Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheet

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheet


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheet.


Sheet getSheet(String name);

Source Link


Get sheet with the given name


From source file:org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.renderer.table.EMFFormsSpreadsheetTableControlRenderer_ITest.java

License:Open Source License

public void test() throws DatatypeConfigurationException, DatabindingFailedException, IOException {
    // write data
    final EMFFormsSpreadsheetExporter viewRenderer = new org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.transfer.EMFFormsSpreadsheetExporterImpl(
            new org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.transfer.EMFFormsSpreadsheetExporterImpl.ViewProvider() {
                @Override/*from   w  w  w . j ava2 s . c  o  m*/
                public VView getViewModel(EObject viewEobject, VViewModelProperties properties) {
                    return getView(DetailEditing.NONE);
    final EObject domainModel = getDomainModel();
    final EObject domainModel2 = getDomainModel();
    final Workbook workbook = viewRenderer.render(Arrays.asList(domainModel, domainModel2), null, null);

    final Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("root"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    assertEquals(4, sheet.getLastRowNum()); // the rows 0,1,2 are fix and then 3,4 are added
    assertEquals(22, sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum());// there are 22 rows, (21 from the view model + 1 for the id)
    // read data

    final EMFFormsSpreadsheetImporter spreadsheetImport = EMFFormsSpreadsheetImporter.INSTANCE;
    final Collection<EObject> domainModels = spreadsheetImport
            .importSpreadsheet(workbook, TaskPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask()).getImportedEObjects();
    assertEquals(2, domainModels.size());
    for (final EObject model : domainModels) {
        assertTrue(EcoreUtil.equals(model, domainModel));

From source file:org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.renderer.table.EMFFormsSpreadsheetTableControlRenderer_ITest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testWithDialogDetail()
        throws DatatypeConfigurationException, DatabindingFailedException, IOException {
    // write data
    final EMFFormsSpreadsheetExporter viewRenderer = new org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.transfer.EMFFormsSpreadsheetExporterImpl(
            new org.eclipse.emfforms.internal.spreadsheet.core.transfer.EMFFormsSpreadsheetExporterImpl.ViewProvider() {
                @Override//from w  w w  .  j  av  a  2  s .  c  o  m
                public VView getViewModel(EObject viewEobject, VViewModelProperties properties) {
                    return getView(DetailEditing.WITH_DIALOG);
    final EObject domainModel = getDomainModel();
    final EObject domainModel2 = getDomainModel();
    final Workbook workbook = viewRenderer.render(Arrays.asList(domainModel, domainModel2), null, null);

    final Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("root"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    assertEquals(4, sheet.getLastRowNum()); // the rows 0,1,2 are fix and then 3,4 are added
    assertEquals(22, sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum());// there are 22 rows
    // read data

    final EMFFormsSpreadsheetImporter spreadsheetImport = EMFFormsSpreadsheetImporter.INSTANCE;
    final Collection<EObject> domainModels = spreadsheetImport
            .importSpreadsheet(workbook, TaskPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask()).getImportedEObjects();

    assertEquals(2, domainModels.size());

    for (final EObject model : domainModels) {
        assertTrue(EcoreUtil.equals(model, domainModel));

From source file:org.eclipse.lyo.samples.excel.adapter.dao.internal.ExcelDaoImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public Model parseFile(String fileName) {
    if (relationshipUri == null) {
        return null;
    }//  w  w w. j  ava 2s  .  c  om

    FileInputStream in = null;
    Workbook wb = null;

    try {
        in = new FileInputStream(fileName);
        wb = WorkbookFactory.create(in);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

    HashMap<Sheet, Object[]> sheetResourceMap = new HashMap<Sheet, Object[]>();

    // Loop for Resources defined in Mapper file
    for (String en : mapperTable.getNameList()) {
        MapperEntry e = mapperTable.getEntry(en);
        String type = e.getType();
        String line = e.getLine();
        String uri = e.getUri();

