Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetName

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetName.


String getSheetName(int sheet);

Source Link


Get the sheet name


From source file:org.dbunit.dataset.excel.MyXlsDataSet.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a new XlsDataSet object that loads the specified Excel document.
 *//* w ww  .  ja v a 2 s . c o  m*/
public MyXlsDataSet(InputStream in) throws IOException, DataSetException {
    _tables = super.createTableNameMap();

    Workbook workbook;
    try {
        workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(in);
    } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

    int sheetCount = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();
    for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) {
        ITable table = new MyXlsTable(workbook.getSheetName(i), workbook.getSheetAt(i));
        _tables.add(table.getTableMetaData().getTableName(), table);

From source file:org.dbunit.dataset.excel.XlsDataSet.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a new XlsDataSet object that loads the specified Excel document.
 *//* w w  w.ja  v a2  s  .  c  o  m*/
public XlsDataSet(InputStream in) throws IOException, DataSetException {
    _tables = super.createTableNameMap();

    Workbook workbook;
    try {
        workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(in);
    } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

    int sheetCount = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();
    for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++) {
        ITable table = new XlsTable(workbook.getSheetName(i), workbook.getSheetAt(i));
        _tables.add(table.getTableMetaData().getTableName(), table);

From source file:org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.transfer.EMFFormsSpreadsheetImporterImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a Map from EObject-ID to Sheet-ID to Row-ID.
 *//*from   w  ww . jav a 2  s.c  om*/
private Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> parseIds(Workbook workbook, SpreadsheetImportResult errorReports) {
    final Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<Integer, Integer>>();

    for (int sheetId = 0; sheetId < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetId++) {
        final Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetId);
        final Row labelRow = sheet.getRow(0);
        if (labelRow == null) {
                            LocalizationServiceHelper.getString(getClass(), "ImportError_SheetEmpty"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    ErrorFactory.eINSTANCE.createSheetLocation(workbook.getSheetName(sheetId), 0, 0,
                            "NO CELL")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        final Cell idColumnLabelCell = labelRow.getCell(0, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
        final Comment cellComment = idColumnLabelCell.getCellComment();
        if (cellComment != null && cellComment.getString() != null
                && IGNORE_SHEET.equals(cellComment.getString().getString())) {
        final String idColumnLabel = getStringCellValue(idColumnLabelCell);
        if (!EMFFormsIdProvider.ID_COLUMN.equals(idColumnLabel)) {
            /* ID Column is missing. We have to ignore this sheet */
                            LocalizationServiceHelper.getString(getClass(), "ImportError_FirstColumnWrong"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                            EMFFormsIdProvider.ID_COLUMN, idColumnLabel),
                    ErrorFactory.eINSTANCE.createSheetLocation(workbook.getSheetName(sheetId), 0, 0,
                            "NO CELL")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        for (int rowId = 3; rowId <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); rowId++) {
            final Row row = sheet.getRow(rowId);
            if (row == null) {
                        LocalizationServiceHelper.getString(getClass(), "ImportError_EmptyRow"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        ErrorFactory.eINSTANCE.createSheetLocation(workbook.getSheetName(sheetId), 0, rowId,
            final String eObjectId = getStringCellValue(row.getCell(0, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK));
            if (eObjectId == null || eObjectId.isEmpty()) {
                /* EObject id deleted */
                        LocalizationServiceHelper.getString(getClass(), "ImportError_NoEObjectID"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        ErrorFactory.eINSTANCE.createSheetLocation(workbook.getSheetName(sheetId), 0, rowId,
            if (!result.containsKey(eObjectId)) {
                result.put(eObjectId, new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>());
            // each sheetid should only be mapped once to each eobjectid
            if (result.get(eObjectId).containsKey(sheetId)) {
                /* duplicate EObject ID */
                        LocalizationServiceHelper.getString(getClass(), "ImportError_DuplicateEObjectID"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        ErrorFactory.eINSTANCE.createSheetLocation(workbook.getSheetName(sheetId), 0, rowId,
            result.get(eObjectId).put(sheetId, rowId);
    return result;

From source file:org.joeffice.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetComponent.java

License:Apache License

public void load(Workbook workbook) {
    this.workbook = workbook;
    int numberOfSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSheets; i++) {
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);
        String sheetName = workbook.getSheetName(i);
        JPanel sheetPanel = new SheetComponent(sheet, this);
        addTab(sheetName, sheetPanel);/* w ww  .  j ava2  s  .co m*/
    formulaEvaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

