List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming SXSSFWorkbook getSheet
public SXSSFSheet getSheet(String name)
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); try {/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ /* TODO output your page here. You may use following sample code. */ String allpath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/MOIS.xlsm"); XSSFWorkbook wb1; String pathtodelete = null; Date da = new Date(); String dat2 = da.toString().replace(" ", "_"); dat2 = dat2.toString().replace(":", "_"); String mydrive = allpath.substring(0, 1); String np = mydrive + ":\\APHIAPLUS\\MOIS\\MACROS\\MOIS_REPORT" + dat2 + ".xlsm"; //check if file exists String sourcepath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/MOIS.xlsm"); File f = new File(np); if (!f.exists() && !f.isFile()) { /* do something */ copytemplates ct = new copytemplates(); System.out.println("Copying macros.."); ct.transfermacros(sourcepath, np); } else //copy the file alone { copytemplates ct = new copytemplates(); //copy the agebased file only ct.copymacros(sourcepath, np); } File allpathfile = new File(np); OPCPackage pkg =; pathtodelete = np; //wb = new XSSFWorkbook( ); wb1 = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg); SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(wb1, 100); Sheet rawdata = wb.getSheet("Facility Report"); String startdate = "2016-10-01"; String enddate = "2016-10-30"; String county = ""; if (request.getParameter("startdate") != null) { startdate = request.getParameter("startdate"); } if (request.getParameter("county") != null) { if (!request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); } } if (request.getParameter("enddate") != null) { enddate = request.getParameter("enddate"); } String countywhere = " and 1=1"; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and ( county like '" + county + "' ) "; } DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(startdate); DateTime dateTime2 = new DateTime(enddate); int weeks = Weeks.weeksBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2).getWeeks(); System.out.println("___Weeks____" + weeks); if (weeks == 0) { weeks = 1; } //String header[]="county,subcounty,facilityname,startdate,enddate,hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total,hiv_pos_child,hiv_pos_adult,hiv_pos_total,new_care_child,new_care_adult,new_care_total,new_art_target_child,new_art_target_adult,new_art_target_total,started_art_child,started_art_adult,started_art_total,viral_load_target_child,viral_load_target_adult,viral_load_target_total,viral_load_done_child,viral_load_done_adult,viral_load_done_total,ipt_target_child,ipt_target_adult,ipt_target_total,ipt_child,ipt_adult,ipt_total,testing_target_child,testing_target_adult,testing_target_total,test_child,test_adult,test_total,pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos,eid_target,eid_done,viral_load_mothers_target,viral_load_mothers_done,hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,hiv_pos_care_perc_child,hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,hiv_pos_care_perc_all,started_art_perc_child,started_art_perc_adult,started_art_perc_all,viral_test_perc_child,viral_test_perc_adult,viral_test_perc_all,ipt_done_perc_child,ipt_done_perc_adult,ipt_done_perc_all,tested_perc_child,tested_perc_adult,tested_perc_all,viral_load_mothers_perc,eid_done_perc,pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,hiv_pos_yield_cmts,hiv_pos_care_cmts,started_art_cmts,viral_test_cmts,ipt_done_cmts,tested_cmts,viral_load_mothers_cmts,eid_done_cmts,pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts".split(","); //String headername[]="COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,START DATE,END DATE,HIV POSITIVE TARGET CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE TARGET ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TARGET TOTAL,HIV POSITIVE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TOTAL, NEW CARE CHILDREN,NEW CARE ADULT,NEW CARE TOTAL,NEW ART TARGET CHILDREN,NEW ART TARGET ADULT,NEW ART TARGET TOTAL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD TARGET CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD TARGET ADULT,VIRAL LOAD TARGET TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD DONE CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD DONE ADULT,VIRAL LOAD DONE TOTAL,IPT TARGET CHILDREN,IPT TARGET ADULT,IPT TARGET TOTAL,IPT CHILDREN,IPT ADULT,IPT TOTAL,TESTING TARGET CHILDREN,TESTING TARGET ADULT,TESTING TARGET TOTAL,TESTING CHILDREN,TESTING ADULT,TESTING TOTAL,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE TARGET,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE ,EID TARGET,EID DONE,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS TARGET,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS DONE,HIV POSITIVE YIELD CHILDREN ,HIV POSITIVE YIELD ADULT,HIV POSITIVE YIELD ALL,HIV POSITIVE CARE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE CARE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE CARE ALL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART ,VIRAL TEST CHILDREN,VIRAL TEST ADULT,VIRAL TEST ALL,IPT DONE CHILD,IPT DONE ADULT,IPT DONE ALL,TESTED CHILD,TESTED ADULT,TESTED ALL,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS ,EID DONE,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE,HIV POSITIVE YIELD COMMENTS,HIV POSITIVE CARE COMMENTS,STARTED ART COMMENTS,VIRAL TEST COMMENTS,IPT DONE COMMENTS ,TESTED COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS COMMENTS,EID DONE COMMENTS,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE COMMENTS,REPORTING RATE".split(","); String header[] = "county,subcounty,facilityname,startdate,enddate,testing_target_child,testing_target_adult,testing_target_total,test_child,test_adult,test_total,tested_perc_child,tested_perc_adult,tested_perc_all,tested_cmts,hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total,hiv_pos_child,hiv_pos_adult,hiv_pos_total,hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,hiv_pos_yield_cmts,new_care_child,new_care_adult,new_care_total,hiv_pos_care_perc_child,hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,hiv_pos_care_perc_all,hiv_pos_care_cmts,new_art_target_child,new_art_target_adult,new_art_target_total,started_art_child,started_art_adult,started_art_total,started_art_perc_child,started_art_perc_adult,started_art_perc_all,started_art_cmts,viral_load_target_child,viral_load_target_adult,viral_load_target_total,viral_load_done_child,viral_load_done_adult,viral_load_done_total,viral_test_perc_child,viral_test_perc_adult,viral_test_perc_all,viral_test_cmts,ipt_target_child,ipt_target_adult,ipt_target_total,ipt_child,ipt_adult,ipt_total,ipt_done_perc_child,ipt_done_perc_adult,ipt_done_perc_all,ipt_done_cmts,pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos,pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts,eid_target,eid_done,eid_done_perc,eid_done_cmts,viral_load_mothers_target,viral_load_mothers_done,viral_load_mothers_perc,viral_load_mothers_cmts" .split(","); String headername[] = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,START DATE,END DATE,TESTING TARGET CHILDREN,TESTING TARGET ADULT,TESTING TARGET TOTAL,TESTING CHILDREN,TESTING ADULT,TESTING TOTAL,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,HIV POSITIVE TARGET CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE TARGET ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TARGET TOTAL,HIV POSITIVE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED ADULT,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED ALL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED COMMENTS, NEW CARE CHILDREN,NEW CARE ADULT,NEW CARE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE ADULT,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE ALL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE COMMENTS,NEW ART TARGET CHILDREN,NEW ART TARGET ADULT,NEW ART TARGET TOTAL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART ALL,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD TARGET CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD TARGET ADULT,VIRAL LOAD TARGET TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD DONE CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD DONE ADULT,VIRAL LOAD DONE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,IPT TARGET CHILDREN,IPT TARGET ADULT,IPT TARGET TOTAL,IPT CHILDREN,IPT ADULT,IPT TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE TARGET,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE ,PERCENTAGE PMTCT HIV POSITIVE YIELD ACHIEVED AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE PMTCT HIV POSITIVE YIELD ACHIEVED AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,EID TARGET,EID DONE,PERCENTAGE EID DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE EID DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS TARGET,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS DONE,PERCENTAGE VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE FOR MOTHERS AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE FOR MOTHERS AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,REPORTING RATE" .split(","); // // Row rw0 = rawdata.