Example usage for org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form TextArea subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form TextArea subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form TextArea subclass-usage.


From source file com.marc.lastweek.web.components.jquerytexteditor.JQueryTextEditor.java

public class JQueryTextEditor extends TextArea {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 9033131475535398504L;

    private static final String EDITOR_JS = "js/jquery.rte.js";
    private static final String EDITOR_CSS = "css/style.rte.css";
    private static final String JQUERY_URL = "js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js";

From source file com.romeikat.datamessie.core.base.ui.component.CleanedContentFilter.java

public class CleanedContentFilter extends TextArea<String> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private final IModel<String> selectedCleanedContentModel;

From source file com.romeikat.datamessie.core.base.ui.component.DocumentsFilter.java

public class DocumentsFilter extends TextArea<String> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private final IModel<String> selectedDocumentsModel;

From source file com.servoy.j2db.server.headlessclient.dataui.WebDataTextArea.java

 *  Represents a textarea field in the webbrowser.
 * @author jcompagner

From source file com.visural.stereotyped.ui.components.ace.AceEditor.java

 * @author Visural
public class AceEditor<T> extends TextArea<T> {

From source file com.visural.wicket.component.nicedit.RichTextEditor.java

 * Rich Text Editor component (i.e. WYSIWYG HTML editor).
 * Apply to a `<textarea></textarea>` component.
 * Note, that you must add {@link RichTextEditorFormBehavior} as a behavior to

From source file gr.interamerican.wicket.bo2.markup.html.form.SelfDrawnTextArea.java

 * Self-drawn text area component.
public class SelfDrawnTextArea extends TextArea<String> {


From source file guru.mmp.application.web.template.components.TextAreaWithFeedback.java

 * The <code>TextAreaWithFeedback</code> class extends the Wicket <code>TextArea</code>
 * component to provide support for displaying the feedback message for the component.
 * @param <T>

From source file jp.go.nict.langrid.management.web.view.component.text.DescriptionTextAreaField.java

 * @author Masaaki Kamiya
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Revision$

From source file jp.go.nict.langrid.management.web.view.component.text.LicenseField.java

 * @author Masaaki Kamiya
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Revision$