From source file:org.jplus.compare.excel.service.CompareService.java

public static List<String> getSheetNames(String excelPath) {
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    try {//from  w w  w  .java2s. c o m
        File file = new File(excelPath);
        inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
        Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
        int numberOfSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSheets; i++) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(CompareService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(CompareService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return names;

From source file:org.mifos.dmt.excel.CreateExcel.java

License:Open Source License

public Workbook generate(String baseTemplate, DMTMigrationParams params)
        throws InvalidFormatException, IOException, DMTException {
    InputStream inp = new FileInputStream(baseTemplate);

    Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inp);
    ArrayList<String> sheetSpec = readSheetSpec(params);
    for (int i = wb.getNumberOfSheets(); i > 0; i--) {
        String sheetName = wb.getSheetName(i - 1);
        if (sheetSpec.contains(sheetName)) {
            wb.removeSheetAt(i - 1);/*from   w ww  . j  a v a 2  s .  c o m*/
        } else {
            logger.info("Adding sheet : " + sheetName);

    Sheet configSheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);

    return wb;

From source file:org.opencrx.kernel.portal.wizard.ImportPropertiesFromXlsController.java

License:BSD License

 * OK action./*from w ww .  j  a  v  a 2  s  . c  o  m*/
 * @throws ServiceException
public void doOK() throws ServiceException {
    PersistenceManager pm = this.getPm();
    ApplicationContext app = this.getApp();
    if (!this.hasPermission) {
        this.errorMessage = "no permission to run this wizard";
    } else {
        String location = app.getTempFileName(UPLOAD_FILE_FIELD_NAME, "");
        try {
            if (new File(location + ".INFO").exists() && new File(location).exists()
                    && (new File(location).length() > 0)) {
                String contentMimeType = null;
                String contentName = null;
                try {
                    // mimeType and name
                    BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(location + ".INFO"));
                    contentMimeType = r.readLine();
                    contentName = r.readLine();
                    new File(location + ".INFO").delete();
                } catch (Exception ignore) {
                if ((contentName != null) && !contentName.isEmpty() && (contentMimeType != null)
                        && !contentMimeType.isEmpty()) {
                    // the calling object determines which columns are optional/required in the spreadsheet
                    ProductConfigurationTypeSet productConfigurationTypeSet = null;
                    ProductConfigurationType productConfigurationType = null;
                    PropertySet propertySet = null;
                    CrxObject crxObject = null;
                    String callerName = null;
                    String callerParentName = null;
                    ImportTarget importTarget = ImportTarget.NA;
                    // case 1:
                    // required: Property_name
                    //           ProductConfigurationTypeSet_name
                    //           ProductConfigurationType_name
                    if (this.getObject() instanceof org.opencrx.kernel.product1.jmi1.Segment) {
                        importTarget = ImportTarget.ProductSegment;
                    // case 2:
                    // required: Property_name
                    //           ProductConfigurationType_name
                    // optional: ProductConfigurationTypeSet_name (if provided, then only Properties of matching ProductConfigurationTypeSets are considered)
                    else if (this.getObject() instanceof ProductConfigurationTypeSet) {
                        importTarget = ImportTarget.ProductConfigurationTypeSet;
                        productConfigurationTypeSet = (ProductConfigurationTypeSet) this.getObject();
                        callerName = ((ProductConfigurationTypeSet) this.getObject()).getName();
                    // case 3:
                    // required: Property_name
                    // optional: ProductConfigurationTypeSet_name (if provided, then only Properties of matching ProductConfigurationTypeSets are considered)
                    //           ProductConfigurationType_name (if provided, then only Properties of matching ProductConfigurationTypes are considered)
                    else if (this.getObject() instanceof ProductConfigurationType) {
                        importTarget = ImportTarget.ProductConfigurationType;
                        productConfigurationType = (ProductConfigurationType) this.getObject();
                        callerName = ((ProductConfigurationType) this.getObject()).getName();
                        RefObject_1_0 parentObj = (RefObject_1_0) pm
                        if (parentObj instanceof ProductConfigurationTypeSet) {
                            callerParentName = ((ProductConfigurationTypeSet) parentObj).getName();
                    // case 4:
                    // required: Property_name
                    // optional: PropertySet_name (if provided, then only Properties of matching PropertySets are considered)
                    else if (this.getObject() instanceof PropertySet) {
                        importTarget = ImportTarget.PropertySet;
                        propertySet = (PropertySet) this.getObject();
                        callerName = propertySet.getName();
                    // case 5:
                    // required: PropertySet_name
                    //           Property_name
                    else if (this.getObject() instanceof CrxObject) {
                        importTarget = ImportTarget.CrxObject;
                        crxObject = (CrxObject) this.getObject();
                    // Get product segment
                    org.opencrx.kernel.product1.jmi1.Segment productSegment = Products.getInstance()
                            .getProductSegment(pm, this.getProviderName(), this.getSegmentName());
                    int idxProperty_dtype = -1;
                    int idxProperty_name = -1;
                    int idxProperty_description = -1;
                    int idxProperty_value = -1;
                    int idxPropertySet_name = -1;
                    int idxPropertySet_description = -1;
                    int idxProductConfigurationTypeSet_name = -1;
                    int idxProductConfigurationTypeSet_description = -1;
                    int idxProductConfigurationType_name = -1;
                    int idxProductConfigurationType_description = -1;

