List of usage examples for org.dom4j Document addElement
Element addElement(String qualifiedName, String namespaceURI);
node with the given qualified name and namespace URI to this branch and returns a reference to the new node. From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Creates the xml structure where we embed the operators. * /*from www . j ava2 s .c om*/ * @param type type of the xml template. * @return dom4j Document. */ private static Document createTemplate(String type) { // Create empty dom4j document. Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); // Add "QEPTemlate", "op", "qep", tags. Element root = document.addElement("QEPTemplate", ""); root.addNamespace("op", ""); root.addNamespace("qep", ""); root.addElement("qep:QEP").addAttribute("type", type); return document; }
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License:Open Source License
/** contributionsschema?schema */ public static Document createConfigurationPointSchema(ConfigurationPoint configurationPoint, String version) { Document doc = createDocument(); // <xsd:schema> Element schemaRoot = doc.addElement("xsd:schema", W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); schemaRoot.addNamespace("xsd", W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); schemaRoot.addNamespace("beans", BEANS_NAMESPACE_URI); schemaRoot.addNamespace("springext", SPRINGEXT_BASE_URI); schemaRoot.addNamespace("", configurationPoint.getNamespaceUri()); schemaRoot.addAttribute("targetNamespace", configurationPoint.getNamespaceUri()); // <xsd:include schemaLocation="contribution schema" /> Set<String> includings = createTreeSet(); for (Contribution contrib : configurationPoint.getContributions()) { Schema contribSchema = contrib.getSchemas().getVersionedSchema(version); if (contribSchema == null) { contribSchema = contrib.getSchemas().getMainSchema(); }// www . j ava2 s.c om if (contribSchema != null) { includings.add(contribSchema.getName()); } } for (String including : includings) { Element includeElement = schemaRoot.addElement("xsd:include"); includeElement.addAttribute("schemaLocation", including); } if (configurationPoint.getDefaultElementName() != null) { // <xsd:import namespace="" // schemaLocation="" /> Element importBeans = schemaRoot.addElement("xsd:import"); importBeans.addAttribute("namespace", BEANS_NAMESPACE_URI); importBeans.addAttribute("schemaLocation", BEANS_NAMESPACE_URI + "/spring-beans.xsd"); // <xsd:import namespace="" // schemaLocation="" /> Element importSpringextBase = schemaRoot.addElement("xsd:import"); importSpringextBase.addAttribute("namespace", SPRINGEXT_BASE_URI); importSpringextBase.addAttribute("schemaLocation", SPRINGEXT_BASE_XSD); // <xsd:element name="defaultElementName" type="springext:referenceableBeanType" /> Element element = schemaRoot.addElement("xsd:element"); element.addAttribute("name", configurationPoint.getDefaultElementName()); element.addAttribute("type", "springext:referenceableBeanType"); } return doc; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Adds the root-element to the XML document * /*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ * @param document * XML document * @param rootElementName * name of root-element * @param rootElementNamespace * name namespace, root-element belongs to * @return newly create root-element of XML document */ private static Element addRootElement(Document document, String rootElementName, String rootElementNamespace) { return document.addElement(rootElementName, rootElementNamespace); }
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License:Apache License
private Document createDocument(Map<Class<?>, List<Attr>> mappings) { Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element rootEl = doc.addElement("entity-mappings", XMLNS); Namespace xsi = new Namespace("xsi", ""); rootEl.add(xsi);/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . co m*/ rootEl.addAttribute(new QName("schemaLocation", xsi), SCHEMA_LOCATION); rootEl.addAttribute("version", PERSISTENCE_VER); for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, List<Attr>> entry : mappings.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) != null) { Element entityEl = rootEl.addElement("mapped-superclass", XMLNS); entityEl.addAttribute("class", entry.getKey().getName()); createAttributes(entry, entityEl); } } for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, List<Attr>> entry : mappings.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null) { Element entityEl = rootEl.addElement("entity", XMLNS); entityEl.addAttribute("class", entry.getKey().getName()); entityEl.addAttribute("name", entry.getKey().getAnnotation(Entity.class).name()); createAttributes(entry, entityEl); } } for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, List<Attr>> entry : mappings.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getAnnotation(Embeddable.class) != null) { Element entityEl = rootEl.addElement("embeddable", XMLNS); entityEl.addAttribute("class", entry.getKey().getName()); createAttributes(entry, entityEl); } } return doc; }
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License:Apache License
private Element createRootElement(final Document doc, final String collection, final long count) { final Element profile = doc.addElement("profile", "") .addAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "") .addAttribute("collection", collection).addAttribute("date", new Date() + "") .addAttribute("count", count + ""); return profile; }
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License:Apache License
