Example usage for org.dom4j Attribute setValue

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Attribute setValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Attribute setValue.


void setValue(String value);

Source Link


Sets the value of this attribute or this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if it is read-only.


From source file:org.opencms.setup.xml.CmsSetupXmlHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Replaces a attibute's value in the given node addressed by the xPath.<p>
 * /*  w w w.  j a  v  a  2  s .  c  o m*/
 * @param document the document to replace the node attribute
 * @param xPath the xPath to the node
 * @param attribute the attribute to replace the value of
 * @param value the new value to set
 * @return <code>true</code> if successful <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean setAttribute(Document document, String xPath, String attribute, String value) {

    Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xPath);
    Element e = (Element) node;
    List<Attribute> attributes = e.attributes();
    for (Attribute a : attributes) {
        if (a.getName().equals(attribute)) {
            return true;
    return false;

From source file:org.opencms.setup.xml.v8.CmsXmlAddSolrSearch.java

License:Open Source License

 * @see org.opencms.setup.xml.CmsXmlUpdateAction#executeUpdate(org.dom4j.Document, java.lang.String, boolean)
 *//*www . ja  v a 2  s .c  o  m*/
public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) {

    Element node = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode("/opencms/search");
    if (node.selectSingleNode("solr") == null) {
        String solrComment = " To enable Solr in OpenCms you must create a solr/ home\n"
                + "           directory in the WEB-INF folder of your OpenCms application.\n"
                + "           Copy the solr/ folder from the OpenCms standard distribution\n"
                + "           as a starting point for your configuration. ";
        try {
            Element solrElement = createElementFromXml("<solr enabled=\"false\"></solr>");
            node.elements().add(0, solrElement);
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not add solr node");
            return false;
    } else {
        String solrComment = "\n"
                + "           During the update Solr will be disabled in the WEB-INF/config/opencms-search.xml.\n"
                + "           To update Solr you must update the 'schema.xml and' the 'solrconfig.xml' manually.\n"
                + "           The new default configuration files are located in the solr-update/ directory in\n"
                + "           the WEB-INF folder of your application. If you are using the default configuration\n"
                + "           from the distribution, it is sufficient to copy the new configuration files to the\n"
                + "           WEB-INF/solr folder. Else if you have customized the Solr configuration you might\n"
                + "           want to merge the 'schema.xml' and the 'solrconfig.xml' first. When you are done\n"
                + "           set the attribute enabled to 'true' again.\n";
        Element solrElement = (Element) node.selectSingleNode("solr");
        Attribute a = solrElement.attribute("enabled");
        if (a != null) {

    try {

        tryToAddMissingElement(doc, "//index[name='Solr Offline']", "//indexes",
                "<index class=\"org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrIndex\">\n"
                        + "                <name>Solr Offline</name>\n"
                        + "                <rebuild>offline</rebuild>\n"
                        + "                <project>Offline</project>\n"
                        + "                <locale>all</locale>\n"
                        + "                <configuration>solr_fields</configuration>\n"
                        + "                <sources>\n" + "                    <source>solr_source</source>\n"
                        + "                </sources>\n"
                        + "                <param name=\"search.solr.postProcessor\">org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrLinkProcessor</param>\n"
                        + "            </index>");

        tryToAddMissingElement(doc, "//index[name='Solr Online']", "//indexes",
                "<index class=\"org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrIndex\">\n"
                        + "                <name>Solr Online</name>\n"
                        + "                <rebuild>auto</rebuild>\n"
                        + "                <project>Online</project>\n"
                        + "                <locale>all</locale>\n"
                        + "                <configuration>solr_fields</configuration>\n"
                        + "                <sources>\n" + "                    <source>solr_source</source>\n"
                        + "                </sources>\n"
                        + "                <param name=\"search.solr.postProcessor\">org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrLinkProcessor</param>\n"
                        + "            </index>");