                    // verify whether File exists
                    // Read workbook
                    Workbook wb = null;
                    try {
                        wb = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(location));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.errorMessage = e.getMessage();
                    if (wb != null) {
                        //for (int i = 0; i < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) {
                        // read first sheet only!!!
                        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
                            Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(i);
                            int linesRead = 0;
                            int propertiesUpdated = 0;
                            this.importReport += "";
                            Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();
                            int nRow = 0;
                            int maxCell = 0;
                            HSSFRow row = null;
                            Map<String, String> attributeMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
                            if (rows.hasNext()) {
                                nRow += 1;
                                // read first row with attribute names
                                this.importReport += "<tr class='gridTableHeaderFull'>";
                                this.importReport += "<td>#</td>";
                                row = (HSSFRow) rows.next();
                                Iterator<Cell> cells = row.cellIterator();
                                int nCell = 0;
                                while (cells.hasNext()) {
                                    HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell) cells.next();
                                    nCell = cell.getColumnIndex();
                                    if (nCell > maxCell) {
                                        maxCell = nCell;
                                    try {
                                        if ((cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING)
                                                && (cell.getStringCellValue() != null)) {
                                            boolean isSearchAttribute = false;
                                            String cellValue = (cell.getStringCellValue().trim());
                                            attributeMap.put(DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nCell), cellValue);
                                            // get idx of select attributes
                                            if (ATTR_PROPERTY_DTYPE.compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProperty_dtype = nCell;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PROPERTY_NAME.compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProperty_name = nCell;
                                                isSearchAttribute = true;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProperty_description = nCell;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PROPERTY_VALUE
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProperty_value = nCell;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PROPERTYSET_NAME
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxPropertySet_name = nCell;
                                                isSearchAttribute = true;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PROPERTYSET_DESCRIPTION
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxPropertySet_description = nCell;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PRODUCTCONFIGURATIONTYPESET_NAME
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProductConfigurationTypeSet_name = nCell;
                                                isSearchAttribute = true;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PRODUCTCONFIGURATIONTYPESET_DESCRIPTION
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProductConfigurationTypeSet_description = nCell;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PRODUCTCONFIGURATIONTYPE_NAME
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProductConfigurationType_name = nCell;
                                                isSearchAttribute = true;
                                            } else if (ATTR_PRODUCTCONFIGURATIONTYPE_DESCRIPTION
                                                    .compareToIgnoreCase(cellValue) == 0) {
                                                idxProductConfigurationType_description = nCell;
                                            this.importReport += "<td " + (isSearchAttribute
                                                    ? "class='searchAttr' title='attribute used for matching'"
                                                    : "") + ">" + cellValue + "</td>";
                                        } else {
                                            this.importReport += "<td class='err'>c"
                                                    + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nCell)
                                                    + "[not a string cell]<br>" + cell.getCellFormula()
                                                    + "</td>";
                                    } catch (Exception ec) {
                                        this.importReport += "<td class='err'>c"
                                                + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nCell) + " [UNKNOWN ERROR]<br>"
                                                + ec.getMessage() + "</td>";
                                this.importReport += "</tr>";
                            while (rows.hasNext()) {
                                nRow += 1;
                                linesRead += 1;
                                row = (HSSFRow) rows.next();
                                String propertyType = null;
                                String propertyName = null;
                                String propertyDescription = null;
                                HSSFCell propertyValue = null;
                                String propertySetName = null;
                                String propertySetDescription = null;
                                String productConfigurationTypeSetName = null;
                                String productConfigurationTypeSetDescription = null;
                                String productConfigurationTypeName = null;
                                String productConfigurationTypeDescription = null;
                                String cellId = null;
                                Map<String, Cell> valueMap = new TreeMap<String, Cell>(
                                String appendErrorRow = null;
                                this.importReport += "<tr class='gridTableRowFull'>";
                                this.importReport += "<td id='r" + nRow + "'><b>"
                                        + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nRow) + "</b></td>";
                                String jsBuffer = "";
                                try {
                                    Iterator<Cell> cells = row.cellIterator();
                                    int nCell = 0;
                                    int currentCell = 0;
                                    appendErrorRow = null;
                                    while (cells.hasNext()) {
                                        //HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)row.getCell((short)0);
                                        HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell) cells.next();
                                        nCell = cell.getColumnIndex();
                                        if (nCell > currentCell) {
