Example usage for org.dom4j Element getQualifiedName

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element getQualifiedName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element getQualifiedName.


String getQualifiedName();

Source Link


Returns the fully qualified name of this element.


From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.MeleteImportServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

private void removeNamespaces(Element elem) {
    elem.setQName(QName.get(elem.getName(), Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE, elem.getQualifiedName()));
    Node n = null;//  www . j  ava2s. c  o  m
    for (int i = 0; i < elem.content().size(); i++) {
        n = (Node) elem.content().get(i);
        if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
            ((Attribute) n).setNamespace(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE);
        if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
            removeNamespaces((Element) n);

From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.MeleteImportServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

private String readTitlefromElement(List resElements, boolean link, String hrefVal) {
    String urlTitle = null;/* w w w  .  java 2  s .c o m*/
    if (resElements != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < resElements.size(); i++) {
            Element urlTitleElement = (Element) resElements.get(i);
            if (urlTitleElement.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("imsmd:title")) {
                urlTitle = urlTitleElement.selectSingleNode(".//imsmd:langstring").getText();

    // make last part of link as title
    if (link && urlTitle == null) {
        urlTitle = hrefVal.substring(hrefVal.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        if (urlTitle == null || urlTitle.length() == 0) {
            urlTitle = hrefVal.substring(0, hrefVal.lastIndexOf("/"));
            urlTitle = urlTitle.substring(urlTitle.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    return urlTitle;

From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.MeleteImportServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

private String readDescriptionFromElement(List resElements) {
    String melResourceDescription = null;
    if (resElements != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < resElements.size(); i++) {
            Element resDescElement = (Element) resElements.get(i);
            if (resDescElement.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("imsmd:description")) {
                melResourceDescription = resDescElement.selectSingleNode(".//imsmd:langstring").getText();
            }/*from www  . j  a v a  2s. c  om*/
    return melResourceDescription;

From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.MeleteImportServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Builds section for each item under module item
 * @param eleItem item element//from   w  ww .j ava  2 s  .  c om
 * @param document document
 * @param module Module
 * @throws Exception
private void buildSection(Element eleItem, Document document, Module module, Element seqElement,
        String unZippedDirPath, Document seqDocument, String courseId) throws Exception {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Entering buildSection...");

    Attribute identifier = eleItem.attribute("identifier");
    //   logger.debug("importing ITEM " + identifier.getValue());

    Attribute identifierref = eleItem.attribute("identifierref");
    Element eleRes;

    Section section = new Section();
    MeleteResource meleteResource = new MeleteResource();
    boolean sectionTitleFlag = false;
    boolean sectionCopyrightFlag = false;

    List elements = eleItem.elements();
    for (Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Element element = (Element) iter.next();

        if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("title")) {
            sectionTitleFlag = true;
        else if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("item")) {
            //call recursive here
            buildSection(element, document, module, addBlankSection(seqElement, seqDocument), unZippedDirPath,
                    seqDocument, courseId);
        else if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("imsmd:lom")) {
            // section instructions
            Element DescElement = null;
            if (eleItem.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:general/imsmd:description") != null
                    && (eleItem.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:general/imsmd:description").size() != 0))
                DescElement = (Element) eleItem.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:general/imsmd:description")

            if (DescElement != null) {
                String instr = DescElement.selectSingleNode(".//imsmd:langstring").getText();

            //             read license information
            Element rightsElement = null;
            if (eleItem.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:rights") != null
                    && (eleItem.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:rights").size() != 0))
                rightsElement = (Element) eleItem.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:rights").get(0);

            if (rightsElement != null) {
                Element licenseElement = rightsElement.element("description");
                String licenseUrl = licenseElement.selectSingleNode(".//imsmd:langstring").getText();
                if (licenseUrl != null)
                    buildLicenseInformation(meleteResource, licenseUrl);
                sectionCopyrightFlag = true;
        // license end
    // other attributes
    //   logger.debug("setting section attribs");
    String userId = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getEid();
    String firstName = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getFirstName();
    String lastName = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getLastName();


    if (!sectionTitleFlag)
        section.setTitle("Untitled Section");

    //default to no license
    if (!sectionCopyrightFlag) {
    // save section object
    Integer new_section_id = sectionDB.addSection(module, section, true);
    seqElement.addAttribute("id", new_section_id.toString());

