List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element getData
Object getData();
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public static void handleEpilogue(final String controllerContext, List<ASTStatement> statements, final String epilogueURL, final Element epilogueElement, final ASTOutput epilogueData, final ASTOutput epilogueModelData, final ASTOutput epilogueInstance) { if (epilogueURL == null) { // Run HTML serializer if no epilogue is specified statements.add(new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(epilogueData)) { {/* w w w .j av a2s .c o m*/ addWhen(new ASTWhen("not(/*/@xsi:nil = 'true')") { { setNamespaces(NAMESPACES_WITH_XSI_AND_XSLT); // The epilogue did not do the serialization addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.HTML_SERIALIZER_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { Document config = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("config")); Element rootElement = config.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("version").addText("5.0"); rootElement.addElement("encoding").addText("utf-8"); addInput(new ASTInput("config", config)); addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(epilogueData))); //setLocationData(TODO); } }); } }); addWhen(new ASTWhen()); } }); } else { // Send result through epilogue statements.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.PIPELINE_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final String url = URLFactory.createURL(controllerContext, epilogueURL).toExternalForm(); addInput(new ASTInput("config", new ASTHrefURL(url))); addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(epilogueData))); addInput(new ASTInput("model-data", new ASTHrefId(epilogueModelData))); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(epilogueInstance))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "pipeline", epilogueURL }; setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) epilogueElement.getData(), "executing epilogue", epilogueElement, locationParams)); } }); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Handle <page>//from www . ja v a 2s . c om */ public static void handlePage(final StepProcessorContext stepProcessorContext, final String urlBase, List<ASTStatement> statementsList, final Element pageElement, final String matcherOutputOrParamId, final ASTOutput viewData, final ASTOutput epilogueModelData, final ASTOutput viewInstance, final Map<String, String> pageIdToPathInfo, final Map<String, Document> pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, final String instancePassing) { // Get page attributes final String modelAttribute = pageElement.attributeValue("model"); final String viewAttribute = pageElement.attributeValue("view"); final String defaultSubmissionAttribute = pageElement.attributeValue("default-submission"); // Get setvalues document final Document setvaluesDocument = getSetValuesDocument(pageElement); // Get actions final List actionElements = pageElement.elements("action"); // Handle initial instance final ASTOutput defaultSubmission = new ASTOutput("data", "default-submission"); if (defaultSubmissionAttribute != null) { statementsList.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.URL_GENERATOR_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final String url = URLFactory.createURL(urlBase, defaultSubmissionAttribute).toExternalForm(); final Document configDocument = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("config")); configDocument.getRootElement().addText(url); addInput(new ASTInput("config", configDocument)); addOutput(defaultSubmission); } }); } // XForms Input final ASTOutput isRedirect = new ASTOutput(null, "is-redirect"); // Always hook up XML submission final ASTOutput xformedInstance = new ASTOutput("instance", "xformed-instance"); { final LocationData locDat = Dom4jUtils.getLocationData(); xformedInstance.setLocationData(locDat); } // Use XML Submission pipeline statementsList.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.PIPELINE_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("config", new ASTHrefURL(XFORMS_XML_SUBMISSION_XPL))); if (setvaluesDocument != null) { addInput(new ASTInput("setvalues", setvaluesDocument)); addInput(new ASTInput("matcher-result", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); } else { addInput(new ASTInput("setvalues", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput(new ASTInput("matcher-result", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); } if (defaultSubmissionAttribute != null) { addInput(new ASTInput("default-submission", new ASTHrefId(defaultSubmission))); } else { addInput(new ASTInput("default-submission", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); } addOutput(xformedInstance); } }); // Make sure the xformed-instance id is used for p:choose statementsList.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); } }); // Execute actions final ASTOutput xupdatedInstance = new ASTOutput(null, "xupdated-instance"); final ASTOutput actionData = new ASTOutput(null, "action-data"); final int[] actionNumber = new int[] { 0 }; final boolean[] foundActionWithoutWhen = new boolean[] { false }; final ASTChoose actionsChoose = new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance)) { { // Always add a branch to test on whether the XML submission asked to bypass actions, model, view, and epilogue // Use of this <bypass> document is arguably a HACK addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { setTest("/bypass[@xsi:nil = 'true']"); setNamespaces(NAMESPACES_WITH_XSI_AND_XSLT); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final Document config = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect")); config.getRootElement().addText("true"); addInput(new ASTInput("data", config)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirect)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } }); for (Object actionElement1 : actionElements) { // Get info about action actionNumber[0]++; final Element actionElement = (Element) actionElement1; final String whenAttribute; { // NOTE: Prior to 2012-06-27, the XSD schema would put a default value of true() final String tempWhen = actionElement.attributeValue("when"); if (tempWhen == null) whenAttribute = "true()"; else whenAttribute = tempWhen; } ; final String actionAttribute = actionElement.attributeValue("action"); // Execute action addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { // Add condition, remember that we found an <action> without a when if (whenAttribute != null) { if (foundActionWithoutWhen[0]) throw new ValidationException("Unreachable <action>", (LocationData) actionElement.getData()); setTest(whenAttribute); setNamespaces(new NamespaceMapping( Dom4jUtils.getNamespaceContextNoDefault(actionElement))); setLocationData((LocationData) actionElement.getData()); } else { foundActionWithoutWhen[0] = true; } final boolean resultTestsOnActionData = // Must have an action, in the first place actionAttribute != null && // More than one <result>: so at least the first one must have a "when" actionElement.elements("result").size() > 1; final ASTOutput internalActionData = actionAttribute == null ? null : new ASTOutput(null, "internal-action-data-" + actionNumber[0]); if (actionAttribute != null) { // TODO: handle passing and modifications of action data in model, and view, and pass to instance addStatement(new StepProcessorCall(stepProcessorContext, urlBase, actionAttribute, "action") { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("xforms-model", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput(new ASTInput("matcher", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); final ASTOutput dataOutput = new ASTOutput("data", internalActionData); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "pipeline", actionAttribute, "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "when", whenAttribute }; dataOutput.setLocationData( new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) actionElement.getData(), "reading action data output", pageElement, locationParams)); addOutput(dataOutput); setLocationData( new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) actionElement.getData(), "executing action", pageElement, locationParams)); } }); // Force execution of action if no <result> is reading it if (!resultTestsOnActionData) { addStatement( new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_SERIALIZER_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(internalActionData))); } }); } // Export internal-action-data as action-data addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(internalActionData))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } else { addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } if (actionElement.elements("result").size() > 0 && internalActionData != null) { // At least one result testing on action // Test based on action addStatement(new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(internalActionData)) { { for (Object o : actionElement.elements("result")) { final Element resultElement = (Element) o; final String resultWhenAttribute; { // NOTE: Prior to 2012-06-27, the XSD schema would put a default value of true() final String tempWhen = resultElement.attributeValue("when"); if (tempWhen == null) resultWhenAttribute = "true()"; else resultWhenAttribute = tempWhen; } ; // Execute result addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { if (resultWhenAttribute != null) { setTest(resultWhenAttribute); setNamespaces(new NamespaceMapping(Dom4jUtils .getNamespaceContextNoDefault(resultElement))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "when", resultWhenAttribute }; setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) resultElement.getData(), "executing result", resultElement, locationParams)); } executeResult(this, pageIdToPathInfo, pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, xformedInstance, resultElement, internalActionData, isRedirect, xupdatedInstance, instancePassing); } }); } // Continue when all results fail addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall( XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect") { { setText("false"); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirect)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall( XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); } }); } }); } else { // No result or result not depending on action final Element resultElement = actionElement.element("result"); executeResult(this, pageIdToPathInfo, pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, xformedInstance, resultElement, internalActionData, isRedirect, xupdatedInstance, instancePassing); } } }); } if (!foundActionWithoutWhen[0]) { // Default branch for when all actions fail addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final Document config = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect")); config.getRootElement().addText("false"); addInput(new ASTInput("data", config)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirect)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } }); } } }; // Add choose statement statementsList.add(actionsChoose); // Only continue if there was no redirect statementsList.add(new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(isRedirect)) { { addWhen(new ASTWhen("/is-redirect = 'false'") { { // Handle page model final ASTOutput modelData = new ASTOutput(null, "model-data"); final ASTOutput modelInstance = new ASTOutput(null, "model-instance"); if (modelAttribute != null) { // There is a model addStatement( new StepProcessorCall(stepProcessorContext, urlBase, modelAttribute, "model") { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(actionData))); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(xupdatedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("xforms-model", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput( new ASTInput("matcher", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "model", modelAttribute }; { final ASTOutput dataOutput = new ASTOutput("data", modelData); dataOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page model data output", pageElement, locationParams)); addOutput(dataOutput); } { final ASTOutput instanceOutput = new ASTOutput("instance", modelInstance); addOutput(instanceOutput); instanceOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page model instance output", pageElement, locationParams)); } setLocationData( new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "executing page model", pageElement, locationParams)); } }); } else if (viewAttribute != null) { // There is no model but there is a view addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(actionData))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", modelData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xupdatedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", modelInstance)); } }); } // Handle page view if (viewAttribute != null) { // There is a view addStatement( new StepProcessorCall(stepProcessorContext, urlBase, viewAttribute, "view") { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(modelData))); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(modelInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("xforms-model", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput( new ASTInput("matcher", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "view", viewAttribute }; { final ASTOutput dataOutput = new ASTOutput("data", viewData); dataOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page view data output", pageElement, locationParams)); addOutput(dataOutput); } { final ASTOutput instanceOutput = new ASTOutput("instance", viewInstance); instanceOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page view instance output", pageElement, locationParams)); addOutput(instanceOutput); } setLocationData( new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "executing page view", pageElement, locationParams)); } }); } else { // There is no view, send nothing to epilogue addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewInstance)); } }); } if (modelAttribute != null && viewAttribute == null) { // With XForms NG we want lazy evaluation of the instance, so we should not force a // read on the instance. We just connect the output. addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(modelInstance))); } }); } if (modelAttribute == null && viewAttribute == null) { // Send out epilogue model data as a null document addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", epilogueModelData)); } }); } else { // Send out epilogue model data as produced by the model or used by the view addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(modelData))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", epilogueModelData)); } }); } } }); addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { // There is a redirection due to the action // With XForms NG we want lazy evaluation of the instance, so we should not force a // read on the instance. We just connect the output. addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xupdatedInstance))); } }); // Just connect the output addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(actionData))); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", epilogueModelData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewInstance)); } }); } }); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private static void executeResult(ASTWhen when, final Map<String, String> pageIdToPathInfo, final Map<String, Document> pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, final ASTOutput instanceToUpdate, final Element resultElement, final ASTOutput actionData, final ASTOutput redirect, final ASTOutput xupdatedInstance, String instancePassing) { // Instance to update: either current, or