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int d = 0; d < headername.length; d++) { Cell ce = rw0.createCell(d); ce.setCellValue(headername[d]); } dbConnweb conn = new dbConnweb();"SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 209715200"); ="SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet' "); if ( { System.out.println("Generating report | Max_allowed_connection_" +; } String where = " (enddate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "') " + countywhere + " and (id not like '%_weekly%' ) "; String where1 = " (enddate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "') and (id not like '%_weekly%' ) "; //get data in report form and add into the various json macros. //String query="select facilityname,startdate,enddate, hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total ,hiv_pos_child as hiv_pos_child , hiv_pos_adult as hiv_pos_adult ,hiv_pos_total as hiv_pos_total ,new_care_child as new_care_child ,new_care_adult as new_care_adult ,new_care_total as new_care_total , new_art_target_child ,new_art_target_adult ,new_art_target_total ,started_art_child as started_art_child, started_art_adult as started_art_adult ,started_art_total as started_art_total ,viral_load_target_child ,viral_load_target_adult ,viral_load_target_total ,viral_load_done_child as viral_load_done_child ,viral_load_done_adult as viral_load_done_adult ,viral_load_done_total as viral_load_done_total ,ipt_target_child ,ipt_target_adult ,ipt_target_total ,ipt_child as ipt_child ,ipt_adult as ipt_adult ,ipt_total as ipt_total ,testing_target_child ,testing_target_adult ,testing_target_total ,test_child as test_child ,test_adult as test_adult ,test_total as test_total , pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos as pmtct_hiv_pos, eid_target , eid_done as eid_done, viral_load_mothers_target, viral_load_mothers_done as viral_load_mothers_done from weekly_data_new join facility on weekly_data_new.facilityname=facility.facility_name "; String query = " select facility.county,facility.subcounty,cur.facilityname,cur.startdate,cur.enddate,cur.testing_target_child,cur.testing_target_adult,cur.testing_target_total,cur.test_child,cur.test_adult,cur.test_total,cur.tested_perc_child,cur.tested_perc_adult,cur.tested_perc_all,cur.tested_cmts,cur.hiv_pos_target_child,cur.hiv_pos_target_adult,cur.hiv_pos_target_total,cur.hiv_pos_child,cur.hiv_pos_adult,cur.hiv_pos_total,cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,cur.hiv_pos_yield_cmts,cur.new_care_child,cur.new_care_adult,cur.new_care_total,cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_child,cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_all,cur.hiv_pos_care_cmts,cur.new_art_target_child,cur.new_art_target_adult,cur.new_art_target_total,cur.started_art_child,cur.started_art_adult,cur.started_art_total,cur.started_art_perc_child,cur.started_art_perc_adult,cur.started_art_perc_all,cur.started_art_cmts,cur.viral_load_target_child,cur.viral_load_target_adult,cur.viral_load_target_total,cur.viral_load_done_child,cur.viral_load_done_adult,cur.viral_load_done_total,cur.viral_test_perc_child,cur.viral_test_perc_adult,cur.viral_test_perc_all,cur.viral_test_cmts,cur.ipt_target_child,cur.ipt_target_adult,cur.ipt_target_total,cur.ipt_child,cur.ipt_adult,cur.ipt_total,cur.ipt_done_perc_child,cur.ipt_done_perc_adult,cur.ipt_done_perc_all,cur.ipt_done_cmts,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_target,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts,cur.eid_target,cur.eid_done,cur.eid_done_perc,cur.eid_done_cmts,cur.viral_load_mothers_target,cur.viral_load_mothers_done,cur.viral_load_mothers_perc,cur.viral_load_mothers_cmts from weekly_data_new cur join facility on cur.facilityname=facility.facility_name where " + where + " " + " and not exists ( select * from weekly_data_new high join facility on high.facilityname=facility.facility_name where high.facilityname = cur.facilityname and high.enddate > cur.enddate and " + where + ")"; System.out.println("" + query); try { =; String facilname = ""; String facilnamecopy = ""; String id = ""; //percentages String viral_load_mothers_perc = null; String eid_done_perc = null; String pmtct_hiv_pos_perc = null; //new percenatages String hiv_pos_yield_perc_child = null; String hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult = null; String hiv_pos_yield_perc_all = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_child = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_adult = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_all = null; String started_art_perc_child = null; String started_art_perc_adult = null; String started_art_perc_all = null; String viral_test_perc_child = null; String viral_test_perc_adult = null; String viral_test_perc_all = null; String ipt_done_perc_child = null; String ipt_done_perc_adult = null; String ipt_done_perc_all = null; String tested_perc_child = null; String tested_perc_adult = null; String tested_perc_all = null; //comments String viral_load_mothers_cmts = null; String eid_done_cmts = null; String pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts = null; String hiv_pos_yield_cmts = null; String hiv_pos_care_cmts = null; String started_art_cmts = null; String viral_test_cmts = null; String ipt_done_cmts = null; String tested_cmts = null; Row rwx = null; int rowno = 0; while ( { rowno++; rwx = rawdata.createRow(rowno); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //do a per facility //System.out.println("___FACILITY : ""facilityname")+" => hiv_pos_total ""hiv_pos_total")); for (int a = 1; a <= header.length; a++) { System.out.print(header[a - 1] + " _ " +; Cell ce = rwx.createCell(a - 1); if (a > 5 && a <= 73) { if (header[a - 1].contains("cmts")) { ce.setCellValue(; } else if (header[a - 1].contains("_perc")) { ce.setCellValue(; System.out.println("__Percent"); } else { ce.setCellValue(; } } else { ce.setCellValue(; } } //reporting rate int reportingrate = 0; String getrates = "select ROUND(((count(facilityname))/(" + weeks + ")*100)) as count from weekly_data_new where facilityname like '" +"facilityname") + "' and " + where1 + " "; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getrates); if ( { reportingrate = conn.rs1.getInt(1); } Cell ce = rwx.createCell(header.length); ce.setCellValue(reportingrate); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st1 != null) { conn.st1.close(); } if (conn.conne != null) { conn.conne.close(); } Date dat = new Date(); String dat1 = dat.toString().replace(" ", "_"); // write it as an excel attachment ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=MOIS_Cum_Report_From" + startdate.replace(" ", "-") + "_To_" + enddate.replace(" ", "_") + ".xlsm"); response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "fileDownload=true; path=/"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); pkg.close(); wb.dispose(); // response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); File file = new File(pathtodelete); if (file.delete()) { System.out.println(file.getName() + " is deleted!"); } else { System.out.println("Delete operation is failed."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (InvalidFormatException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); try {//from w ww .j a va 2 s. c om /* TODO output your page here. You may use following sample code. */ String allpath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/MOIS.xlsm"); XSSFWorkbook wb1; String pathtodelete = null; Date da = new Date(); String dat2 = da.toString().replace(" ", "_"); dat2 = dat2.toString().replace(":", "_"); String mydrive = allpath.substring(0, 1); String np = mydrive + ":\\APHIAPLUS\\MOIS\\MACROS\\MOIS_REPORT" + dat2 + ".xlsm"; //check if file exists String sourcepath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/MOIS.xlsm"); File f = new File(np); if (!f.exists() && !f.isFile()) { /* do something */ copytemplates ct = new copytemplates(); System.out.println("Copying macros.."); ct.transfermacros(sourcepath, np); } else //copy the file alone { copytemplates ct = new copytemplates(); //copy the agebased file only ct.copymacros(sourcepath, np); } File allpathfile = new File(np); OPCPackage pkg =; pathtodelete = np; //wb = new XSSFWorkbook( ); wb1 = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg); SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(wb1, 100); Sheet rawdata = wb.getSheet("Facility Report"); String startdate = "2016-10-01"; String enddate = "2016-10-30"; String county = ""; if (request.getParameter("startdate") != null) { startdate = request.getParameter("startdate"); } if (request.getParameter("county") != null) { if (!request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); } } if (request.getParameter("enddate") != null) { enddate = request.getParameter("enddate"); } String countywhere = " and 1=1"; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and ( county like '" + county + "' )"; } DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(startdate); DateTime dateTime2 = new DateTime(enddate); int weeks = Weeks.weeksBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2).getWeeks(); System.out.println("___Weeks____" + weeks); if (weeks == 0) { weeks = 1; } //String header[]="county,subcounty,facilityname,startdate,enddate,hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total,hiv_pos_child,hiv_pos_adult,hiv_pos_total,new_care_child,new_care_adult,new_care_total,new_art_target_child,new_art_target_adult,new_art_target_total,started_art_child,started_art_adult,started_art_total,viral_load_target_child,viral_load_target_adult,viral_load_target_total,viral_load_done_child,viral_load_done_adult,viral_load_done_total,ipt_target_child,ipt_target_adult,ipt_target_total,ipt_child,ipt_adult,ipt_total,testing_target_child,testing_target_adult,testing_target_total,test_child,test_adult,test_total,pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos,eid_target,eid_done,viral_load_mothers_target,viral_load_mothers_done,hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,hiv_pos_care_perc_child,hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,hiv_pos_care_perc_all,started_art_perc_child,started_art_perc_adult,started_art_perc_all,viral_test_perc_child,viral_test_perc_adult,viral_test_perc_all,ipt_done_perc_child,ipt_done_perc_adult,ipt_done_perc_all,tested_perc_child,tested_perc_adult,tested_perc_all,viral_load_mothers_perc,eid_done_perc,pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,hiv_pos_yield_cmts,hiv_pos_care_cmts,started_art_cmts,viral_test_cmts,ipt_done_cmts,tested_cmts,viral_load_mothers_cmts,eid_done_cmts,pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts".split(","); //String headername[]="COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,START DATE,END DATE,HIV POSITIVE TARGET CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE TARGET ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TARGET TOTAL,HIV POSITIVE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TOTAL, NEW CARE CHILDREN,NEW CARE ADULT,NEW CARE TOTAL,NEW ART TARGET CHILDREN,NEW ART TARGET ADULT,NEW ART TARGET TOTAL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD TARGET CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD TARGET ADULT,VIRAL LOAD TARGET TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD DONE CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD DONE ADULT,VIRAL LOAD DONE TOTAL,IPT TARGET CHILDREN,IPT TARGET ADULT,IPT TARGET TOTAL,IPT CHILDREN,IPT ADULT,IPT TOTAL,TESTING TARGET CHILDREN,TESTING TARGET ADULT,TESTING TARGET TOTAL,TESTING CHILDREN,TESTING ADULT,TESTING TOTAL,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE TARGET,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE ,EID TARGET,EID DONE,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS TARGET,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS DONE,HIV POSITIVE YIELD CHILDREN ,HIV POSITIVE YIELD ADULT,HIV POSITIVE YIELD ALL,HIV POSITIVE CARE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE CARE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE CARE ALL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART ,VIRAL TEST CHILDREN,VIRAL TEST ADULT,VIRAL TEST ALL,IPT DONE CHILD,IPT DONE ADULT,IPT DONE ALL,TESTED CHILD,TESTED ADULT,TESTED ALL,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS ,EID DONE,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE,HIV POSITIVE YIELD COMMENTS,HIV POSITIVE CARE COMMENTS,STARTED ART COMMENTS,VIRAL TEST COMMENTS,IPT DONE COMMENTS ,TESTED COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS COMMENTS,EID DONE COMMENTS,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE COMMENTS,REPORTING RATE".split(","); String header[] = "county,subcounty,facilityname,startdate,enddate,testing_target_child,testing_target_adult,testing_target_total,test_child,test_adult,test_total,tested_perc_child,tested_perc_adult,tested_perc_all,tested_cmts,hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total,hiv_pos_child,hiv_pos_adult,hiv_pos_total,hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,hiv_pos_yield_cmts,new_care_child,new_care_adult,new_care_total,hiv_pos_care_perc_child,hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,hiv_pos_care_perc_all,hiv_pos_care_cmts,new_art_target_child,new_art_target_adult,new_art_target_total,started_art_child,started_art_adult,started_art_total,started_art_perc_child,started_art_perc_adult,started_art_perc_all,started_art_cmts,viral_load_target_child,viral_load_target_adult,viral_load_target_total,viral_load_done_child,viral_load_done_adult,viral_load_done_total,viral_test_perc_child,viral_test_perc_adult,viral_test_perc_all,viral_test_cmts,ipt_target_child,ipt_target_adult,ipt_target_total,ipt_child,ipt_adult,ipt_total,ipt_done_perc_child,ipt_done_perc_adult,ipt_done_perc_all,ipt_done_cmts,pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos,pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts,eid_target,eid_done,eid_done_perc,eid_done_cmts,viral_load_mothers_target,viral_load_mothers_done,viral_load_mothers_perc,viral_load_mothers_cmts" .split(","); String headername[] = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,START DATE,END DATE,TESTING TARGET CHILDREN,TESTING TARGET ADULT,TESTING TARGET TOTAL,TESTING CHILDREN,TESTING ADULT,TESTING TOTAL,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,HIV POSITIVE TARGET CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE TARGET ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TARGET TOTAL,HIV POSITIVE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED ADULT,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED ALL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED COMMENTS, NEW CARE CHILDREN,NEW CARE ADULT,NEW CARE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE ADULT,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE ALL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE COMMENTS,NEW ART TARGET CHILDREN,NEW ART TARGET ADULT,NEW ART TARGET TOTAL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART ALL,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD TARGET CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD TARGET ADULT,VIRAL LOAD TARGET TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD DONE CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD DONE ADULT,VIRAL LOAD DONE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,IPT TARGET CHILDREN,IPT TARGET ADULT,IPT TARGET TOTAL,IPT CHILDREN,IPT ADULT,IPT TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE TARGET,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE ,PERCENTAGE PMTCT HIV POSITIVE YIELD ACHIEVED AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE PMTCT HIV POSITIVE YIELD ACHIEVED AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,EID TARGET,EID DONE,PERCENTAGE EID DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE EID DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS TARGET,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS DONE,PERCENTAGE VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE FOR MOTHERS AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE FOR MOTHERS AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,REPORTING RATE" .split(","); // // Row rw0 = rawdata.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int d = 0; d < headername.length; d++) { Cell ce = rw0.createCell(d); ce.setCellValue(headername[d]); } dbConnweb conn = new dbConnweb();"SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 209715200"); ="SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet' "); if ( { System.out.println("Generating report | Max_allowed_connection_" +; } String where = " (enddate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "') " + countywhere + " and like '%_weekly%' "; String where1 = " (enddate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "') and like '%_weekly%' "; String period = "1"; String yr = enddate.substring(0, 4); String tar[] = enddate.split("-"); int mwaka = new Integer(yr); if (new Integer(tar[1]) >= 10 && new Integer(tar[1]) <= 12) { mwaka = mwaka + 1; } //get data in report form and add into the various json macros. //String query="select facilityname,startdate,enddate, hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total ,hiv_pos_child as hiv_pos_child , hiv_pos_adult as hiv_pos_adult ,hiv_pos_total as hiv_pos_total ,new_care_child as new_care_child ,new_care_adult as new_care_adult ,new_care_total as new_care_total , new_art_target_child ,new_art_target_adult ,new_art_target_total ,started_art_child as started_art_child, started_art_adult as started_art_adult ,started_art_total as started_art_total ,viral_load_target_child ,viral_load_target_adult ,viral_load_target_total ,viral_load_done_child as viral_load_done_child ,viral_load_done_adult as viral_load_done_adult ,viral_load_done_total as viral_load_done_total ,ipt_target_child ,ipt_target_adult ,ipt_target_total ,ipt_child as ipt_child ,ipt_adult as ipt_adult ,ipt_total as ipt_total ,testing_target_child ,testing_target_adult ,testing_target_total ,test_child as test_child ,test_adult as test_adult ,test_total as test_total , pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos as pmtct_hiv_pos, eid_target , eid_done as eid_done, viral_load_mothers_target, viral_load_mothers_done as viral_load_mothers_done from