    // now melete resource object
    if (identifierref != null) {
        eleRes = getResource(identifierref.getValue(), document);
        if (eleRes != null) {
            Attribute resHrefAttr = eleRes.attribute("href");

            if (resHrefAttr != null) {
                String hrefVal = resHrefAttr.getValue();
                // logger.debug("hrefVal:" + hrefVal);
                // check if file is missing
                if (hrefVal != null && hrefVal.length() != 0 && !(hrefVal.startsWith("http://")
                        || hrefVal.startsWith("https://") || hrefVal.startsWith("mailto:"))) {
                    hrefVal = getFileNamefromElement(eleRes.elements(), hrefVal);
                    if (!meleteUtil.checkFileExists(unZippedDirPath + File.separator + hrefVal)) {
                        logger.info("content file for section is missing so move ON");
                // end missing file check

                // create meleteResourceObject
                List resElements = eleRes.elements();
                createContentResource(module, section, meleteResource, hrefVal, resElements, unZippedDirPath,

            } // resHrefAttr check end

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Exiting buildSection...");

From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.MeleteImportServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Builds section for each item under module item
 * @param eleItem item element/*w  w w  . java 2  s .  c om*/
 * @param document document
 * @param module Module
 * @throws Exception
private void mergeSection(Element eleItem, Document document, Module module, Element seqElement,
        String unZippedDirPath, Document seqDocument, String courseId) throws Exception {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Entering mergeSection...");

    Attribute identifier = eleItem.attribute("identifier");
    // // logger.debug("importing ITEM " + identifier.getValue());

    Attribute identifierref = eleItem.attribute("identifierref");
    Element eleRes;

    Section section = new Section();
    MeleteResource meleteResource = new MeleteResource();
    boolean sectionTitleFlag = false;
    boolean sectionCopyrightFlag = false;

    List elements = eleItem.elements();
    for (Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Element element = (Element) iter.next();

        // title
        if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("title")) {
            sectionTitleFlag = true;
        // item
        else if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("item")) {
            // call recursive here
            buildSection(element, document, module, addBlankSection(seqElement, seqDocument), unZippedDirPath,
                    seqDocument, courseId);
        // metadata
        else if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("imsmd:lom")) {
            // section instructions
            List<Element> modulegeneralList = element.elements();
            List moduleMetadataList = modulegeneralList.get(0).elements();

            for (Iterator iter2 = moduleMetadataList.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
                Element metaElement = (Element) iter2.next();

                if (metaElement.getName().equals("imsmd:description")
                        && metaElement.element("imsmd:langstring") != null) {
                    String instr = metaElement.element("imsmd:langstring").getText();

            // read license information
            if (modulegeneralList.size() > 1) {
                List rightList = modulegeneralList.get(1).elements();
                for (Iterator iter3 = rightList.iterator(); iter3.hasNext();) {
                    Element rightsElement = (Element) iter3.next();

                    if (rightsElement.getName().equals("imsmd:description")
                            && rightsElement.element("imsmd:langstring") != null) {
                        String licenseUrl = rightsElement.element("imsmd:langstring").getText();
                        if (licenseUrl != null) {
                            buildLicenseInformation(meleteResource, licenseUrl);
                            sectionCopyrightFlag = true;
        // license end
    // other attributes
    // logger.debug("setting section attribs");
    String userId = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getEid();
    String firstName = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getFirstName();
    String lastName = UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getLastName();


    if (!sectionTitleFlag)
        section.setTitle("Untitled Section");

    // default to no license
    if (!sectionCopyrightFlag) {
    // save section object
    Integer new_section_id = sectionDB.addSection(module, section, true);
    seqElement.addAttribute("id", new_section_id.toString());

    // now melete resource object
    if (identifierref != null) {
        eleRes = getMergeResource(identifierref.getValue(), document);
        if (eleRes != null) {
            Attribute resHrefAttr = eleRes.attribute("href");

            if (resHrefAttr != null) {
                String hrefVal = resHrefAttr.getValue();

                // check if file is missing
                if (hrefVal != null && hrefVal.length() != 0 && !(hrefVal.startsWith("http://")
                        || hrefVal.startsWith("https://") || hrefVal.startsWith("mailto:"))) {
                    if (!meleteUtil.checkFileExists(unZippedDirPath + File.separator + hrefVal)) {
                        logger.info("content file for section is missing so move ON");
                // end missing file check

