Example usage for org.dom4j Document addDocType

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Document addDocType


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Document addDocType.


Document addDocType(String name, String publicId, String systemId);

Source Link


Adds a DOCTYPE declaration to this document


From source file:org.apache.openmeetings.util.XmlExport.java

License:Apache License

public static Element createRoot(Document document) {
    document.addDocType("properties", null, "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd");
    Element root = document.addElement("properties");
    return root;//from ww w  . j  a va  2  s .c  o  m

From source file:org.codehaus.aspectwerkz.metadata.AttributeC.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a DOM documents out of the definition.
 * @param definition the AspectWerkz definition
 * @param uuid the UUID for the definition
 * @return the DOM document//from   w  w  w .java2  s.c  om
public static Document createDocument(final AspectWerkzDefinitionImpl definition, final String uuid) {
    if (definition == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("definition can not be null");

    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    document.addDocType("aspectwerkz", "-//AspectWerkz//DTD//EN",

    Element root = document.addElement("aspectwerkz");
    Element system = root.addElement("system");
    system.addAttribute("id", uuid);

    handleIntroductionDefinitions(system, definition);
    handleAdviceDefinitions(system, definition);
    handleAspectDefinitions(system, definition);

    return document;

From source file:org.dentaku.gentaku.cartridge.entity.hibernate.HibernateEntityGenerator.java

License:Apache License

public void touchupOutputDocument(Document outputDocument) throws GenerationException {
    outputDocument.addDocType("hibernate-mapping", "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN",

From source file:org.dentaku.gentaku.cartridge.entity.jdo.JDOEntityGenerator.java

License:Apache License

public void touchupOutputDocument(Document outputDocument) throws GenerationException {
    outputDocument.addDocType("jdo", "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Java Data Objects Metadata 2.0//EN",

From source file:org.dom4j.samples.validate.SAXValidatorDemo.java

License:Open Source License

protected void validate(String url, boolean validateOnParse) throws Exception {
    println("Parsing: " + url + " with validation mode: " + validateOnParse);

    XMLErrorHandler errorHandler = new XMLErrorHandler();

    if (validateOnParse) {
        // validate as we parse
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(true);

        try {//from  w w w  .  j  av a2 s  .c o  m
            Document document = reader.read(url);
            println("Document: " + url + " is valid!");
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            println("Document: " + url + " is not valid");
            println("Exception: " + e);
    } else {
        // parse without validating, then do that later
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document = reader.read(url);

        println("Document URI: " + document.getName());

        // now lets set a doc type if one isn't set
        DocumentType docType = document.getDocType();
        if (docType == null) {
            println("Adding an NITF doc type");
            document.addDocType("nitf", null, "nitf.dtd");

        // now lets validate
        try {
            SAXValidator validator = new SAXValidator();

            println("Document: " + url + " is valid!");
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            println("Document: " + url + " is not valid");
            println("Exception: " + e);

    // now lets output any errors as XML
    Element errors = errorHandler.getErrors();
    if (errors.hasContent()) {
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint());

From source file:org.geolatte.common.automapper.MappingsGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

private Document initializeDocument() {
    Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    doc.addDocType("hibernate-mapping", "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN",
    return doc;/*from  w ww  .  j a v a2  s . c om*/

From source file:org.jasig.portal.tools.chanpub.UrlChannelPublisher.java

License:Open Source License

public static void publishChannel(Element m) {

    try {/*from   ww  w.  j  a  v  a  2  s  . com*/


        Document d = m.getDocument();
        d.addDocType("channel-definition", null, "channelDefinition.dtd");

        String xml = d.asXML();
        InputStream inpt = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
        ChannelPublisher pub = ChannelPublisher.getCommandLineInstance();

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        String msg = "Error publishing the channel definition.";
        throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);


From source file:org.mitre.ace2004.callisto.ExportAPF5_0_2.java

License:Open Source License

 * Open and convert the data at the specified URI, to a new
 * AWBDocument. Implementations should verify that the URI specified is
 * absolute. URI's are used due to ambiguities in the URL class.
 * @see URI#isAbsolute/*  www .  j  a  va2 s.c om*/
 * @param doc the data to be exported
 * @param uri location to save data to
 * @return true if the export succeded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException on error writing to file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException implementations should throw an
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the uri specified is of an unsupported
 *         scheme, or if the preconditions of that scheme are not met (file:
 *         and http: protocols require the uri be absolute and heirarchal).
public boolean exportDocument(AWBDocument awbDoc, URI uri) throws IOException {

    // note that this only happens automatically on export of APF

    Document xmlDoc = null;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        xmlDoc.addDocType("source_file", "SYSTEM", "apf.v" + APF_VERSION + ".dtd");