                                            this.importReport += "<td colspan=\"" + (nCell - currentCell)
                                                    + "\" class=\"empty\">&nbsp;</td>";
                                        currentCell = nCell + 1;
                                        try {
                                            cellId = "id='r" + nRow
                                                    + (attributeMap.get(DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nCell)))
                                                    + "'";
                                            if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
                                                String cellValue = cell.getStringCellValue().trim();
                                                if (nCell == idxProperty_dtype) {
                                                    propertyType = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProperty_name) {
                                                    propertyName = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProperty_description) {
                                                    propertyDescription = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProperty_value) {
                                                    propertyValue = cell;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxPropertySet_name) {
                                                    propertySetName = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxPropertySet_description) {
                                                    propertySetDescription = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProductConfigurationTypeSet_name) {
                                                    productConfigurationTypeSetName = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProductConfigurationTypeSet_description) {
                                                    productConfigurationTypeSetDescription = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProductConfigurationType_name) {
                                                    productConfigurationTypeName = cellValue;
                                                } else if (nCell == idxProductConfigurationType_description) {
                                                    productConfigurationTypeDescription = cellValue;
                                                this.importReport += "<td " + cellId + ">" + (cellValue != null
                                                        ? (cellValue.replace("\r\n", EOL_HTML)).replace("\n",
                                                        : "") + "</td>";
                                            } else if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
                                                if (nCell == idxProperty_value) {
                                                    propertyValue = cell;
                                                BigDecimal cellValue = new BigDecimal(
                                                this.importReport += "<td " + cellId + ">" + cellValue
                                                        + "</td>";
                                            } else if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
                                                if (nCell == idxProperty_value) {
                                                    propertyValue = cell;
                                                boolean cellValue = cell.getBooleanCellValue();
                                                this.importReport += "<td " + cellId + ">"
                                                        + (cellValue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + "</td>";
                                            } else if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
                                                this.importReport += "<td " + cellId
                                                        + " class=\"empty\">&nbsp;</td>";
                                            } else {
                                                this.importReport += "<td class=\"err\">r"
                                                        + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nRow) + "-c"
                                                        + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nCell) + "[cell-type ("
                                                        + cell.getCellType() + ") not supported]<br>"
                                                        + cell.getCellFormula() + "</td>";
                                        } catch (Exception ec) {
                                            this.importReport += "<td class=\"err\">r"
                                                    + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nRow) + "-c"
                                                    + DECIMAL_FORMAT_0000.format(nCell) + " [UNKNOWN ERROR]<br>"
                                                    + cell.getCellFormula() + "</td>";
                                    if (nCell < maxCell) {
                                        this.importReport += "<td colspan=\"" + (maxCell - nCell)
                                                + "\" class=\"empty\"></td>";
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    this.importReport += "<td class='err' colspan=\"" + (maxCell + 2)
                                            + "\">ERROR in Attribute Row!</td>";
                                // process row
                                Property property = null;
                                if (this.isSupportedDtypeValue(propertyType, propertyValue)) {
                                    /* case 1 */
                                    if (importTarget == ImportTarget.ProductSegment && propertyName != null
                                            && !propertyName.isEmpty()
                                            && productConfigurationTypeSetName != null
                                            && !productConfigurationTypeSetName.isEmpty()
                                            && productConfigurationTypeName != null
                                            && !productConfigurationTypeName.isEmpty()) {
                                        jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow
                                                + "').title += 'Property Of ProductConfigurationTypeSet (called from Product Segment)';";
                                        if (propertySetName == null || propertySetName.isEmpty()) {
                                            property = this.createOrUpdatePropertyOfPropertySet(
                                                    productConfigurationType, productConfigurationTypeName,
                                                    productConfigurationTypeDescription, null, null, null, null,
                                                    propertyType, propertyName, propertyDescription,
                                                    propertyValue, productSegment, app);
                                            if (property != null) {
                                                        (org.opencrx.kernel.product1.jmi1.ProductConfigurationType) pm
                                                                .getObjectById(new Path(property.refMofId())
                                        } else {
                                            jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow + "').title += ' - verify data row';";
                                        /* case 2 */
                                    } else if (importTarget == ImportTarget.ProductConfigurationTypeSet
                                            && propertyName != null && !propertyName.isEmpty()