                // create meleteResourceObject
                List resElements = eleRes.elements();
                createContentResource(module, section, meleteResource, hrefVal, resElements, unZippedDirPath,

            } // resHrefAttr check end

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Exiting mergeSection...");

From source file:org.etudes.jforum.view.admin.ImportExportAction.java

License:Apache License

 * process attachments/*w  ww .ja v  a2 s. c o m*/
 * @param eleRes
 * @param forum
 * @param document
 * @param unZippedDirPath
 * @param postId
 * @throws Exception
/*private void processAttachments(Element eleRes, Forum forum, Document document, String unZippedDirPath, int postId) throws Exception
   int total_files = 0;
   long totalSize = 0;
   int userId = SessionFacade.getUserSession().getUserId();
   AttachmentDAO am = DataAccessDriver.getInstance().newAttachmentDAO();
   Map extensions = am.extensionsForSecurity();
   // resource elements - <file>
   List resElements = eleRes.elements();
   Attribute resHrefAttr = eleRes.attribute("href");
   for (Iterator iter = resElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
 Element element = (Element) iter.next();
 if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
    Attribute hrefAttr = element.attribute("href");
    // if (total_files >= SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ATTACHMENTS_MAX_POST))
    if (total_files >= SakaiSystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ATTACHMENTS_MAX_POST))
       if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
          logger.warn("Total number of files attached exceeding maximum " + "allowed.... for site : "
                + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " - and for forum : " + forum.getName());
    String fileext = hrefAttr.getValue().trim().substring(hrefAttr.getValue().trim().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
    // if (!fileext.equalsIgnoreCase("html")){
    if (!hrefAttr.getValue().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(resHrefAttr.getValue().trim()))
       // create as attachment
          // if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          // logger.debug("extensions.entrySet() : "+
          // extensions.entrySet());
          // Check if the extension is allowed
          if (extensions.containsKey(fileext))
             if (!((Boolean) extensions.get(fileext)).booleanValue())
                throw new BadExtensionException(I18n.getMessage("Attachments.badExtension", new String[] { fileext }));
             if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                logger.warn("site - " + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " - Attachment with this extension '"
                      + fileext + "' is not allowed ");
       catch (BadExtensionException e)
          if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
             logger.warn("site - " + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " - " + e.toString());
       Attachment a = new Attachment();
       AttachmentInfo info = new AttachmentInfo();
       File attachmentFile = new File(unZippedDirPath + File.separator + hrefAttr.getValue());
       if (!attachmentFile.exists())
          if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
             logger.error("Error while import for site - " + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " - Attachment : "
                   + attachmentFile.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist.");
          // Check for total attachments size limit
          // long quotaSize = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ATTACHMENTS_QUOTA_LIMIT) * 1024 * 1024;
          long quotaSize = SakaiSystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ATTACHMENTS_QUOTA_LIMIT) * 1024 * 1024;
          totalSize = totalSize + attachmentFile.length();
          if (quotaSize < totalSize)
             throw new AttachmentSizeTooBigException(I18n.getMessage("Attachments.tooBig", new Integer[] {
                   new Integer((int) quotaSize / 1024), new Integer((int) totalSize / 1024) }));
       catch (AttachmentSizeTooBigException e)
          if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
             logger.warn("site - " + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " - " + e.toString());
       // description
       List genElements = element.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:general");
       if (genElements != null && genElements.size() > 0)
          Element generalElement = (Element) genElements.get(0);
          Element descElement = generalElement.element("description");
          String description = descElement.selectSingleNode(".//imsmd:langstring").getText();
          if (description != null)
       String filename = null;
       String hrefVal = hrefAttr.getValue().trim();
       if (hrefVal.lastIndexOf('/') != -1)
          filename = hrefVal.substring(hrefVal.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
       else if (hrefVal.lastIndexOf('\\') != -1)
          filename = hrefVal.substring(hrefVal.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
       if (filename.startsWith("post_"))
          filename = filename.substring(filename.indexOf("_", 5) + 1);
       AttachmentExtension ext = am.selectExtension(fileext);
       String savePath = makeStoreFilename(info);
       // String path = SystemGlobals.getValue(ConfigKeys.ATTACHMENTS_STORE_DIR) + "/" + a.getInfo().getPhysicalFilename();
       String path = SakaiSystemGlobals.getValue(ConfigKeys.ATTACHMENTS_STORE_DIR) + "/" + a.getInfo().getPhysicalFilename();
       saveAttachmentFile(path, attachmentFile);

