Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnWidth

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnWidth


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnWidth.


void setColumnWidth(int columnIndex, int width);

Source Link


Set the width (in units of 1/256th of a character width)

The maximum column width for an individual cell is 255 characters.


From source file:org.bbreak.excella.reports.tag.BlockColRepeatParamParser.java

License:Open Source License

public ParsedReportInfo parse(Sheet sheet, Cell tagCell, Object data) throws ParseException {
    try {/*from   w w  w.  j  a v  a2  s.  c o m*/
        // ??
        Map<String, String> paramDef = TagUtil.getParams(tagCell.getStringCellValue());

        // ?
        checkParam(paramDef, tagCell);

        ReportsParserInfo info = (ReportsParserInfo) data;
        ParamInfo paramInfo = info.getParamInfo();

        ParsedReportInfo parsedReportInfo = new ParsedReportInfo();
        List<Object> resultList = new ArrayList<Object>();

        // BC?????
        String bcTagname = paramDef.get(PARAM_VALUE);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("BC?? : " + bcTagname);

        // ?????
        Object[] paramInfos = getParamData(paramInfo, bcTagname);
        if (paramInfos == null) {
            return parsedReportInfo;
        // ????
        List<SingleParamParser> singleParsers = getSingleReplaceParsers(info);

        // POJOParamInfo???
        List<ParamInfo> paramInfoList = new ArrayList<ParamInfo>();
        for (Object obj : paramInfos) {
            if (obj instanceof ParamInfo) {
                paramInfoList.add((ParamInfo) obj);
            ParamInfo childParamInfo = new ParamInfo();
            Map<String, Object> map = PropertyUtils.describe(obj);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                for (ReportsTagParser<?> parser : singleParsers) {
                    childParamInfo.addParam(parser.getTag(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        // ??
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_MIN_REPEAT_NUM)) {
            Integer minRepeatNum = Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_MIN_REPEAT_NUM));
            if (minRepeatNum > paramInfoList.size()) {
                int addEmptyRowNum = minRepeatNum - paramInfoList.size();
                for (int num = 0; num < addEmptyRowNum; num++) {
                    ParamInfo childParamInfo = new ParamInfo();
        paramInfos = paramInfoList.toArray(new ParamInfo[paramInfoList.size()]);

        // ?
        Integer repeatNum = paramInfos.length;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_REPEAT)) {
            if (Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_REPEAT)) < repeatNum) {
                repeatNum = Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_REPEAT));

        // ?
        // TODO ?
         * Integer turnNum = null; if (paramDef.containsKey( PARAM_TURN)) { turnNum = Integer.valueOf( paramDef.get( PARAM_TURN)); }

        // ??????????
        Map<String, Object> beforeBlockSingleDataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        // ???
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_DUPLICATE)) {
            String[] tmp = paramDef.get(PARAM_DUPLICATE).split(";");
            // single???
            for (String str : tmp) {
                for (ReportsTagParser<?> parser : singleParsers) {
                    str = parser.getTag() + TAG_PARAM_PREFIX + str + TAG_PARAM_SUFFIX;
                    // ??key???
                    beforeBlockSingleDataMap.put(str, "");

        // removeTag
        boolean removeTag = false;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_REMOVE_TAG)) {
            removeTag = Boolean.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_REMOVE_TAG));

        // fromCell
        int[] fromCellPosition = ReportsUtil.getCellIndex(paramDef.get(PARAM_FROM), PARAM_FROM);
        int defaultFromCellRowIndex = tagCell.getRow().getRowNum() + fromCellPosition[0];
        int defaultFromCellColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + fromCellPosition[1];

        // toCell
        int[] toCellIndex = ReportsUtil.getCellIndex(paramDef.get(PARAM_TO), PARAM_TO);
        int defaultToCellRowIndex = tagCell.getRow().getRowNum() + toCellIndex[0];
        int defaultToCellColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + toCellIndex[1];

        // ?(??)
        int blockEndRowIndex = defaultToCellRowIndex;
        int blockEndColIndex = defaultToCellColIndex;
        int blockStartRowIndex = defaultFromCellRowIndex;
        int blockStartColIndex = defaultFromCellColIndex;

        // BC??Cell[row][col]
        Object[][] blockCellsValue = ReportsUtil.getBlockCellValue(sheet, defaultFromCellRowIndex,
                defaultToCellRowIndex, defaultFromCellColIndex, defaultToCellColIndex);
        CellStyle[][] blockCellsStyle = ReportsUtil.getBlockCellStyle(sheet, defaultFromCellRowIndex,
                defaultToCellRowIndex, defaultFromCellColIndex, defaultToCellColIndex);
        CellType[][] blockCellTypes = ReportsUtil.getBlockCellType(sheet, defaultFromCellRowIndex,
                defaultToCellRowIndex, defaultFromCellColIndex, defaultToCellColIndex);
        // ?????
        int[] columnWidths = ReportsUtil.getColumnWidth(sheet, defaultFromCellColIndex, defaultToCellColIndex);

