Example usage for org.dom4j DocumentException DocumentException

List of usage examples for org.dom4j DocumentException DocumentException


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j DocumentException DocumentException.


public DocumentException(Throwable cause) 

Source Link


From source file:com.zimbra.perf.chart.XMLChartConfig.java

License:Open Source License

private static String getAttr(Element elem, String name) throws DocumentException {
    String val = elem.attributeValue(name, null);
    if (val != null)
        return val;
    else/*from ww  w.  ja va 2 s.  c  om*/
        throw new DocumentException("Missing required attribute " + name + " in element " + elem.getName());

From source file:com.zimbra.perf.chart.XMLChartConfig.java

License:Open Source License

private static int getInheritedAttrInt(Element elem, String name, int defaultValue) throws DocumentException {
    String val = getInheritedAttr(elem, name, null);
    if (val != null) {
        try {//from   ww w .j  a  va  2  s  .  c om
            int i = Integer.parseInt(val);
            return i;
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new DocumentException("Invalid integer value " + val + " for attribute " + name
                    + " in element " + elem.getName());
    } else
        return defaultValue;

From source file:com.zimbra.perf.chart.XMLChartConfig.java

License:Open Source License

private static double getInheritedAttrDouble(Element elem, String name, double defaultValue)
        throws DocumentException {
    String val = getInheritedAttr(elem, name, null);
    if (val != null) {
        int len = val.length();
        if (len == 0)
            return defaultValue;
        char unit = val.toLowerCase().charAt(len - 1);
        int multiplier = 1;
        if (unit == 'k')
            multiplier = 1024;/*  w w  w.  ja  va 2s .c  o m*/
        else if (unit == 'm')
            multiplier = 1024 * 1024;
        else if (unit == 'g')
            multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
        String digits;
        if (multiplier == 1)
            digits = val;
            digits = val.substring(0, len - 1);
        try {
            double d = Double.parseDouble(digits);
            return d * multiplier;
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new DocumentException(
                    "Invalid double value " + val + " for attribute " + name + " in element " + elem.getName());
    } else
        return defaultValue;

From source file:com.zimbra.perf.chart.XMLChartConfig.java

License:Open Source License

 * Loads chart settings from the specified XML file.
 * @throws IOException/*from w ww.j  av a  2  s.c  o m*/
 *             if there was an error reading the file
 * @throws DocumentException
 *             if there was an error parsing the file
 * @throws XmlParseException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if any attribute has invalid value
public static List<ChartSettings> load(File xmlFile) throws IOException, DocumentException, XmlParseException {
    List<ChartSettings> charts = new ArrayList<ChartSettings>();
    Document document;
    try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile)) {
        document = W3cDomUtil.parseXMLToDom4jDocUsingSecureProcessing(fis);
    Element chartsElem = document.getRootElement();
    if (!chartsElem.getName().equals(E_CHARTS)) {
        throw new DocumentException("Missing <" + E_CHARTS + "> root element");
    for (Iterator iter = chartsElem.elementIterator(E_CHART); iter.hasNext();) {
        Element chartElem = (Element) iter.next();
        String chartTitle = getAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_TITLE);
        String category = getAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_CATEGORY, "unknown");
        String outfile = getAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_OUTFILE);

        // inheritable attributes
        String xAxis = getInheritedAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_XAXIS, ChartSettings.DEFAULT_CHART_XAXIS);
        String yAxis = getInheritedAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_YAXIS, "");
        boolean allowLogScale = getInheritedAttrBoolean(chartElem, A_CHART_ALLOW_LOG_SCALE,
        boolean plotZero = getInheritedAttrBoolean(chartElem, A_CHART_PLOT_ZERO,
        if (!allowLogScale)
            plotZero = true;
        int width = getInheritedAttrInt(chartElem, A_CHART_WIDTH, ChartSettings.DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH);
        int height = getInheritedAttrInt(chartElem, A_CHART_HEIGHT, ChartSettings.DEFAULT_CHART_HEIGHT);
        String outDoc = getAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_DOCUMENT, null);
        String topPlotStr = getAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_TOP_PLOTS, null);
        int topPlots = -1;
        if (topPlotStr != null)
            topPlots = Integer.parseInt(topPlotStr);
        topPlotStr = getAttr(chartElem, A_CHART_TOP_PLOTS_TYPE, "max");

        ChartSettings.TopPlotsType topPlotsType = ChartSettings.TopPlotsType.valueOf(topPlotStr.toUpperCase());

        ChartSettings chart = new ChartSettings(chartTitle, category, outfile, xAxis, yAxis, allowLogScale,
                plotZero, width, height, outDoc, topPlots, topPlotsType);

        for (Iterator plotIter = chartElem.elementIterator(E_PLOT); plotIter.hasNext();) {
            Element plotElem = (Element) plotIter.next();
            String dataCol = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_DATA_COLUMN, null);