weekly_data_new join facility on weekly_data_new.facilityname=facility.facility_name "; String query = " select facility.county,facility.subcounty,cur.facilityname,cur.startdate,cur.enddate,case when ROUND(targets.testing_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.testing_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as testing_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.testing_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.testing_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as testing_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.testing_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.testing_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as testing_target_total,SUM(cur.test_child) as test_child,SUM(cur.test_adult) as test_adult,SUM(cur.test_total) as test_total,AVG(cur.tested_perc_child) as tested_perc_child,AVG(cur.tested_perc_adult) as tested_perc_adult,AVG(cur.tested_perc_all) as tested_perc_all,cur.tested_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as hiv_pos_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as hiv_pos_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as hiv_pos_target_total,SUM(cur.hiv_pos_child) as hiv_pos_child,SUM(cur.hiv_pos_adult) as hiv_pos_adult,SUM(cur.hiv_pos_total) as hiv_pos_total,AVG(cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_child) as hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,AVG(cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult) as hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,AVG(cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_all) as hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,cur.hiv_pos_yield_cmts,SUM(cur.new_care_child) as new_care_child,SUM(cur.new_care_adult) as new_care_adult,SUM(cur.new_care_total) as new_care_total,AVG(cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_child) as hiv_pos_care_perc_child,AVG(cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_adult) as hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,AVG(cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_all) as hiv_pos_care_perc_all,cur.hiv_pos_care_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.new_art_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.new_art_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as new_art_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.new_art_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.new_art_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as new_art_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.new_art_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.new_art_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as new_art_target_total,SUM(cur.started_art_child) as started_art_child,SUM(cur.started_art_adult) as started_art_adult,SUM(cur.started_art_total) as started_art_total,AVG(cur.started_art_perc_child) as started_art_perc_child,AVG(cur.started_art_perc_adult) as started_art_perc_adult, AVG(cur.started_art_perc_all) as started_art_perc_all,cur.started_art_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_target_total,SUM(cur.viral_load_done_child) as viral_load_done_child,SUM(cur.viral_load_done_adult) as viral_load_done_adult, SUM(cur.viral_load_done_total) as viral_load_done_total,AVG(cur.viral_test_perc_child) as viral_test_perc_child,AVG(cur.viral_test_perc_adult) as viral_test_perc_adult, AVG(cur.viral_test_perc_all) as viral_test_perc_all,cur.viral_test_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.ipt_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.ipt_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as ipt_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.ipt_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.ipt_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as ipt_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.ipt_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.ipt_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as ipt_target_total,SUM(cur.ipt_child) as ipt_child,SUM(cur.ipt_adult) as ipt_adult ,SUM(cur.ipt_total) as ipt_total,AVG(cur.ipt_done_perc_child) as ipt_done_perc_child,AVG(cur.ipt_done_perc_adult) as ipt_done_perc_adult, AVG(cur.ipt_done_perc_all) as ipt_done_perc_all,cur.ipt_done_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.pmtct_hiv_pos_target/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.pmtct_hiv_pos_target/" + period + ") else 1 end as pmtct_hiv_pos_target,SUM(cur.pmtct_hiv_pos) as pmtct_hiv_pos,AVG(cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_perc) as pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.eid_target/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.eid_target/" + period + ") else 1 end as eid_target,SUM(cur.eid_done) as eid_done,AVG(cur.eid_done_perc) as eid_done_perc,cur.eid_done_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_mothers_target/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_mothers_target/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_mothers_target,SUM(cur.viral_load_mothers_done) as viral_load_mothers_done,AVG(cur.viral_load_mothers_perc) as viral_load_mothers_perc,cur.viral_load_mothers_cmts from weekly_data_new cur join (facility join targets on (facility.mflcode=targets.facility and targets.year='" + mwaka + "' ) ) on cur.facilityname=facility.facility_name where " + where + " " + " group by facilityname "; System.out.println("" + query); try { =; String facilname = ""; String facilnamecopy = ""; String id = ""; //percentages String viral_load_mothers_perc = null; String eid_done_perc = null; String pmtct_hiv_pos_perc = null; //new percenatages String hiv_pos_yield_perc_child = null; String hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult = null; String hiv_pos_yield_perc_all = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_child = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_adult = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_all = null; String started_art_perc_child = null; String started_art_perc_adult = null; String started_art_perc_all = null; String viral_test_perc_child = null; String viral_test_perc_adult = null; String viral_test_perc_all = null; String ipt_done_perc_child = null; String ipt_done_perc_adult = null; String ipt_done_perc_all = null; String tested_perc_child = null; String tested_perc_adult = null; String tested_perc_all = null; //comments String viral_load_mothers_cmts = null; String eid_done_cmts = null; String pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts = null; String hiv_pos_yield_cmts = null; String hiv_pos_care_cmts = null; String started_art_cmts = null; String viral_test_cmts = null; String ipt_done_cmts = null; String tested_cmts = null; Row rwx = null; int rowno = 0; while ( { rowno++; rwx = rawdata.createRow(rowno); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //do a per facility //System.out.println("___FACILITY : ""facilityname")+" => hiv_pos_total ""hiv_pos_total")); for (int a = 1; a <= header.length; a++) { System.out.print(header[a - 1] + " _ " +; Cell ce = rwx.createCell(a - 1); if (a > 5 && a <= 73) { if (header[a - 1].contains("cmts")) { ce.setCellValue(; } else if (header[a - 1].contains("_perc")) { ce.setCellValue(; System.out.println("__Percent"); } else { ce.setCellValue(; } } else { ce.setCellValue(; } } //reporting rate int reportingrate = 0; String getrates = "select ROUND(((count(facilityname))/(" + weeks + ")*100)) as count from weekly_data_new where facilityname like '" +"facilityname") + "' and " + where1 + " "; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getrates); if ( { reportingrate = conn.rs1.getInt(1); } Cell ce = rwx.createCell(header.length); ce.setCellValue(reportingrate); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st1 != null) { conn.st1.close(); } if (conn.conne != null) { conn.conne.close(); } Date dat = new Date(); String dat1 = dat.toString().replace(" ", "_"); // write it as an excel attachment ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=MOIS_Cum_Rpt_From" + startdate.replace(" ", "-") + "_To_" + enddate.replace(" ", "_") + ".xlsm"); response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "fileDownload=true; path=/"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); pkg.close(); wb.dispose(); // response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); File file = new File(pathtodelete); if (file.delete()) { System.out.println(file.getName() + " is deleted!"); } else { System.out.println("Delete operation is failed."