        // parse line definition in Mapper file
        String[] ls = line.split(",");
        if (ls.length < 3) {
            System.err.println("line must has at least sheet, start row, and end row information");
        String ssheet = ls[0].trim();
        String sstart = ls[1].trim();
        String send = ls[2].trim();
        Sheet sheet = null;
        try {
            sheet = wb.getSheetAt(Integer.parseInt(ssheet));
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            sheet = wb.getSheet(ssheet);
        if (sheet == null) {
            System.err.println("target sheet is not found");

        int start = Integer.parseInt(sstart);
        int end = sheet.getLastRowNum();
        if (!send.equals("*")) {
            end = Integer.parseInt(send);
        String cond_cellstring = null;
        boolean exist = true;
        if (ls.length > 3) {
            String scond = ls[3].trim();
            if (scond.startsWith("exist")) {
                cond_cellstring = scond.substring(6, scond.length() - 1).trim();
            } else if (scond.startsWith("notexist")) {
                exist = false;
                cond_cellstring = scond.substring(9, scond.length() - 1).trim();

        // map to find referenced resource later
        Object[] resourceMap = sheetResourceMap.get(sheet);
        if (resourceMap == null) {
            resourceMap = new Object[sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1];
            Arrays.fill(resourceMap, null);
            sheetResourceMap.put(sheet, resourceMap);

        // Loop of excel table rows to find the resource 
        for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) {
            if (sheet.getRow(j) == null) {
            if (cond_cellstring != null) {
                Cell cell = getCell(sheet, cond_cellstring, j);
                String value = getCellValue(cell);
                if (value == null && exist || value != null && !exist) {
            // generate URI for this resource
            String[] uris = uri.split(",");
            String format = uris[0].trim();
            String uriString = format;
            if (uris.length == 3) {
                Cell cell = getCell(sheet, uris[1].trim(), j);
                String value1 = getCellValue(cell);
                cell = getCell(sheet, uris[2].trim(), j);
                String value2 = getCellValue(cell);
                uriString = String.format(format, value1, value2);
            } else if (uris.length == 2) {
                Cell cell = getCell(sheet, uris[1].trim(), j);
                String value = getCellValue(cell);
                uriString = String.format(format, value);

            // create a Resource in RDF model with URI and resource type defined in Mapper file
            Resource resource = null;
            try {
                resource = model.createResource(relationshipUri + URLEncoder.encode(uriString, "UTF-8"));

                type = getNameUri(type.trim(), model);
                resource.addProperty(RDF.type, model.createResource(type));
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
            if (resource == null) {

            // Keep resource map for current row which will be used to generate reference URI later
            Map<String, Resource> curResMap = (Map<String, Resource>) resourceMap[j];
            if (curResMap == null) {
                curResMap = new HashMap<String, Resource>();
                resourceMap[j] = curResMap;
            curResMap.put(en, resource);

            // Loop for Properties for this resource defined in Mapper file
            for (String propName : e.getPropertyNameList()) {
                MapperEntry.Property prop = e.getProperty(propName);
                if (prop == null) {
                String propType = prop.getType();
                if (propType == null) {
                if (propType.equalsIgnoreCase("resource")) {
                    // assume that prop contains "reference" information in Mapper file
                    String reference = prop.getReference();
                    if (reference != null) {
                        processReference(model, resource, propName, reference, resourceMap, j);
                } else {
                    // assume that prop contains "column" information in Mapper file
                    String[] tokens = prop.getColumn().trim().split(",");
                    String fmt = null;
                    String column = tokens[0];
                    if (tokens.length > 1) {
                        fmt = tokens[0];
                        column = tokens[1];
                    Cell cell = getCell(sheet, column, j);
                    if (cell != null) {
                        String value = getCellValue(cell);
                        if (value != null) {
                            if (fmt != null) {
                                value = String.format(fmt, value);
                            String qpname = propName.trim();
                            qpname = getNameUri(qpname, model);
                            Property property = model.createProperty(qpname);
                            Literal literal = model.createLiteral(value);
                            resource.addLiteral(property, literal);
    return model;

From source file:org.eclipse.rcptt.ecl.data.apache.poi.impl.internal.commands.ReadExcelFileService.java

License:Open Source License

public IStatus service(Command command, IProcess context) throws InterruptedException, CoreException {
    ReadExcelFile ref = (ReadExcelFile) command;
    EList<String> sheetNames = ref.getSheets();
    String uri = ref.getUri();/*ww  w  .  j av  a 2  s .co m*/
    EclFile file = FileResolver.resolve(uri);
    Workbook book = ExcelFileService.readBook(file);

    if (sheetNames != null && !sheetNames.isEmpty()) {
        // try to read sheets
        for (String sheetName : sheetNames) {
            if (book.getSheet(sheetName) == null) {
                return EclDataApachePOIImplPlugin.createErr("Sheet %s does not persist in file %s", sheetName,
            Table table = readTable(book, book.getSheetIndex(sheetName));
    } else {
        // read all the sheets
        int sheetnum = 0;
        while (sheetnum < book.getNumberOfSheets()) {
            Table table = readTable(book, sheetnum);

    return Status.OK_STATUS;