private void sendLockAcquiredResponse(HttpServletResponse response, Lock lock) throws IOException { response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setHeader(HEADER_LOCK_TOKEN, "<" + lock.getToken() + ">"); Document propDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element propEl = propDoc.addElement(TAG_PROP, "DAV:"); Element lockdiscoveryEl = propEl.addElement(TAG_LOCKDISCOVERY); lock.serializeToXml(lockdiscoveryEl); XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(response.getWriter()); xmlWriter.write(propDoc);/*from ww w . j av a2 s .com*/ log(propDoc); }
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License:Apache License
private Document getMultiStatusRespons(FileObject object, List<String> requestedProperties, URL baseUrl, int depth, boolean ignoreValues) throws FileSystemException { Document propDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); propDoc.setXMLEncoding("UTF-8"); Element multiStatus = propDoc.addElement(TAG_MULTISTATUS, "DAV:"); FileObject[] children = object.findFiles(new DepthFileSelector(depth)); for (FileObject child : children) { Element responseEl = multiStatus.addElement(TAG_RESPONSE); try {//ww w .ja va 2 s . co m URL url = new URL(baseUrl, URLEncoder.encode(child.getName().getPath(), "UTF-8")); log("!! " + url); responseEl.addElement(TAG_HREF).addText(url.toExternalForm()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DavResource resource = DavResourceFactory.getInstance().getDavResource(child); resource.setIgnoreValues(ignoreValues); resource.serializeToXml(responseEl, requestedProperties); } return propDoc; }
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License:Apache License
public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { FileObject object = getResourceManager().getFileObject(request.getPathInfo()); try {/*from ww w. j av a 2s . c o m*/ LockManager.getInstance().checkCondition(object, getIf(request)); } catch (LockException e) { if (e.getLocks() != null) { response.sendError(SC_LOCKED); } else { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED); } return; } SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); try { Document propDoc =; // log(propDoc); response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setStatus(SC_MULTI_STATUS); if (object.exists()) { Document resultDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element multiStatusResponse = resultDoc.addElement("multistatus", "DAV:"); Element responseEl = multiStatusResponse.addElement("response"); try { URL url = new URL(getBaseUrl(request), URLEncoder.encode(object.getName().getPath(), "UTF-8")); log("!! " + url); responseEl.addElement("href").addText(url.toExternalForm()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Element propstatEl = responseEl.addElement("propstat"); Element propEl = propstatEl.addElement("prop"); Element propertyUpdateEl = propDoc.getRootElement(); for (Object elObject : propertyUpdateEl.elements()) { Element el = (Element) elObject; if ("set".equals(el.getName())) { for (Object propObject : el.elements()) { setProperty(propEl, object, (Element) propObject); } } else if ("remove".equals(el.getName())) { for (Object propObject : el.elements()) { removeProperty(propEl, object, (Element) propObject); } } } propstatEl.addElement("status").addText(DavResource.STATUS_403); // log(resultDoc); // write the actual response XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(response.getWriter(), OutputFormat.createCompactFormat()); writer.write(resultDoc); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } else { log("!! " + object.getName().getPath() + " NOT FOUND"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } catch (DocumentException e) { log("!! inavlid request: " + e.getMessage()); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } }
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License:Apache License
private void sendLockAcquiredResponse(HttpServletResponse response, Lock lock) throws IOException { if (!lock.getObject().exists()) { response.setStatus(SC_CREATED);/* w w w.jav a 2 s. c o m*/ } response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setHeader(HEADER_LOCK_TOKEN, "<" + lock.getToken() + ">"); Document propDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element propEl = propDoc.addElement(TAG_PROP, "DAV:"); Element lockdiscoveryEl = propEl.addElement(TAG_LOCKDISCOVERY); lock.serializeToXml(lockdiscoveryEl); XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(response.getWriter()); xmlWriter.write(propDoc); logXml(propDoc); }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Create a multistatus response by requesting all properties and writing a response for each * the found and the non-found properties * * @param object the context object the propfind request applies to * @param propEl the <prop> element containing the actual properties * @param baseUrl the base url of this server * @param depth a depth argument for how deep the find will go * @return an XML document that is the response * @throws FileSystemException if there was an error executing the propfind request *///from ww w. j a va 2s .c o m private Document getMultiStatusResponse(FileObject object, Element propEl, URL baseUrl, int depth) throws FileSystemException { Document propDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); propDoc.setXMLEncoding("UTF-8"); Element multiStatus = propDoc.addElement(TAG_MULTISTATUS, NAMESPACE_DAV); FileObject[] children = object.findFiles(new DepthFileSelector(depth)); for (FileObject child : children) { Element responseEl = multiStatus.addElement(TAG_RESPONSE); try { URL url = new URL(baseUrl, URLEncoder.encode(child.getName().getPath(), "UTF-8")); responseEl.addElement(TAG_HREF).addText(url.toExternalForm()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("can't set href in response", e); } DavResource resource = DavResourceFactory.getInstance().getDavResource(child); resource.getPropertyValues(responseEl, propEl); } return propDoc; }