List of usage examples for Workbook createSheet
Sheet createSheet(String sheetname);
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License:Open Source License
private File createExcelTempFile(Map<AbstractEntity, Map<Service, List<ArticleDemande>>> map, AbstractEntity abstractEntity, String nomFichierSansExtension) throws IOException { Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); Map<Service, List<ArticleDemande>> mapServiceListeArticleDemande = map.get(abstractEntity); for (Service service : mapServiceListeArticleDemande.keySet()) { Sheet sheet = wb .createSheet(service.getDirection().getLibelleCourt() + "-" + service.getLibelleCourt()); sheet.protectSheet(configService.getMotDePasseVerrouExcel()); construitEntete(wb, mapServiceListeArticleDemande, abstractEntity, service, sheet); remplitLigneArticle(wb, mapServiceListeArticleDemande.get(service), sheet); // Taille automatique des colonnes selon le contenu for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { sheet.autoSizeColumn(i);//w ww. ja va 2s .c o m sheet.setColumnWidth(i, sheet.getColumnWidth(i) + 768); } } // Ecriture dans le fichier File result = File.createTempFile(nomFichierSansExtension, ".xlsx"); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(result); wb.write(fileStream); return result; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void exportCatalogue(Catalogue catalogue) throws IOException { Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Feuil1"); construitEnteteExportCatalogue(wb, sheet); int i = 1;/* w w w . j a va2 s .c om*/ for (Famille famille : catalogue.getListeFamille()) { for (SousFamille sousFamille : famille.getListeSousFamille()) { for (ArticleCatalogue articleCatalogue : sousFamille.getListeArticleCatalogue()) { remplitLigneArticleExportCatalogue(wb, sheet, articleCatalogue, i++); } } } // Taille automatique des colonnes selon le contenu for (int colonne = 0; colonne <= 12; colonne++) { sheet.autoSizeColumn(colonne); sheet.setColumnWidth(colonne, sheet.getColumnWidth(colonne) + 768); } // Ecriture dans le fichier File result = File.createTempFile("Export Catalogue", ".xlsx"); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(result); wb.write(fileStream); downloadService.downloadToUser(result, "Export Catalogue " + AppockUtil.replaceAllSpecialCharacter(catalogue.getLibelle()) + ".xlsx"); result.delete(); }
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License:Open Source License
@GlobalCommand public static void genereExportExcel(EntiteDto entiteDto, boolean afficheFdpInactive, ISirhWSConsumer sirhWSConsumer) throws IOException { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet feuillePrincipale = wb.createSheet("Fiches de postes"); creerEntete(feuillePrincipale);// ww w .ja v a 2s. com String listIdStatutFDP = StatutFichePoste.getListIdStatutActif(); if (afficheFdpInactive) { listIdStatutFDP += "," + StatutFichePoste.INACTIVE.getId(); } int numeroLigne = 1; for (FichePosteDto fichePosteDto : sirhWSConsumer.getFichePosteByIdEntite(entiteDto.getIdEntite(), listIdStatutFDP, true)) { Row row = feuillePrincipale.createRow((short) numeroLigne); row.createCell(NUM_COL_SIGLE).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getSigle()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_NUMERO).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getNumero()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_TITRE).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getTitre()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_STATUT).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getStatutFDP()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_CATEGORIE).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getLibelleGradeCategorie()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_AGENT).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getAgent()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_REGLEMENTAIRE).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getReglementaire()); row.createCell(NUM_COL_COMMENTAIRE).setCellValue(fichePosteDto.getCommentaire()); numeroLigne++; } // Aucolumns for (int i = NUM_COL_SIGLE; i <= NUM_COL_COMMENTAIRE; i++) { feuillePrincipale.autoSizeColumn(i); } File tempFile = File.createTempFile("tempFile", ".xls"); FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); wb.write(fileStream); FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(tempFile); // Cration et sauvegarde du fichier String nomFichier = "Organigramme - Impression Fiche Poste - " + entiteDto.getSigle() + "-" + DateUtil.formatDateForFile(new Date()) + ".xls";, null, nomFichier); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Initialize Sheet./*w ww . j a va 2s . c om*/ * * @param wb * the {@link Workbook} to use * @param sheetName * the name of the sheet * @return the {@link Sheet} created * @throws SheetException * given when problem at the initialization of the sheet. */ private Sheet initializeSheet(final Workbook wb, final String sheetName) throws SheetException { Sheet s = null; try { s = wb.createSheet(sheetName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SheetException(ExceptionMessage.SHEET_CREATION_SHEET.getMessage(), e); } return s; }