        Element solrSource = (Element) (doc.selectSingleNode("//indexsource[name='solr_source']"));
        // will be added again in next step
        if (solrSource != null) {

        tryToAddMissingElement(doc, "//indexsource[name='solr_source']", "//indexsources",
                "<indexsource>\n" + "                <name>solr_source</name>\n"
                        + "                <indexer class=\"org.opencms.search.CmsVfsIndexer\" />\n"
                        + "                <resources>\n" + "                    <resource>/</resource>\n"
                        + "                </resources>\n" + "                <documenttypes-indexed>\n"
                        + "                    <name>xmlcontent-solr</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>containerpage-solr</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>xmlpage</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>text</name>\n" + "                    <name>jsp</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>pdf</name>\n" + "                    <name>rtf</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>html</name>\n" + "                    <name>image</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>generic</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>msoffice-ole2</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>msoffice-ooxml</name>\n"
                        + "                    <name>openoffice</name>\n"
                        + "                </documenttypes-indexed>\n" + "            </indexsource>");

        tryToAddMissingElement(doc, "//fieldconfiguration[name='solr_fields']", "//fieldconfigurations",
                "<fieldconfiguration class=\"org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrFieldConfiguration\">\n"
                        + "                <name>solr_fields</name>\n"
                        + "                <description>The Solr search index field configuration.</description>\n"
                        + "                <fields />\n" + "            </fieldconfiguration>");

        tryToAddMissingElement(doc, "//documenttype[name='xmlcontent-solr']", "//documenttypes",
                "<documenttype>\n" + "                <name>xmlcontent-solr</name>\n"
                        + "                <class>org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrDocumentXmlContent</class>\n"
                        + "                <mimetypes>\n"
                        + "                    <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n"
                        + "                </mimetypes>\n" + "                <resourcetypes>\n"
                        + "                    <resourcetype>xmlcontent-solr</resourcetype>\n"
                        + "                </resourcetypes>\n" + "            </documenttype>");

        tryToAddMissingElement(doc, "//documenttype[name='containerpage-solr']", "//documenttypes",
                "<documenttype>\n" + "                <name>containerpage-solr</name>\n"
                        + "                <class>org.opencms.search.solr.CmsSolrDocumentContainerPage</class>\n"
                        + "                <mimetypes>\n"
                        + "                    <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n"
                        + "                </mimetypes>\n" + "                <resourcetypes>\n"
                        + "                    <resourcetype>containerpage-solr</resourcetype>\n"
                        + "                </resourcetypes>\n" + "            </documenttype>");

    } catch (DocumentException e) {

    return true;

From source file:org.opencms.xml.A_CmsXmlDocument.java

License:Open Source License

 * Corrects the structure of this XML document.<p>
 * //  w  ww. jav  a  2s  .  c o  m
 * @param cms the current OpenCms user context
 * @return the file that contains the corrected XML structure
 * @throws CmsXmlException if something goes wrong
public CmsFile correctXmlStructure(CmsObject cms) throws CmsXmlException {

    // apply XSD schema translation
    Attribute schema = m_document.getRootElement()
    if (schema != null) {
        String schemaLocation = schema.getValue();
        String translatedSchema = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getXsdTranslator()
        if (!schemaLocation.equals(translatedSchema)) {

    // iterate over all locales
    Iterator<Locale> i = m_locales.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Locale locale = i.next();
        List<String> names = getNames(locale);
        List<I_CmsXmlContentValue> validValues = new ArrayList<I_CmsXmlContentValue>();

        // iterate over all nodes per language
        Iterator<String> j = names.iterator();
        while (j.hasNext()) {

            // this step is required for values that need a processing of their content
            // an example for this is the HTML value that does link replacement                
            String name = j.next();
            I_CmsXmlContentValue value = getValue(name, locale);
            if (value.isSimpleType()) {
                String content = value.getStringValue(cms);
                value.setStringValue(cms, content);

            // save valid elements for later check

        if (isAutoCorrectionEnabled()) {
            // full correction of XML

            List<Element> roots = new ArrayList<Element>();
            List<CmsXmlContentDefinition> rootCds = new ArrayList<CmsXmlContentDefinition>();
            List<Element> validElements = new ArrayList<Element>();