From source file:org.eclipse.rcptt.ecl.data.apache.poi.impl.internal.commands.WriteExcelFileService.java

License:Open Source License

public IStatus service(Command command, IProcess context) throws InterruptedException, CoreException {
    WriteExcelFile wef = (WriteExcelFile) command;
    EList<Table> tables = wef.getTables();

    String uri = wef.getUri();//from  w w w. j a  v  a  2  s . co  m
    EclFile file = FileResolver.resolve(uri);

    boolean isAppend = wef.isAppend();
    isAppend &= file.toFile().exists();

    Workbook book;
    if (isAppend) {
        book = ExcelFileService.readBook(file);
    } else {
        book = ExcelFileService.createBook(file, uri);

    int sheetnum = 1;
    for (Table table : tables) {
        String sheetName = table.getPageName();
        if (sheetName == null || sheetName.equals("")) {
            sheetName = String.format(SHEET_NAME_PATTERN, sheetnum);
        Sheet sheet = book.getSheet(sheetName);
        if (sheet == null) {
            sheet = book.createSheet(sheetName);
        writeTable(sheet, table);
        if (!isAppend) {

    ExcelFileService.writeBook(book, file);
    return Status.OK_STATUS;

From source file:org.forzaframework.util.ExcelUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static Sheet getSheet(Workbook wb, String sheetName, Boolean createNewSheet, Integer indexSheet) {
    Sheet sheet = null;//Revisamos si vamos a crear una hoja nueva o con una ya existente.
    if ((createNewSheet != null && createNewSheet) || wb.getNumberOfSheets() == 0) {
        //Creamos una hoja nueva
        if (sheetName != null) {
            sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName);
        } else {//from   ww w  .  j a  v  a  2s.c  om
            sheet = wb.createSheet();
    } else {
        //Revisamos si existe la hoja con el nombre especificado
        if (indexSheet == null && sheetName != null) {
            sheet = wb.getSheet(sheetName);

        if (sheet == null) {
            //Trabajamos con una hoja ya existente
            if (indexSheet == null) {
                indexSheet = 0;
            if (sheetName != null) {
                wb.setSheetName(indexSheet, sheetName);
            sheet = wb.getSheetAt(indexSheet);
    return sheet;

From source file:org.geoserver.wfs.response.ExcelOutputFormatTest.java

License:Open Source License

private void testExcelOutputFormat(Workbook wb) throws IOException {
    Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet("PrimitiveGeoFeature");
    assertNotNull(sheet);/*w  w w  .  jav a2 s .  c  o m*/

    FeatureSource fs = getFeatureSource(MockData.PRIMITIVEGEOFEATURE);

    // check the number of rows in the output
    final int feautureRows = fs.getCount(Query.ALL);
    assertEquals(feautureRows + 1, sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows());

    // check the header is what we expect
    final SimpleFeatureType schema = (SimpleFeatureType) fs.getSchema();
    final Row header = sheet.getRow(0);
    assertEquals("FID", header.getCell(0).getRichStringCellValue().toString());
    for (int i = 0; i < schema.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
                header.getCell(i + 1).getRichStringCellValue().toString());

    // check some selected values to see if the content and data type is the one
    // we expect
    FeatureIterator fi = fs.getFeatures().features();
    SimpleFeature sf = (SimpleFeature) fi.next();

    // ... a string cell
    Cell cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(1);
    assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING, cell.getCellType());
    assertEquals(sf.getAttribute(0), cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
    // ... a geom cell
    cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(4);
    assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING, cell.getCellType());
    assertEquals(sf.getAttribute(3).toString(), cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
    // ... a number cell
    cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(6);
    assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.getCellType());
    assertEquals(((Number) sf.getAttribute(5)).doubleValue(), cell.getNumericCellValue());
    // ... a date cell (they are mapped as numeric in xms?)
    cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(10);
    assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cell.getCellType());
    assertEquals(sf.getAttribute(9), cell.getDateCellValue());
    // ... a boolean cell (they are mapped as numeric in xms?)
    cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(12);
    assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, cell.getCellType());
    assertEquals(sf.getAttribute(11), cell.getBooleanCellValue());
    // ... an empty cell (original value is null -> no cell)
    cell = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(3);