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private void jExcelActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jExcelActionPerformed FileOutputStream out = null;//from w ww .java 2s.c om try { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); for (int iPage = 0; iPage < jTabbedPane1.getTabCount(); iPage++) { OutputPanel panel = (OutputPanel) jTabbedPane1.getComponentAt(iPage); String text = panel.getText(); String[] lines = text.split("\n"); if (lines.length < 60000) { Sheet sh = wb.createSheet(panel.getTabName()); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i]; String[] cells = line.split("\t"); for (int j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) { Cell c = safeCell(sh, i, j); String cell = cells[j]; Double d = Conversion.safeStringtoDoubleNULL(cell); if (d != null) { c.setCellValue(d); } else { if (cell.length() > 1000) { cell = cell.substring(0, 1000); } c.setCellValue(cell); } } // for } // for } } // for String outFile = System.getProperty("") + "/stox_output_" + IMRdate.formatDate(new Date(), "dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm-ss", false) + ".xls"; out = new FileOutputStream(new File(outFile)); wb.write(out); out.close(); Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(outFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } finally { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } }
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public void calcNumbers(String x0, String a, String c, String m, String cantidad) { int y = 0;//from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m double random; try { if (archivoXLS.exists()) { archivoXLS.delete(); } archivoXLS.createNewFile(); Workbook libro = new HSSFWorkbook(); FileOutputStream archivo = new FileOutputStream(archivoXLS); Sheet hoja = libro.createSheet("Mi hoja de trabajo 1"); HSSFRow fila = (HSSFRow) hoja.createRow(0); Cell celda = fila.createCell(0); celda.setCellValue("X"); celda = fila.createCell(1); celda.setCellValue("r"); for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(cantidad); i++) { fila = (HSSFRow) hoja.createRow(i + 1); celda = fila.createCell(0); celda.setCellValue(x0); x0 = String.valueOf( ((Integer.parseInt(a) * Float.parseFloat(x0)) + Integer.parseInt(c)) % Integer.parseInt(m)); random = (Float.parseFloat(x0) / (Integer.parseInt(m) - 1)); System.out.println("rando " + random); celda = fila.createCell(1); celda.setCellValue(random); } libro.write(archivo); archivo.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } }
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public void createXLS(Hashtable<String, String> models, String filename) throws Exception { List<FEMModelMeasure> measures = new ArrayList<FEMModelMeasure>(); int maxTimePoints = 0; for (String model : models.keySet()) { String json = models.get(model); FEMModelMeasure mMeasure = new FEMModelMeasure(json, model); if (mMeasure.getTimePoints() > maxTimePoints) { maxTimePoints = mMeasure.getTimePoints(); }//from w ww .j a v a 2s . co m measures.add(mMeasure); } File xlFile = new File(filename); if (xlFile.exists()) { xlFile.delete(); } Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Map<String, CellStyle> styles = createStyles(wb); // Create an Aggregate sheet to collate the data across models/measures // Create here, so that it is the first sheet Sheet dashboard = wb.createSheet("Dashboard"); // Create a worksheet for each measure type String[] names = getMeasureNames(measures); for (String name : names) { addWorkSheet(wb, name, measures, maxTimePoints, styles); } // Populate the dashboard createDashBoard(dashboard, names, measures, styles); createMetaData(wb, styles); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); wb.write(out); out.close(); }
From source
private void createMetaData(Workbook wb, Map<String, CellStyle> styles) { Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Metadata"); int rowCounter = 0; int colCtr = 0; Row headerRow1 = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); Cell headerCell = headerRow1.createCell(colCtr); headerRow1.getCell(0).setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); headerCell.setCellValue("Series formula"); for (String series : userSeries) { Row row = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); colCtr = 0;/*from ww w . j a va2s. c om*/ Cell cell = row.createCell(colCtr++); cell.setCellValue(series); } headerRow1 = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); headerRow1 = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); headerCell = headerRow1.createCell(0); headerRow1.getCell(0).setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy:HH:mm:SS Z"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); headerCell.setCellValue("File created by ABI ICMA v 1.0 at " + format.format(cal.getTime())); }
From source
