Example usage for org.dom4j Element addComment

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element addComment


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element addComment.


Element addComment(String comment);

Source Link


Adds a new Comment node with the given text to this element.


From source file:org.jbpm.jpdl.internal.convert.Jpdl3Converter.java

License:Open Source License

 * Call this method to convert the jpdl3 process.
 * The return value will be a converted jpdl4 XML model.
 *///w w  w. j a  v  a2  s .co  m
public Document readAndConvert() {

    // create a new definition
    jpdl4Document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    // initialize lists
    problems = new ArrayList<Problem>();
    unresolvedTransitionDestinations = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
    unresolvedActionReferences = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

    try {

        // parse the document into a XML dom tree
        jpdl3Document = Jpdl3ConverterParser.parse(inputSource, this);

        // Convert the root element 
        Element jpdl3Root = jpdl3Document.getRootElement();
        Element jpdl4Root = parseProcessDefinitionAttributes(jpdl3Root);

        // convert process description as comment
        String description = jpdl3Root.elementTextTrim("description");
        if (description != null) {

        // first pass
        convertSwimlanes(jpdl3Root, jpdl4Root);
        convertActions(jpdl3Root, null, null); // Todo: refactor
        convertNodes(jpdl3Root, jpdl4Root);
        convertEvents(jpdl3Root, jpdl4Root);
        convertExceptionHandlers(jpdl3Root, jpdl4Root);
        convertTasks(jpdl3Root, jpdl4Root);

        // second pass processing: process any unresolved elements 
        //resolveActionReferences(); // not yet implemented

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("couldn't parse process definition", e);
        addProblem(new Problem(Problem.LEVEL_ERROR, "couldn't parse process definition", e));

    // After conversion: check if there were any conversion problems

    if (Problem.containsProblemsOfLevel(problems, Problem.LEVEL_ERROR)) {
        throw new ConvertException(problems);

    if (problems != null) {
        for (Problem problem : problems) {
            log.warn("process parse warning: " + problem.getDescription());

    return jpdl4Document;

From source file:org.jbpm.jpdl.internal.convert.Jpdl3Converter.java

License:Open Source License

public Element convertTask(Element taskElement, Element jpdlElement) {

    Element task4 = jpdlElement.addElement("task");
    String name = taskElement.attributeValue("name");
    if (name != null) {
        task4.attributeValue("name", name);
    }//from   w  ww. ja  v  a2 s . com

    String description = taskElement.elementTextTrim("description");
    if (description != null) {

    String condition = taskElement.elementTextTrim("condition");
    if (condition == null) {
        condition = taskElement.attributeValue("condition");
    if (condition == null) {
        addWarning("Unsupported condition attribute converstion for task : " + taskElement.asXML());

    //The converted the elements in task should be in this sequence 
    //assignment-handler, on, notification, reminder, timer

    // assignment
    String swimlaneName = taskElement.attributeValue("swimlane");
    Element assignmentElement = taskElement.element("assignment");

    // if there is a swimlane attribute specified
    if (swimlaneName != null) {

        Element swimLane = swimlanesCollection.get(swimlaneName);
        if (swimLane == null) {
            addWarning("task references unknown swimlane '" + swimlaneName + "':" + taskElement.asXML());
        } else {
            task4.addAttribute("swimlane", swimlaneName);
    } else if (assignmentElement != null) {
        if ((assignmentElement.attribute("actor-id") != null)
                || (assignmentElement.attribute("pooled-actors") != null)) {

            String actorid = assignmentElement.attributeValue("actor-id");
            String pooledactors = assignmentElement.attributeValue("pooled-actors");

            if (actorid != null) {
                task4.addAttribute("assignee", actorid);
            if (pooledactors != null) {
                task4.addAttribute("candidate-groups", pooledactors);

        } else {
            convertAssignmentDelegation(assignmentElement, task4);
    } else {
        // the user has to manage assignment manually, so we better inform him/her.
        log.info("process xml information: no swimlane or assignment specified for task '" + taskElement.asXML()
                + "'");

    //notification attribute
    String notificationsText = taskElement.attributeValue("notify");
    if (notificationsText != null && ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(notificationsText)
            || "on".equalsIgnoreCase(notificationsText) || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(notificationsText))) {
        //TODO:Review if there is "continue" attribute to converted
        Element notify = task4.addElement("notification");
        notify.addAttribute("continue", "sync");
    //Reminder elements
    convertTaskReminders(taskElement, task4);