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (InvalidFormatException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); try {/* w w w .j av a 2 s.c om*/ /* TODO output your page here. You may use following sample code. */ String allpath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/MOIS_WEEKLY.xlsm"); XSSFWorkbook wb1; String pathtodelete = null; Date da = new Date(); String dat2 = da.toString().replace(" ", "_"); dat2 = dat2.toString().replace(":", "_"); String mydrive = allpath.substring(0, 1); String np = mydrive + ":\\APHIAPLUS\\MOIS\\MACROS\\MOIS_REPORT" + dat2 + ".xlsm"; //check if file exists String sourcepath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/MOIS_WEEKLY.xlsm"); File f = new File(np); if (!f.exists() && !f.isFile()) { /* do something */ copytemplates ct = new copytemplates(); System.out.println("Copying macros.."); ct.transfermacros(sourcepath, np); } else //copy the file alone { copytemplates ct = new copytemplates(); //copy the agebased file only ct.copymacros(sourcepath, np); } File allpathfile = new File(np); OPCPackage pkg =; pathtodelete = np; //wb = new XSSFWorkbook( ); wb1 = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg); SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(wb1, 100); Sheet rawdata = wb.getSheet("Facility Report"); String startdate = "2016-10-01"; String enddate = "2016-10-30"; String county = ""; if (request.getParameter("startdate") != null) { startdate = request.getParameter("startdate"); } if (request.getParameter("county") != null) { if (!request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); } } if (request.getParameter("enddate") != null) { enddate = request.getParameter("enddate"); } String countywhere = " and 1=1"; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and ( county like '" + county + "' )"; } DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(startdate); DateTime dateTime2 = new DateTime(enddate); int weeks = Weeks.weeksBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2).getWeeks(); System.out.println("___Weeks____" + weeks); if (weeks == 0) { weeks = 1; } //String header[]="county,subcounty,facilityname,startdate,enddate,hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total,hiv_pos_child,hiv_pos_adult,hiv_pos_total,new_care_child,new_care_adult,new_care_total,new_art_target_child,new_art_target_adult,new_art_target_total,started_art_child,started_art_adult,started_art_total,viral_load_target_child,viral_load_target_adult,viral_load_target_total,viral_load_done_child,viral_load_done_adult,viral_load_done_total,ipt_target_child,ipt_target_adult,ipt_target_total,ipt_child,ipt_adult,ipt_total,testing_target_child,testing_target_adult,testing_target_total,test_child,test_adult,test_total,pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos,eid_target,eid_done,viral_load_mothers_target,viral_load_mothers_done,hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,hiv_pos_care_perc_child,hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,hiv_pos_care_perc_all,started_art_perc_child,started_art_perc_adult,started_art_perc_all,viral_test_perc_child,viral_test_perc_adult,viral_test_perc_all,ipt_done_perc_child,ipt_done_perc_adult,ipt_done_perc_all,tested_perc_child,tested_perc_adult,tested_perc_all,viral_load_mothers_perc,eid_done_perc,pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,hiv_pos_yield_cmts,hiv_pos_care_cmts,started_art_cmts,viral_test_cmts,ipt_done_cmts,tested_cmts,viral_load_mothers_cmts,eid_done_cmts,pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts".split(","); //String headername[]="COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,START DATE,END DATE,HIV POSITIVE TARGET CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE TARGET ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TARGET TOTAL,HIV POSITIVE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TOTAL, NEW CARE CHILDREN,NEW CARE ADULT,NEW CARE TOTAL,NEW ART TARGET CHILDREN,NEW ART TARGET ADULT,NEW ART TARGET TOTAL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD TARGET CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD TARGET ADULT,VIRAL LOAD TARGET TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD DONE CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD DONE ADULT,VIRAL LOAD DONE TOTAL,IPT TARGET CHILDREN,IPT TARGET ADULT,IPT TARGET TOTAL,IPT CHILDREN,IPT ADULT,IPT TOTAL,TESTING TARGET CHILDREN,TESTING TARGET ADULT,TESTING TARGET TOTAL,TESTING CHILDREN,TESTING ADULT,TESTING TOTAL,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE TARGET,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE ,EID TARGET,EID DONE,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS TARGET,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS DONE,HIV POSITIVE YIELD CHILDREN ,HIV POSITIVE YIELD ADULT,HIV POSITIVE YIELD ALL,HIV POSITIVE CARE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE CARE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE CARE ALL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART ,VIRAL TEST CHILDREN,VIRAL TEST ADULT,VIRAL TEST ALL,IPT DONE CHILD,IPT DONE ADULT,IPT DONE ALL,TESTED CHILD,TESTED ADULT,TESTED ALL,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS ,EID DONE,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE,HIV POSITIVE YIELD COMMENTS,HIV POSITIVE CARE COMMENTS,STARTED ART COMMENTS,VIRAL TEST COMMENTS,IPT DONE COMMENTS ,TESTED COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS COMMENTS,EID DONE COMMENTS,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE COMMENTS,REPORTING RATE".split(","); String header[] = "county,subcounty,facilityname,startdate,enddate,testing_target_child,testing_target_adult,testing_target_total,test_child,test_adult,test_total,tested_perc_child,tested_perc_adult,tested_perc_all,tested_cmts,hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total,hiv_pos_child,hiv_pos_adult,hiv_pos_total,hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,hiv_pos_yield_cmts,new_care_child,new_care_adult,new_care_total,hiv_pos_care_perc_child,hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,hiv_pos_care_perc_all,hiv_pos_care_cmts,new_art_target_child,new_art_target_adult,new_art_target_total,started_art_child,started_art_adult,started_art_total,started_art_perc_child,started_art_perc_adult,started_art_perc_all,started_art_cmts,viral_load_target_child,viral_load_target_adult,viral_load_target_total,viral_load_done_child,viral_load_done_adult,viral_load_done_total,viral_test_perc_child,viral_test_perc_adult,viral_test_perc_all,viral_test_cmts,ipt_target_child,ipt_target_adult,ipt_target_total,ipt_child,ipt_adult,ipt_total,ipt_done_perc_child,ipt_done_perc_adult,ipt_done_perc_all,ipt_done_cmts,pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos,pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts,eid_target,eid_done,eid_done_perc,eid_done_cmts,viral_load_mothers_target,viral_load_mothers_done,viral_load_mothers_perc,viral_load_mothers_cmts" .split(","); String headername[] = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,START DATE,END DATE,TESTING TARGET CHILDREN,TESTING TARGET ADULT,TESTING TARGET TOTAL,TESTING CHILDREN,TESTING ADULT,TESTING TOTAL,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE TESTED AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,HIV POSITIVE TARGET CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE TARGET ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TARGET TOTAL,HIV POSITIVE CHILDREN,HIV POSITIVE ADULT,HIV POSITIVE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED ADULT,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED ALL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE TARGET YIELD ACHIEVED COMMENTS, NEW CARE CHILDREN,NEW CARE ADULT,NEW CARE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE ADULT,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE ALL,PERCENTAGE HIV POSITIVE ENROLLED ON CARE COMMENTS,NEW ART TARGET CHILDREN,NEW ART TARGET ADULT,NEW ART TARGET TOTAL,STARTED ART CHILDREN,STARTED ART ADULT,STARTED ART TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART ALL,PERCENTAGE OF TARGET STARTED ON ART COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD TARGET CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD TARGET ADULT,VIRAL LOAD TARGET TOTAL,VIRAL LOAD DONE CHILDREN,VIRAL LOAD DONE ADULT,VIRAL LOAD DONE TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE OF VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,IPT TARGET CHILDREN,IPT TARGET ADULT,IPT TARGET TOTAL,IPT CHILDREN,IPT ADULT,IPT TOTAL,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET CHILDREN,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET ADULT,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE OF IPT DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE TARGET,PMTCT HIV POSITIVE ,PERCENTAGE PMTCT HIV POSITIVE YIELD ACHIEVED AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE PMTCT HIV POSITIVE YIELD ACHIEVED AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,EID TARGET,EID DONE,PERCENTAGE EID DONE AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE EID DONE AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS TARGET,VIRAL LOAD MOTHERS DONE,PERCENTAGE VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE FOR MOTHERS AGAINST TARGET ALL,PERCENTAGE VIRAL LOAD TESTS DONE FOR MOTHERS AGAINST TARGET COMMENTS,REPORTING RATE" .split(","); // // Row rw0 = rawdata.