        // ?
        int rowlen = defaultToCellRowIndex - defaultFromCellRowIndex + 1;
        int collen = defaultToCellColIndex - defaultFromCellColIndex + 1;

        // ???
        CellRangeAddress[] margedCells = ReportsUtil.getMargedCells(sheet, defaultFromCellRowIndex,
                defaultToCellRowIndex, defaultFromCellColIndex, defaultToCellColIndex);

        // ????
        int turnCount = 0;

        int maxblockEndRowIndex = blockEndRowIndex;

        TagParser<?> parser = null;

        ParsedReportInfo result = null;

        for (int repeatCount = 0; repeatCount < repeatNum; repeatCount++) {

            collen = defaultToCellColIndex - defaultFromCellColIndex + 1;

            // ??????blockStartRowIndex??blockEndColIndex?
            // TODO ?
             * if (turnNum != null && turnNum <= turnCount) { blockStartRowIndex = blockEndRowIndex + 1; blockEndColIndex = 0; turnCount = 0; }

            if (turnCount > 0) {
                blockStartColIndex = blockEndColIndex + 1;
                blockEndColIndex = blockStartColIndex + collen - 1;
            } else {
                // ??????? 2009/11/16
                // blockStartColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex();

            // ???BC
            if (repeatCount > 0) {
                CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(blockStartRowIndex, sheet.getLastRowNum(),
                        blockStartColIndex, blockStartColIndex + collen - 1);
                PoiUtil.insertRangeRight(sheet, rangeAddress);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(blockStartRowIndex + ":" + sheet.getLastRowNum() + ":" + blockStartColIndex + ":"
                            + (blockStartColIndex + collen - 1));

                // ???
                // ???????????
                // ??????
                int targetColNum = blockEndColIndex - defaultToCellColIndex;
                for (CellRangeAddress address : margedCells) {
                    // ???(BC????????)
                    // ???(BC????????)
                    // ??? + BC?? - BC?
                    // ??? + BC?? - BC?
                    int firstRowNum = address.getFirstRow();
                    int lastRowNum = address.getLastRow();
                    int firstColumnNum = address.getFirstColumn() + targetColNum;
                    int lastColumnNum = address.getLastColumn() + targetColNum;

                    CellRangeAddress copyAddress = new CellRangeAddress(firstRowNum, lastRowNum, firstColumnNum,


            // ?
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("?????? =" + repeatCount);

            for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < blockCellsValue.length; rowIdx++) {
                // ?
                int copyToRowIndex = blockStartRowIndex + rowIdx;
                Row row = sheet.getRow(copyToRowIndex);
                // ??null???????????????
                if (row == null && !ReportsUtil.isEmptyRow(blockCellTypes[rowIdx], blockCellsValue[rowIdx],
                        blockCellsStyle[rowIdx])) {
                    // ????
                    // ?
                    // (??)??????????
                    // ??null???(RowCreate?)???????????
                    row = sheet.createRow(copyToRowIndex);

                if (row != null) {
                    // ?
                    for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < blockCellsValue[rowIdx].length; colIdx++) {
                        int copyToColIndex = blockStartColIndex + colIdx;
                        // ?
                        sheet.setColumnWidth(copyToColIndex, columnWidths[colIdx]);
                        // ?
                        Cell cell = row.getCell(copyToColIndex);
                        // ??
                        CellType cellType = blockCellTypes[rowIdx][colIdx];
                        // ??
                        Object cellValue = blockCellsValue[rowIdx][colIdx];
                        // ??
                        CellStyle cellStyle = blockCellsStyle[rowIdx][colIdx];
                        // ?????????????????
                        if (cell == null && !ReportsUtil.isEmptyCell(cellType, cellValue, cellStyle)) {
                            cell = row.createCell(copyToColIndex);

                        if (cell != null) {
                            // ?
                            // ??
                            PoiUtil.setCellValue(cell, cellValue);
                            // ??
                            if (cellStyle != null) {
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                log.debug("row=" + (copyToRowIndex) + " col" + (copyToColIndex) + ">>>>>>"
                                        + blockCellsValue[rowIdx][colIdx]);

            // ?????????
            int plusRowNum = 0;
            // ?????????
            int plusColNum = 0;
            collen = defaultToCellColIndex - defaultFromCellColIndex + 1;

            for (int targetRow = blockStartRowIndex; targetRow < blockStartRowIndex + rowlen
                    + plusRowNum; targetRow++) {
                if (sheet.getRow(targetRow) == null) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("row=" + targetRow + " : row is not available. continued...");