            // inheritable attributes
            String legend = getInheritedAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_LEGEND, null);
            String infile = getInheritedAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_INFILE, null);

            boolean showRaw = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_SHOW_RAW,
            boolean showMovingAvg = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_SHOW_MOVING_AVG,
            int movingAvgPoints = getInheritedAttrInt(plotElem, A_PLOT_MOVING_AVG_POINTS,
            double multiplier = getInheritedAttrDouble(plotElem, A_PLOT_MULTIPLIER,
            double divisor = getInheritedAttrDouble(plotElem, A_PLOT_DIVISOR,

            boolean nonNegative = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_NON_NEGATIVE,
            boolean percentTime = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_PERCENT_TIME,
            String dataFunction = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_DATA_FUNCTION,
            String aggFunction = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION,
            String ratioTop = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_RATIO_TOP, null);
            String ratioBottom = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_RATIO_BOTTOM, null);

            if ((ratioTop == null && ratioBottom != null) || (ratioTop != null && ratioBottom == null)) {
                throw new DocumentException("Both ratioTop/ratioBottom need to be specified");
            if ((ratioTop == null && dataCol == null) || (ratioTop != null && dataCol != null)) {
                throw new DocumentException("Specify either ratio or data");
            boolean optional = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_OPTIONAL,

            PlotSettings plot = new PlotSettings(legend, infile, dataCol, showRaw, showMovingAvg,
                    movingAvgPoints, multiplier, divisor, nonNegative, percentTime, dataFunction, aggFunction,
                    optional, ratioTop, ratioBottom);
        for (Iterator plotIter = chartElem.elementIterator(E_GROUP_PLOT); plotIter.hasNext();) {
            Element plotElem = (Element) plotIter.next();
            String dataCol = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_DATA_COLUMN);

            // inheritable attributes
            String infile = getInheritedAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_INFILE, null);

            boolean showRaw = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_SHOW_RAW,
            boolean showMovingAvg = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_SHOW_MOVING_AVG,
            int movingAvgPoints = getInheritedAttrInt(plotElem, A_PLOT_MOVING_AVG_POINTS,
            double multiplier = getInheritedAttrDouble(plotElem, A_PLOT_MULTIPLIER,
            double divisor = getInheritedAttrDouble(plotElem, A_PLOT_DIVISOR,

            boolean nonNegative = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_NON_NEGATIVE,
            boolean percentTime = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_PERCENT_TIME,
            String dataFunction = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_DATA_FUNCTION,
            String aggFunction = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION,
            String groupBy = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_GROUP_BY);
            String ignore = getAttr(plotElem, A_PLOT_IGNORE, null);

            boolean optional = getInheritedAttrBoolean(plotElem, A_PLOT_OPTIONAL,

            GroupPlotSettings plot = new GroupPlotSettings(groupBy, ignore, infile, dataCol, showRaw,
                    showMovingAvg, movingAvgPoints, multiplier, divisor, nonNegative, percentTime, dataFunction,
                    aggFunction, optional);
    return charts;

From source file:de.ailis.xadrian.data.Complex.java

License:Open Source License

 * Loads a complex from the specified XML document and returns it.
 * @param document/*from   ww  w  .  ja  va 2  s . c o m*/
 *            The XML document
 * @return The complex
 * @throws DocumentException
 *             If XML file could not be read
public static Complex fromXML(final Document document) throws DocumentException {
    final Element root = document.getRootElement();

    // Check the version
    final String versionStr = root.attributeValue("version");
    int version = 1;
    if (versionStr != null)
        version = Integer.parseInt(versionStr);
    if (version > 4)
        throw new DocumentException(I18N.getString("error.fileFormatTooNew"));

    // Determine the game for this complex.
    String gameId = "x3tc";
    if (version == 4)
        gameId = root.attributeValue("game");
    final Game game = GameFactory.getInstance().getGame(gameId);

    final Complex complex = new Complex(game);
    final FactoryFactory factoryFactory = game.getFactoryFactory();
    final SectorFactory sectorFactory = game.getSectorFactory();
    final WareFactory wareFactory = game.getWareFactory();
    final SunFactory sunsFactory = game.getSunFactory();

    complex.setAddBaseComplex(Boolean.parseBoolean(root.attributeValue("addBaseComplex", "false")));
    complex.showingProductionStats = Boolean
            .parseBoolean(root.attributeValue("showingProductionStats", "false"));
    complex.showingShoppingList = Boolean.parseBoolean(root.attributeValue("showingShoppingList", "false"));
    complex.showingStorageCapacities = Boolean
            .parseBoolean(root.attributeValue("showingStorageCapacities", "false"));
    complex.showingComplexSetup = Boolean.parseBoolean(root.attributeValue("showingComplexSetup", "true"));