instance from other page final String resultPageId = resultElement == null ? null : resultElement.attributeValue("page"); Attribute instancePassingAttribute = resultElement == null ? null : resultElement.attribute("instance-passing"); final String _instancePassing = instancePassingAttribute == null ? instancePassing : instancePassingAttribute.getValue(); // Create resulting instance final ASTOutput internalXUpdatedInstance; final boolean isTransformedInstance; if (resultElement != null && resultElement.attribute("transform") != null && !resultElement.elements().isEmpty()) { // Generic transform mechanism internalXUpdatedInstance = new ASTOutput("data", "internal-xupdated-instance"); isTransformedInstance = true;//ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m final Document transformConfig = Dom4jUtils .createDocumentCopyParentNamespaces((Element) resultElement.elements().get(0)); final QName transformQName = Dom4jUtils.extractAttributeValueQName(resultElement, "transform"); // Run transform final String resultTraceAttribute = resultElement.attributeValue("trace"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(transformQName) { { addInput(new ASTInput("config", transformConfig));// transform addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(instanceToUpdate)));// source-instance addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(instanceToUpdate)));// destination-instance //addInput(new ASTInput("request-instance", new ASTHrefId(requestInstance)));// params-instance TODO if (actionData != null) addInput(new ASTInput("action", new ASTHrefId(actionData)));// action else addInput(new ASTInput("action", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT));// action addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", internalXUpdatedInstance) { { setDebug(resultTraceAttribute); } });// updated-instance } }); } else { internalXUpdatedInstance = instanceToUpdate; isTransformedInstance = false; } // Do redirect if we are going to a new page (NOTE: even if the new page has the same id as the current page) if (resultPageId != null) { final String forwardPathInfo = pageIdToPathInfo.get(resultPageId); if (forwardPathInfo == null) throw new OXFException("Cannot find page with id '" + resultPageId + "'"); final Document setvaluesDocument = pageIdToSetvaluesDocument.get(resultPageId); final boolean doServerSideRedirect = _instancePassing != null && _instancePassing.equals(INSTANCE_PASSING_FORWARD); final boolean doRedirectExitPortal = _instancePassing != null && _instancePassing.equals(INSTANCE_PASSING_REDIRECT_PORTAL); // TODO: we should probably optimize all the redirect handling below with a dedicated processor { // Do redirect passing parameters from internalXUpdatedInstance without modifying URL final ASTOutput parametersOutput; if (isTransformedInstance) { parametersOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "parameters"); // Pass parameters only if needed final QName instanceToParametersProcessor = XMLConstants.INSTANCE_TO_PARAMETERS_PROCESSOR_QNAME; when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(instanceToParametersProcessor) { { addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(internalXUpdatedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("filter", (setvaluesDocument != null) ? setvaluesDocument : Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", parametersOutput)); } }); } else { parametersOutput = null; } // Handle path info final ASTOutput forwardPathInfoOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "forward-path-info"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("path-info") { { setText(forwardPathInfo); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", forwardPathInfoOutput)); } }); // Handle server-side redirect and exit portal redirect final ASTOutput isServerSideRedirectOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "is-server-side-redirect"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("server-side") { { setText(Boolean.toString(doServerSideRedirect)); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isServerSideRedirectOutput)); } }); final ASTOutput isRedirectExitPortal = new ASTOutput(null, "is-redirect-exit-portal"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("exit-portal") { { setText(Boolean.toString(doRedirectExitPortal)); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirectExitPortal)); } }); // Aggregate redirect-url config final ASTHref redirectURLData; if (setvaluesDocument != null && isTransformedInstance) { // Setvalues document - things are little more complicated, so we delegate final ASTOutput redirectDataOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "redirect-data"); final ASTHrefAggregate redirectDataAggregate = new ASTHrefAggregate("redirect-url", new ASTHrefId(forwardPathInfoOutput), new ASTHrefId(isServerSideRedirectOutput), new ASTHrefId(isRedirectExitPortal)); redirectDataAggregate.getHrefs().add(new ASTHrefId(parametersOutput)); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.UNSAFE_XSLT_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("config", new ASTHrefURL(REVERSE_SETVALUES_XSL))); addInput(new ASTInput("data", redirectDataAggregate)); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(internalXUpdatedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("setvalues", setvaluesDocument)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", redirectDataOutput)); } }); redirectURLData = new ASTHrefId(redirectDataOutput); } else { // No setvalues document, we can simply aggregate with XPL final ASTHrefAggregate redirectDataAggregate = new ASTHrefAggregate("redirect-url", new ASTHrefId(forwardPathInfoOutput), new ASTHrefId(isServerSideRedirectOutput), new ASTHrefId(isRedirectExitPortal)); if (isTransformedInstance) // Pass parameters only if needed redirectDataAggregate.getHrefs().add(new ASTHrefId(parametersOutput)); redirectURLData = redirectDataAggregate; } // Execute the redirect when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.REDIRECT_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", redirectURLData));// {{setDebug("redirect 2");}} final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "result page id", resultPageId }; setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) resultElement.getData(), "page redirection", resultElement, locationParams)); } }); } } // Signal if we did a redirect when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput( new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect") { { setText(Boolean.toString(resultPageId != null)); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", redirect)); } }); // Export XUpdated instance from this branch when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(internalXUpdatedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