    //event elements  
    convertEvents(taskElement, task4);

    //timer elements
    convertTaskTimers(taskElement, task4);

    convertExceptionHandlers(taskElement, task4);

    String duedateText = taskElement.attributeValue("duedate");

    if (duedateText != null) {
        addWarning("Unsupported duedateDate attribute converstion for task : " + taskElement.asXML());

    String priorityText = taskElement.attributeValue("priority");
    if (priorityText != null) {
        addWarning("Unsupported priorityText attribute converstion for task : " + taskElement.asXML());

    String blockingText = taskElement.attributeValue("blocking");
    if (blockingText != null) {
        addWarning("Unsupported blocking attribute converstion for task : " + taskElement.asXML());

    String signallingText = taskElement.attributeValue("signalling");
    if (signallingText != null) {
        addWarning("Unsupported signallingText attribute converstion for task : " + taskElement.asXML());

    Element taskControllerElement = taskElement.element("controller");
    if (taskControllerElement != null) {
        addWarning("Unsupported controller converstion for task : " + taskElement.asXML());

    return task4;

From source file:org.jbpm.jpdl.internal.convert.Jpdl3Converter.java

License:Open Source License

protected void convertAssignmentDelegation(Element jpdl3AssignmentElement, Element jpdl4Task) {

    String expression = jpdl3AssignmentElement.attributeValue("expression");
    String actorId = jpdl3AssignmentElement.attributeValue("actor-id");
    String pooledActors = jpdl3AssignmentElement.attributeValue("pooled-actors");

    if (expression != null) {

        // TODO:How to convert default assignmenthandler?
        // assignmentDelegation.setClassName("org.jbpm.identity.assignment.ExpressionAssignmentHandler");
        // assignmentDelegation.setConfiguration("<expression>" + expression +
        // "</expression>");

    } else if ((actorId != null) || (pooledActors != null)) {

                "Please Update the AssignmentHandler and implement org.jbpm.api.task.AssignmentHandler to create your own AssignmentHandler.");
        Element assignmentHandler = jpdl4Task.addElement("assignment-handler");
        assignmentHandler.addAttribute("class", "org.jbpm.taskmgmt.assignment.ActorAssignmentHandler");

        String configuration = "";
        if (actorId != null) {
            configuration += "<actorId>" + actorId + "</actorId>";
        }//from  w w w.j a v a 2s .  c o m
        if (pooledActors != null) {
            configuration += "<pooledActors>" + pooledActors + "</pooledActors>";

    } else {
        String claz = jpdl3AssignmentElement.attributeValue("class");
        Element assignmentHandler = jpdl4Task.addElement("assignment-handler");
        assignmentHandler.addAttribute("class", claz);

From source file:org.jbpm.jpdl.internal.convert.Jpdl3Converter.java

License:Open Source License

public void convertNode(Element jpdl3Element, Element jpdl4Element) {

    String name = jpdl3Element.attributeValue("name");
    if (name != null) {
        jpdl4Element.addAttribute("name", name);
        nodeCollection.put(name, jpdl4Element);
    }// ww w . java  2  s . c  om

    // get the node description
    String description = jpdl3Element.elementTextTrim("description");
    if (description != null) {

    String asyncText = jpdl3Element.attributeValue("async");
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(asyncText)) {
        jpdl4Element.addAttribute("continue", "async");
    } else if ("exclusive".equalsIgnoreCase(asyncText)) {
        jpdl4Element.addAttribute("continue", "exclusive");
    } //else if -> uses the default continue="sync"

    // parse common subelements

    convertNodeTimers(jpdl3Element, jpdl4Element);
    convertEvents(jpdl3Element, jpdl4Element);
    convertExceptionHandlers(jpdl3Element, jpdl4Element);

    // save the transitions and parse them at the end
    addUnresolvedTransitionDestination(jpdl3Element, jpdl4Element);

From source file:org.jbpm.jpdl.internal.convert.Jpdl3Converter.java

License:Open Source License

public void resolveTransitionDestination(Element transitionElement, Element jpdl4Element) {