                // ?
                Cell chgTargetCell = null;

                for (int targetCol = blockStartColIndex; targetCol <= blockStartColIndex + collen + plusColNum
                        - 1; targetCol++) {

                    // ????
                    chgTargetCell = sheet.getRow(targetRow).getCell(targetCol);
                    if (chgTargetCell == null) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("row=" + targetRow + " col=" + targetCol
                                    + " : cell is not available. continued...");

                    parser = info.getMatchTagParser(sheet, chgTargetCell);
                    if (parser == null) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("row=" + targetRow + " col=" + targetCol
                                    + " parser is not available. continued...");

                    String chgTargetCellString = chgTargetCell.getStringCellValue();
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("##########  row=" + targetRow + " col=" + targetCol
                                + " =" + chgTargetCellString + " ##########");

                    // ?
                    result = (ParsedReportInfo) parser.parse(sheet, chgTargetCell,
                            info.createChildParserInfo((ParamInfo) paramInfos[repeatCount]));

                    // ???
                    plusRowNum += result.getRowIndex() - result.getDefaultRowIndex();

                    // ???
                    plusColNum += result.getColumnIndex() - result.getDefaultColumnIndex();

                    // ?single???????????
                    // ???????????
                    if (parser instanceof SingleParamParser
                            && beforeBlockSingleDataMap.containsKey(chgTargetCellString)) {
                        if (beforeBlockSingleDataMap.get(chgTargetCellString)
                                .equals(result.getParsedObject())) {
                            PoiUtil.setCellValue(chgTargetCell, "");

                        } else {
                            // ????
                            beforeBlockSingleDataMap.put(chgTargetCellString, result.getParsedObject());

                    // ??????????????
                    if (blockStartColIndex != result.getDefaultColumnIndex()
                            && maxblockEndRowIndex <= blockEndRowIndex
                            && result.getRowIndex() > result.getDefaultRowIndex()) {
                        CellRangeAddress preRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(blockEndRowIndex + 1,
                                blockEndRowIndex + (result.getRowIndex() - result.getDefaultRowIndex()),
                                blockStartColIndex, targetCol - 1);
                        PoiUtil.insertRangeDown(sheet, preRangeAddress);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("1 : " + (blockEndRowIndex + 1) + ":"
                                    + (blockEndRowIndex + (result.getRowIndex() - result.getDefaultRowIndex()))
                                    + ":" + blockStartColIndex + ":" + (targetCol - 1));

                    // R??????
                    if (parser instanceof RowRepeatParamParser && maxblockEndRowIndex <= blockEndRowIndex
                            && result.getRowIndex() > result.getDefaultRowIndex()) {
                        CellRangeAddress rearRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(blockEndRowIndex + 1,
                                blockEndRowIndex + (result.getRowIndex() - result.getDefaultRowIndex()),
                                result.getDefaultColumnIndex() + 1, blockEndColIndex);
                        PoiUtil.insertRangeDown(sheet, rearRangeAddress);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("2 : " + (blockEndRowIndex + 1) + ":"
                                    + (blockEndRowIndex + (result.getRowIndex() - result.getDefaultRowIndex()))
                                    + ":" + (result.getDefaultColumnIndex() + 1) + ":" + blockEndColIndex);

                    blockEndRowIndex = defaultToCellRowIndex + plusRowNum;


                    if (parser instanceof BlockColRepeatParamParser
                            || parser instanceof BlockRowRepeatParamParser) {
                        collen += result.getColumnIndex() - result.getDefaultColumnIndex();
                        plusColNum -= result.getColumnIndex() - result.getDefaultColumnIndex();

                    // ????????
                    if (blockStartColIndex + collen + plusColNum - 1 > blockEndColIndex) {
                        int beforeLastColIndex = blockEndColIndex;
                        blockEndColIndex = blockStartColIndex + collen + plusColNum - 1;

                        // ???????????
                        CellRangeAddress preRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(tagCell.getRowIndex(),
                                targetRow - 1, beforeLastColIndex + 1, blockEndColIndex);
                        PoiUtil.insertRangeRight(sheet, preRangeAddress);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("1 : " + tagCell.getRowIndex() + ":" + (targetRow - 1) + ":"
                                    + (beforeLastColIndex + 1) + ":" + blockEndColIndex);
                        // ??????
                        int lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum();
                        if ((blockEndRowIndex + 1) <= lastRowNum
                                && (beforeLastColIndex + 1) <= blockEndColIndex) {
                            CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(blockEndRowIndex + 1,
                                    lastRowNum, beforeLastColIndex + 1, blockEndColIndex);
                            PoiUtil.insertRangeRight(sheet, rangeAddress);
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                log.debug("3 : " + (blockEndRowIndex + 1) + ":" + lastRowNum + ":"
                                        + (beforeLastColIndex + 1) + ":" + blockEndColIndex);
                    // ?
                // ??????
                if (blockStartColIndex + collen + plusColNum - 1 < blockEndColIndex) {
                    CellRangeAddress rearRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(targetRow, targetRow,
                            blockStartColIndex + collen + plusColNum, blockEndColIndex);
                    PoiUtil.insertRangeRight(sheet, rearRangeAddress);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("2 : " + targetRow + ":" + targetRow + ":"
                                + (blockStartColIndex + collen + plusColNum) + ":" + blockEndColIndex);

