parent.content(); List<Node> after = new ArrayList(nodes.subList(pos + 1, nodes.size())); basis.detach();/*from w ww . j av a2s . com*/ if (texts.length > 0) { for (Node n : after) n.detach(); for (String text : texts) { Node renewed = (Node) basis.clone(); renewed.setText(text); parent.add(renewed); } for (Node n : after) parent.add(n); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Method shuffle. shuffle clones the current item (since the whole qti tree is readonly) and shuffles it * //from w w w . j ava 2 s.c o m * @param item * @return Element */ private Element shuffle(final Element item) { // get the render_choice final XPath choice = DocumentHelper.createXPath(".//render_choice[@shuffle=\"Yes\"]"); final Element tel_rendchoice = (Element) choice.selectSingleNode(item); // if shuffle is disable, just return the item if (tel_rendchoice == null) { return item; } // else: we have to shuffle // assume: all response_label have same parent: either render_choice or a // flow_label final Element shuffleItem = item.createCopy(); // clone the whole item final Element el_rendchoice = (Element) choice.selectSingleNode(shuffleItem); // <!ELEMENT render_choice ((material | material_ref | response_label | // flow_label)* ,response_na?)> // <!ATTLIST response_label rshuffle (Yes | No ) 'Yes' ..... final List el_labels = el_rendchoice.selectNodes(".//response_label[@rshuffle=\"Yes\"]"); final int shusize = el_labels.size(); // set up a list of children with their parents and the position of the // child (in case several children have the same parent final List respList = new ArrayList(shusize); final List parentList = new ArrayList(shusize); final int[] posList = new int[shusize]; int j = 0; for (final Iterator responses = el_labels.iterator(); responses.hasNext();) { final Element response = (Element); final Element parent = response.getParent(); final int pos = parent.indexOf(response); posList[j++] = pos; respList.add(response.clone()); // need to use clones so they are not // attached anymore parentList.add(parent); } Collections.shuffle(respList); // put the children back to the parents for (int i = 0; i < parentList.size(); i++) { final Element parent = (Element) parentList.get(i); final int pos = posList[i]; final Element child = (Element) respList.get(i); parent.elements().set(pos, child); } return shuffleItem; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Returns the path elements for the given content value.<p> * * @param content the XML content/* w w w . j a v a2s . co m*/ * @param value the content value * * @return the path elements */ private String[] getPathElements(CmsXmlContent content, I_CmsXmlContentValue value) { List<String> pathElements = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] paths = value.getPath().split("/"); String path = ""; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { path += paths[i]; I_CmsXmlContentValue ancestor = content.getValue(path, value.getLocale()); int valueIndex = ancestor.getXmlIndex(); if (ancestor.isChoiceOption()) { Element parent = ancestor.getElement().getParent(); valueIndex = parent.indexOf(ancestor.getElement()); } String pathElement = getAttributeName(ancestor.getName(), getTypeUri(ancestor.getContentDefinition())); pathElements.add(pathElement + "[" + valueIndex + "]"); path += "/"; } return pathElements.toArray(new String[pathElements.size()]); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Initializes the map of XML update actions.<p> *///from w w w . j a v a 2 s. com private void initActions() { m_actions = new LinkedHashMap<String, CmsXmlUpdateAction>(); StringBuffer xp; CmsXmlUpdateAction action0 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); org.dom4j.Element parent = node.getParent(); int position = parent.indexOf(node); parent.remove(node); try { parent.elements().add(position, createElementFromXml(" <documenttypes> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>generic</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>*</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>html</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>image</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>image</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>jsp</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>jsp</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>pdf</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>application/pdf</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>rtf</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/rtf</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/rtf</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>text</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>text/plain</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlcontent</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>*</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>containerpage</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>containerpage</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlpage</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>xmlpage</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlcontent-galleries</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>xmlcontent-galleries</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlpage-galleries</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes />\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>xmlpage-galleries</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>msoffice-ole2</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>application/</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/msword</mimetype> \n" + " <mimetype>application/</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>msoffice-ooxml</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes> \n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>openoffice</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " </documenttypes>\n")); } catch (DocumentException e) { System.out.println("failed to update document types."); } return true; } }; m_actions.put(buildXpathForDoctypes(), action0); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action1 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) { createAnalyzer(doc, xpath, CmsGallerySearchAnalyzer.class, "all"); return true; } return false; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_ANALYZERS); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_ANALYZER); xp.append("["); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_CLASS); xp.append("='").append(CmsGallerySearchAnalyzer.class.getName()).append("']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action1); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action2 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { node.detach(); } createIndex(doc, xpath, CmsGallerySearchIndex.class, CmsGallerySearchIndex.GALLERY_INDEX_NAME, "offline", "Offline", "all", "gallery_fields", new String[] { "gallery_source", "gallery_modules_source" }); return true; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEXES); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEX); xp.append("["); xp.append(I_CmsXmlConfiguration.N_NAME); xp.append("='").append(CmsGallerySearchIndex.GALLERY_INDEX_NAME).append("']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action2); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action3 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { return false; } // create doc type createIndexSource(doc, xpath, "gallery_source", CmsVfsIndexer.class, new String[] { "/sites/", "/shared/", "/system/galleries/" }, new String[] { "xmlpage-galleries", "xmlcontent-galleries", "jsp", "text", "pdf", "rtf", "html", "image", "generic", "openoffice", "msoffice-ole2", "msoffice-ooxml" }); return true; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEXSOURCES); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEXSOURCE); xp.append("["); xp.append(I_CmsXmlConfiguration.N_NAME); xp.append("='gallery_source']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action3); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action4 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document document, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { node.detach(); } // create field config CmsSearchFieldConfiguration fieldConf = new CmsSearchFieldConfiguration(); fieldConf.setName("gallery_fields"); fieldConf.setDescription("The standard OpenCms search index field configuration."); CmsSearchField field = new CmsSearchField(); // <field name="content" store="compress" index="true" excerpt="true"> field.setName("content"); field.setStored("compress"); field.setIndexed("true"); field.setInExcerpt("true"); field.setDisplayNameForConfiguration("%(key.field.content)"); // <mapping type="content" /> CmsSearchFieldMapping mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("content"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="title-key" store="true" index="untokenized" boost="0.0"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("title-key"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); field.setBoost("0.0"); // <mapping type="property">Title</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Title"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="title" store="false" index="true"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("title"); field.setStored("false"); field.setIndexed("true"); field.setDisplayNameForConfiguration("%(key.field.title)"); // <mapping type="property">Title</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Title"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="description" store="true" index="true"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("description"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("true"); field.setDisplayNameForConfiguration("%(key.field.description)"); // <mapping type="property">Description</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Description"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="meta" store="false" index="true"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("meta"); field.setStored("false"); field.setIndexed("true"); // <mapping type="property">Title</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Title"); field.addMapping(mapping); // <mapping type="property">Description</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Description"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_dateExpired" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_dateExpired"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">dateExpired</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("dateExpired"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_dateReleased" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_dateReleased"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">dateReleased</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("dateReleased"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_length" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_length"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">length</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("length"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_state" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_state"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">state</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("state"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_structureId" store="true" index="false"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_structureId"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">structureId</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("structureId"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_userCreated" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_userCreated"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">userCreated</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("userCreated"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_userLastModified" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_userLastModified"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">userLastModified</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("userLastModified"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_locales" store="true" index="true" analyzer="WhitespaceAnalyzer"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_locales"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("true"); try { field.setAnalyzer("WhitespaceAnalyzer"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore e.printStackTrace(); } // <mapping type="dynamic" class="">res_locales</mapping> mapping = new CmsGallerySearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("dynamic"); mapping.setParam("res_locales"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="additional_info" store="true" index="false"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("additional_info"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("false"); // <mapping type="dynamic" class="">additional_info</mapping> mapping = new CmsGallerySearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("dynamic"); mapping.setParam("additional_info"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="container_types" store="true" index="true" analyzer="WhitespaceAnalyzer"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("container_types"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("true"); try { field.setAnalyzer("WhitespaceAnalyzer"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore e.printStackTrace(); } // <mapping type="dynamic" class="">container_types</mapping> mapping = new CmsGallerySearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("dynamic"); mapping.setParam("container_types"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); createFieldConfig(document, xpath, fieldConf, CmsGallerySearchFieldConfiguration.class); return true; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_FIELDCONFIGURATIONS); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_FIELDCONFIGURATION); xp.append("["); xp.append(I_CmsXmlConfiguration.N_NAME); xp.append("='gallery_fields']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action4); // //============================================================================================================= // m_actions.put("/opencms/search/indexsources", new CmsIndexSourceTypeUpdateAction()); // use dummy check [1=1] to make the xpaths unique m_actions.put("/opencms/search/indexsources[1=1]", new CmsAddGalleryModuleIndexSourceAction()); m_actions.put(buildXpathForIndexedDocumentType("source1", "containerpage"), createIndexedTypeAction("containerpage")); //============================================================================================================= String analyzerEnPath = "/opencms/search/analyzers/analyzer[class='org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer'][locale='en']"; m_actions.put(analyzerEnPath, new ElementReplaceAction(analyzerEnPath, "<analyzer>\n" + " <class>org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.EnglishAnalyzer</class>\n" + " <locale>en</locale>\n" + " </analyzer>")); String analyzerItPath = "/opencms/search/analyzers/analyzer[class='org.apache.lucene.analysis.snowball.SnowballAnalyzer'][stemmer='Italian']"; m_actions.put(analyzerItPath, new ElementReplaceAction(analyzerItPath, "<analyzer>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <locale>it</locale>\n" + " </analyzer>")); m_actions.put( "/opencms/search/indexsources/indexsource[name='gallery_source']/resources['systemgalleries'='systemgalleries']", new CmsAddIndexSourceResourceAction()); }