    // Get the factories parent element (In older version this was the root
    // node)
    Element factoriesE = root.element("complexFactories");
    if (factoriesE == null)
        factoriesE = root;

    // Read the complex factories
    for (final Object item : factoriesE.elements("complexFactory")) {
        final Element element = (Element) item;
        final Factory factory = factoryFactory.getFactory(element.attributeValue("factory"));
        final ComplexFactory complexFactory;
        final Element yieldsE = element.element("yields");
        if (yieldsE == null) {
            final int yield = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("yield", "0"));
            final int quantity = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("quantity"));
            complexFactory = new ComplexFactory(game, factory, quantity, yield);
        } else {
            final List<Integer> yields = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            for (final Object yieldItem : yieldsE.elements("yield")) {
                final Element yieldE = (Element) yieldItem;
            complexFactory = new ComplexFactory(game, factory, yields);
        if (Boolean.parseBoolean(element.attributeValue("disabled", "false")))

    // Read the complex wares
    final Element waresE = root.element("complexWares");
    if (waresE != null) {
        for (final Object item : waresE.elements("complexWare")) {
            final Element element = (Element) item;
            final Ware ware = wareFactory.getWare(element.attributeValue("ware"));
            final boolean use = Boolean.parseBoolean(element.attributeValue("use"));
            final int price = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("price"));
            complex.customPrices.put(ware, use ? price : -price);

    final Element builtE = root.element("built");
    if (builtE != null) {
        complex.builtKits = Integer.parseInt(builtE.attributeValue("kits", "0"));
        for (final Object item : builtE.elements("factory")) {
            final Element element = (Element) item;
            final String id = element.attributeValue("id");
            final int quantity = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("quantity"));
            complex.builtFactories.put(id, quantity);

    return complex;

From source file:de.fct.companian.analyze.mvn.helper.PomHelper.java

License:Apache License

public PomHelper(File pomFile) throws DocumentException {
    this.pomFile = pomFile;
    this.document = null;

    SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
    reader.setIgnoreComments(true);//  w  w  w. j a v a 2  s . c o  m

    try {
        this.document = reader.read(this.pomFile);
    } catch (Throwable t) {

    if (this.document != null) {
        Element projectElement = this.document.getRootElement();
        Namespace defaultNS = projectElement.getNamespace();
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("extractPomInfo() using default namespace " + defaultNS.getURI());

        Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        nsMap.put("mvn", defaultNS.getURI());

        this.nsContext = new SimpleNamespaceContext(nsMap);
    } else {
        throw new DocumentException("Could not create document.");

From source file:edu.umd.cs.findbugs.workflow.Update.java

License:Open Source License

public void doit(String[] args) throws IOException, DocumentException {

    UpdateCommandLine commandLine = new UpdateCommandLine();
    int argCount = commandLine.parse(args, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, USAGE);

    if (commandLine.outputFilename == null) {
        verbose = false;//from   ww  w. j a  va  2  s .c o  m
    if (mostRecent > 0) {
        argCount = Math.max(argCount, args.length - mostRecent);

    String[] firstPathParts = getFilePathParts(args[argCount]);
    int commonPrefix = firstPathParts.length;
    for (int i = argCount + 1; i <= (args.length - 1); i++) {

        commonPrefix = Math.min(commonPrefix, lengthCommonPrefix(firstPathParts, getFilePathParts(args[i])));

    String origFilename = args[argCount++];
    BugCollection origCollection;
    origCollection = new SortedBugCollection();
    if (verbose) {
        System.out.println("Starting with " + origFilename);

    while (true) {
        try {
            while (true) {
                File f = new File(origFilename);
                if (f.length() > 0) {
                if (verbose) {
                    System.out.println("Empty input file: " + f);
                origFilename = args[argCount++];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (verbose) {
                System.out.println("Error reading " + origFilename);
            origFilename = args[argCount++];

    if (commandLine.overrideRevisionNames || origCollection.getReleaseName() == null
            || origCollection.getReleaseName().length() == 0) {

        if (commonPrefix >= firstPathParts.length) {
            // This should only happen if either
            // (1) there is only one input file, or
            // (2) all of the input files have the same name
            // In either case, make the release name the same
            // as the file part of the input file(s).
            commonPrefix = firstPathParts.length - 1;

        if (useAnalysisTimes) {

    for (BugInstance bug : origCollection.getCollection()) {
        if (bug.getLastVersion() >= 0 && bug.getFirstVersion() > bug.getLastVersion()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Illegal Version range: " + bug.getFirstVersion() + ".." + bug.getLastVersion());


    while (argCount <= (args.length - 1)) {

        BugCollection newCollection = new SortedBugCollection();