                                            && productConfigurationTypeName != null
                                            && !productConfigurationTypeName.isEmpty()) {
                                        jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow
                                                + "').title += 'Property Of ProductConfigurationTypeSet (called from ProductConfigurationTypeSet)';";
                                        if (((productConfigurationTypeSetName == null
                                                || productConfigurationTypeSetName.isEmpty())
                                                || (callerName != null
                                                        && productConfigurationTypeSetName != null
                                                        && callerName.equals(productConfigurationTypeSetName)))
                                                && (propertySetName == null || propertySetName.isEmpty())) {
                                            property = this.createOrUpdatePropertyOfPropertySet(
                                                    productConfigurationType, productConfigurationTypeName,
                                                    productConfigurationTypeDescription, null, null, null, null,
                                                    propertyType, propertyName, propertyDescription,
                                                    propertyValue, productSegment, app);
                                            if (property != null) {
                                                        (ProductConfigurationType) pm
                                                                .getObjectById(new Path(property.refMofId())
                                        } else {
                                            jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow + "').title += ' - verify data row';";
                                        /* case 3 */
                                    } else if (importTarget == ImportTarget.ProductConfigurationType
                                            && propertyName != null && !propertyName.isEmpty()) {
                                        jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow
                                                + "').title += 'Property Of ProductConfigurationTypeSet (called from ProductConfigurationType)';";
                                        if (((productConfigurationTypeSetName == null
                                                || productConfigurationTypeSetName.isEmpty())
                                                || (callerParentName != null
                                                        && productConfigurationTypeSetName != null
                                                        && callerParentName
                                                && ((productConfigurationTypeName == null
                                                        || productConfigurationTypeName.isEmpty())
                                                        || (callerName != null
                                                                && productConfigurationTypeName != null
                                                                && callerName
                                                && (propertySetName == null || propertySetName.isEmpty())) {
                                            property = this.createOrUpdatePropertyOfPropertySet(
                                                    productConfigurationType, productConfigurationTypeName,
                                                    productConfigurationTypeDescription, null, null, null, null,
                                                    propertyType, propertyName, propertyDescription,
                                                    propertyValue, productSegment, app);
                                            if (property != null) {
                                                        (ProductConfigurationType) pm.getObjectById(
                                        } else {
                                            jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow + "').title += ' - verify data row';";
                                        /* case 4 */
                                    } else if (importTarget == ImportTarget.PropertySet && propertyName != null
                                            && !propertyName.isEmpty()) {
                                        jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow
                                                + "').title += 'Property Of PropertySet (called from PropertySet)';";
                                        if (((propertySetName == null || propertySetName.isEmpty())
                                                || (callerName != null && propertySetName != null
                                                        && callerName.equals(propertySetName)))
                                                && (productConfigurationTypeSetName == null
                                                        || productConfigurationTypeSetName.isEmpty())
                                                && (productConfigurationTypeName == null
                                                        || productConfigurationTypeName.isEmpty())) {
                                            property = this.createOrUpdatePropertyOfPropertySet(null, null,
                                                    null, null, null, null, null, propertySet, propertySetName,
                                                    propertySetDescription, propertyType, propertyName,
                                                    propertyDescription, propertyValue, productSegment, app);
                                        } else {
                                            jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow + "').title += ' - verify data row';";
                                        /* case 5 */
                                    } else if (importTarget == ImportTarget.CrxObject && propertyName != null
                                            && !propertyName.isEmpty() && propertySetName != null
                                            && !propertySetName.isEmpty()) {
                                        jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow
                                                + "').title += 'Property Of PropertySet (called from CrxObject)';";
                                        if ((productConfigurationTypeSetName == null
                                                || productConfigurationTypeSetName.isEmpty())
                                                && (productConfigurationTypeName == null
                                                        || productConfigurationTypeName.isEmpty())) {
                                            property = this.createOrUpdatePropertyOfPropertySet(null, null,
                                                    null, null, null, null, crxObject, null, propertySetName,
                                                    propertySetDescription, propertyType, propertyName,
                                                    propertyDescription, propertyValue, productSegment, app);
                                        } else {
                                            jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow + "').title += ' - verify data row';";
                                    } else {
                                        // incomplete and/or inconsistent row --> disregard this row
                                        jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow
                                                + "').title += 'incomplete and/or inconsistent row';";