    Element transition4 = jpdl4Element.addElement("transition");
    transition4.addAttribute("name", transitionElement.attributeValue("name"));
    if (transitionElement.elementTextTrim("description") != null) {
    }/*  ww w.ja  v a2s .  c  om*/
    //Get condition from jpdl3 element
    String condition = transitionElement.attributeValue("condition");
    if (condition == null) {
        Element conditionElement = transitionElement.element("condition");
        if (conditionElement != null) {
            condition = conditionElement.getTextTrim();
            // for backwards compatibility
            if ((condition == null) || (condition.length() == 0)) {
                condition = conditionElement.attributeValue("expression");

    if (condition != null && condition.length() > 0) {
        Element condition4 = transition4.addElement("condition");
        condition4.addAttribute("expr", condition);

    // set destinationNode of the transition
    String toName = transitionElement.attributeValue("to");
    if (toName == null) {
        addWarning("node '" + transitionElement.getPath()
                + "' has a transition without a 'to'-attribute to specify its destinationNode");
    } else {
        Element to = this.findNode(toName);
        if (to == null) {
            addWarning("transition to='" + toName + "' on node '" + transitionElement.getName()
                    + "' cannot be resolved");

        transition4.addAttribute("to", toName);

    // read the actions
    convertActions(transitionElement, transition4, "");

    convertExceptionHandlers(transitionElement, transition4);

From source file:org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.JpdlXmlWriter.java

License:Open Source License

private void writeComment(Element element, String comment) {
    element.addComment(" " + comment + " ");

From source file:org.jenkins.tools.test.model.MavenPom.java

License:Open Source License

public void addDependencies(Map<String, VersionNumber> toAdd, Map<String, VersionNumber> toReplace,
        VersionNumber coreDep, Map<String, String> pluginGroupIds) throws IOException {
    File pom = new File(rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + pomFileName);
    Document doc;//from   w  w w . j  a v  a  2s.  com
    try {
        doc = new SAXReader().read(pom);
    } catch (DocumentException x) {
        throw new IOException(x);
    Element dependencies = doc.getRootElement().element("dependencies");
    if (dependencies == null) {
        dependencies = doc.getRootElement().addElement("dependencies");
    for (Element mavenDependency : (List<Element>) dependencies.elements("dependency")) {
        Element artifactId = mavenDependency.element("artifactId");
        if (artifactId == null || !"maven-plugin".equals(artifactId.getTextTrim())) {
        Element version = mavenDependency.element("version");
        if (version == null || version.getTextTrim().startsWith("${")) {
            // Prior to 1.532, plugins sometimes assumed they could pick up the Maven plugin version from their parent POM.
            if (version != null) {
            version = mavenDependency.addElement("version");
    for (Element mavenDependency : (List<Element>) dependencies.elements("dependency")) {
        Element artifactId = mavenDependency.element("artifactId");
        if (artifactId == null) {
        VersionNumber replacement = toReplace.get(artifactId.getTextTrim());
        if (replacement == null) {
        Element version = mavenDependency.element("version");
        if (version != null) {
        version = mavenDependency.addElement("version");
    for (Map.Entry<String, VersionNumber> dep : toAdd.entrySet()) {
        Element dependency = dependencies.addElement("dependency");
        String group = pluginGroupIds.get(dep.getKey());

        // Handle cases where plugin isn't under default groupId
        if (group != null && !group.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
    FileWriter w = new FileWriter(pom);
    try {
    } finally {

From source file:org.mitre.ace2004.callisto.ExportAPF5_0_2.java

License:Open Source License

 * Open and convert the data at the specified URI, to a new
 * AWBDocument. Implementations should verify that the URI specified is
 * absolute. URI's are used due to ambiguities in the URL class.
 * @see URI#isAbsolute//www. j  a va2 s . c  om
 * @param doc the data to be exported
 * @param uri location to save data to
 * @return true if the export succeded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException on error writing to file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException implementations should throw an
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the uri specified is of an unsupported
 *         scheme, or if the preconditions of that scheme are not met (file:
 *         and http: protocols require the uri be absolute and heirarchal).
public boolean exportDocument(AWBDocument awbDoc, URI uri) throws IOException {

    // note that this only happens automatically on export of APF

    Document xmlDoc = null;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        xmlDoc.addDocType("source_file", "SYSTEM", "apf.v" + APF_VERSION + ".dtd");

        String encoding = awbDoc.getEncoding();

        // if this document came from import, it will have 'source' (maybe)
        // and 'uri' specified by the 'source_file' tag. keep them.
        String source = (String) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_SOURCE);
        if (source == null)
            source = "unknown";

