List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element elementTextTrim
String elementTextTrim(QName qname);
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License:Open Source License
@RequestMapping("callauth") public void doAuth(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Document doc = null;/*from w w w . ja va 2 m*/ String body = "";" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= starts =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "); try { // ???log InputStream in = request.getInputStream(); BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String str = null; StringBuffer xmlfile = new StringBuffer(); while ((str = bf.readLine()) != null) { xmlfile.append(str); }" --- xml body --- :" + xmlfile); doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xmlfile.toString()); } catch (DocumentException e) { log.error(" *** DocumentException ***", e); } catch (IOException e1) { log.error(" *** IOException ***", e1); } Element root = doc.getRootElement(); String action = root.elementTextTrim("action"); if (action.equals("CallAuth")) { // ??? body = parseCallAuth(root); } else if (action.equals("CallEstablish")) { // ? body = parseCallEstablish(root); } else if (action.equals("Hangup")) { // ? body = parseHangup(root); } // header response.setHeader("Status-Code", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); response.setHeader("Date", new Date() + ""); response.setHeader("Content-Length", body.length() + ""); try { // OutputStream opt = response.getOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(opt); out.write(body); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(" *** IOException ***", e); }"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\r\n"); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ???//from w w w .j a va 2 m * * @param e * Element * @return result */ private String parseCallAuth(Element e) {"--- parseCallAuth start ---"); CallAuthen call = new CallAuthen(); call.setType(e.elementTextTrim("type")); call.setOrderId(e.elementTextTrim("orderid")); call.setSubId(e.elementTextTrim("subid")); call.setCaller(e.elementTextTrim("caller")); call.setCalled(e.elementTextTrim("called")); call.setCallSid(e.elementTextTrim("callSid"));" --- parseCallAuth --- :" + call.toString()); // ? // ?,???sessiontime String result = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><Response><statuscode>0000</statuscode><statusmsg>Success</statusmsg><record>1</record></Response>"; return result; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ?//from www . ja va 2 s .c om * * @param e * Element * @return result */ private String parseCallEstablish(Element e) {"--- parseCallEstablish start "); CallEstablish call = new CallEstablish(); call.setType(e.elementTextTrim("type")); call.setOrderId(e.elementTextTrim("orderid")); call.setSubId(e.elementTextTrim("subid")); call.setCaller(e.elementTextTrim("caller")); call.setCalled(e.elementTextTrim("called")); call.setCallSid(e.elementTextTrim("callSid"));" --- CallEstablish --- : " + call.toString()); // ? // ?,???sessiontime String result = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><Response><statuscode>0000</statuscode><statusmsg>Success</statusmsg><billdata>ok</billdata></Response>";"--- parseCallEstablish end ---"); return result; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ?/* w w w . ja v a 2s .co m*/ * * @param e * Element * @return result */ private String parseHangup(Element e) {"---parseHangup start---"); // ? CallHangup CallHangup call = new CallHangup(); call.setType(e.elementTextTrim("type")); call.setOrderId(e.elementTextTrim("orderid")); call.setSubId(e.elementTextTrim("subid")); call.setCaller(e.elementTextTrim("caller")); call.setCalled(e.elementTextTrim("called")); call.setByeType(e.elementTextTrim("byeType")); call.setStarttime(e.elementTextTrim("starttime")); call.setEndtime(e.elementTextTrim("endtime")); call.setBilldata(e.elementTextTrim("billdata")); call.setCallSid(e.elementTextTrim("callSid")); call.setRecordurl(e.elementTextTrim("recordurl"));" --- CallHangup --- : " + call.toString()); // ? // ? String result = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Response><statuscode>0000</statuscode><statusmsg>Success</statusmsg><totalfee>0.120000</totalfee></Response>"; return result; }
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License:Open Source License
public static PortletPreferences fromDefaultXML(String xml) throws PortalException, SystemException { PortletPreferencesImpl prefs = new PortletPreferencesImpl(); if (Validator.isNull(xml)) { return prefs; }// w ww . j ava 2s .c om Map preferences = prefs.getPreferences(); try { Document doc = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(xml)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator itr1 = root.elements("preference").iterator(); while (itr1.hasNext()) { Element prefEl = (Element); String name = prefEl.elementTextTrim("name"); List values = new ArrayList(); Iterator itr2 = prefEl.elements("value").iterator(); while (itr2.hasNext()) { Element valueEl = (Element); /*if (valueEl.nodeCount() <= 0) { values.add(valueEl.getText()); } else { values.add(valueEl.node(0).asXML()); }*/ values.add(valueEl.getTextTrim()); } boolean readOnly = GetterUtil.get(prefEl.elementText("read-only"), false); Preference preference = new Preference(name, (String[]) values.toArray(new String[0]), readOnly); preferences.put(name, preference); } return prefs; } catch (DocumentException de) { throw new SystemException(de); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Reads the contents of the XML file into a {@link TestplanConfig} object. * //from www . j a va2 s .c o m * @return