            // gather all XML content definitions and their parent nodes                                
            Iterator<I_CmsXmlContentValue> it = validValues.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                // collect all root elements, also for the nested content definitions
                I_CmsXmlContentValue value = it.next();
                Element element = value.getElement();
                if (element.supportsParent()) {
                    // get the parent XML node
                    Element root = element.getParent();
                    if ((root != null) && !roots.contains(root)) {
                        // this is a parent node we do not have already in our storage
                        CmsXmlContentDefinition rcd = value.getContentDefinition();
                        if (rcd != null) {
                            // this value has a valid XML content definition
                        } else {
                            // no valid content definition for the XML value
                            throw new CmsXmlException(
                                            value.getName(), value.getTypeName(), value.getPath()));

            for (int le = 0; le < roots.size(); le++) {
                // iterate all XML content root nodes and correct each XML subtree

                Element root = roots.get(le);
                CmsXmlContentDefinition cd = rootCds.get(le);

                // step 1: first sort the nodes according to the schema, this takes care of re-ordered elements
                List<List<Element>> nodeLists = new ArrayList<List<Element>>();
                for (I_CmsXmlSchemaType type : cd.getTypeSequence()) {
                    List<Element> elements = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.elements(root, type.getName());
                    int maxOccures = cd.getChoiceMaxOccurs() > 0 ? cd.getChoiceMaxOccurs()
                            : type.getMaxOccurs();
                    if (elements.size() > maxOccures) {
                        // to many nodes of this type appear according to the current schema definition
                        for (int lo = (elements.size() - 1); lo >= type.getMaxOccurs(); lo--) {

                // step 2: clear the list of nodes (this will remove all invalid nodes)
                List<Element> nodeList = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.elements(root);
                Iterator<List<Element>> in = nodeLists.iterator();
                while (in.hasNext()) {
                    // now add all valid nodes in the right order
                    List<Element> elements = in.next();

                // step 3: now append the missing elements according to the XML content definition
                cd.addDefaultXml(cms, this, root, locale);

    // write the modified XML back to the VFS file 
    if (m_file != null) {
        // make sure the file object is available
    return m_file;

From source file:org.opencms.xml.page.CmsXmlPage.java

License:Open Source License

 * Sets the enabled flag of an already existing element.<p>
 * //  ww w  .j  a v  a  2 s .co  m
 * Note: if isEnabled is set to true, the attribute is removed
 * since true is the default
 * @param name name name of the element
 * @param locale locale of the element
 * @param isEnabled enabled flag for the element
public void setEnabled(String name, Locale locale, boolean isEnabled) {

    CmsXmlHtmlValue value = (CmsXmlHtmlValue) getValue(name, locale);
    Element element = value.getElement();
    Attribute enabled = element.attribute(ATTRIBUTE_ENABLED);

    if (enabled == null) {
        if (!isEnabled) {
            element.addAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(isEnabled));
    } else if (isEnabled) {
    } else {

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.processor.tamino.dom4j.TDOM4JAdapter.java

License:Open Source License

 * Sets the ino:docname on this DOM4J specific TXMLObject.
 * @param docname is the ino:docname attribute of the data object.
 */// w  w w .j  a  v a 2  s. c  o m
public void setDocname(String docname) {
    if (docname == null || docname.equals("")) {
        if (element == null)
        else {
            QName qname = new QName(TInoNamespace.DOCNAME.getName(), inoNamespace);
            Attribute att = new FlyweightAttribute(qname);
    } else {
        if (element == null)
        else {
            QName qname = new QName(TInoNamespace.DOCNAME.getName(), inoNamespace);
            Attribute att = element.attribute(qname);
            if (att != null)
            else {
                att = new FlyweightAttribute(TInoNamespace.DOCNAME.getName(), docname, inoNamespace);

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.processor.tamino.dom4j.TDOM4JAdapter.java