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int d = 0; d < headername.length; d++) { Cell ce = rw0.createCell(d); ce.setCellValue(headername[d]); } dbConnweb conn = new dbConnweb();"SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 209715200"); ="SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet' "); if ( { System.out.println("Generating report | Max_allowed_connection_" +; } String where = " (enddate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "') " + countywhere + " and like '%_weekly%' "; String where1 = " (enddate between '" + startdate + "' and '" + enddate + "') and like '%_weekly%' "; String period = "52"; String yr = enddate.substring(0, 4); String tar[] = enddate.split("-"); int mwaka = new Integer(yr); if (new Integer(tar[1]) >= 10 && new Integer(tar[1]) <= 12) { mwaka = mwaka + 1; } //get data in report form and add into the various json macros. //String query="select facilityname,startdate,enddate, hiv_pos_target_child,hiv_pos_target_adult,hiv_pos_target_total ,hiv_pos_child as hiv_pos_child , hiv_pos_adult as hiv_pos_adult ,hiv_pos_total as hiv_pos_total ,new_care_child as new_care_child ,new_care_adult as new_care_adult ,new_care_total as new_care_total , new_art_target_child ,new_art_target_adult ,new_art_target_total ,started_art_child as started_art_child, started_art_adult as started_art_adult ,started_art_total as started_art_total ,viral_load_target_child ,viral_load_target_adult ,viral_load_target_total ,viral_load_done_child as viral_load_done_child ,viral_load_done_adult as viral_load_done_adult ,viral_load_done_total as viral_load_done_total ,ipt_target_child ,ipt_target_adult ,ipt_target_total ,ipt_child as ipt_child ,ipt_adult as ipt_adult ,ipt_total as ipt_total ,testing_target_child ,testing_target_adult ,testing_target_total ,test_child as test_child ,test_adult as test_adult ,test_total as test_total , pmtct_hiv_pos_target,pmtct_hiv_pos as pmtct_hiv_pos, eid_target , eid_done as eid_done, viral_load_mothers_target, viral_load_mothers_done as viral_load_mothers_done from weekly_data_new join facility on weekly_data_new.facilityname=facility.facility_name "; String query = " select facility.county,facility.subcounty,cur.facilityname,cur.startdate,cur.enddate,case when ROUND(targets.testing_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.testing_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as testing_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.testing_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.testing_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as testing_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.testing_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.testing_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as testing_target_total,cur.test_child,cur.test_adult,cur.test_total,cur.tested_perc_child,cur.tested_perc_adult,cur.tested_perc_all,cur.tested_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as hiv_pos_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as hiv_pos_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.hiv_pos_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as hiv_pos_target_total,cur.hiv_pos_child,cur.hiv_pos_adult,cur.hiv_pos_total,cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_child,cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult,cur.hiv_pos_yield_perc_all,cur.hiv_pos_yield_cmts,cur.new_care_child,cur.new_care_adult,cur.new_care_total,cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_child,cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_adult,cur.hiv_pos_care_perc_all,cur.hiv_pos_care_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.new_art_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.new_art_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as new_art_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.new_art_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.new_art_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as new_art_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.new_art_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.new_art_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as new_art_target_total,cur.started_art_child,cur.started_art_adult,cur.started_art_total,cur.started_art_perc_child,cur.started_art_perc_adult,cur.started_art_perc_all,cur.started_art_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_target_total,cur.viral_load_done_child,cur.viral_load_done_adult,cur.viral_load_done_total,cur.viral_test_perc_child,cur.viral_test_perc_adult,cur.viral_test_perc_all,cur.viral_test_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.ipt_target_child/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.ipt_target_child/" + period + ") else 1 end as ipt_target_child,case when ROUND(targets.ipt_target_adult/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.ipt_target_adult/" + period + ") else 1 end as ipt_target_adult,case when ROUND(targets.ipt_target_total/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.ipt_target_total/" + period + ") else 1 end as ipt_target_total,cur.ipt_child,cur.ipt_adult,cur.ipt_total,cur.ipt_done_perc_child,cur.ipt_done_perc_adult,cur.ipt_done_perc_all,cur.ipt_done_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.pmtct_hiv_pos_target/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.pmtct_hiv_pos_target/" + period + ") else 1 end as pmtct_hiv_pos_target,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_perc,cur.pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.eid_target/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.eid_target/" + period + ") else 1 end as eid_target,cur.eid_done,cur.eid_done_perc,cur.eid_done_cmts,case when ROUND(targets.viral_load_mothers_target/" + period + ") >0 then ROUND(targets.viral_load_mothers_target/" + period + ") else 1 end as viral_load_mothers_target,cur.viral_load_mothers_done,cur.viral_load_mothers_perc,cur.viral_load_mothers_cmts from weekly_data_new cur join (facility join targets on (facility.mflcode=targets.facility and targets.year='" + mwaka + "' ) ) on cur.facilityname=facility.facility_name where " + where + " " + " group by "; System.out.println("" + query); try { =; String facilname = ""; String facilnamecopy = ""; String id = ""; //percentages String viral_load_mothers_perc = null; String eid_done_perc = null; String pmtct_hiv_pos_perc = null; //new percenatages String hiv_pos_yield_perc_child = null; String hiv_pos_yield_perc_adult = null; String hiv_pos_yield_perc_all = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_child = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_adult = null; String hiv_pos_care_perc_all = null; String started_art_perc_child = null; String started_art_perc_adult = null; String started_art_perc_all = null; String viral_test_perc_child = null; String viral_test_perc_adult = null; String viral_test_perc_all = null; String ipt_done_perc_child = null; String ipt_done_perc_adult = null; String ipt_done_perc_all = null; String tested_perc_child = null; String tested_perc_adult = null; String tested_perc_all = null; //comments String viral_load_mothers_cmts = null; String eid_done_cmts = null; String pmtct_hiv_pos_cmts = null; String hiv_pos_yield_cmts = null; String hiv_pos_care_cmts = null; String started_art_cmts = null; String viral_test_cmts = null; String ipt_done_cmts = null; String tested_cmts = null; Row rwx = null; int rowno = 0; while ( { rowno++; rwx = rawdata.createRow(rowno); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //do a per facility //System.out.println("___FACILITY : ""facilityname")+" => hiv_pos_total ""hiv_pos_total")); for (int a = 1; a <= header.length; a++) { System.out.print(header[a - 1] + " _ " +; Cell ce = rwx.createCell(a - 1); if (a > 5 && a <= 73) { if (header[a - 1].contains("cmts")) { ce.setCellValue(; } else if (header[a - 1].contains("_perc")) { ce.setCellValue(; System.out.println("__Percent"); } else { ce.setCellValue(; } } else { ce.setCellValue(; } } //reporting rate int reportingrate = 0; String getrates = "select ROUND(((count(facilityname))/(" + weeks + ")*100)) as count from weekly_data_new where facilityname like '" +"facilityname") + "' and " + where1 + " "; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getrates); if ( { reportingrate = conn.rs1.getInt(1); } Cell ce = rwx.createCell(header.length); ce.setCellValue(reportingrate); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st1 != null) { conn.st1.close(); } if (conn.conne != null) { conn.conne.close(); } Date dat = new Date(); String dat1 = dat.toString().replace(" ", "_"); // write it as an excel attachment ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=MOIS_Weekly_Report_From" + startdate.replace(" ", "-") + "_To_" + enddate.replace(" ", "_") + ".xlsm"); response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "fileDownload=true; path=/"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); pkg.close(); wb.dispose(); // response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); File file = new File(pathtodelete); if (file.delete()) { System.out.println(file.getName() + " is deleted!"); } else { System.out.println("Delete operation is failed."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (InvalidFormatException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(excelreport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
License:Apache License
private static void addMetaSheet(SXSSFWorkbook workbook) { SXSSFSheet instructionSheet = (SXSSFSheet) workbook.createSheet("Instrunction"); SXSSFSheet sheet = (SXSSFSheet) workbook.getSheet("Other"); ExcelUtil.copySheets(instructionSheet, sheet); }
