Example usage for Java org.dom4j Branch fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | add(Node node) Adds the given Node or throws IllegalAddException if the given node is not of a valid type. |
void | add(Comment comment) Adds the given Comment to this branch. |
void | add(Element element) Adds the given Element to this branch. |
void | add(ProcessingInstruction pi) Adds the given ProcessingInstruction to this branch. |
Element | addElement(String name) Adds a new Element node with the given name to this branch and returns a reference to the new node. |
Element | addElement(QName qname) Adds a new Element node with the given QName to this branch and returns a reference to the new node. |
Element | addElement(String qualifiedName, String namespaceURI) Adds a new Element node with the given qualified name and namespace URI to this branch and returns a reference to the new node. |
List | content() Returns the content nodes of this branch as a backed List so that the content of this branch may be modified directly using the List interface. |
int | indexOf(Node node) Returns the index of the given node if it is a child node of this branch or -1 if the given node is not a child node. |
Node | node(int index) Returns the Node at the specified index position. |
int | nodeCount() Returns the number of Node instances that this branch contains. |
Iterator | nodeIterator() Returns an iterator through the content nodes of this branch |
boolean | remove(Node node) Removes the given Node if the node is an immediate child of this branch. |
boolean | remove(Comment comment) Removes the given Comment if the node is an immediate child of this branch. |
boolean | remove(Element element) Removes the given Element if the node is an immediate child of this branch. |
boolean | remove(ProcessingInstruction pi) Removes the given ProcessingInstruction if the node is an immediate child of this branch. |
void | setContent(List Sets the contents of this branch as a List of Node instances. |