                plusColNum = 0;

                // ?

            // ???????
            if (maxblockEndRowIndex < blockEndRowIndex) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                if (repeatCount != 0) {
                    CellRangeAddress preRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(maxblockEndRowIndex + 1,
                            blockEndRowIndex, defaultFromCellColIndex, blockStartColIndex - 1);
                    PoiUtil.insertRangeDown(sheet, preRangeAddress);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("1 : " + (maxblockEndRowIndex + 1) + ":" + blockEndRowIndex + ":"
                                + defaultFromCellColIndex + ":" + (blockStartColIndex - 1));

                // ???????
                CellRangeAddress rearRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(maxblockEndRowIndex + 1,
                        blockEndRowIndex, blockEndColIndex + 1, PoiUtil.getLastColNum(sheet));
                PoiUtil.insertRangeDown(sheet, rearRangeAddress);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("2 : " + (maxblockEndRowIndex + 1) + ":" + blockEndRowIndex + ":"
                            + (blockEndColIndex + 1) + ":" + PoiUtil.getLastColNum(sheet));

                maxblockEndRowIndex = blockEndRowIndex;

        if (removeTag) {


        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("finalBlockRowIndex= " + maxblockEndRowIndex);
            log.debug("finalBlockColIndex=" + blockEndColIndex);
        return parsedReportInfo;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParseException(tagCell, e);

From source file:org.bbreak.excella.reports.tag.ColRepeatParamParser.java

License:Open Source License

public ParsedReportInfo parse(Sheet sheet, Cell tagCell, Object data) throws ParseException {

    Map<String, String> paramDef = TagUtil.getParams(tagCell.getStringCellValue());

    // ?//from  w  ww. j av a2s. c o m
    checkParam(paramDef, tagCell);

    String tag = tagCell.getStringCellValue();
    ReportsParserInfo info = (ReportsParserInfo) data;
    ParamInfo paramInfo = info.getParamInfo();
    ParsedReportInfo parsedReportInfo = new ParsedReportInfo();

    // ??
    Object[] paramValues = null;
    try {
        // ???
        String replaceParam = paramDef.get(PARAM_VALUE);

        // ?
        Integer repeatNum = null;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_REPEAT_NUM)) {
            repeatNum = Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_REPEAT_NUM));
        // ??
        Integer minRepeatNum = null;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_MIN_REPEAT_NUM)) {
            minRepeatNum = Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_MIN_REPEAT_NUM));

        // ?
        boolean sheetLink = false;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_SHEET_LINK)) {
            sheetLink = Boolean.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_SHEET_LINK));

        String propertyName = null;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_PROPERTY)) {
            propertyName = paramDef.get(PARAM_PROPERTY);

        // ???
        boolean hideDuplicate = false;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_DUPLICATE)) {
            hideDuplicate = Boolean.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_DUPLICATE));

        if (ReportsUtil.VALUE_SHEET_NAMES.equals(replaceParam)) {
            // ??
            paramValues = ReportsUtil.getSheetNames(info.getReportBook()).toArray();
        } else if (ReportsUtil.VALUE_SHEET_VALUES.equals(replaceParam)) {
            paramValues = ReportsUtil
                    .getSheetValues(info.getReportBook(), propertyName, info.getReportParsers()).toArray();
        } else {
            // ???
            if (paramInfo != null) {
                paramValues = getParamData(paramInfo, replaceParam);

        if (paramValues == null || paramValues.length == 0) {
            // ?
            paramValues = new Object[] { null };

        // ?
        if (hideDuplicate && paramValues.length > 1) {
            List<Object> paramValuesList = new ArrayList<Object>();
            for (int i = 0; i <= paramValues.length - 1; i++) {
                // ?????
                if (!paramValuesList.contains(paramValues[i])) {
                } else {
            paramValues = paramValuesList.toArray();

        // ?
        int shiftNum = paramValues.length;
        // ?
        int paramLength = paramValues.length;