public void start(PipelineContext pipelineContext) { try {//w w w . ja v a 2 s . c om final Document dataDocument = readInputAsDOM4J(pipelineContext, INPUT_DATA); final Element messageElement = dataDocument.getRootElement(); // Get system id (will likely be null if document is generated dynamically) final LocationData locationData = (LocationData) messageElement.getData(); final String dataInputSystemId = locationData.getSystemID(); // Set SMTP host final Properties properties = new Properties(); final String testSmtpHostProperty = getPropertySet().getString(EMAIL_TEST_SMTP_HOST); if (testSmtpHostProperty != null) { // Test SMTP Host from properties overrides the local configuration properties.setProperty("", testSmtpHostProperty); } else { // Try regular config parameter and property String host = messageElement.element("smtp-host").getTextTrim(); if (host != null && !host.equals("")) { // Precedence goes to the local config parameter properties.setProperty("", host); } else { // Otherwise try to use a property host = getPropertySet().getString(EMAIL_SMTP_HOST); if (host == null) host = getPropertySet().getString(EMAIL_HOST_DEPRECATED); if (host == null) throw new OXFException("Could not find SMTP host in configuration or in properties"); properties.setProperty("", host); } } // Create session final Session session; { // Get credentials final String usernameTrimmed; final String passwordTrimmed; { final Element credentials = messageElement.element("credentials"); if (credentials != null) { final Element usernameElement = credentials.element("username"); final Element passwordElement = credentials.element("password"); usernameTrimmed = (usernameElement != null) ? usernameElement.getStringValue().trim() : null; passwordTrimmed = (passwordElement != null) ? passwordElement.getStringValue().trim() : ""; } else { usernameTrimmed = null; passwordTrimmed = null; } } // Check if credentials are supplied if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(usernameTrimmed)) { // NOTE: A blank username doesn't trigger authentication if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Authentication"); // Set the auth property to true properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Username: " + usernameTrimmed); // Create an authenticator final Authenticator authenticator = new SMTPAuthenticator(usernameTrimmed, passwordTrimmed); // Create session with authenticator session = Session.getInstance(properties, authenticator); } else { if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"No Authentication"); session = Session.getInstance(properties); } } // Create message final Message message = new MimeMessage(session); // Set From message.addFrom(createAddresses(messageElement.element("from"))); // Set To String testToProperty = getPropertySet().getString(EMAIL_TEST_TO); if (testToProperty == null) testToProperty = getPropertySet().getString(EMAIL_FORCE_TO_DEPRECATED); if (testToProperty != null) { // Test To from properties overrides local configuration message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(testToProperty)); } else { // Regular list of To elements for (final Element toElement : Dom4jUtils.elements(messageElement, "to")) { final InternetAddress[] addresses = createAddresses(toElement); message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addresses); } } // Set Cc for (final Element ccElement : Dom4jUtils.elements(messageElement, "cc")) { final InternetAddress[] addresses = createAddresses(ccElement); message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, addresses); } // Set Bcc for (final Element bccElement : Dom4jUtils.elements(messageElement, "bcc")) { final InternetAddress[] addresses = createAddresses(bccElement); message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, addresses); } // Set headers if any for (final Element headerElement : Dom4jUtils.elements(messageElement, "header")) { final String headerName = headerElement.element("name").getTextTrim(); final String headerValue = headerElement.element("value").getTextTrim(); // NOTE: Use encodeText() in case there are non-ASCII characters message.addHeader(headerName, MimeUtility.encodeText(headerValue, DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING, null)); } // Set the email subject // The JavaMail spec is badly written and is not clear about whether this needs to be done here. But it // seems to use the platform's default charset, which we don't want to deal with. So we preemptively encode. // The result is pure ASCII so that setSubject() will not attempt to re-encode it. message.setSubject(MimeUtility.encodeText(messageElement.element("subject").getStringValue(), DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING, null)); // Handle body final Element textElement = messageElement.element("text"); final Element bodyElement = messageElement.element("body"); if (textElement != null) { // Old deprecated mechanism (simple text body) message.setText(textElement.getStringValue()); } else if (bodyElement != null) { // New mechanism with body and parts handleBody(pipelineContext, dataInputSystemId, message, bodyElement); } else { throw new OXFException("Main text or body element not found");// TODO: location info } // Send message final Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp"); Transport.send(message); transport.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OXFException(e); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void handlePart(PipelineContext pipelineContext, String dataInputSystemId, Part parentPart, Element partOrBodyElement) throws Exception { final String name = partOrBodyElement.attributeValue("name"); String contentTypeAttribute = partOrBodyElement.attributeValue("content-type"); final String contentType = NetUtils.getContentTypeMediaType(contentTypeAttribute); final String charset; {/*www . j ava2 s . com*/ final String c = NetUtils.getContentTypeCharset(contentTypeAttribute); charset = (c != null) ? c : DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING; } final String contentTypeWithCharset = contentType + "; charset=" + charset; final String src = partOrBodyElement.attributeValue("src"); // Either a String or a FileItem final Object content; if (src != null) { // Content of the part is not inline // Generate a FileItem from the source final SAXSource source = getSAXSource(EmailProcessor.this, pipelineContext, src, dataInputSystemId, contentType); content = handleStreamedPartContent(pipelineContext, source); } else { // Content of the part is inline // In the cases of text/html and XML, there must be exactly one root element final boolean needsRootElement = "text/html".equals(contentType);// || ProcessorUtils.isXMLContentType(contentType); if (needsRootElement && partOrBodyElement.elements().size() != 1) throw new ValidationException( "The <body> or <part> element must contain exactly one element for text/html", (LocationData) partOrBodyElement.getData()); // Create Document and convert it into a String final Element rootElement = (Element) (needsRootElement ? partOrBodyElement.elements().get(0) : partOrBodyElement); final Document partDocument = new NonLazyUserDataDocument(); partDocument.setRootElement((Element) rootElement.clone()); content = handleInlinePartContent(partDocument, contentType); } if (!XMLUtils.isTextOrJSONContentType(contentType)) { // This is binary content (including application/xml) if (content instanceof FileItem) { final FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) content; parentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new DataSource() { public String getContentType() { return contentType; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return fileItem.getInputStream(); } public String getName() { return name; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { throw new IOException("Write operation not supported"); } })); } else { byte[] data = NetUtils.base64StringToByteArray((String) content); parentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new SimpleBinaryDataSource(name, contentType, data))); } } else { // This is text content (including text/xml) if (content instanceof FileItem) { // The text content was encoded when written to the FileItem final FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) content; parentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new DataSource() { public String getContentType() { // This always contains a charset return contentTypeWithCharset; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { // This is encoded with the appropriate charset (user-defined, or the default) return fileItem.getInputStream(); } public String getName() { return name; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { throw new IOException("Write operation not supported"); } })); } else { parentPart.setDataHandler( new DataHandler(new SimpleTextDataSource(name, contentTypeWithCharset, (String) content))); } } // Set content-disposition header String contentDisposition = partOrBodyElement.attributeValue("content-disposition"); if (contentDisposition != null) parentPart.setDisposition(contentDisposition); // Set content-id header String contentId = partOrBodyElement.attributeValue("content-id"); if (contentId != null) parentPart.setHeader("content-id", "<" + contentId + ">"); //part.setContentID(contentId); }