        URI signalURI = (URI) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_URI);
        if (signalURI == null)
            signalURI = awbDoc.getSignalURI();

        // relativize with destination URI
        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        URI base = uri.resolve(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
        signalURI = base.relativize(signalURI);

        // what's the point in versioning by X.0 if every X.y is incompatable?
        Element root = xmlDoc.addElement("source_file").addAttribute("TYPE", "text")
                .addAttribute("VERSION", "5.0").addAttribute("SOURCE", source)
                .addAttribute("URI", signalURI.toString()).addAttribute("ENCODING", encoding);

        // warning to users reading the xml
        if (!encoding.equals("UTF-8"))
                    "This document is encoded in 'UTF-8'," + " the /source/ is encoded in '" + encoding + "'");

        Element doc = root.addElement("document").addAttribute("DOCID", IdTracker.getDocId(awbDoc));

        // don't know the order returned, so make collections
        HashSet entities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet relations = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet events = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet quantities = new LinkedHashSet();

        Iterator annotIter = awbDoc.getAllAnnotations();
        while (annotIter.hasNext()) {
            AWBAnnotation annot = (AWBAnnotation) annotIter.next();
            String type = annot.getAnnotationType().getName();

            if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.QUANTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.RELATION_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.EVENT_TYPE_NAME))

        if (DEBUG > 0) {
            System.err.println("Entities:   " + entities.size());
            System.err.println("Quantities: " + quantities.size());
            System.err.println("Relations:  " + relations.size());
            System.err.println("Events:     " + events.size());
        // iterate over each
        Iterator iterator = null;

        iterator = entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEntity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = quantities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addQuantity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = relations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addRelation(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = events.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEvent(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

    } catch (Exception t) {

    boolean success = writeAPF(xmlDoc, uri);
    if (DEBUG > 0) {
        System.err.println("\nExport succeeded: " + success + "\n");
    return success;

From source file:org.mitre.ace2004.callisto.ExportAPF5_1_0.java

License:Open Source License

 * Open and convert the data at the specified URI, to a new
 * AWBDocument. Implementations should verify that the URI specified is
 * absolute. URI's are used due to ambiguities in the URL class.
 * @see URI#isAbsolute//  w ww.ja  v  a  2s . c  o m
 * @param doc the data to be exported
 * @param uri location to save data to
 * @return true if the export succeded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException on error writing to file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException implementations should throw an
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the uri specified is of an unsupported
 *         scheme, or if the preconditions of that scheme are not met (file:
 *         and http: protocols require the uri be absolute and heirarchal).
public boolean exportDocument(AWBDocument awbDoc, URI uri) throws IOException {

    // note that this only happens automatically on export of APF

    Document xmlDoc = null;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        xmlDoc.addDocType("source_file", "SYSTEM", "apf.v" + APF_VERSION + ".dtd");

        String encoding = awbDoc.getEncoding();

        // if this document came from import, it will have 'source' (maybe)
        // and 'uri' specified by the 'source_file' tag. keep them.
        String source = (String) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_SOURCE);
        if (source == null)
            source = "unknown";

        URI signalURI = (URI) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_URI);
        if (signalURI == null)
            signalURI = awbDoc.getSignalURI();

        // relativize with destination URI
        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        URI base = uri.resolve(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
        signalURI = base.relativize(signalURI);

        // Let's find out who the "author" of *this* version of the APF file is:
        String userSystemName = System.getProperty("user.name");

        // what's the point in versioning by X.0 if every X.y is incompatable?
        Element root = xmlDoc.addElement("source_file").addAttribute("URI", signalURI.toString())
                .addAttribute("SOURCE", source).addAttribute("TYPE", "text").addAttribute("VERSION", "5.0")
                .addAttribute("AUTHOR", userSystemName).addAttribute("ENCODING", encoding);

        // warning to users reading the xml
        if (!encoding.equals("UTF-8"))
                    "This document is encoded in 'UTF-8'," + " the /source/ is encoded in '" + encoding + "'");

        Element doc = root.addElement("document").addAttribute("DOCID", IdTracker.getDocId(awbDoc));

        // don't know the order returned, so make collections
        HashSet entities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet relations = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet events = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet quantities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet timex2entities = new LinkedHashSet();