        // ???????
        if (minRepeatNum != null && shiftNum < minRepeatNum) {
            Object[] tmpValues = new Object[minRepeatNum];
            System.arraycopy(paramValues, 0, tmpValues, 0, paramValues.length);
            paramValues = tmpValues;
            shiftNum = paramValues.length;
            paramLength = paramValues.length;

        // ???
        int defaultFromCellRowIndex = tagCell.getRowIndex();
        // ???
        int defaultFromCellColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex();

        // ??
        int unitColSize = 1;

        // ???
        List<CellRangeAddress> maegedAddresses = new ArrayList<CellRangeAddress>();
        for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) {
            CellRangeAddress targetAddress = sheet.getMergedRegion(i);

        // ???
        if (maegedAddresses.size() > 0) {
            // ?????????????
            for (CellRangeAddress curMergedAdress : maegedAddresses) {
                if (defaultFromCellColIndex == curMergedAdress.getFirstColumn()
                        && defaultFromCellRowIndex == curMergedAdress.getFirstRow()) {
                    // ????????????
                    // ??????
                    unitColSize = curMergedAdress.getLastColumn() - curMergedAdress.getFirstColumn() + 1;

                    // ??????
                    shiftNum = shiftNum * unitColSize;

        // ?
        if (repeatNum != null && repeatNum < shiftNum) {
            // ??????
            // ????????????????
            // ?(repeatNum)??(unitColSize)??
            shiftNum = repeatNum * unitColSize;

            // ??????
            paramLength = repeatNum;

        // ???
        // ?????
        tagCell = new CellClone(tagCell);
        List<Cell> cellList = new ArrayList<Cell>();
        int defaultToOverCellColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + unitColSize;
        for (int i = defaultFromCellColIndex; i < defaultToOverCellColIndex; i++) {
            Row targetCellRow = sheet.getRow(tagCell.getRowIndex());
            cellList.add(new CellClone(targetCellRow.getCell(i)));

        // ?            
        if (shiftNum > 1) {
            // ?(????????)
            int shiftColSize = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + shiftNum - unitColSize - 1;
            // ???
            CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(tagCell.getRowIndex(), tagCell.getRowIndex(),
                    tagCell.getColumnIndex(), shiftColSize);
            PoiUtil.insertRangeRight(sheet, rangeAddress);
            int tagCellWidth = sheet.getColumnWidth(tagCell.getColumnIndex());
            for (int i = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + 1; i <= shiftColSize; i++) {
                int colWidth = sheet.getColumnWidth(i);
                if (colWidth < tagCellWidth) {
                    // ??  ???????
                    // ??????
                    sheet.setColumnWidth(i, tagCellWidth);

        // ???
        Workbook workbook = sheet.getWorkbook();
        String sheetName = workbook.getSheetName(workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet));
        // ??
        List<String> sheetNames = ReportsUtil.getSheetNames(info.getReportBook());
        // ?
        List<Object> resultValues = new ArrayList<Object>();
        // ??(beforeValue)
        Object beforeValue = null;

        // ?
        int valueIndex = -1;
        // ?????
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < shiftNum; colIndex++) {
            // ??
            Row row = sheet.getRow(tagCell.getRowIndex());
            if (row == null) {
                // ????
                // ?
                // (??)??????????
                // ??null???(RowCreate?)???????????
                row = sheet.createRow(tagCell.getRowIndex());
            // ??
            Cell cell = row.getCell(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + colIndex);
            if (cell == null) {
                cell = row.createCell(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + colIndex);
            // ????(null)
            Object value = null;

            // ??????
            // ??0???(?????????)???????
            int cellIndex = colIndex % unitColSize;

            // ?????????
            boolean skipCol = false;
            if (cellIndex != 0) {
                skipCol = true;
            } else {

            // ?
            PoiUtil.copyCell(cellList.get(cellIndex), cell);

            // ?
            Object currentValue = paramValues[valueIndex];
            // ??=true???????????
            boolean duplicateValue = false;
            if (beforeValue != null && currentValue != null && beforeValue.equals(currentValue)) {
                // ???
                duplicateValue = true;
            if (!skipCol && !(hideDuplicate && duplicateValue)) {
                // ??=true
                // ??????????????
                value = currentValue;
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("[??=" + sheetName + ",=(" + cell.getRowIndex() + ","
                        + cell.getColumnIndex() + ")]  " + tag + "  " + value);
            PoiUtil.setCellValue(cell, value);

            // ?
            if (sheetLink) {
                if (!skipCol && valueIndex < sheetNames.size()) {
                    PoiUtil.setHyperlink(cell, HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT,
                            "'" + sheetNames.get(valueIndex) + "'!A1");
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("[??=" + sheetName + ",=(" + cell.getRowIndex() + ","
                                + cell.getColumnIndex() + ")]  Hyperlink  " + "'"
                                + sheetNames.get(valueIndex) + "'!A1");