        String newFilename = args[argCount++];
        if (verbose) {
            System.out.println("Merging " + newFilename);
        try {
            File f = new File(newFilename);
            if (f.length() == 0) {
                if (verbose) {
                    System.out.println("Empty input file: " + f);

            if (commandLine.overrideRevisionNames || newCollection.getReleaseName() == null
                    || newCollection.getReleaseName().length() == 0) {
            if (useAnalysisTimes) {

            origCollection = mergeCollections(origCollection, newCollection, true, false);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            IOException e2 = new IOException("Error parsing " + newFilename);
            if (verbose) {
            throw e2;
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            DocumentException e2 = new DocumentException("Error parsing " + newFilename);
            if (verbose) {
            throw e2;
    if (false) {
    for (Iterator<BugInstance> i = origCollection.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        if (!resurrected.contains(i.next().getInstanceKey())) {
    if (commandLine.outputFilename != null) {
        if (verbose) {
            System.out.println("Writing " + commandLine.outputFilename);
    } else {


From source file:gr.omadak.leviathan.asp.objects.XmlObjectParser.java

License:Open Source License

public void configureMethods(Map placeIn, URL url) throws DocumentException {
    Document doc = loadDocument(url);
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    List classes = doc.selectNodes("class");
    Map classMap = classes.isEmpty() ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP : collectInnerClasses(classes);
    List methods = root.selectNodes("method");
    StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
    for (Iterator it = methods.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Element methodDef = (Element) it.next();
        try {//from  w w  w  . jav a2s.c o m
            Method method = configureMethod(methodDef, classMap);
            String name = method.getName().toUpperCase();
            if (placeIn.containsKey(name)) {
                Object obj = placeIn.get(name);
                if (obj instanceof List) {
                    ((List) obj).add(method);
                } else {
                    List item = new ArrayList();
                    placeIn.put(name, item);
            } else {
                placeIn.put(name, method);
        } catch (DocumentException docex) {
    if (errors.length() > 0) {
        throw new DocumentException(url + "\n" + errors.toString());

From source file:gr.omadak.leviathan.asp.objects.XmlObjectParser.java

License:Open Source License

private Method configureMethod(Element methodEl, Map innerClasses) throws DocumentException {
    String methodName = methodEl.attributeValue("name");
    assertValue(methodName, "Name not specified for method");
    String type = methodEl.attributeValue("type");
    assertValue(type, "Method type not specified");
    String use = methodEl.attributeValue("use");
    Method method = null;/*from  w  w w  .  ja va 2  s  . co m*/
    int dType;
    try {
        dType = getType(type);
    } catch (DocumentException de) {
        dType = objectType;
    if (use != null) {
        ASPDependantClass aspClazz = (ASPDependantClass) getUseClass(use, innerClasses);
        if (aspClazz != null) {
            ASPMethodWrapper mWrapper = new ASPMethodWrapper(aspClazz);
            method = mWrapper;
    } else {
        ASPClass retClass = null;
        if (!"OBJECT".equals(type)) {
            if (dType == objectType) {
                retClass = getUseClass(type, innerClasses);
                if (retClass == null) {
                    throw new DocumentException("in method:" + methodName + " type:" + type
                            + " is not recognized and is not a known class");
        List args = getArgs(methodEl);
        Element map = methodEl.element("map");
        if (map != null) {
            method = new ASPMethodMap(methodName, dType, args);
            configureMethodMap((ASPMethodMap) method, map, innerClasses);
        } else {
            AST translation = translate(methodEl, null, false, 0);
            method = new GenericMethod(methodName, dType, args, translation);
        String id = methodEl.attributeValue("id");
        if (id != null) {
            if (idMethods == null) {
                idMethods = new HashMap();
                idMethods.put(id, new Object[] { method, null, null });
            } else {
                Object[] mem = (Object[]) idMethods.get(id);
                mem[0] = method;
        if (retClass != null) {
    if (method != null) {
        configureInclude(method, methodEl);
    return method;

From source file:gr.omadak.leviathan.asp.objects.XmlObjectParser.java

License:Open Source License

private void configureMethod(GenericClass clazz, Element methodEl, Map innerClasses) throws DocumentException {
    Method method = configureMethod(methodEl, innerClasses);
    if (method != null) {
        boolean isDefault = Boolean.valueOf(methodEl.attributeValue("default")).booleanValue();
        if (isDefault) {
        } else {/*w w w .  jav  a2s .  c  o m*/
    } else {
        throw new DocumentException(url + ": Failed to create method:" + methodEl.getText());