        Iterator annotIter = awbDoc.getAllAnnotations();
        while (annotIter.hasNext()) {
            AWBAnnotation annot = (AWBAnnotation) annotIter.next();
            String type = annot.getAnnotationType().getName();

            if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.QUANTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.TIMEX2_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.RELATION_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.EVENT_TYPE_NAME))

        if (DEBUG > 0) {
            System.err.println("Entities:       " + entities.size());
            System.err.println("Values:         " + quantities.size());
            System.err.println("Timex2Entities: " + timex2entities.size());
            System.err.println("Relations:      " + relations.size());
            System.err.println("Events:         " + events.size());
        // iterate over each
        Iterator iterator = null;

        iterator = entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEntity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = quantities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addQuantity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = timex2entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addTimex2(doc, awbDoc, (TextExtentRegion) iterator.next());

        iterator = relations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addRelation(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = events.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEvent(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

    } catch (Exception t) {

    boolean success = writeAPF(xmlDoc, uri);
    if (DEBUG > 0) {
        System.err.println("\nExport succeeded: " + success + "\n");
    return success;

From source file:org.mitre.ace2004.callisto.ExportAPF5_1_1.java

License:Open Source License

 * Open and convert the data at the specified URI, to a new
 * AWBDocument. Implementations should verify that the URI specified is
 * absolute. URI's are used due to ambiguities in the URL class.
 * @see URI#isAbsolute//from w w w  .j  a va  2  s  . c om
 * @param doc the data to be exported
 * @param uri location to save data to
 * @return true if the export succeded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException on error writing to file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException implementations should throw an
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the uri specified is of an unsupported
 *         scheme, or if the preconditions of that scheme are not met (file:
 *         and http: protocols require the uri be absolute and heirarchal).
public boolean exportDocument(AWBDocument awbDoc, URI uri) throws IOException {

    // note that this only happens automatically on export of APF

    Document xmlDoc = null;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        xmlDoc.addDocType("source_file", "SYSTEM", "apf.v" + APF_VERSION + ".dtd");

        String encoding = awbDoc.getEncoding();

        // if this document came from import, it will have 'source' (maybe)
        // and 'uri' specified by the 'source_file' tag. keep them.
        String source = (String) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_SOURCE);
        if (source == null)
            source = "unknown";

        URI signalURI = (URI) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_URI);
        if (signalURI == null)
            signalURI = awbDoc.getSignalURI();

        // relativize with destination URI
        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        URI base = uri.resolve(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
        signalURI = base.relativize(signalURI);

        // Let's find out who the "author" of *this* version of the APF file is:
        String userSystemName = System.getProperty("user.name");

        // what's the point in versioning by X.0 if every X.y is incompatable?
        Element root = xmlDoc.addElement("source_file").addAttribute("URI", signalURI.toString())
                .addAttribute("SOURCE", source).addAttribute("TYPE", "text").addAttribute("VERSION", "5.0")
                .addAttribute("AUTHOR", userSystemName).addAttribute("ENCODING", encoding);

        // warning to users reading the xml
        if (!encoding.equals("UTF-8"))
                    "This document is encoded in 'UTF-8'," + " the /source/ is encoded in '" + encoding + "'");

        Element doc = root.addElement("document").addAttribute("DOCID", IdTracker.getDocId(awbDoc));

        // don't know the order returned, so make collections
        HashSet entities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet relations = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet events = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet quantities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet timex2entities = new LinkedHashSet();

        Iterator annotIter = awbDoc.getAllAnnotations();
        while (annotIter.hasNext()) {
            AWBAnnotation annot = (AWBAnnotation) annotIter.next();
            String type = annot.getAnnotationType().getName();

            if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.QUANTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.TIMEX2_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.RELATION_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.EVENT_TYPE_NAME))

        if (DEBUG > 0) {
            System.err.println("Entities:       " + entities.size());
            System.err.println("Values:         " + quantities.size());
            System.err.println("Timex2Entities: " + timex2entities.size());
            System.err.println("Relations:      " + relations.size());
            System.err.println("Events:         " + events.size());
        // iterate over each
        Iterator iterator = null;

        iterator = entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEntity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = quantities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addQuantity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = timex2entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addTimex2(doc, awbDoc, (TextExtentRegion) iterator.next());

        iterator = relations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addRelation(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = events.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEvent(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        addExternalResourceDeclarations(doc, awbDoc);

    } catch (Exception t) {

    boolean success = writeAPF(xmlDoc, uri);
    if (DEBUG > 0) {
        System.err.println("\nExport succeeded: " + success + "\n");
    return success;