            // ??
            // ??????????????????
            if (!skipCol && unitColSize > 1 && paramLength > valueIndex + 1) {
                CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getRowIndex(),
                        cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex() + unitColSize - 1);

                // ????????????
                beforeValue = value;

            // ???????
            if (unitColSize == 1) {
                beforeValue = value;


        // ??
        parsedReportInfo.setDefaultColumnIndex(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + unitColSize - 1);
        parsedReportInfo.setColumnIndex(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + shiftNum - 1);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        return parsedReportInfo;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParseException(tagCell, e);


From source file:org.bonitasoft.connectors.excel.AddDimensionedImage.java

License:Apache License

 * Determines whether the sheets columns should be re-sized to accomodate
 * the image, adjusts the columns width if necessary and creates then
 * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of
 * an ClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish
 * it's size./*from ww  w .  ja v a 2  s.c  o  m*/
 * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
 * @param colNumber A primtive int that contains the index number of a
 *                  column on the sheet.
 * @param reqImageWidthMM A primtive double that contains the required
 *                        width of the image in millimetres
 * @param resizeBehaviour A primitve int whose value will indicate how the
 *                        width of the column should be adjusted if the
 *                        required width of the image is greater than the
 *                        width of the column.
 * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
 *         the index number of the column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
 *         image, the index number column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
 *         the image and an inset that determines how far the right hand
 *         edge of the image can protrude into the next column - expressed
 *         as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(Sheet sheet, int colNumber, double reqImageWidthMM,
        int resizeBehaviour) {

    double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
    double colCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
    int pictureWidthCoordinates = 0;
    ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;

    // Get the colum's width in millimetres
    colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber));

    // Check that the column's width will accomodate the image at the
    // required dimension. If the width of the column is LESS than the
    // required width of the image, decide how the application should
    // respond - resize the column or overlay the image across one or more
    // columns.
    if (colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {

        // Should the column's width simply be expanded?
        if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
            // Set the width of the column by converting the required image
            // width from millimetres into Excel's column width units.
            sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber, ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM));
            // To make the image occupy the full width of the column, convert
            // the required width of the image into co-ordinates. This value
            // will become the inset for the ClientAnchorDetail class that
            // is then instantiated.
            colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
            colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
            pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
            colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
        // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
        // to expand ONLY the size of the rows, then calculate how to lay
        // the image out across one or more columns.
        else if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW)) {
            colClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateColumnLocation(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
    // If the column is wider than the image.
    else {
        // Mow many co-ordinate positions are there per millimetre?
        colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
        // Given the width of the image, what should be it's co-ordinate?
        pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
        colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
    return (colClientAnchorDetail);

From source file:org.cerberus.service.export.ExportServiceFactory.java

License:Open Source License

private void createReportByTagExport(Workbook workbook) {
    //handles the export of the execution by tag data
    HashMap<String, SummaryStatisticsDTO> summaryMap = new HashMap<String, SummaryStatisticsDTO>();

    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, List<TestCaseExecution>>> mapList = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, List<TestCaseExecution>>>();
    List<String> mapCountries = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<CellStyle> stylesList = new LinkedList<CellStyle>();

    if (exportOptions.contains("chart") || exportOptions.contains("list")) {
        //then we need to create the default colors for each cell
        HSSFWorkbook hwb = new HSSFWorkbook();
        HSSFPalette palette = hwb.getCustomPalette();

        CellStyle okStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();

        // get the color which most closely matches the color you want to use
        // code to get the style for the cell goes here
        okStyle.setFillForegroundColor(palette.findSimilarColor(92, 184, 0).getIndex());

        stylesList.add(okStyle);/*from  w  ww  .  j  a  v  a 2 s .c om*/

    for (TestCaseExecution execution : (List<TestCaseExecution>) list) {
        //check if the country and application shows

        if (exportOptions.contains("chart") || exportOptions.contains("summary")) {
            String keySummaryTable = execution.getApplication() + " " + execution.getCountry() + " "
                    + execution.getEnvironment();
            SummaryStatisticsDTO stats;

            String status = execution.getControlStatus();

            if (summaryMap.containsKey(keySummaryTable)) {
                stats = summaryMap.get(keySummaryTable);
            } else {
                stats = new SummaryStatisticsDTO();
            summaryMap.put(keySummaryTable, stats); //updates the map
        if (exportOptions.contains("list")) {
            if (exportOptions.contains("filter")) {
                //filter active
            } else {
                //all data is saved