License:Open Source License

 * Sets the ino:id for the XML instance.
 *///from  w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2  s  .c  o  m
public void setId(String inoId) {
    if (inoId == null || inoId.length() == 0) {
        if (element == null)
        else {
            QName qtmpName = new QName(TInoNamespace.ID.getName(), inoNamespace);
            Attribute tmpAttribute = new FlyweightAttribute(qtmpName);
    } else {
        if (element == null)
        else {
            QName qname = new QName(TInoNamespace.ID.getName(), inoNamespace);
            Attribute att = element.attribute(qname);
            if (att != null)
            else {
                att = new FlyweightAttribute(TInoNamespace.ID.getName(), inoId, inoNamespace);

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.transformer.xupdate.statement.Utils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Evaluate a sequence a statements, and insert the result of the
 * evaluation the given parent node at the given position.
 *//* ww  w  . ja  v a 2 s  . c  o  m*/
public static void insert(LocationData locationData, Node parent, int position, Object toInsert) {
    List nodesToInsert = xpathObjectToDOM4JList(locationData, toInsert);
    if (parent instanceof Element)
    for (Iterator j = nodesToInsert.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
        Object object = j.next();
        Node node = object instanceof String || object instanceof Number
                ? Dom4jUtils.createText(object.toString())
                : (Node) ((Node) object).clone();
        if (parent instanceof Element) {
            Element element = (Element) parent;
            if (node instanceof Attribute) {
            } else {
                element.content().add(position, node);
        } else if (parent instanceof Attribute) {
            Attribute attribute = (Attribute) parent;
            attribute.setValue(attribute.getValue() + node.getText());
        } else if (parent instanceof Document) {
            // Update a document element
            final Document document = (Document) parent;
            if (node instanceof Element) {
                if (document.getRootElement() != null)
                    throw new ValidationException("Document already has a root element", locationData);
                document.setRootElement((Element) node);
            } else if (node instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
            } else {
                throw new ValidationException(
                        "Only an element or processing instruction can be at the root of a document",

        } else {
            throw new ValidationException("Cannot insert into a node of type '" + parent.getClass() + "'",

From source file:org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionLoop.java

License:Open Source License

 * Set the name of the parameter that is being looped on.
 * //from www.j a v a  2  s  .c o  m
 * @param loopOn
 *          the parameter name. If null the loop parameter is removed.
public void setLoopOn(String loopOn) {
    Attribute attr = controlElement.attribute(ActionSequenceDocument.LOOP_ON_NAME);
    if (loopOn == null) {
        if (attr != null) {
    } else {
        loopOn = loopOn.trim();
        if (attr == null) {
            controlElement.addAttribute(ActionSequenceDocument.LOOP_ON_NAME, loopOn);
            attr = controlElement.attribute(ActionSequenceDocument.LOOP_ON_NAME);
        } else if (!loopOn.equals(attr.getValue())) {

From source file:org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionLoop.java

License:Open Source License

public void setLoopUsingPeek(Boolean usePeek) {

    Attribute attr = controlElement.attribute(ActionSequenceDocument.PEEK_ONLY_NAME);
    if (usePeek == null) {
        if (attr != null) {
            attr.detach();/*w  w  w  .  ja  va 2 s . c  o  m*/
    } else {
        if (attr == null) {
            controlElement.addAttribute(ActionSequenceDocument.PEEK_ONLY_NAME, usePeek.toString());
            attr = controlElement.attribute(ActionSequenceDocument.PEEK_ONLY_NAME);
        } else if (!usePeek.toString().equals(attr.getValue())) {

From source file:org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionSequenceOutput.java

License:Open Source License

public void setOutputParameter(boolean isOutputParameter) {
    List<Attribute> attribs = ioElement.attributes();
    for (Attribute attrib : attribs) {
        if (attrib.getName().equals(IS_OUTPUT_PARAM_ATTR)) {
        }//  w w w  . j  av a 2 s  .co m
    // not found, create new
    ioElement.addAttribute(IS_OUTPUT_PARAM_ATTR, Boolean.toString(isOutputParameter));