        String encoding = awbDoc.getEncoding();

        // if this document came from import, it will have 'source' (maybe)
        // and 'uri' specified by the 'source_file' tag. keep them.
        String source = (String) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_SOURCE);
        if (source == null)
            source = "unknown";

        URI signalURI = (URI) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_URI);
        if (signalURI == null)
            signalURI = awbDoc.getSignalURI();

        // relativize with destination URI
        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        URI base = uri.resolve(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
        signalURI = base.relativize(signalURI);

        // what's the point in versioning by X.0 if every X.y is incompatable?
        Element root = xmlDoc.addElement("source_file").addAttribute("TYPE", "text")
                .addAttribute("VERSION", "5.0").addAttribute("SOURCE", source)
                .addAttribute("URI", signalURI.toString()).addAttribute("ENCODING", encoding);

        // warning to users reading the xml
        if (!encoding.equals("UTF-8"))
                    "This document is encoded in 'UTF-8'," + " the /source/ is encoded in '" + encoding + "'");

        Element doc = root.addElement("document").addAttribute("DOCID", IdTracker.getDocId(awbDoc));

        // don't know the order returned, so make collections
        HashSet entities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet relations = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet events = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet quantities = new LinkedHashSet();

        Iterator annotIter = awbDoc.getAllAnnotations();
        while (annotIter.hasNext()) {
            AWBAnnotation annot = (AWBAnnotation) annotIter.next();
            String type = annot.getAnnotationType().getName();

            if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.QUANTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.RELATION_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.EVENT_TYPE_NAME))

        if (DEBUG > 0) {
            System.err.println("Entities:   " + entities.size());
            System.err.println("Quantities: " + quantities.size());
            System.err.println("Relations:  " + relations.size());
            System.err.println("Events:     " + events.size());
        // iterate over each
        Iterator iterator = null;

        iterator = entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEntity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = quantities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addQuantity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = relations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addRelation(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = events.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEvent(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

    } catch (Exception t) {

    boolean success = writeAPF(xmlDoc, uri);
    if (DEBUG > 0) {
        System.err.println("\nExport succeeded: " + success + "\n");
    return success;

From source file:org.mitre.ace2004.callisto.ExportAPF5_1_0.java

License:Open Source License

 * Open and convert the data at the specified URI, to a new
 * AWBDocument. Implementations should verify that the URI specified is
 * absolute. URI's are used due to ambiguities in the URL class.
 * @see URI#isAbsolute/*from  w  w  w . j av  a2 s .  co  m*/
 * @param doc the data to be exported
 * @param uri location to save data to
 * @return true if the export succeded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException on error writing to file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException implementations should throw an
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the uri specified is of an unsupported
 *         scheme, or if the preconditions of that scheme are not met (file:
 *         and http: protocols require the uri be absolute and heirarchal).
public boolean exportDocument(AWBDocument awbDoc, URI uri) throws IOException {

    // note that this only happens automatically on export of APF

    Document xmlDoc = null;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        xmlDoc.addDocType("source_file", "SYSTEM", "apf.v" + APF_VERSION + ".dtd");

        String encoding = awbDoc.getEncoding();

        // if this document came from import, it will have 'source' (maybe)
        // and 'uri' specified by the 'source_file' tag. keep them.
        String source = (String) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_SOURCE);
        if (source == null)
            source = "unknown";

        URI signalURI = (URI) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_URI);
        if (signalURI == null)
            signalURI = awbDoc.getSignalURI();

        // relativize with destination URI
        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        URI base = uri.resolve(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
        signalURI = base.relativize(signalURI);

        // Let's find out who the "author" of *this* version of the APF file is:
        String userSystemName = System.getProperty("user.name");

        // what's the point in versioning by X.0 if every X.y is incompatable?
        Element root = xmlDoc.addElement("source_file").addAttribute("URI", signalURI.toString())
                .addAttribute("SOURCE", source).addAttribute("TYPE", "text").addAttribute("VERSION", "5.0")
                .addAttribute("AUTHOR", userSystemName).addAttribute("ENCODING", encoding);

        // warning to users reading the xml
        if (!encoding.equals("UTF-8"))
                    "This document is encoded in 'UTF-8'," + " the /source/ is encoded in '" + encoding + "'");

        Element doc = root.addElement("document").addAttribute("DOCID", IdTracker.getDocId(awbDoc));

        // don't know the order returned, so make collections
        HashSet entities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet relations = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet events = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet quantities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet timex2entities = new LinkedHashSet();