From source file:org.geoserver.wfs.response.ExcelOutputFormatTest.java

License:Open Source License

private void testMultipleFeatureTypes(Workbook wb) throws IOException {
    // check we have the expected sheets
    Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet("PrimitiveGeoFeature");
    assertNotNull(sheet);/*  w ww . j  ava 2  s .  c  o m*/

    // check the number of rows in the output
    FeatureSource fs = getFeatureSource(MockData.PRIMITIVEGEOFEATURE);
    assertEquals(fs.getCount(Query.ALL) + 1, sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows());

    sheet = wb.getSheet("GenericEntity");

    // check the number of rows in the output
    fs = getFeatureSource(MockData.GENERICENTITY);
    assertEquals(fs.getCount(Query.ALL) + 1, sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows());

From source file:org.hellojavaer.poi.excel.utils.ExcelUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * parse excel file data to java object//  ww w . java2 s .  c  o m
 * @param workbookInputStream
 * @param sheetProcessors
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static void read(InputStream workbookInputStream, ExcelReadSheetProcessor<?>... sheetProcessors) {
    Assert.isTrue(workbookInputStream != null, "workbookInputStream can't be null");
    Assert.isTrue(sheetProcessors != null && sheetProcessors.length != 0, "sheetProcessor can't be null");
    try {
        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(workbookInputStream);
        for (ExcelReadSheetProcessor<?> sheetProcessor : sheetProcessors) {
            ExcelReadContext context = new ExcelReadContext();
            try {
                Class clazz = sheetProcessor.getTargetClass();
                Integer sheetIndex = sheetProcessor.getSheetIndex();
                String sheetName = sheetProcessor.getSheetName();

                Sheet sheet = null;
                if (sheetName != null) {
                    try {
                        sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        // ignore
                    if (sheet != null && sheetIndex != null
                            && !sheetIndex.equals(workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet))) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "sheetName[" + sheetName + "] and sheetIndex[" + sheetIndex + "] not match.");
                } else if (sheetIndex != null) {
                    try {
                        sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetIndex);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        // ignore
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("sheetName or sheetIndex can't be null");
                if (sheet == null) {
                    ExcelReadException e = new ExcelReadException(
                            "Sheet Not Found Exception. for sheet name:" + sheetName);
                    throw e;

                if (sheetIndex == null) {
                    sheetIndex = workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet);
                if (sheetName == null) {
                    sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();
                // do check
                Map<Integer, Map<String, ExcelReadFieldMappingAttribute>> fieldMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, ExcelReadFieldMappingAttribute>>();
                Map<String, Map<String, ExcelReadFieldMappingAttribute>> src = null;
                if (sheetProcessor.getFieldMapping() != null) {
                    src = sheetProcessor.getFieldMapping().export();
                convertFieldMapping(sheet, sheetProcessor, src, fieldMapping);
                if (sheetProcessor.getTargetClass() != null && sheetProcessor.getFieldMapping() != null
                        && !Map.class.isAssignableFrom(sheetProcessor.getTargetClass())) {
                    readConfigParamVerify(sheetProcessor, fieldMapping);

                // proc sheet
                // beforeProcess

                if (sheetProcessor.getPageSize() != null) {
                    context.setDataList(new ArrayList(sheetProcessor.getPageSize()));
                } else {
                    context.setDataList(new ArrayList());

                Integer pageSize = sheetProcessor.getPageSize();
                int startRow = sheetProcessor.getStartRowIndex();
                Integer rowEndIndex = sheetProcessor.getEndRowIndex();
                int actLastRow = sheet.getLastRowNum();
                if (rowEndIndex != null) {
                    if (rowEndIndex > actLastRow) {
                        rowEndIndex = actLastRow;
                } else {
                    rowEndIndex = actLastRow;

                ExcelProcessControllerImpl controller = new ExcelProcessControllerImpl();
                if (pageSize != null) {
                    int total = rowEndIndex - startRow + 1;
                    int pageCount = (total + pageSize - 1) / pageSize;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
                        int start = startRow + pageSize * i;
                        int size = pageSize;
                        if (i == pageCount - 1) {
                            size = rowEndIndex - start + 1;
                        read(controller, context, sheet, start, size, fieldMapping, clazz,
                                sheetProcessor.getRowProcessor(), sheetProcessor.isTrimSpace());
                        sheetProcessor.process(context, context.getDataList());
                        if (controller.isDoBreak()) {
                } else {
                    read(controller, context, sheet, startRow, rowEndIndex - startRow + 1, fieldMapping, clazz,
                            sheetProcessor.getRowProcessor(), sheetProcessor.isTrimSpace());
                    sheetProcessor.process(context, context.getDataList());
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                sheetProcessor.onException(context, e);
            } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) e;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:org.hellojavaer.poi.excel.utils.ExcelUtils.java