the Config object */ public TestplanConfig readConfig() throws Exception { Element testplan = loadDocument().getRootElement(); ListMultimap<ProcessKey, LoadProfileEvent> loadProfileEvents = readLoadProfileEvents(testplan); List<TestJar> testJars = readTestJars(testplan); int totalProcessCount = loadProfileEvents.keySet().size(); int totalThreadCount = loadProfileEvents.size(); String guiceModule = testplan.elementTextTrim("module"); PropertiesMap properties = readProperties(testplan); Map<ProcessKey, TestConfig> testConfigs = newHashMapWithExpectedSize(totalProcessCount); for (Entry<ProcessKey, Collection<LoadProfileEvent>> entry : loadProfileEvents.asMap().entrySet()) { ProcessKey key = entry.getKey(); Collection<LoadProfileEvent> events = entry.getValue(); testConfigs.put(key, new TestConfig(key.getProcessId(), guiceModule, properties, events)); } long startTimeOfLastEvent = 0; for (LoadProfileEvent loadProfileEvent : loadProfileEvents.values()) { startTimeOfLastEvent = Math.max(startTimeOfLastEvent, loadProfileEvent.getStartTime()); } List<String> jvmArgs = readJvmArgs(testplan); List<ProcessConfig> processConfigs = newArrayListWithCapacity(loadProfileEvents.keySet().size()); for (ProcessKey key : loadProfileEvents.keySet()) { processConfigs.add(new ProcessConfig(key.getProcessId(), key.getDaemonId(), jvmArgs)); } return new TestplanConfig(testplanFile, loadProfileEvents, testJars, testConfigs, processConfigs, totalProcessCount, totalThreadCount, startTimeOfLastEvent); }
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License:Apache License
private ListMultimap<ProcessKey, LoadProfileEvent> readLoadProfileEvents(final Element testplan) throws IOException { ListMultimap<ProcessKey, LoadProfileEvent> eventsByProcess = ArrayListMultimap.create(); String loadProfile = testplan.elementTextTrim("loadProfile"); // relative to testplan File loadProfileConfigFile = new File(new File(testplanFile.getParentFile(), "loadprofiles"), loadProfile); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(loadProfileConfigFile), "UTF-8"))) { StrTokenizer st = StrTokenizer.getCSVInstance(); st.setDelimiterChar(';'); for (String line = null; (line = br.readLine()) != null;) { // ignore line that are blank, commented out, or represent markers if (isBlank(line) || startsWith(line, "#") || MARKER_PATTERN.matcher(line).matches()) { continue; }/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ st.reset(line); String[] tokens = st.getTokenArray(); long startTime = Long.parseLong(tokens[0]); String operation = tokens[1]; String target = tokens[2]; int daemonId = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); int processId = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); eventsByProcess.put(new ProcessKey(daemonId, processId), new LoadProfileEvent(startTime, operation, target, daemonId, processId)); } } return eventsByProcess; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ?xml??document??key?//from www .j a v a 2 s . c om * * @param str * * @param key * ?? * @return ??stringnull */ public static String getString(String str, String key) { try { Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(str); Element root = document.getRootElement(); return root.elementTextTrim(key); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOG.debug("Exception?xml:" + str); LOG.debug("Exception?key:" + key); } return null; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @see com.pureinfo.force.xml.IXMLSupporter#fromXML(org.dom4j.Element) *//*from www .j a v a 2 s .co m*/ public void fromXML(Element _element) throws PureException { m_sCode = _element.elementTextTrim("code"); m_sName = _element.elementTextTrim("name"); m_sSerialNo = _element.elementTextTrim("serial-no"); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Initiates this helper./* ww w .ja va 2 s. c o m*/ */ private void init() {"SRM system configuration: to load ..."); try { String sResource = ClassResourceUtil.mapFullPath(XML_BINDER, true); Element xml = XMLUtil.fileToElement(sResource); this.setVersion(xml.elementTextTrim("version")); this.setEdition(xml.elementTextTrim("edition")); if (m_bUniversityEdition) { // to load university configuration m_universityConfig = new UniversityConfig(); m_universityConfig.fromXML(xml.element("university")); // to validate serial no String[] args; try { args = SNDecoder.decode(m_universityConfig.getSerialNo(), 5); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(""); } if (!m_universityConfig.getCode().equals(args[0]) || !m_universityConfig.getName().equals(args[1])) { throw new Exception(""); } m_lRegisterExpiredTime = Long.parseLong(args[4]); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= m_lRegisterExpiredTime) { throw new Exception(""); } } else { // to load edu-office configuration m_eduOfficeConfig = new EduOfficeConfig(); m_eduOfficeConfig.fromXML(xml.element("edu-office")); // to validate serial no String[] args; try { args = SNDecoder.decode(m_eduOfficeConfig.getSerialNo(), 5); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(""); } if (!m_eduOfficeConfig.getCode().equals(args[0]) || !m_eduOfficeConfig.getName().equals(args[1])) { throw new Exception(""); } m_lRegisterExpiredTime = Long.parseLong(args[4]); if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= m_lRegisterExpiredTime) { throw new Exception(""); } } // endif // to load the modules config m_modulesConfig = new ModulesConfig(m_universityConfig.getCode()); m_modulesConfig.fromXML(xml.element("modules")); // OK! m_bRegistered = true;"SRM system configuration: loaded and registered"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PureRuntimeException(SRMExceptionTypes.CONFIG_LOAD, XML_BINDER, ex); } }