        Iterator annotIter = awbDoc.getAllAnnotations();
        while (annotIter.hasNext()) {
            AWBAnnotation annot = (AWBAnnotation) annotIter.next();
            String type = annot.getAnnotationType().getName();

            if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.QUANTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.TIMEX2_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.RELATION_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.EVENT_TYPE_NAME))

        if (DEBUG > 0) {
            System.err.println("Entities:       " + entities.size());
            System.err.println("Values:         " + quantities.size());
            System.err.println("Timex2Entities: " + timex2entities.size());
            System.err.println("Relations:      " + relations.size());
            System.err.println("Events:         " + events.size());
        // iterate over each
        Iterator iterator = null;

        iterator = entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEntity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = quantities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addQuantity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = timex2entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addTimex2(doc, awbDoc, (TextExtentRegion) iterator.next());

        iterator = relations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addRelation(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = events.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEvent(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

    } catch (Exception t) {

    boolean success = writeAPF(xmlDoc, uri);
    if (DEBUG > 0) {
        System.err.println("\nExport succeeded: " + success + "\n");
    return success;

From source file:org.mitre.ace2004.callisto.ExportAPF5_1_1.java

License:Open Source License

 * Open and convert the data at the specified URI, to a new
 * AWBDocument. Implementations should verify that the URI specified is
 * absolute. URI's are used due to ambiguities in the URL class.
 * @see URI#isAbsolute//from   ww  w.  j  a v a2 s .  c om
 * @param doc the data to be exported
 * @param uri location to save data to
 * @return true if the export succeded, false otherwise.
 * @throws IOException on error writing to file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException implementations should throw an
 *         IllegalArgumentException if the uri specified is of an unsupported
 *         scheme, or if the preconditions of that scheme are not met (file:
 *         and http: protocols require the uri be absolute and heirarchal).
public boolean exportDocument(AWBDocument awbDoc, URI uri) throws IOException {

    // note that this only happens automatically on export of APF

    Document xmlDoc = null;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        xmlDoc.addDocType("source_file", "SYSTEM", "apf.v" + APF_VERSION + ".dtd");

        String encoding = awbDoc.getEncoding();

        // if this document came from import, it will have 'source' (maybe)
        // and 'uri' specified by the 'source_file' tag. keep them.
        String source = (String) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_SOURCE);
        if (source == null)
            source = "unknown";

        URI signalURI = (URI) awbDoc.getClientProperty(IdTracker.DOC_URI);
        if (signalURI == null)
            signalURI = awbDoc.getSignalURI();

        // relativize with destination URI
        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        URI base = uri.resolve(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
        signalURI = base.relativize(signalURI);

        // Let's find out who the "author" of *this* version of the APF file is:
        String userSystemName = System.getProperty("user.name");

        // what's the point in versioning by X.0 if every X.y is incompatable?
        Element root = xmlDoc.addElement("source_file").addAttribute("URI", signalURI.toString())
                .addAttribute("SOURCE", source).addAttribute("TYPE", "text").addAttribute("VERSION", "5.0")
                .addAttribute("AUTHOR", userSystemName).addAttribute("ENCODING", encoding);

        // warning to users reading the xml
        if (!encoding.equals("UTF-8"))
                    "This document is encoded in 'UTF-8'," + " the /source/ is encoded in '" + encoding + "'");

        Element doc = root.addElement("document").addAttribute("DOCID", IdTracker.getDocId(awbDoc));

        // don't know the order returned, so make collections
        HashSet entities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet relations = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet events = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet quantities = new LinkedHashSet();
        HashSet timex2entities = new LinkedHashSet();

        Iterator annotIter = awbDoc.getAllAnnotations();
        while (annotIter.hasNext()) {
            AWBAnnotation annot = (AWBAnnotation) annotIter.next();
            String type = annot.getAnnotationType().getName();

            if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.QUANTITY_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.TIMEX2_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.RELATION_TYPE_NAME))

            else if (type.equals(ACE2004Task.EVENT_TYPE_NAME))

        if (DEBUG > 0) {
            System.err.println("Entities:       " + entities.size());
            System.err.println("Values:         " + quantities.size());
            System.err.println("Timex2Entities: " + timex2entities.size());
            System.err.println("Relations:      " + relations.size());
            System.err.println("Events:         " + events.size());
        // iterate over each
        Iterator iterator = null;

        iterator = entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEntity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = quantities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addQuantity(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = timex2entities.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addTimex2(doc, awbDoc, (TextExtentRegion) iterator.next());

        iterator = relations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addRelation(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        iterator = events.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext())
            addEvent(doc, awbDoc, (HasSubordinates) iterator.next());

        addExternalResourceDeclarations(doc, awbDoc);

    } catch (Exception t) {

    boolean success = writeAPF(xmlDoc, uri);
    if (DEBUG > 0) {
        System.err.println("\nExport succeeded: " + success + "\n");
    return success;