From source
License:Apache License
public void prepareNextOutputFile() throws KettleException { try {/* ww w. j ava 2 s . c om*/ // sheet name shouldn't exceed 31 character if (data.realSheetname != null && data.realSheetname.length() > 31) { throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExcelWriterStep.Exception.MaxSheetName", data.realSheetname)); } // clear style cache int numOfFields = meta.getOutputFields() != null && meta.getOutputFields().length > 0 ? meta.getOutputFields().length : 0; if (numOfFields == 0) { numOfFields = data.inputRowMeta != null ? data.inputRowMeta.size() : 0; } data.clearStyleCache(numOfFields); // build new filename String buildFilename = buildFilename(data.splitnr); data.file = KettleVFS.getFileObject(buildFilename, getTransMeta()); if (log.isDebug()) { logDebug(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExcelWriterStep.Log.OpeningFile", buildFilename)); } // determine whether existing file must be deleted if (data.file.exists() && data.createNewFile) { if (!data.file.delete()) { if (log.isBasic()) { logBasic(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExcelWriterStep.Log.CouldNotDeleteStaleFile", buildFilename)); } setErrors(1); throw new KettleException("Could not delete stale file " + buildFilename); } } // adding filename to result if (meta.isAddToResultFiles()) { // Add this to the result file names... ResultFile resultFile = new ResultFile(ResultFile.FILE_TYPE_GENERAL, data.file, getTransMeta().getName(), getStepname()); resultFile .setComment("This file was created with an Excel writer step by Pentaho Data Integration"); addResultFile(resultFile); } boolean appendingToSheet = true; // if now no file exists we must create it as indicated by user if (!data.file.exists()) { // if template file is enabled if (meta.isTemplateEnabled()) { // handle template case (must have same format) // ensure extensions match String templateExt = KettleVFS.getFileObject(data.realTemplateFileName).getName() .getExtension(); if (!meta.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase(templateExt)) { throw new KettleException("Template Format Mismatch: Template has extension: " + templateExt + ", but output file has extension: " + meta.getExtension() + ". Template and output file must share the same format!"); } if (KettleVFS.getFileObject(data.realTemplateFileName).exists()) { // if the template exists just copy the template in place copyFile(KettleVFS.getFileObject(data.realTemplateFileName, getTransMeta()), data.file); } else { // template is missing, log it and get out if (log.isBasic()) { logBasic(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExcelWriterStep.Log.TemplateMissing", data.realTemplateFileName)); } setErrors(1); throw new KettleException("Template file missing: " + data.realTemplateFileName); } } else { // handle fresh file case, just create a fresh workbook Workbook wb = meta.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase("xlsx") ? new XSSFWorkbook() : new HSSFWorkbook(); BufferedOutputStreamWithCloseDetection out = new BufferedOutputStreamWithCloseDetection( KettleVFS.getOutputStream(data.file, false)); wb.createSheet(data.realSheetname); wb.write(out); out.close(); wb.close(); } appendingToSheet = false; } // file is guaranteed to be in place now if (meta.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase("xlsx")) { XSSFWorkbook xssfWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(KettleVFS.getInputStream(data.file)); if (meta.isStreamingData() && !meta.isTemplateEnabled()) { data.wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(xssfWorkbook, 100); } else { //Initialize it later after writing header/template because SXSSFWorkbook can't read/rewrite existing data, // only append. data.wb = xssfWorkbook; } } else { data.wb = new HSSFWorkbook(KettleVFS.getInputStream(data.file)); } int existingActiveSheetIndex = data.wb.getActiveSheetIndex(); int replacingSheetAt = -1; if (data.wb.getSheet(data.realSheetname) != null) { // sheet exists, replace or reuse as indicated by user if (data.createNewSheet) { replacingSheetAt = data.wb.getSheetIndex(data.wb.getSheet(data.realSheetname)); data.wb.removeSheetAt(replacingSheetAt); } } // if sheet is now missing, we need to create a new one if (data.wb.getSheet(data.realSheetname) == null) { if (meta.isTemplateSheetEnabled()) { Sheet ts = data.wb.getSheet(data.realTemplateSheetName); // if template sheet is missing, break if (ts == null) { throw new KettleException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExcelWriterStep.Exception.TemplateNotFound", data.realTemplateSheetName)); } data.sheet = data.wb.cloneSheet(data.wb.getSheetIndex(ts)); data.wb.setSheetName(data.wb.getSheetIndex(data.sheet), data.realSheetname); // unhide sheet in case it was hidden data.wb.setSheetHidden(data.wb.getSheetIndex(data.sheet), false); if (meta.isTemplateSheetHidden()) { data.wb.setSheetHidden(data.wb.getSheetIndex(ts), true); } } else { // no template to use, simply create a new sheet data.sheet = data.wb.createSheet(data.realSheetname); } if (replacingSheetAt > -1) { data.wb.setSheetOrder(data.sheet.getSheetName(), replacingSheetAt); } // preserves active sheet selection in workbook data.wb.setActiveSheet(existingActiveSheetIndex); data.wb.setSelectedTab(existingActiveSheetIndex); appendingToSheet = false; } else { // sheet is there and should be reused data.sheet = data.wb.getSheet(data.realSheetname); } // if use chose to make the current sheet active, do so if (meta.isMakeSheetActive()) { int sheetIndex = data.wb.getSheetIndex(data.sheet); data.wb.setActiveSheet(sheetIndex); data.wb.setSelectedTab(sheetIndex); } // handle write protection if (meta.isSheetProtected()) { protectSheet(data.sheet, data.realPassword); } // starting cell support data.startingRow = 0; data.startingCol = 0; if (!Utils.isEmpty(data.realStartingCell)) { CellReference cellRef = new CellReference(data.realStartingCell); data.startingRow = cellRef.getRow(); data.startingCol = cellRef.getCol(); } data.posX = data.startingCol; data.posY = data.startingRow; // Find last row and append accordingly if (!data.createNewSheet && meta.isAppendLines() && appendingToSheet) { data.posY = 0; if (data.sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0) { data.posY = data.sheet.getLastRowNum(); data.posY++; } } // offset by configured value // Find last row and append accordingly if (!data.createNewSheet && meta.getAppendOffset() != 0 && appendingToSheet) { data.posY += meta.getAppendOffset(); } // may have to write a few empty lines if (!data.createNewSheet && meta.getAppendEmpty() > 0 && appendingToSheet) { for (int i = 0; i < meta.getAppendEmpty(); i++) { openLine(); if (!data.shiftExistingCells || meta.isAppendLines()) { data.posY++; } } } // may have to write a header here if (meta.isHeaderEnabled() && !(!data.createNewSheet && meta.isAppendOmitHeader() && appendingToSheet)) { writeHeader(); } if (meta.isStreamingData() && meta.isTemplateEnabled()) { Sheet templateSheet = ((XSSFWorkbook) data.wb).getSheet(data.realSheetname); int currentRowNum = templateSheet.getLastRowNum(); SXSSFWorkbook sxssfWorkbook = new SXSSFWorkbook((XSSFWorkbook) data.wb, 100); Sheet aNewSheet = sxssfWorkbook.getSheet(data.realSheetname); int aNewSheetRowCount = aNewSheet.getLastRowNum(); while (currentRowNum > aNewSheetRowCount) { templateSheet.removeRow(templateSheet.getRow(currentRowNum)); currentRowNum--; } data.wb = sxssfWorkbook; data.sheet = sxssfWorkbook.getSheet(data.realSheetname); } if (log.isDebug()) { logDebug(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExcelWriterStep.Log.FileOpened", buildFilename)); } // this is the number of the new output file data.splitnr++; } catch (Exception e) { logError("Error opening new file", e); setErrors(1); throw new KettleException(e); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, InvalidFormatException { session = request.getSession();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ dbConn conn = new dbConn(); position = 1; String reportHeader[] = ("COUNTY NAME ,PARTNER NAME,DISTRICT NAME, DIC NAME, GROUP NAME,CLIENT FULL NAME ," + " CCC NO. , MOBILE NUMBER , GENDER , DATE OF BIRTH , MARITAL STATUS , EMPLOYMENT STATUS ," + "EDUCATION LEVEL , ART STATUS , SERVICE PROVIDER NAME , HEALTH FACILITY, LESSONS ATTENDED,AGE BRACKET, Knowledge of HIV Status," + "Partner HIV Testing,Child HIV Testing,Discordance,HIV Disclosure,Risk Factor/Reduction,Condom Use," + "Alcohol and Substance Abuse,Adherence,STIs,Family Planning,PMTCT,TB").split(","); // COPY FILE TO BE WRITTEN TO Path original = Paths.get(getServletContext().getRealPath("/NOT_ACHIEVED_TEMPLATE.xlsm")); //original file Path destination = Paths.get(getServletContext().getRealPath("/NOT_ACHIEVED_TEMPLATE_1.xlsm")); //new file System.out.println("origin : " + original + " destination : " + destination); try { Files.copy(original, destination, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); System.out.println("file copied----------------"); } catch (IOException x) { //catch all for IO problems System.out.println("fine not copied"); } String allpath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/NOT_ACHIEVED_TEMPLATE_1.xlsm"); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^CREATE STATIC AND WRITE STATIC DATA TO THE EXCELL^^^^^^^^^^^^ XSSFWorkbook wb1; OPCPackage pkg =; wb1 = new XSSFWorkbook(pkg); SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(wb1, 100); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^CREATE STATIC AND WRITE STATIC DATA TO THE EXCELL^^^^^^^^^^^^ // HSSFWorkbook wb=new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet shet1 = wb.getSheet("Sheet1"); Font font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Arial Black"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); Font font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Arial Black"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); CellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); for (int i = 0; i <= reportHeader.length; i++) { shet1.