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License:Open Source License
private Document filterRequestDocument(Document requestDocument, Node config) { // We always want to keep the root element (even if nothing is selected) requestDocument.getRootElement().addAttribute(MARK_ATTRIBUTE, MARK_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); for (Iterator i = XPathUtils.selectIterator(config, "/config/*"); i.hasNext();) { Element includeExcludeElement = (Element); LocationData locationData = (LocationData) includeExcludeElement.getData(); String includeExcludeXPath = includeExcludeElement.getText(); if (includeExcludeElement.getName().equals(INCLUDE_ELEMENT)) { for (Iterator j = XPathUtils.selectIterator(requestDocument, includeExcludeXPath); j.hasNext();) { Element e = referencedElement((Node), locationData, includeExcludeXPath); markAncestors(e);//from w ww .ja v a 2s . c o m markDescendants(e); } } else if (includeExcludeElement.getName().equals(EXCLUDE_ELEMENT)) { for (Iterator j = XPathUtils.selectIterator(requestDocument, includeExcludeXPath); j.hasNext();) { Element e = referencedElement((Node), locationData, includeExcludeXPath); e.detach(); } } } // Prune unnecessary nodes prune(requestDocument.getRootElement()); return requestDocument; }
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License:Open Source License
private Processor getProcessor(PipelineContext context) { try {//from w w w. jav a 2s . c o m // Read config input into a String, cache if possible ProcessorInput input = getInputByName(INPUT_CONFIG); final Config config = readCacheInputAsObject(context, input, new CacheableInputReader<Config>() { public Config read(PipelineContext context, ProcessorInput input) { Document configDocument = readInputAsDOM4J(context, INPUT_CONFIG); Element configElement = configDocument.getRootElement(); Config config = new Config(); config.clazz = configElement.attributeValue("class"); // Get source path String sourcePathAttributeValue = configElement.attributeValue("sourcepath"); if (sourcePathAttributeValue == null) sourcePathAttributeValue = "."; File sourcePath = getFileFromURL(sourcePathAttributeValue, JavaProcessor.this.getLocationData()); if (!sourcePath.isDirectory()) throw new ValidationException( "Invalid sourcepath attribute: cannot find directory for URL: " + sourcePathAttributeValue, (LocationData) configElement.getData()); try { config.sourcepath = sourcePath.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ValidationException( "Invalid sourcepath attribute: cannot find directory for URL: " + sourcePathAttributeValue, (LocationData) configElement.getData()); } return config; } }); // Check if need to compile String sourceFile = config.sourcepath + "/" + config.clazz.replace('.', '/') + ".java"; String destinationDirectory = SystemUtils.getTemporaryDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); String destinationFile = destinationDirectory + "/" + config.clazz.replace('.', '/') + ".class"; // Check if file is up-to-date long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); Long sourceLastModified; Long destinationLastModified; synchronized (lastModifiedMap) { sourceLastModified = (Long) lastModifiedMap.get(currentTimeMillis, sourceFile); if (sourceLastModified == null) { sourceLastModified = new Long(new File(sourceFile).lastModified()); lastModifiedMap.put(currentTimeMillis, sourceFile, sourceLastModified); } destinationLastModified = (Long) lastModifiedMap.get(currentTimeMillis, destinationFile); if (destinationLastModified == null) { destinationLastModified = new Long(new File(destinationFile).lastModified()); lastModifiedMap.put(currentTimeMillis, destinationFile, destinationLastModified); } } boolean fileUpToDate = sourceLastModified.longValue() < destinationLastModified.longValue(); // Compile if (!fileUpToDate) { StringBuilderWriter javacOutput = new StringBuilderWriter(); final ArrayList<String> argLst = new ArrayList<String>(); final String[] cmdLine; { argLst.add("-g"); final String cp = buildClassPath(context); if (cp != null) { argLst.add("-classpath"); argLst.add(cp); } if (config.sourcepath != null && config.sourcepath.length() > 0) { argLst.add("-sourcepath"); argLst.add(config.sourcepath); } argLst.add("-d"); final File tmp = SystemUtils.getTemporaryDirectory(); final String tmpPth = tmp.getAbsolutePath(); argLst.add(tmpPth); final String fnam = config.sourcepath + "/" + config.clazz.replace('.', '/') + ".java"; argLst.add(fnam); cmdLine = new String[argLst.size()]; argLst.toArray(cmdLine); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Compiling class '" + config.clazz + "'"); logger.debug("javac " + argLst.toString()); } Throwable thrown = null; int exitCode = 1; try { // Get compiler class, either user-specified or default to Sun compiler String compilerMain = getPropertySet().getString(COMPILER_CLASS_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_COMPILER_MAIN); ClassLoader classLoader; { URI compilerJarURI = getPropertySet().getURI(COMPILER_JAR_PROPERTY); if (compilerJarURI != null) { // 1: Always honor user-specified compiler JAR if present // Use special class loader pointing to this URL classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { compilerJarURI.toURL() }, JavaProcessor.class.getClassLoader()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Java processor using user-specified compiler JAR: " + compilerJarURI.toString()); } else { // 2: Try to use the class loader that loaded this class classLoader = JavaProcessor.class.getClassLoader(); try { Class.forName(compilerMain, true, classLoader); logger.debug("Java processor using current class loader"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Class not found // 3: Try to get to Sun tools.jar String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); if (javaHome != null) { File javaHomeFile = new File(javaHome); if (javaHomeFile.getName().equals("jre")) { File toolsFile = new File(javaHomeFile.getParentFile(), "lib" + File.separator + "tools.jar"); if (toolsFile.exists()) { // JAR file exists, will use it to load compiler class classLoader = new URLClassLoader( new URL[] { toolsFile.toURI().toURL() }, JavaProcessor.class.getClassLoader()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Java processor using default tools.jar under " + toolsFile.toString()); } } } } } } // Load compiler class using class loader defined above Class compilerClass = Class.forName(compilerMain, true, classLoader); // Get method and run compiler Method compileMethod = compilerClass.getMethod("compile", new Class[] { String[].class, PrintWriter.class }); Object result = compileMethod.invoke(null, cmdLine, new PrintWriter(javacOutput)); exitCode = ((Integer) result).intValue(); } catch (final Throwable t) { thrown = t; } if (exitCode != 0) { String javacOutputString = "\n" + javacOutput.toString(); javacOutputString = StringUtils.replace(javacOutputString, "\n", "\n "); throw new OXFException("Error compiling '" + argLst.toString() + "'" + javacOutputString, thrown); } } // Try to get sourcepath info InternalCacheKey sourcepathKey = new InternalCacheKey(JavaProcessor.this, "javaFile", config.sourcepath); Object sourcepathValidity = new Long(0); Sourcepath sourcepath = (Sourcepath) ObjectCache.instance().findValid(sourcepathKey, sourcepathValidity); // Create classloader if (sourcepath == null || (sourcepath.callNameToProcessorClass.containsKey(config.clazz) && !fileUpToDate)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Creating classloader for sourcepath '" + config.sourcepath + "'"); sourcepath = new Sourcepath(); sourcepath.classLoader = new URLClassLoader( new URL[] { SystemUtils.getTemporaryDirectory().toURI().toURL(), new File(config.sourcepath).toURI().toURL() }, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); ObjectCache.instance().add(sourcepathKey, sourcepathValidity, sourcepath); } // Get processor class Class<Processor> processorClass = sourcepath.callNameToProcessorClass.get(config.clazz); if (processorClass == null) { processorClass = (Class<Processor>) sourcepath.classLoader.loadClass(config.clazz); sourcepath.callNameToProcessorClass.put(config.clazz, processorClass); } // Create processor from class Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(processorClass.getClassLoader()); return processorClass.newInstance(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } catch (final InstantiationException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } }
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License:Open Source License
public static void handleEpilogue(final String controllerContext, List<ASTStatement> statements, final String epilogueURL, final Element epilogueElement, final ASTOutput epilogueData, final ASTOutput epilogueModelData, final ASTOutput epilogueInstance) { if (epilogueURL == null) { // Run HTML serializer if no epilogue is specified statements.add(new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(epilogueData)) { {//w ww .j ava2 s . com addWhen(new ASTWhen("not(/*/@xsi:nil = 'true')") { { setNamespaces(NAMESPACES_WITH_XSI_AND_XSLT); // The epilogue did not do the serialization addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.HTML_SERIALIZER_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { Document config = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("config")); Element rootElement = config.getRootElement(); rootElement.addElement("version").addText("5.0"); rootElement.addElement("encoding").addText("utf-8"); addInput(new ASTInput("config", config)); addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(epilogueData))); //setLocationData(TODO); } }); } }); addWhen(new ASTWhen()); } }); } else { // Send result through epilogue statements.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.PIPELINE_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final String url; try { url = URLFactory.createURL(controllerContext, epilogueURL).toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } addInput(new ASTInput("config", new ASTHrefURL(url))); addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(epilogueData))); addInput(new ASTInput("model-data", new ASTHrefId(epilogueModelData))); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(epilogueInstance))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "pipeline", epilogueURL }; setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) epilogueElement.getData(), "executing epilogue", epilogueElement, locationParams, true)); } }); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Handle <page>/* w w w . ja va 2s.c om*/ */ public static void handlePage(final StepProcessorContext stepProcessorContext, final String urlBase, List<ASTStatement> statementsList, final Element pageElement, final String matcherOutputOrParamId, final ASTOutput viewData, final ASTOutput epilogueModelData, final ASTOutput viewInstance, final Map<String, String> pageIdToPathInfo, final Map<String, Document> pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, final String instancePassing) { // Get page attributes final String modelAttribute = pageElement.attributeValue("model"); final String viewAttribute = pageElement.attributeValue("view"); final String defaultSubmissionAttribute = pageElement.attributeValue("default-submission"); // Get setvalues document final Document setvaluesDocument = getSetValuesDocument(pageElement); // Get actions final List actionElements = pageElement.elements("action"); // Handle initial instance final ASTOutput defaultSubmission = new ASTOutput("data", "default-submission"); if (defaultSubmissionAttribute != null) { statementsList.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.URL_GENERATOR_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final String url; try { url = URLFactory.createURL(urlBase, defaultSubmissionAttribute).toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } final Document configDocument = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("config")); configDocument.getRootElement().addText(url); addInput(new ASTInput("config", configDocument)); addOutput(defaultSubmission); } }); } // XForms Input final ASTOutput isRedirect = new ASTOutput(null, "is-redirect"); // Always hook up XML submission final ASTOutput xformedInstance = new ASTOutput("instance", "xformed-instance"); { final LocationData locDat = Dom4jUtils.getLocationData(); xformedInstance.setLocationData(locDat); } // Use XML Submission pipeline statementsList.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.PIPELINE_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("config", new ASTHrefURL(XFORMS_XML_SUBMISSION_XPL))); if (setvaluesDocument != null) { addInput(new ASTInput("setvalues", setvaluesDocument)); addInput(new ASTInput("matcher-result", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); } else { addInput(new ASTInput("setvalues", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput(new ASTInput("matcher-result", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); } if (defaultSubmissionAttribute != null) { addInput(new ASTInput("default-submission", new ASTHrefId(defaultSubmission))); } else { addInput(new ASTInput("default-submission", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); } addOutput(xformedInstance); } }); // Make sure the xformed-instance id is used for p:choose statementsList.add(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); } }); // Execute actions final ASTOutput xupdatedInstance = new ASTOutput(null, "xupdated-instance"); final ASTOutput actionData = new ASTOutput(null, "action-data"); final int[] actionNumber = new int[] { 0 }; final boolean[] foundActionWithoutWhen = new boolean[] { false }; final ASTChoose actionsChoose = new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance)) { { // Always add a branch to test on whether the XML submission asked to bypass actions, model, view, and epilogue // Use of this <bypass> document is arguably a HACK addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { setTest("/bypass[@xsi:nil = 'true']"); setNamespaces(NAMESPACES_WITH_XSI_AND_XSLT); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final Document config = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect")); config.getRootElement().addText("true"); addInput(new ASTInput("data", config)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirect)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } }); for (Object actionElement1 : actionElements) { // Get info about action actionNumber[0]++; final Element actionElement = (Element) actionElement1; final String whenAttribute; { // NOTE: Prior to 2012-06-27, the XSD schema would put a default value of true() final String tempWhen = actionElement.attributeValue("when"); if (tempWhen == null) whenAttribute = "true()"; else whenAttribute = tempWhen; } ; final String actionAttribute = actionElement.attributeValue("action"); // Execute action addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { // Add condition, remember that we found an <action> without a when if (whenAttribute != null) { if (foundActionWithoutWhen[0]) throw new ValidationException("Unreachable <action>", (LocationData) actionElement.getData()); setTest(whenAttribute); setNamespaces(new NamespaceMapping( Dom4jUtils.getNamespaceContextNoDefault(actionElement))); setLocationData((LocationData) actionElement.getData()); } else { foundActionWithoutWhen[0] = true; } final boolean resultTestsOnActionData = // Must have an action, in the first place actionAttribute != null && // More than one <result>: so at least the first one must have a "when" actionElement.elements("result").size() > 1; final ASTOutput