List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element clearContent
void clearContent();
instances this branch may contain. From source
License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given TMX 1.4 <hi> element from the segment. <hi> is special * since it does not surround embedded tags but text, which must be pulled * out of the <hi> and added to the parent segment. *//*from ww w .ja va2 s . c o m*/ private void removeHiElement(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <hi>'s content // instead of the <hi>. ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.appendContent(p_element); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given <sub> element from the segment. <sub> is special since * it does not only surround embedded tags but also text, which must be * pulled out of the <sub> and added to the parent tag. *///from w ww .j av a 2 s . co m private static void removeSubElement(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <sub>'s textual // content instead of the <sub> (this clears any embedded TMX // tags in the subflow). ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.addText(p_element.getText()); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given <sub> element from the segment. <sub> is special since * it does not only surround embedded tags but also text, which must be * pulled out of the <sub> and added to the parent tag. */// w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m private static void replaceNbsp(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <sub>'s textual // content instead of the <sub> (this clears any embedded TMX // tags in the subflow). ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.addText("\u00A0"); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given TMX 1.4 <sub> element from the segment. <sub> * is special since it does not only surround embedded tags but * also text, which must be pulled out of the <sub> and added to * the parent tag.//from w w w .j a v a 2 s.c o m */ private void removeSubElement(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <sub>'s textual // content instead of the <sub> (this clears any embedded TMX // tags in the subflow). ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.addText(p_element.getText()); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given TMX 1.4 <ut> element from the segment. <ut> is special * since it does not surround embedded tags but text, witch must be pulled * out of the <ut> and added to the parent segment. *//* ww w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ private void removeUtElement(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <ut>'s content // instead of the <ut>. ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.appendContent(p_element); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes a element by pulling up its children into the parent node. */// w ww . jav a 2s .com private void removeElement(Element p_element) { Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the old content, inserting the <ut>'s content // instead of the <ut>. ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.appendContent(p_element); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes a TU element by pulling up the content of the TUV in * the given locale into the parent node. *///from www. j ava 2 s . c om private void removeTuElement(Element p_element, String p_locale) { // The source or target language TUV to replace the TU with. Element tuv = (Element) p_element.selectSingleNode("//Tuv[@Lang='" + p_locale + "']"); Element parent = p_element.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOf(p_element); // We copy the current content, clear out the parent, and then // re-add the tuv content. ArrayList newContent = new ArrayList(); List content = parent.content(); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Node node = (Node) content.get(i); newContent.add(node.detach()); } Collections.reverse(newContent); parent.clearContent(); for (int i = 0, max = newContent.size(); i < max; ++i) { Node node = (Node) newContent.get(i); if (i == index) { parent.appendContent(tuv); } else { parent.add(node); } } }
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License:Open Source License
protected Document mergeXMLAttributes(Document doc1, Document doc2) { Element doc2Root = doc2.getRootElement(); Element doc1Root = doc1.getRootElement(); Element docRoot = doc2Root.createCopy(); docRoot.clearContent(); if (doc1Root != null) { Iterator<Object> attributesIterator = doc1Root.attributeIterator(); while (attributesIterator.hasNext()) { org.dom4j.Attribute attribute = (org.dom4j.Attribute); if (attribute.getName().equals("extends")) { continue; }//from w ww.j av a2 s . c o m docRoot.addAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } Element descriptionElement = doc1Root.element("description"); if (descriptionElement != null) { docRoot.add(descriptionElement.createCopy()); } } DocumentFactory factory = SAXReaderUtil.getDocumentFactory(); Document doc = factory.createDocument(); doc.setRootElement(docRoot); List<Element> doc2Components = doc2Root.elements(_COMPONENT); for (Element doc2Component : doc2Components) { Element component = doc2Component.createCopy(); String name = doc2Component.attributeValue("name"); Element doc1Component = getComponentNode(doc1, name); if (doc1Component != null) { Element doc1ComponentDescriptionElement = doc1Component.element("description"); if (doc1ComponentDescriptionElement != null) { Element descriptionElement = component.element("description"); if (descriptionElement != null) { component.remove(descriptionElement); } component.add(doc1ComponentDescriptionElement.createCopy()); } Iterator<Object> attributesIterator = doc1Component.attributeIterator(); while (attributesIterator.hasNext()) { org.dom4j.Attribute attribute = (org.dom4j.Attribute); component.addAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } Element doc1AttributesNode = doc1Component.element(_ATTRIBUTES); Element attributesNode = component.element(_ATTRIBUTES); if ((doc1AttributesNode != null) && (attributesNode != null)) { List<Element> doc1Attributes = doc1AttributesNode.elements(_ATTRIBUTE); List<Element> attributes = attributesNode.elements(_ATTRIBUTE); for (Element doc1Attribute : doc1Attributes) { Element attribute = getElementByName(attributes, doc1Attribute.elementText("name")); if (attribute != null) { attributesNode.remove(attribute); } attributesNode.add(doc1Attribute.createCopy()); } } Element doc1EventsNode = doc1Component.element(_EVENTS); Element eventsNode = component.element(_EVENTS); if ((doc1EventsNode != null) && (eventsNode != null)) { List<Element> doc1Events = doc1EventsNode.elements(_EVENT); List<Element> events = eventsNode.elements(_EVENT); for (Element doc1Event : doc1Events) { Element event = getElementByName(events, doc1Event.elementText("name")); if (event != null) { eventsNode.add(event); } eventsNode.add(doc1Event.createCopy()); } } } doc.getRootElement().add(component); } if (doc1Root != null) { List<Element> doc1Components = doc1Root.elements(_COMPONENT); for (Element doc1Component : doc1Components) { Element component = doc1Component.createCopy(); String name = doc1Component.attributeValue("name"); Element doc2Component = getComponentNode(doc2, name); if (doc2Component == null) { doc.getRootElement().add(component); } } } return doc; }
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License:Apache License
public static void minifyManifest(File mainManifest, File destManifest) throws IOException, DocumentException { XMLWriter writer = null;// XML SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setEncoding("UTF-8");// XML?? FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destManifest); if (mainManifest.exists()) { try {//from w ww .j a v a2 s . c om Document document =;// ?XML // removeComments(document); Element element = document.getRootElement(); element.clearContent(); writer = new XMLWriter(fos, format); writer.write(document); } finally { if (null != writer) { writer.close(); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); } } }
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License:Apache License
public void updateLicense(String license, String user) { Element licenseElement = (Element) root().selectSingleNode("//license"); licenseElement.clearContent(); licenseElement.add(new DefaultText(license)); licenseElement.addAttribute("user", user); }