                                } else {
                                    appendErrorRow = "<tr class='gridTableRowFull'><td class='err' colspan='"
                                            + (maxCell + 2) + "'>CELL VALUE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED</td></tr>";
                                this.importReport += "</tr>";
                                if (property != null) {
                                    cellId = "r" + nRow + ATTR_PROPERTY_NAME.toUpperCase();
                                    jsBuffer += "try{$('r" + nRow + "').className += ' ok';$('" + cellId
                                            + "').className=' ok';$('" + cellId + "').innerHTML = '<a href=\""
                                            + this.getSelectObjectHref(property)
                                            + "\" target=\"_blank\"><b>' + " + "$('" + cellId + "').innerHTML +"
                                            + "'</b></a>'}catch(e){};";
                                    cellId = "r" + nRow + ATTR_PROPERTY_VALUE.toUpperCase();
                                    if (propertyValue != null) {
                                        jsBuffer += "try{$('" + cellId + "').className='ok';}catch(e){};";

                                } else {
                                    appendErrorRow = "<tr class='gridTableRowFull'><td class='err' colspan='"
                                            + (maxCell + 2) + "'>VERIFY Property DTYPE/NAME/VALUE</td></tr>";
                                    jsBuffer += "$('r" + nRow + "').className += 'nok';";
                                if (appendErrorRow != null) {
                                    this.importReport += appendErrorRow;
                                valueMap = null;
                                this.importReport += "<tr style=\"display:none;\">";
                                this.importReport += "  <td colspan=\"" + (maxCell + 2) + "\">";
                                this.importReport += jsBuffer.length() > 0
                                        ? "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>" + jsBuffer
                                                + "</script>"
                                        : "";
                                this.importReport += "  </td>";
                                this.importReport += "</tr>";
                            } /* while */
                            // Spacer
                            this.importReport += "<tr class='gridTableRowFull' style=\"background-color:white;\">";
                            this.importReport += "  <td colspan='" + (maxCell + 2) + "'>&nbsp;</td>";
                            this.importReport += "</tr>";
                            // Summary
                            this.importReport += "<tr class='sheetInfo gridTableRowFull'>";
                            this.importReport += "  <td colspan=\"" + (maxCell + 2) + "\">";
                            this.importReport += "  Sheet: <b>" + wb.getSheetName(i) + "</b> |";
                            this.importReport += "  data lines <b>read: " + linesRead + "</b><br>";
                            this.importReport += "</td>";
                            this.importReport += "</tr>";
                            this.importReport += "<tr class='sheetInfo gridTableRowFull'>";
                            this.importReport += "  <td>&nbsp;</td>";
                            this.importReport += "  <td colspan=\"" + (maxCell + 1)
                                    + "\">Created / Updated</td>";
                            this.importReport += "</tr>";
                            this.importReport += "<tr class='sheetInfo gridTableRowFull'>";
                            this.importReport += "  <td>Properties</td>";
                            this.importReport += "  <td colspan=\"" + (maxCell + 1) + "\">" + propertiesUpdated
                                    + "</td>";
                            this.importReport += "</tr>";
                            if (linesRead != propertiesUpdated) {
                                this.importReport += "<tr class='sheetInfo gridTableRowFull'>";
                                this.importReport += "  <td class=\"err\" colspan=\"" + (maxCell + 2)
                                        + "\">WARNING: some data lines were not processed due to data errors (e.g. multiple matches, missing name, etc.)</td>";
                                this.importReport += "</tr>";
            } else {
                this.errorMessage = "No Excel workbook selected";
        } finally {
            new File(location).delete();