protected void processAttachments(Element eleRes, Document document, String unZippedDirPath,
        org.etudes.api.app.jforum.Post post, JForumPostService jforumPostService) throws Exception {
    // resource elements - <file>
    List resElements = eleRes.elements();
    Attribute resHrefAttr = eleRes.attribute("href");
    for (Iterator iter = resElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Element element = (Element) iter.next();
        if (element.getQualifiedName().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
            Attribute hrefAttr = element.attribute("href");

            String fileext = hrefAttr.getValue().trim()
                    .substring(hrefAttr.getValue().trim().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

            if (!hrefAttr.getValue().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(resHrefAttr.getValue().trim())) {
                File attachmentFile = new File(unZippedDirPath + File.separator + hrefAttr.getValue());
                if (!attachmentFile.exists()) {
                    if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
                        logger.error("Error while import for site - "
                                + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " - Attachment : "
                                + attachmentFile.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist.");

                // String fileName = null;
                String contentType = null;
                String comments = null;
                byte[] fileContent = null;

                // description
                List genElements = element.selectNodes("./imsmd:lom/imsmd:general");
                if (genElements != null && genElements.size() > 0) {
                    Element generalElement = (Element) genElements.get(0);
                    Element descElement = generalElement.element("description");
                    String description = descElement.selectSingleNode(".//imsmd:langstring").getText();
                    if (description != null) {
                        comments = description.trim();

                String fileName = null;
                String hrefVal = hrefAttr.getValue().trim();
                if (hrefVal.lastIndexOf('/') != -1)
                    fileName = hrefVal.substring(hrefVal.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                else if (hrefVal.lastIndexOf('\\') != -1)
                    fileName = hrefVal.substring(hrefVal.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);

                if (fileName.startsWith("post_"))
                    fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf("_", 5) + 1);

                //contentType = new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(attachmentFile);
                FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();
                contentType = fileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(fileName);

                fileContent = getBytesFromFile(attachmentFile);

                org.etudes.api.app.jforum.Attachment attachment = jforumPostService.newAttachment(fileName,
                        contentType, comments, fileContent);
                if (attachment != null) {

From source file:org.olat.ims.qti.export.helper.ItemWithResponseStr.java

License:Apache License

 * Constructor for ItemWithResponseLid.//  www  .j  a v  a  2 s .com
 * @param el_item
public ItemWithResponseStr(final Element el_item) {
    // CELFI#107
    this.itemTitle = el_item.attributeValue("title");
    this.itemIdent = el_item.attributeValue("ident");

    final Element decvar = (Element) el_item.selectSingleNode(".//outcomes/decvar");

    if (decvar != null) {
        this.itemMinValue = decvar.attributeValue("minvalue");
        this.itemMaxValue = decvar.attributeValue("maxvalue");
        this.itemCutValue = decvar.attributeValue("cutvalue");

    final List el_presentationElements = el_item
            .selectNodes(".//presentation//mattext | .//presentation//response_str");

    int i = 1;
    boolean lastWasMattext = false;
    for (final Iterator itPresentations = el_presentationElements.iterator(); itPresentations.hasNext();) {
        final Element el_presentation = (Element) itPresentations.next();
        final String el_qname = el_presentation.getQualifiedName();
        if (el_qname.equalsIgnoreCase("mattext")) {
            this.quetionText += el_presentation.getTextTrim();
            lastWasMattext = true;
        } else {

            final Element render_fib = el_presentation.element("render_fib");
            if (render_fib != null) {
                isEssay = (render_fib.attributeValue("rows") == null) ? false : true;
                responseColumnHeaders.add((isEssay ? "A" : "B") + i); // A -> Area, B -> Blank

                final Element responseValue = (Element) el_item.selectSingleNode(
                        ".//varequal[@respident='" + el_presentation.attributeValue("ident") + "']");
                if (responseValue != null) {
                    if (lastWasMattext) {
                        this.quetionText += " [" + responseValue.getTextTrim() + "] ";
                        lastWasMattext = false;
                } else {