private void addWorkSheet(Workbook wb, String measure, List<FEMModelMeasure> measures, int maxTimePoints, Map<String, CellStyle> styles) { Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(measure); PrintSetup printSetup = sheet.getPrintSetup(); printSetup.setLandscape(true);//from w ww. j a m sheet.setHorizontallyCenter(true); final int leadingHeaders = 4; int rowCounter = 0; // Create header row Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); headerRow.setHeightInPoints(40); Cell headerCell; int colCtr = 0; { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("ModelName"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("StartTime"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("EndTime"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("MetaData"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("ID"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } // Insert Time points for (int i = 0; i < maxTimePoints; i++) { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("" + i); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } // Insert composite variables { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("MAX"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("MIN"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("MEAN"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(colCtr++); headerCell.setCellValue("SD"); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } // Output the values for each measure for (FEMModelMeasure mes : measures) { double[][] strains = mes.getMeasure(measure); if (strains == null) continue; int numRows = strains.length + 1; // 1 for Avg int rowStarts = rowCounter; int colCounter = 0; for (int rctr = 0; rctr < numRows - 1; rctr++) { colCounter = 0; int myRowID = rowCounter + 1; Row row = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); for (int colc = 0; colc < leadingHeaders; colc++) { // Common // Elements row.createCell(colCounter++); } // Create ROW ID { Cell cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellValue("S" + (rctr + 1)); } String strainStartXLColName = getColumnPrefix(colCounter); int strainLength = strains[rctr].length; for (int stc = 0; stc < strainLength; stc++) { Cell cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellValue(strains[rctr][stc]); } String strainEndXLColName = getColumnPrefix(colCounter - 1); while (strainLength < maxTimePoints) { // Create dummy cells to // fill up space row.createCell(colCounter++); strainLength++; } // Add formulas and create names { //String modelName = mes.getModelName(); //String sname = ""; // MAX Cell cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); String ref = strainStartXLColName + "" + myRowID + ":" + strainEndXLColName + "" + myRowID; cell.setCellFormula("MAX(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("MAX")); /* * sname = * (modelName+"_"+measure+"_"+"MAX_S"+(rctr+1)..replaceAll * (" ", "_").trim(); Name namedCel = wb.createName(); * namedCel.setNameName(sname); String reference = * measure+"!"+getColumnPrefix(colCounter-1)+myRowID; // * cell reference namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); */ // MIN cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellFormula("MIN(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("MIN")); /* * sname = modelName+"_"+measure+"_"+"MIN_S"+(rctr+1); * namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); * reference = * measure+"!"+getColumnPrefix(colCounter-1)+myRowID; // * cell reference namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); */ // MEAN cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellFormula("AVERAGE(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("AVERAGE")); /* * sname = modelName+"_"+measure+"_"+"AVERAGE_S"+(rctr+1); * namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); * reference = * measure+"!"+getColumnPrefix(colCounter-1)+myRowID; // * cell reference namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); */ // STANDARD DEVIATION cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellFormula("STDEV(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("STDEV")); /* * sname = modelName+"_"+measure+"_"+"STDEV_S"+(rctr+1); * namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); * reference = * measure+"!"+getColumnPrefix(colCounter-1)+""+myRowID; // * cell reference namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); */ } } // Add user defined series Hashtable<String, String> formulaMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); for (String exp : userSeries) { // Replace all S[0-9]*, and D[0-9]* with appropriate column // values String toks[] = exp.split("="); int myRowID = rowCounter; colCounter = 0; Row row = sheet.createRow(rowCounter++); for (int colc = 0; colc < leadingHeaders; colc++) { // Common // Elements row.createCell(colCounter++); } // Create ROW ID { Cell cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellValue(toks[0]); } String strainStartXLColName = getColumnPrefix(colCounter); int strainLength = strains[numRows - 2].length; for (int stc = 0; stc < strainLength; stc++) { Cell cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); // Get the expression String expression = toks[1].toLowerCase();// Regex is case // senstive, // since th // COLUMN // PREFIXs are // CAPS, // replaceAll // will work as // expected else // S17 will // mathc for S1 // (but not s1) for (int sCtr = mes.numSegments; sCtr > 0; sCtr--) { String XLColName = (char) ('A' + stc + leadingHeaders + 1) + "" + (rowStarts + sCtr); // Note // excel // formulas // need // base // 1 