internalActionData = actionAttribute == null ? null : new ASTOutput(null, "internal-action-data-" + actionNumber[0]); if (actionAttribute != null) { // TODO: handle passing and modifications of action data in model, and view, and pass to instance addStatement(new StepProcessorCall(stepProcessorContext, urlBase, actionAttribute, "action") { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("xforms-model", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput(new ASTInput("matcher", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); final ASTOutput dataOutput = new ASTOutput("data", internalActionData); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "pipeline", actionAttribute, "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "when", whenAttribute }; dataOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) actionElement.getData(), "reading action data output", pageElement, locationParams, true)); addOutput(dataOutput); setLocationData( new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) actionElement.getData(), "executing action", pageElement, locationParams, true)); } }); // Force execution of action if no <result> is reading it if (!resultTestsOnActionData) { addStatement( new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_SERIALIZER_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(internalActionData))); } }); } // Export internal-action-data as action-data addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(internalActionData))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } else { addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } if (actionElement.elements("result").size() > 0 && internalActionData != null) { // At least one result testing on action // Test based on action addStatement(new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(internalActionData)) { { for (Object o : actionElement.elements("result")) { final Element resultElement = (Element) o; final String resultWhenAttribute; { // NOTE: Prior to 2012-06-27, the XSD schema would put a default value of true() final String tempWhen = resultElement.attributeValue("when"); if (tempWhen == null) resultWhenAttribute = "true()"; else resultWhenAttribute = tempWhen; } ; // Execute result addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { if (resultWhenAttribute != null) { setTest(resultWhenAttribute); setNamespaces(new NamespaceMapping(Dom4jUtils .getNamespaceContextNoDefault(resultElement))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "when", resultWhenAttribute }; setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) resultElement.getData(), "executing result", resultElement, locationParams, true)); } executeResult(this, pageIdToPathInfo, pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, xformedInstance, resultElement, internalActionData, isRedirect, xupdatedInstance, instancePassing); } }); } // Continue when all results fail addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall( XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect") { { setText("false"); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirect)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall( XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); } }); } }); } else { // No result or result not depending on action final Element resultElement = actionElement.element("result"); executeResult(this, pageIdToPathInfo, pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, xformedInstance, resultElement, internalActionData, isRedirect, xupdatedInstance, instancePassing); } } }); } if (!foundActionWithoutWhen[0]) { // Defaul branch for when all actions fail addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xformedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { final Document config = new NonLazyUserDataDocument( new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect")); config.getRootElement().addText("false"); addInput(new ASTInput("data", config)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirect)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", actionData)); } }); } }); } } }; // Add choose statement statementsList.add(actionsChoose); // Only continue if there was no redirect statementsList.add(new ASTChoose(new ASTHrefId(isRedirect)) { { addWhen(new ASTWhen("/is-redirect = 'false'") { { // Handle page model final ASTOutput modelData = new ASTOutput(null, "model-data"); final ASTOutput modelInstance = new ASTOutput(null, "model-instance"); if (modelAttribute != null) { // There is a model addStatement( new StepProcessorCall(stepProcessorContext, urlBase, modelAttribute, "model") { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(actionData))); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(xupdatedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("xforms-model", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput( new ASTInput("matcher", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "model", modelAttribute }; { final ASTOutput dataOutput = new ASTOutput("data", modelData); dataOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page model data output", pageElement, locationParams, true)); addOutput(dataOutput); } { final ASTOutput instanceOutput = new ASTOutput("instance", modelInstance); addOutput(instanceOutput); instanceOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page model instance output", pageElement, locationParams, true)); } setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "executing page model", pageElement, locationParams, true)); } }); } else if (viewAttribute != null) { // There is no model but there is a view addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(actionData))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", modelData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xupdatedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", modelInstance)); } }); } // Handle page view if (viewAttribute != null) { // There is a view addStatement( new StepProcessorCall(stepProcessorContext, urlBase, viewAttribute, "view") { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(modelData))); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(modelInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("xforms-model", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addInput( new ASTInput("matcher", new ASTHrefId(matcherOutputOrParamId))); final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "page id", pageElement.attributeValue("id"), "view", viewAttribute }; { final ASTOutput dataOutput = new ASTOutput("data", viewData); dataOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page view data output", pageElement, locationParams, true)); addOutput(dataOutput); } { final ASTOutput instanceOutput = new ASTOutput("instance", viewInstance); instanceOutput.setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "reading page view instance output", pageElement, locationParams, true)); addOutput(instanceOutput); } setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData( (LocationData) pageElement.getData(), "executing page view", pageElement, locationParams, true)); } }); } else { // There is no view, send nothing to epilogue addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewInstance)); } }); } if (modelAttribute != null && viewAttribute == null) { // With XForms NG we want lazy evaluation of the instance, so we should not force a // read on the instance. We just connect the output. addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(modelInstance))); } }); } if (modelAttribute == null && viewAttribute == null) { // Send out epilogue model data as a null document addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", epilogueModelData)); } }); } else { // Send out epilogue model data as produced by the model or used by the view addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(modelData))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", epilogueModelData)); } }); } } }); addWhen(new