            HashMap<String, List<TestCaseExecution>> listExecution;
            List<TestCaseExecution> testCaseList;
            String testKey = execution.getTest();
            String testCaseKey = execution.getTestCase();

            if (mapList.containsKey(testKey)) {
                listExecution = mapList.get(testKey);
            } else {
                listExecution = new HashMap<String, List<TestCaseExecution>>();
            if (listExecution.containsKey(testCaseKey)) {
                testCaseList = listExecution.get(testCaseKey);
            } else {
                testCaseList = new ArrayList<TestCaseExecution>();
            listExecution.put(testCaseKey, testCaseList);
            mapList.put(testKey, listExecution);

            if (mapCountries.indexOf(execution.getCountry()) == -1) {


    int rowCount = -1;

    //Create a blank sheet
    Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Report by Tag");

    PrintSetup ps = sheet.getPrintSetup();


    //ps.setFitHeight((short) 1);
    ps.setFitWidth((short) 1);
    sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 9000);

    if (exportOptions.contains("chart")) {
        SummaryStatisticsDTO sumsTotal = calculateTotalValues(summaryMap);

        Row row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);
        row.createCell(0).setCellValue("Report By Status");

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);
        CellStyle okStyle = stylesList.get(0);
        Cell cellOk = row.createCell(0);


        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);


    if (exportOptions.contains("summary")) {
        //draw the table with data

        Row row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);
        row.createCell(0).setCellValue("Summary Table");

        //start creating data
        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row.createCell(10).setCellValue("NOT OK");

        /*temporary styles*/
        CellStyle styleBlue = workbook.createCellStyle();
        CellStyle styleGreen = workbook.createCellStyle();
        HSSFWorkbook hwb = new HSSFWorkbook();
        HSSFPalette palette = hwb.getCustomPalette();
        // get the color which most closely matches the color you want to use
        HSSFColor myColor = palette.findSimilarColor(66, 139, 202);

        // get the palette index of that color 
        short palIndex = myColor.getIndex();
        // code to get the style for the cell goes here

        HSSFColor myColorGreen = palette.findSimilarColor(92, 184, 0);

        int startRow = (rowCount + 2);
        TreeMap<String, SummaryStatisticsDTO> sortedSummaryMap = new TreeMap<String, SummaryStatisticsDTO>(
        for (String key : sortedSummaryMap.keySet()) {
            row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);
            SummaryStatisticsDTO sumStats = summaryMap.get(key);
            row.createCell(0).setCellValue((String) sumStats.getApplication());
            row.createCell(1).setCellValue((String) sumStats.getCountry());
            row.createCell(2).setCellValue((String) sumStats.getEnvironment());

            int rowNumber = row.getRowNum() + 1;
            //NOT OK
            row.createCell(10).setCellFormula("SUM(E" + rowNumber + ":J" + rowNumber + ")");
            row.createCell(11).setCellFormula("SUM(D" + rowNumber + ",K" + rowNumber + ")");

            if (sumStats.getOk() == sumStats.getTotal()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        //TODO:FN percentages missing
        //Total row
        row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);

        row.createCell(3).setCellFormula("SUM(D" + startRow + ":D" + rowCount + ")");
        row.createCell(4).setCellFormula("SUM(E" + startRow + ":E" + rowCount + ")");
        row.createCell(5).setCellFormula("SUM(F" + startRow + ":F" + rowCount + ")");
        row.createCell(6).setCellFormula("SUM(G" + startRow + ":G" + rowCount + ")");
        row.createCell(7).setCellFormula("SUM(H" + startRow + ":H" + rowCount + ")");
        row.createCell(8).setCellFormula("SUM(I" + startRow + ":I" + rowCount + ")");
        row.createCell(9).setCellFormula("SUM(J" + startRow + ":J" + rowCount + ")");

        int rowNumberTotal = row.getRowNum() + 1;
        //NOT OK
        row.createCell(10).setCellFormula("SUM(E" + rowNumberTotal + ":J" + rowNumberTotal + ")");
        row.createCell(11).setCellFormula("SUM(D" + rowNumberTotal + ",K" + rowNumberTotal + ")");
        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

        //add some empty rows


    if (exportOptions.contains("list")) {
        //exports the data from test cases' executions
        Row r = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);
        r.createCell(1).setCellValue("Test Case");
        //creates the country list

        Collections.sort(mapCountries);//sorts the list of countries
        int startIndexForCountries = 6;
        for (String country : mapCountries) {

        TreeMap<String, HashMap<String, List<TestCaseExecution>>> sortedKeys = new TreeMap<String, HashMap<String, List<TestCaseExecution>>>(
        for (String keyMapList : sortedKeys.keySet()) {
            rowCount = createRow(keyMapList, mapList.get(keyMapList), sheet, rowCount, mapCountries);