            } else {

    // CELFI#107 END

From source file:org.openflexo.docxparser.OpenXml2Html.java

License:Open Source License

private ParsedHtml getHtmlFromW_PElement(Element element) throws InvalidElementException {
    if (OpenXmlTag.getOpenXmlTag(element) != OpenXmlTag.w_p) {
        throw new InvalidElementException("Cannot transform element to html, expecting element w:p and get '"
                + element.getQualifiedName() + "'");
    }/* w  w w . j  a v a  2s  .c  om*/

    Element numPrElement = (Element) element.selectSingleNode("w:pPr/w:numPr");
    String foundNumId = null;
    Integer foundNumLevel = null;
    if (numPrElement != null) {
        Element ilvlElement = numPrElement.element(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_ilvl));
        Element numIdElement = numPrElement.element(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_numId));
        if (ilvlElement != null && numIdElement != null) {
            try {
                foundNumLevel = new Integer(ilvlElement.attributeValue(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_val)));
                foundNumId = numIdElement.attributeValue(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_val));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

    ParsedHtml parsedHtml = new ParsedHtml();

    currentParagraphProperties = new HTMLProperties(element);

    if (foundNumId != null || foundNumLevel != null
            || element.selectSingleNode("w:pPr/w:pStyle[@w:val = 'ListParagraph']") == null) {
        handleNumberingLevel(parsedHtml, foundNumId, foundNumLevel);


    for (Iterator<?> iterator = element.elementIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        Element childElement = (Element) iterator.next();



    return parsedHtml;

From source file:org.openflexo.docxparser.OpenXml2Html.java

License:Open Source License

private ParsedHtml getHtmlFromW_HyperlinkElement(Element element) throws InvalidElementException {
    if (OpenXmlTag.getOpenXmlTag(element) != OpenXmlTag.w_hyperlink) {
        throw new InvalidElementException(
                "Cannot transform element to html, expecting element w:hyperlink and get '"
                        + element.getQualifiedName() + "'");
    }/*from   w w  w  .  java 2s  .  com*/

    ParsedHtml parsedHtml = new ParsedHtml();

    String href = null;

    String linkRid = element.attributeValue(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.r_id));
    if (linkRid != null) {
        PackageRelationship linkRelationship = documentPart.getRelationship(linkRid);
        if (linkRelationship != null) {
            href = linkRelationship.getTargetURI().toString();

    if (href == null) { // Anchor ?
        String anchor = element.attributeValue(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_anchor));
        if (anchor != null) {
            href = "#" + anchor;

    String closeTag;

    if (href != null) {
        String target = element.attributeValue(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_tgtFrame));
        String title = element.attributeValue(DocxQName.getQName(OpenXmlTag.w_tooltip));

        parsedHtml.appendHtml("<a href=\"" + href + "\"");
        if (target != null) {
            parsedHtml.appendHtml(" target=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(target) + "\"");
        if (title != null) {
            parsedHtml.appendHtml(" title=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(title) + "\"");


        closeTag = "</a>";
    } else {
                "OpenXml to Html: cannot get hyperlink relationship with id '" + linkRid + "'");
        closeTag = "";

    for (Iterator<?> iterator = element.elementIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        Element childElement = (Element) iterator.next();


    return parsedHtml;

From source file:org.openflexo.docxparser.OpenXml2Html.java

License:Open Source License

private ParsedHtml getHtmlFromW_RElement(Element element) throws InvalidElementException {
    if (OpenXmlTag.getOpenXmlTag(element) != OpenXmlTag.w_r) {
        throw new InvalidElementException("Cannot transform element to html, expecting element w:r and get '"
                + element.getQualifiedName() + "'");
    }/*from  w  w w  . j a v a  2  s. co  m*/

    ParsedHtml parsedHtml = new ParsedHtml();

    HTMLProperties elementHTMLProperties = new HTMLProperties(element);

    if (!elementHTMLProperties.equals(currentSpanProperties)) {
        currentSpanProperties = elementHTMLProperties;
        if (!currentSpanProperties.isEmpty()) {

    for (Iterator<?> iterator = element.elementIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        Element childElement = (Element) iterator.next();

    return parsedHtml;