ASTWhen() { { // There is a redirection due to the action // With XForms NG we want lazy evaluation of the instance, so we should not force a // read on the instance. We just connect the output. addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(xupdatedInstance))); } }); // Just connect the output addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.NULL_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(actionData))); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", epilogueModelData)); } }); addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", viewInstance)); } }); } }); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private static void executeResult(ASTWhen when, final Map<String, String> pageIdToPathInfo, final Map<String, Document> pageIdToSetvaluesDocument, final ASTOutput instanceToUpdate, final Element resultElement, final ASTOutput actionData, final ASTOutput redirect, final ASTOutput xupdatedInstance, String instancePassing) { // Instance to update: either current, or instance from other page final String resultPageId = resultElement == null ? null : resultElement.attributeValue("page"); Attribute instancePassingAttribute = resultElement == null ? null : resultElement.attribute("instance-passing"); final String _instancePassing = instancePassingAttribute == null ? instancePassing : instancePassingAttribute.getValue(); // Create resulting instance final ASTOutput internalXUpdatedInstance; final boolean isTransformedInstance; if (resultElement != null && resultElement.attribute("transform") != null && !resultElement.elements().isEmpty()) { // Generic transform mechanism internalXUpdatedInstance = new ASTOutput("data", "internal-xupdated-instance"); isTransformedInstance = true;//from w ww . j a v a2s .com final Document transformConfig = Dom4jUtils .createDocumentCopyParentNamespaces((Element) resultElement.elements().get(0)); final QName transformQName = Dom4jUtils.extractAttributeValueQName(resultElement, "transform"); // Run transform final String resultTraceAttribute = resultElement.attributeValue("trace"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(transformQName) { { addInput(new ASTInput("config", transformConfig));// transform addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(instanceToUpdate)));// source-instance addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(instanceToUpdate)));// destination-instance //addInput(new ASTInput("request-instance", new ASTHrefId(requestInstance)));// params-instance TODO if (actionData != null) addInput(new ASTInput("action", new ASTHrefId(actionData)));// action else addInput(new ASTInput("action", Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT));// action addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", internalXUpdatedInstance) { { setDebug(resultTraceAttribute); } });// updated-instance } }); } else { internalXUpdatedInstance = instanceToUpdate; isTransformedInstance = false; } // Do redirect if we are going to a new page (NOTE: even if the new page has the same id as the current page) if (resultPageId != null) { final String forwardPathInfo = pageIdToPathInfo.get(resultPageId); if (forwardPathInfo == null) throw new OXFException("Cannot find page with id '" + resultPageId + "'"); final Document setvaluesDocument = pageIdToSetvaluesDocument.get(resultPageId); final boolean doServerSideRedirect = _instancePassing != null && _instancePassing.equals(INSTANCE_PASSING_FORWARD); final boolean doRedirectExitPortal = _instancePassing != null && _instancePassing.equals(INSTANCE_PASSING_REDIRECT_PORTAL); // TODO: we should probably optimize all the redirect handling below with a dedicated processor { // Do redirect passing parameters from internalXUpdatedInstance without modifying URL final ASTOutput parametersOutput; if (isTransformedInstance) { parametersOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "parameters"); // Pass parameters only if needed final QName instanceToParametersProcessor = XMLConstants.INSTANCE_TO_PARAMETERS_PROCESSOR_QNAME; when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(instanceToParametersProcessor) { { addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(internalXUpdatedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("filter", (setvaluesDocument != null) ? setvaluesDocument : Dom4jUtils.NULL_DOCUMENT)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", parametersOutput)); } }); } else { parametersOutput = null; } // Handle path info final ASTOutput forwardPathInfoOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "forward-path-info"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("path-info") { { setText(forwardPathInfo); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", forwardPathInfoOutput)); } }); // Handle server-side redirect and exit portal redirect final ASTOutput isServerSideRedirectOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "is-server-side-redirect"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("server-side") { { setText(Boolean.toString(doServerSideRedirect)); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isServerSideRedirectOutput)); } }); final ASTOutput isRedirectExitPortal = new ASTOutput(null, "is-redirect-exit-portal"); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("exit-portal") { { setText(Boolean.toString(doRedirectExitPortal)); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", isRedirectExitPortal)); } }); // Aggregate redirect-url config final ASTHref redirectURLData; if (setvaluesDocument != null && isTransformedInstance) { // Setvalues document - things are little more complicated, so we delegate final ASTOutput redirectDataOutput = new ASTOutput(null, "redirect-data"); final ASTHrefAggregate redirectDataAggregate = new ASTHrefAggregate("redirect-url", new ASTHrefId(forwardPathInfoOutput), new ASTHrefId(isServerSideRedirectOutput), new ASTHrefId(isRedirectExitPortal)); redirectDataAggregate.getHrefs().add(new ASTHrefId(parametersOutput)); when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.UNSAFE_XSLT_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("config", new ASTHrefURL(REVERSE_SETVALUES_XSL))); addInput(new ASTInput("data", redirectDataAggregate)); addInput(new ASTInput("instance", new ASTHrefId(internalXUpdatedInstance))); addInput(new ASTInput("setvalues", setvaluesDocument)); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", redirectDataOutput)); } }); redirectURLData = new ASTHrefId(redirectDataOutput); } else { // No setvalues document, we can simply aggregate with XPL final ASTHrefAggregate redirectDataAggregate = new ASTHrefAggregate("redirect-url", new ASTHrefId(forwardPathInfoOutput), new ASTHrefId(isServerSideRedirectOutput), new ASTHrefId(isRedirectExitPortal)); if (isTransformedInstance) // Pass parameters only if needed redirectDataAggregate.getHrefs().add(new ASTHrefId(parametersOutput)); redirectURLData = redirectDataAggregate; } // Execute the redirect when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.REDIRECT_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", redirectURLData));// {{setDebug("redirect 2");}} final String[] locationParams = new String[] { "result page id", resultPageId }; setLocationData(new ExtendedLocationData((LocationData) resultElement.getData(), "page redirection", resultElement, locationParams, true)); } }); } } // Signal if we did a redirect when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput( new ASTInput("data", new NonLazyUserDataDocument(new NonLazyUserDataElement("is-redirect") { { setText(Boolean.toString(resultPageId != null)); } }))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", redirect)); } }); // Export XUpdated instance from this branch when.addStatement(new ASTProcessorCall(XMLConstants.IDENTITY_PROCESSOR_QNAME) { { addInput(new ASTInput("data", new ASTHrefId(internalXUpdatedInstance))); addOutput(new ASTOutput("data", xupdatedInstance)); } }); }