From source file:org.openmrs.module.mksreports.renderer.PatientHistoryExcelTemplateRenderer.java

License:Open Source License

 * @see ReportRenderer#render(ReportData, String, OutputStream)
 *///from   w w  w  .  jav a  2  s .c o m
public void render(ReportData reportData, String argument, OutputStream out)
        throws IOException, RenderingException {

    try {
        log.debug("Attempting to render report with ExcelTemplateRenderer");
        ReportDesign design = getDesign(argument);
        Workbook wb = getExcelTemplate(design);

        if (wb == null) {
            XlsReportRenderer xlsRenderer = new XlsReportRenderer();
            xlsRenderer.render(reportData, argument, out);
        } else {
            //This should be changed to get the dataset name form a parameter 
            DataSet ds = reportData.getDataSets().get("patient");
            ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (DataSetColumn dataSetRow : ds.getMetaData().getColumns()) {
            Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);

            //Trying to creat a row that has the replacement values pre-populated
            Row h = s.createRow(8);
            CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle();
            Font font = wb.createFont();

            for (String name : names) {
                Cell c = h.createCell(names.indexOf(name));
                String value = name.toUpperCase().replace("_", " ");

            Row r = s.getRow(9);

            for (String name : names) {
                Cell c = r.createCell(names.indexOf(name));
                String value = "#patient." + name + "#";

            Map<String, String> repeatSections = getRepeatingSections(design);

            // Put together base set of replacements.  Any dataSet with only one row is included.
            Map<String, Object> replacements = getBaseReplacementData(reportData, design);

            // Iterate across all of the sheets in the workbook, and configure all those that need to be added/cloned
            List<SheetToAdd> sheetsToAdd = new ArrayList<SheetToAdd>();

            Set<String> usedSheetNames = new HashSet<String>();
            int numberOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets();

            for (int sheetNum = 0; sheetNum < numberOfSheets; sheetNum++) {

                Sheet currentSheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
                String originalSheetName = wb.getSheetName(sheetNum);

                String dataSetName = getRepeatingSheetProperty(sheetNum, repeatSections);
                if (dataSetName != null) {

                    DataSet repeatingSheetDataSet = getDataSet(reportData, dataSetName, replacements);
                    int dataSetRowNum = 0;
                    for (Iterator<DataSetRow> rowIterator = repeatingSheetDataSet.iterator(); rowIterator
                            .hasNext();) {
                        DataSetRow dataSetRow = rowIterator.next();
                        Map<String, Object> newReplacements = getReplacementData(replacements, reportData,
                                design, dataSetName, dataSetRow, dataSetRowNum);
                        Sheet newSheet = (dataSetRowNum == 1 ? currentSheet : wb.cloneSheet(sheetNum));
                        sheetsToAdd.add(new SheetToAdd(newSheet, sheetNum, originalSheetName, newReplacements));
                } else {
                    sheetsToAdd.add(new SheetToAdd(currentSheet, sheetNum, originalSheetName, replacements));

            // Then iterate across all of these and add them in
            for (int i = 0; i < sheetsToAdd.size(); i++) {
                addSheet(wb, sheetsToAdd.get(i), usedSheetNames, reportData, design, repeatSections);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RenderingException("Unable to render results due to: " + e, e);

From source file:org.openmrs.module.reporting.report.renderer.ExcelTemplateRenderer.java

License:Open Source License

 * @see ReportRenderer#render(ReportData, String, OutputStream)
 *///w  w w. j ava  2 s .  c  om
public void render(ReportData reportData, String argument, OutputStream out)
        throws IOException, RenderingException {

    try {
        log.debug("Attempting to render report with ExcelTemplateRenderer");
        ReportDesign design = getDesign(argument);
        Workbook wb = getExcelTemplate(design);

        if (wb == null) {
            XlsReportRenderer xlsRenderer = new XlsReportRenderer();
            xlsRenderer.render(reportData, argument, out);
        } else {
            Map<String, String> repeatSections = getRepeatingSections(design);

            // Put together base set of replacements.  Any dataSet with only one row is included.
            Map<String, Object> replacements = getBaseReplacementData(reportData, design);

            // Iterate across all of the sheets in the workbook, and configure all those that need to be added/cloned
            List<SheetToAdd> sheetsToAdd = new ArrayList<SheetToAdd>();

            Set<String> usedSheetNames = new HashSet<String>();
            int numberOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets();

            for (int sheetNum = 0; sheetNum < numberOfSheets; sheetNum++) {

                Sheet currentSheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
                String originalSheetName = wb.getSheetName(sheetNum);