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); } CellStyle styleBorder = wb.createCellStyle(); styleBorder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); CellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.LIME.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); Font fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); Cell cell; Row rw0 = shet1.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); rw0.setRowStyle(style2); for (int i = 0; i <= (reportHeader.length - 1); i++) { cell = rw0.createCell(i); cell.setCellValue(reportHeader[i]); cell.setCellStyle(stylex); } String getClients = "SELECT county.county_name,partner.partner_name,district.district_name,dic.dic_name," + "groups.group_name,personal_information.fname,personal_information.mname,personal_information.lname," + "personal_information.ccc_no,personal_information.mobile_no, personal_information.gender," + "personal_information.dob,,,," + "," + "service_provider.fname,service_provider.mname,service_provider.lname,health_facility.hf_name, " + "personal_information.lessons_attended," + "CASE" + " WHEN (DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ) , '%Y' ) - DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, '%Y' )-( DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ),'YYYY-%mm-%dd' )< DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, 'YYYY-%mm-%dd' ) )) BETWEEN 0 AND 9 THEN '0-9'" + " WHEN (DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ) , '%Y' ) - DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, '%Y' )-( DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ),'YYYY-%mm-%dd' )< DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, 'YYYY-%mm-%dd' ) )) BETWEEN 10 AND 14 THEN '10-14'" + " WHEN (DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ) , '%Y' ) - DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, '%Y' )-( DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ),'YYYY-%mm-%dd' )< DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, 'YYYY-%mm-%dd' ) )) BETWEEN 15 AND 19 THEN '15-19'" + " WHEN (DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ) , '%Y' ) - DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, '%Y' )-( DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ),'YYYY-%mm-%dd' )< DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, 'YYYY-%mm-%dd' ) )) BETWEEN 20 AND 24 THEN '20-24'" + " WHEN (DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ) , '%Y' ) - DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, '%Y' )-( DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ),'YYYY-%mm-%dd' )< DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, 'YYYY-%mm-%dd' ) )) BETWEEN 25 AND 49 THEN '25-49'" + " WHEN (DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ) , '%Y' ) - DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, '%Y' )-( DATE_FORMAT( NOW( ),'YYYY-%mm-%dd' )< DATE_FORMAT( personal_information.dob, 'YYYY-%mm-%dd' ) )) >49 THEN '50 and above'" + " ELSE 'NO DATE OF BIRTH'" + " END AS AGEBRACKET," + "CASE " + "when personal_information.gender LIKE 'Female' THEN 'F' " + "when personal_information.gender LIKE 'Male' THEN 'M' " + "ELSE 'NO SEX' " + "END AS SEX,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13 " + " FROM personal_information " + " LEFT JOIN groups ON personal_information.group_id=groups.group_id " + " LEFT JOIN dic ON personal_information.dic_id=dic.dic_id " + " LEFT JOIN service_provider ON personal_information.provider_id=service_provider.provider_id " + " LEFT JOIN health_facility ON personal_information.hf_id=health_facility.hf_id " + " LEFT JOIN district ON personal_information.district_id=district.district_id " + " LEFT JOIN marital_status ON " + " LEFT JOIN employment_status ON " + " LEFT JOIN education_levels ON " + " LEFT JOIN art_status ON " + " LEFT JOIN register ON personal_information.client_id=register.client_id " + " LEFT JOIN partner ON personal_information.partner_id=partner.partner_id " + " LEFT JOIN county ON district.county_id=county.county_id " + " WHERE (personal_information.completionmonth=0 || personal_information.completionyear=0) " + " ORDER BY partner.partner_name,county.county_name,district.district_name,dic.dic_name," + "groups.group_name"; System.out.println("query is : " + getClients); =; while ( { // ADD THE DATA TO EXCEL HERE groupName = DICName = districtName = partnerName = countyName = agebracket = lessons_attended = year = ""; clientFname = clientMname = clientLname = ccc_no = mobile_no = gender = dob = marital_status = ""; location = employment_status = education_level = under_18 = ovc_children = hiv_year = art_status = ""; registration_date = approved_by = designation = approval_date = ""; SPFname = SPMname = SPLname = SPFullName = healthFacility = ""; s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = s5 = s6 = s7 = s8 = s9 = s10 = s11 = s12 = s13 = ""; if ( != null) { countyName =; } if ( != null) { partnerName =; } if ( != null) { districtName =; } if ( != null) { DICName =; } else { DICName = "NO DIC"; } if ( != null) { groupName =; } else { groupName = "Individual"; } if ( != null) { clientFname =; } if ( != null) { clientMname =; } if ( != null) { clientLname =; } if ( != null) { ccc_no =; } if ( != null) { mobile_no =; } if ( != null) { gender =; } if ( != null) { dob =; } if ( != null) { marital_status =; } if ( != null) { employment_status =; } if ( != null) { education_level =; } if ( != null) { art_status =; } if ( != null) { SPFname =; } if ( != null) { SPMname =; } if ( != null) { SPLname =; } if ( != null) { healthFacility =; } if ( != null) { lessons_attended =; } if ( != null) { agebracket =; } if ( != null) { gender =; } if ( != null) { s1 =; } if ( != null) { s2 =; } if ( != null) { s3 =; } if ( != null) { s4 =; } if ( != null) { s5 =; } if ( != null) { s6 =; } if ( != null) { s7 =; } if ( != null) { s8 =; } if ( != null) { s9 =; } if ( != null) { s10 =; } if ( != null) { s11 =; } if ( != null) { s12 =; } if ( != null) { s13 =; } if (s1.equals("5")) { s1 = ""; } if (s1.equals("2")) { s1 = "0"; } if (s2.equals("5")) { s2 = ""; } if (s2.equals("2")) { s2 = "0"; } if (s3.equals("5")) { s3 = ""; } if (s3.equals("2")) { s3 = "0"; } if (s4.equals("5")) { s4 = ""; } if (s4.equals("2")) { s4 = "0"; } if (s5.equals("5")) { s5 = ""; } if (s5.equals("2")) { s5 = "0"; } if (s6.equals("5")) { s6 = ""; } if (s6.equals("2")) { s6 = "0"; } if (s7.equals("5")) { s7 = ""; } if (s7.equals("2")) { s7 = "0"; } if (s8.equals("5")) { s8 = ""; } if (s8.equals("2")) { s8 = "0"; } if (s9.equals("5")) { s9 = ""; } if (s9.equals("2")) { s9 = "0"; } if (s10.equals("5")) { s10 = ""; } if (s10.equals("2")) { s10 = "0"; } if (s11.equals("5")) { s11 = ""; } if (s11.equals("2")) { s11 = "0"; } if (s12.equals("5")) { s12 = ""; } if (s12.equals("2")) { s12 = "0"; } if (s13.equals("5")) { s13 = ""; } if (s13.equals("2")) { s13 = "0"; } if (clientMname.equals(clientLname)) { clientMname = ""; } if (SPMname.equals(SPLname)) { SPMname = ""; } SPFullName = SPFname + " " + SPMname + " " + SPLname; clientFullName = clientFname + " " + clientMname + " " + clientLname; String rawData[] = (countyName + "," + partnerName + "," + districtName + "," + DICName + "," + groupName + "," + clientFullName + "," + ccc_no + "," + mobile_no + "," + gender + "," + dob + "," + marital_status + "," + employment_status + "," + education_level + "," + art_status + "," + SPFullName + "," + healthFacility + "," + lessons_attended + "," + agebracket + "," + s1 + "," + s2 + "," + s3 + "," + s4 + "," + s5 + "," + s6 + "," + s7 + "," + s8 + "," + s9 + "," + s10 + "," + s11 + "," + s12 + "," + s13).split(","); Row rw1 = shet1.createRow(position); rw1.setHeightInPoints(25); rw1.setRowStyle(style2); for (int i = 0; i <= (reportHeader.length - 1); i++) { cell = rw1.createCell(i); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorder); } for (int i = 0; i <= (rawData.length - 1); i++) { cell = rw1.getCell(i); cell.setCellValue(rawData[i]); } position++; System.out.println("at position : " + position); } IdGenerator CRT = new IdGenerator(); ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=PWP_CLIENTS_NOT_REACHED_REPORT_CREATED_ON_" + CRT.timestamp() + ".xlsm"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); pkg.close(); }