expression = expression.replaceAll("s" + sCtr + "{1}", XLColName); } cell.setCellFormula(expression); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("AVGSERIES")); } String strainEndXLColName = getColumnPrefix(colCounter - 1); while (strainLength < maxTimePoints) { // Create dummy cells to // fill up space row.createCell(colCounter++); strainLength++; } // Add formulas and create names { StringBuffer formulas = new StringBuffer(); String modelName = mes.getModelName(); char c = modelName.charAt(0); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { modelName = "_" + modelName; } String measureName = measure.replaceAll("\\(", "_").replaceAll("\\)", "_").replaceAll(" ", ""); String sname = ""; // MAX Cell cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); String ref = strainStartXLColName + myRowID + ":" + strainEndXLColName + myRowID; cell.setCellFormula("MAX(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("MAX")); sname = (modelName + "_" + measureName + "_" + "MAX_" + toks[0]).replaceAll(" ", "_").trim(); Name namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); String reference = measureName + "!" + getColumnPrefix(colCounter - 1) + (myRowID + 1); // cell // reference // in // xl // base try { namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); formulas.append(reference + "#"); // MIN cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellFormula("MIN(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("MIN")); sname = (modelName + "_" + measureName + "_" + "MIN_" + toks[0]).replaceAll(" ", "_") .trim(); namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); reference = measureName + "!" + getColumnPrefix(colCounter - 1) + (myRowID + 1); // cell // reference // in // xl // base namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); formulas.append(reference + "#"); // MEAN cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellFormula("AVERAGE(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("AVERAGE")); sname = (modelName + "_" + measureName + "_" + "AVERAGE_" + toks[0]).replaceAll(" ", "_") .trim(); namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); reference = measureName + "!" + getColumnPrefix(colCounter - 1) + (myRowID + 1); // cell // reference // in // xl // base namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); formulas.append(reference + "#"); // STANDARD DEVIATION cell = row.createCell(colCounter++); cell.setCellFormula("STDEV(" + ref + ")"); cell.setCellStyle(styles.get("STDEV")); sname = (modelName + "_" + measureName + "_" + "STDEV_" + toks[0]).replaceAll(" ", "_") .trim(); namedCel = wb.createName(); namedCel.setNameName(sname); reference = measureName + "!" + getColumnPrefix(colCounter - 1) + (myRowID + 1); // cell // reference // in // xl // base namedCel.setRefersToFormula(reference); formulas.append(reference); formulaMap.put(toks[0], formulas.toString()); } catch (Exception exx) { //exx.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(exx + " occured for formula " + reference); } } } mes.addToFormulaMap(measure, formulaMap); // Set the commom columns Row row; Cell cell; row = sheet.getRow(rowStarts); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue(mes.getModelName()); cell = row.getCell(1); cell.setCellValue(mes.getStartTime()); cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellValue(mes.getEndTime()); cell = row.getCell(3); cell.setCellValue(mes.getMetaData()); sheet.addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("$A$" + (rowStarts + 1) + ":$A$" + (rowCounter))); // Since // excel // number // starts // from // 1 // but // api // is // 0 sheet.addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("$B$" + (rowStarts + 1) + ":$B$" + (rowCounter))); sheet.addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("$C$" + (rowStarts + 1) + ":$C$" + (rowCounter))); sheet.addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("$D$" + (rowStarts + 1) + ":$D$" + (rowCounter))); sheet.createRow(rowCounter++);// Create Empty row for model break } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * // www.j a v a2 s. co m * method name : getExcelSurveyReport * @param object * @param response * @param params * @param locale * @return * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException * TeachingSurveyExcelImpl * return type : OutputStream * * purpose : Get Streaming excel object for valid/invalid survey report * * Date : Mar 16, 2016 1:23:57 PM */ public OutputStream getExcelSurveyReport(String templateName, Object object, ResourceResponse response, Map<String, String> params, Locale locale) throws DocumentException, IOException { int colHead = 0; int rowNum = 0; String paramStaffRole = params.get(Constants.CONST_ROLE_STAFF); String paramTypeSurvey = params.get(Constants.CONST_PARAM_TYPE_SURVEY); String paramSemesterCode = params.get(Constants.CONST_PARAM_SEMESTER_CODE); String titleRegion = null; Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); CreationHelper creationHelper = workbook.getCreationHelper(); Map<String, CellStyle> styles = createStyles(workbook); Sheet sheet = null; Cell cellSH = null; List<ReportSummary> reportSummaries = (List<ReportSummary>) object; if (templateName.equals(Constants.CONST_VALID_SURVEY_REPORT)) { sheet = workbook.createSheet( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale)); } if (templateName.equals(Constants.CONST_INVALID_SURVEY_REPORT)) { sheet = workbook.createSheet( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale)); } sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(true); sheet.getPrintSetup().setPaperSize(HSSFPrintSetup.A4_PAPERSIZE); /** Header Footer **/ Footer footer = sheet.getFooter(); Header header = sheet.getHeader(); footer.setRight("Page &P of &N"); footer.setLeft("&D"); header.setLeft(UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.heading", null, locale)); header.setCenter(UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.title", null, locale)); header.setRight(paramTypeSurvey + " - " + paramSemesterCode); sheet.setRepeatingRows(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("2:2")); sheet.setDisplayGridlines(true); sheet.setPrintGridlines(true); /** Title **/ Row titleRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum); titleRow.setHeightInPoints(45); Cell titleCell = titleRow.createCell(0); titleCell.setCellValue(paramTypeSurvey + " - " + paramSemesterCode); titleCell.setCellStyle(styles.get(TITLE)); ++rowNum; titleRegion = "$A$" + rowNum + ":$O$" + rowNum; sheet.addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.valueOf(titleRegion)); /** Header Row **/ Row rowSubHeader = sheet.createRow(rowNum++); if (!paramStaffRole.equals(Constants.CONST_ROLE_STAFF_HOD) && !templateName.equals(Constants.CONST_INVALID_SURVEY_REPORT)) { cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.rank.department", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); } cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); if (!paramStaffRole.equals(Constants.CONST_ROLE_STAFF_HOD)) { cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.department", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); } cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.course.code", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.section", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.student.registered", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.response.number", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.analysis.mean", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.analysis.response.percentage", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.analysis.mean", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); cellSH = rowSubHeader.createCell(colHead++); cellSH.setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString( UtilProperty.getMessage("prop.course.teaching.survey.analysis.response.percentage", null, locale))); cellSH.setCellStyle(styles.get(SUB_HEADER)); /** Report details **/ for (ReportSummary reportSummary : reportSummaries) { int colNum = 0; Row row = sheet.createRow((short) rowNum); if (!paramStaffRole.equals(Constants.CONST_ROLE_STAFF_HOD) && !templateName.equals(Constants.CONST_INVALID_SURVEY_REPORT)) { row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(reportSummary.getUniversityRank()); row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(reportSummary.getCollegeRank()); row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(reportSummary.getDepartmentRank()); } row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(reportSummary.getEmpNumber())); row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString(reportSummary.getEmpName())); row.createCell(colNum++) .setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString(reportSummary.getCollegeCode())); if (!paramStaffRole.equals(Constants.CONST_ROLE_STAFF_HOD)) { row.createCell(colNum++) .setCellValue(creationHelper.createRichTextString(reportSummary.getDepartmentName())); } row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(reportSummary.getCourseCode()); row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(Integer.parseInt(reportSummary.getSectionNo())); row.createCell(colNum++).setCellValue(reportSummary.getRegisteredStudent()); Cell cellStudentNoResponse = row.createCell(colNum++); cellStudentNoResponse.setCellValue(reportSummary.getStudentNoResponse()); cellStudentNoResponse.setCellStyle(styles.get(FORMULA_1)); Cell cellTeachingMean = row.createCell(colNum++); cellTeachingMean.setCellValue(reportSummary.getTeachingMean()); cellTeachingMean.setCellStyle(styles.get(FORMULA_1)); Cell cellTeachingPercentageFavor = row.createCell(colNum++); cellTeachingPercentageFavor.setCellValue(reportSummary.getTeachingPercentageFavor()); cellTeachingPercentageFavor.setCellStyle(styles.get(FORMULA_1)); Cell cellQuestionMean = row.createCell(colNum++); cellQuestionMean.setCellValue(reportSummary.getQuestionMean()); cellQuestionMean.setCellStyle(styles.get(FORMULA_1)); Cell cellQuestionPercentageFavor = row.createCell(colNum++); cellQuestionPercentageFavor.setCellValue(reportSummary.getQuestionPercentageFavor()); cellQuestionPercentageFavor.setCellStyle(styles.get(FORMULA_1)); rowNum++; } response.setContentType("application/"); OutputStream outputStream = response.getPortletOutputStream(); workbook.write(outputStream); outputStream.flush(); outputStream.close(); return null; }