License:Apache License

private static void write(boolean useTemplate, Workbook workbook, OutputStream outputStream,
        ExcelWriteSheetProcessor<?>... sheetProcessors) {

    for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
    ExcelWriteSheetProcessor sheetProcessor : sheetProcessors) {
        ExcelWriteContext context = new ExcelWriteContext();

        try {//from ww  w  . j  a  v  a2  s  . c o  m
            if (sheetProcessor == null) {
            String sheetName = sheetProcessor.getSheetName();
            Integer sheetIndex = sheetProcessor.getSheetIndex();
            Sheet sheet = null;
            if (sheetProcessor.getTemplateStartRowIndex() == null
                    && sheetProcessor.getTemplateEndRowIndex() == null) {
            // sheetName priority,
            if (useTemplate) {
                if (sheetName != null) {
                    try {
                        sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        // ignore
                    if (sheet != null && sheetIndex != null
                            && !sheetIndex.equals(workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet))) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "sheetName[" + sheetName + "] and sheetIndex[" + sheetIndex + "] not match.");
                } else if (sheetIndex != null) {
                    try {
                        sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetIndex);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        // ignore
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("sheetName or sheetIndex can't be null");
                if (sheet == null) {
                    ExcelWriteException e = new ExcelWriteException(
                            "Sheet Not Found Exception. for sheet name:" + sheetName);
                    throw e;
            } else {
                if (sheetName != null) {
                    sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);
                    if (sheet != null) {
                        if (sheetIndex != null && !sheetIndex.equals(workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet))) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sheetName[" + sheetName + "] and sheetIndex["
                                    + sheetIndex + "] not match.");
                    } else {
                        sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName);
                        if (sheetIndex != null) {
                            workbook.setSheetOrder(sheetName, sheetIndex);
                } else if (sheetIndex != null) {
                    sheet = workbook.createSheet();
                    workbook.setSheetOrder(sheet.getSheetName(), sheetIndex);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("sheetName or sheetIndex can't be null");

            if (sheetIndex == null) {
                sheetIndex = workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet);
            if (sheetName == null) {
                sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();

            // proc sheet
            // beforeProcess
            // write head
            writeHead(useTemplate, sheet, sheetProcessor);
            // sheet
            ExcelProcessControllerImpl controller = new ExcelProcessControllerImpl();
            int writeRowIndex = sheetProcessor.getStartRowIndex();
            boolean isBreak = false;
            Map<Integer, InnerRow> cacheForTemplateRow = new HashMap<Integer, InnerRow>();

            List<?> dataList = sheetProcessor.getDataList(); //
            if (dataList != null && !dataList.isEmpty()) {
                for (Object rowData : dataList) {
                    // proc row
                    Row row = sheet.getRow(writeRowIndex);
                    if (row == null) {
                        row = sheet.createRow(writeRowIndex);
                    InnerRow templateRow = getTemplateRow(cacheForTemplateRow, sheet, sheetProcessor,
                    if (templateRow != null) {
                    try {
                        if (sheetProcessor.getRowProcessor() != null) {
                            sheetProcessor.getRowProcessor().process(controller, context, rowData, row);
                        if (!controller.isDoSkip()) {
                            writeRow(context, templateRow, row, rowData, sheetProcessor);
                        if (controller.isDoBreak()) {
                            isBreak = true;
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                        if (e instanceof ExcelWriteException) {
                            ExcelWriteException ewe = (ExcelWriteException) e;
                            // ef.setColIndex(null); user may want to set this value,
                            throw ewe;
                        } else {
                            ExcelWriteException ewe = new ExcelWriteException(e);
                            throw ewe;
                if (isBreak) {
            if (sheetProcessor.getTemplateStartRowIndex() != null
                    && sheetProcessor.getTemplateEndRowIndex() != null) {
                writeDataValidations(sheet, sheetProcessor);
                writeStyleAfterFinish(useTemplate, sheet, sheetProcessor);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            sheetProcessor.onException(context, e);
        } finally {

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);