                String dataSetName = getRepeatingSheetProperty(sheetNum, repeatSections);
                if (dataSetName != null) {

                    DataSet repeatingSheetDataSet = getDataSet(reportData, dataSetName, replacements);
                    int dataSetRowNum = 0;
                    for (Iterator<DataSetRow> rowIterator = repeatingSheetDataSet.iterator(); rowIterator
                            .hasNext();) {
                        DataSetRow dataSetRow = rowIterator.next();
                        Map<String, Object> newReplacements = getReplacementData(replacements, reportData,
                                design, dataSetName, dataSetRow, dataSetRowNum);
                        Sheet newSheet = (dataSetRowNum == 1 ? currentSheet : wb.cloneSheet(sheetNum));
                        sheetsToAdd.add(new SheetToAdd(newSheet, sheetNum, originalSheetName, newReplacements));
                } else {
                    sheetsToAdd.add(new SheetToAdd(currentSheet, sheetNum, originalSheetName, replacements));

            // Then iterate across all of these and add them in
            for (int i = 0; i < sheetsToAdd.size(); i++) {
                addSheet(wb, sheetsToAdd.get(i), usedSheetNames, reportData, design, repeatSections);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RenderingException("Unable to render results due to: " + e, e);

From source file:org.openmrs.module.rwandareports.renderer.PatientHistoryExcelTemplateRenderer.java

License:Open Source License

 * @see ReportRenderer#render(ReportData, String, OutputStream)
 *///  w w  w. j a  va 2  s  .  c o m
public void render(ReportData reportData, String argument, OutputStream out)
        throws IOException, RenderingException {

    try {
        log.debug("Attempting to render report with ExcelTemplateRenderer");
        ReportDesign design = getDesign(argument);
        Workbook wb = getExcelTemplate(design);

        if (wb == null) {
            XlsReportRenderer xlsRenderer = new XlsReportRenderer();
            xlsRenderer.render(reportData, argument, out);
        } else {
            //This should be changed to get the dataset name form a parameter 
            DataSet ds = reportData.getDataSets().get("patient");
            ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (DataSetColumn dataSetRow : ds.getMetaData().getColumns()) {
            Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);

            Row h = s.createRow(8);
            CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle();
            Font font = wb.createFont();

            for (String name : names) {
                Cell c = h.createCell(names.indexOf(name));
                String value = name.toUpperCase().replace("_", " ");

            //Trying to creat a row that has the replacement values pre-populated
            Row r = s.getRow(9);

            for (String name : names) {
                Cell c = r.createCell(names.indexOf(name));
                String value = "#patient." + name + "#";


            Map<String, String> repeatSections = getRepeatingSections(design);

            // Put together base set of replacements.  Any dataSet with only one row is included.
            Map<String, Object> replacements = getBaseReplacementData(reportData, design);

            // Iterate across all of the sheets in the workbook, and configure all those that need to be added/cloned
            List<SheetToAdd> sheetsToAdd = new ArrayList<SheetToAdd>();

            Set<String> usedSheetNames = new HashSet<String>();
            int numberOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets();

            for (int sheetNum = 0; sheetNum < numberOfSheets; sheetNum++) {

                Sheet currentSheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
                String originalSheetName = wb.getSheetName(sheetNum);

                String dataSetName = getRepeatingSheetProperty(sheetNum, repeatSections);
                if (dataSetName != null) {

                    DataSet repeatingSheetDataSet = getDataSet(reportData, dataSetName, replacements);
                    int dataSetRowNum = 0;
                    for (Iterator<DataSetRow> rowIterator = repeatingSheetDataSet.iterator(); rowIterator
                            .hasNext();) {
                        DataSetRow dataSetRow = rowIterator.next();
                        Map<String, Object> newReplacements = getReplacementData(replacements, reportData,
                                design, dataSetName, dataSetRow, dataSetRowNum);
                        Sheet newSheet = (dataSetRowNum == 1 ? currentSheet : wb.cloneSheet(sheetNum));
                        sheetsToAdd.add(new SheetToAdd(newSheet, sheetNum, originalSheetName, newReplacements));
                } else {
                    sheetsToAdd.add(new SheetToAdd(currentSheet, sheetNum, originalSheetName, replacements));

            // Then iterate across all of these and add them in
            for (int i = 0; i < sheetsToAdd.size(); i++) {
                addSheet(wb, sheetsToAdd.get(i), usedSheetNames, reportData, design, repeatSections);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RenderingException("Unable to render results due to: " + e, e);