List of usage examples for org.bouncycastle.tsp TimeStampToken getSignedAttributes
public AttributeTable getSignedAttributes()
From source
License:Open Source License
public void probe_forever() { double start = 0, end = 0; BigInteger requestNonce;/*w w w .ja va 2 m*/ byte[] requestHashedMessage = new byte[20]; List<String> comments = new ArrayList<String>(); STATE result = STATE.OK; log("running"); this.running = true; while (this.running) { comments.clear(); this.random.nextBytes(requestHashedMessage); requestNonce = new BigInteger(512, this.random); TimeStampRequest request = requestGenerator.generate(TSPAlgorithms.SHA1, requestHashedMessage, requestNonce); end = 0; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { TimeStampResponse response = probe(request); switch (response.getStatus()) { case PKIStatus.GRANTED: comments.add("granted"); result = STATE.OK; break; case PKIStatus.GRANTED_WITH_MODS: comments.add("granted with modifications"); result = STATE.WARNING; break; case PKIStatus.REJECTION: comments.add("rejected"); result = STATE.ALERT; break; case PKIStatus.WAITING: comments.add("waiting"); result = STATE.ALERT; break; case PKIStatus.REVOCATION_WARNING: comments.add("revocation warning"); result = STATE.WARNING; break; case PKIStatus.REVOCATION_NOTIFICATION: comments.add("revocation notification"); result = STATE.ALERT; break; default: comments.add("response outside RFC3161"); result = STATE.ALERT; break; } if (response.getStatus() >= 2) comments.add(response.getFailInfo() != null ? response.getFailInfo().getString() : "(missing failinfo)"); if (response.getStatusString() != null) comments.add(response.getStatusString()); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); TimeStampToken timestampToken = response.getTimeStampToken(); timestampToken.validate(this.signerVerifier); comments.add("validated"); AttributeTable table = timestampToken.getSignedAttributes(); TimeStampTokenInfo tokenInfo = timestampToken.getTimeStampInfo(); BigInteger responseNonce = tokenInfo.getNonce(); byte[] responseHashedMessage = tokenInfo.getMessageImprintDigest(); long genTimeSeconds = (tokenInfo.getGenTime().getTime()) / 1000; long currentTimeSeconds = (long) (start + ((end - start) / 2)) / 1000; put("clockskew", (genTimeSeconds - currentTimeSeconds) * 1000); if (Math.abs((genTimeSeconds - currentTimeSeconds)) > 1) { comments.add("clock skew > 1s"); result = STATE.ALERT; } Store responseCertificatesStore = timestampToken.toCMSSignedData().getCertificates(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<X509CertificateHolder> certs = responseCertificatesStore.getMatches(null); for (X509CertificateHolder certificate : certs) { AlgorithmIdentifier sigalg = certificate.getSignatureAlgorithm(); if (!(oidsAllowed.contains(sigalg.getAlgorithm().getId()))) { String cleanDn = certificate.getSubject().toString().replace("=", ":"); comments.add("signature cert \"" + cleanDn + "\" signed using " + getName(sigalg.getAlgorithm().getId())); result = STATE.ALERT; } } if (!responseNonce.equals(requestNonce)) { comments.add("nonce modified"); result = STATE.ALERT; } if (!Arrays.equals(responseHashedMessage, requestHashedMessage)) { comments.add("hashed message modified"); result = STATE.ALERT; } if (table.get(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_aa_signingCertificate) == null) { comments.add("signingcertificate missing"); result = STATE.ALERT; } } catch (TSPException tspEx) { comments.add("validation failed"); comments.add("tspexception-" + tspEx.getMessage().toLowerCase()); result = STATE.ALERT; } catch (IOException iox) { comments.add("unable to obtain response"); comments.add("ioexception-" + iox.getMessage().toLowerCase()); result = STATE.ALERT; } catch (Exception ex) { comments.add("unhandled exception"); result = STATE.ALERT; } finally { if (end == 0) end = System.currentTimeMillis(); } put(RESULT_SUFFIX, result); put(RESULT_COMMENT_SUFFIX, StringUtils.join(comments, "|")); put("responsetime", (end - start)); try { Thread.sleep(this.delay); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log("interrupted"); } } }