From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.ap.summaries.projects.xlsx.BaseXLS.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method writes string value with hyperlink url into a specific cell.
 * /*  ww  w  .j  av a2 s  .c om*/
 * @param sheet is the sheet where you want to add information into.
 * @param value is the specific information to be written.
 * @param link is the specific link with the to reference
public void writeHyperlink(Sheet sheet, String value, XSSFHyperlink link) {
    // Set description
    sheet.setColumnWidth(columnCounter, 5000);

From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.ap.summaries.projects.xlsx.BaseXLS.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method writes string founded value into a specific cell
 * /*  w  ww.  jav a2 s.  c  o m*/
 * @param sheet is the sheet where you want to add information into.
 * @param value is the specific information to be written.
 * @param terms terms to compare the string.
public void writeSearchString(Sheet sheet, String text, String[] terms) {
    StringTokenizer tokens;
    String token;
    int begin = 0;

    XSSFRichTextString richText = new XSSFRichTextString();

    if (text == null) {
    } else {
        tokens = new StringTokenizer(text);
        while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
            token = tokens.nextToken().toLowerCase();
            begin = richText.length() - token.length();
            for (Point point : this.auxiliarRichText(token, terms)) {
                richText.applyFont(begin + point.x, begin + point.y + 1, this.richTextFont);

            richText.append(" ");

        if (text.toString().length() > 30) {
            sheet.setColumnWidth(columnCounter, 12000);


From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.ap.summaries.projects.xlsx.BaseXLS.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method writes string value into a specific cell.
 * /*from  w ww .  ja  v  a2 s  .com*/
 * @param sheet is the sheet where you want to add information into.
 * @param value is the specific information to be written.
public void writeString(Sheet sheet, String value) {

    if (value == null) {
    } else {
        if (value.toString().length() > 30) {
            sheet.setColumnWidth(columnCounter, 12000);
        } else {
            sheet.setColumnWidth(columnCounter, 8000);


From source file:org.efaps.esjp.common.file.FileUtil_Base.java

License:Apache License

 * Copy sheets.//from  www. j  a va2  s.  c o  m
 * @param _newSheet the new sheet
 * @param _sheet the sheet
 * @param _copyStyle the copy style
protected void copySheets(final Sheet _newSheet, final Sheet _sheet, final boolean _copyStyle) {
    int maxColumnNum = 0;
    final Map<Integer, CellStyle> styleMap = _copyStyle ? new HashMap<>() : null;
    for (int i = _sheet.getFirstRowNum(); i <= _sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
        final Row srcRow = _sheet.getRow(i);
        final Row destRow = _newSheet.createRow(i);
        if (srcRow != null) {
            copyRow(_sheet, _newSheet, srcRow, destRow, styleMap);
            if (srcRow.getLastCellNum() > maxColumnNum) {
                maxColumnNum = srcRow.getLastCellNum();
    for (int i = 0; i <= maxColumnNum; i++) {
        _newSheet.setColumnWidth(i, _sheet.getColumnWidth(i));

From source file:org.forzaframework.util.ExcelUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static void setColumnsWidth(Sheet sheet, Map<Integer, Integer> columnWidthMap, Integer numberOfColumns) {
    //Colocamos las columnas con el ancho correcto
    for (Integer i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
        //Obtenemos el maximo numero de caracteres de la columna
        Integer columnWidth = columnWidthMap.get(i) + 1;
        columnWidth = columnWidth > 100 ? 100 : columnWidth;
        //multiplicamos por 256 porque es lo que representa un caracter en excel
        sheet.setColumnWidth(i, columnWidth * 256);
        //TODO: Esta es otra forma dar el ancho de la columna correctamente, probar si es mas optimo
        //            sheet.autoSizeColumn(i);
        //            sheet.setColumnWidth(i, sheet.getColumnWidth(i) + 256);
    }//from   w  w w  . j a  va2 s  . c  om

From source file:org.h819.commons.file.excel.poi.examples.AddDimensionedImage.java

License:Apache License

 * Determines whether the sheets columns should be re-sized to accomodate
 * the image, adjusts the columns width if necessary and creates then
 * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of an
 * ClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish it's
 * size./*from w ww  .ja v a  2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * @param sheet
 *            A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
 * @param colNumber
 *            A primtive int that contains the index number of a column on
 *            the sheet.
 * @param reqImageWidthMM
 *            A primtive double that contains the required width of the
 *            image in millimetres
 * @param resizeBehaviour
 *            A primitve int whose value will indicate how the width of the
 *            column should be adjusted if the required width of the image
 *            is greater than the width of the column.
 * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain the
 *         index number of the column containing the cell whose top left
 *         hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the image,
 *         the index number column containing the cell whose top left hand
 *         corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of the image and
 *         an inset that determines how far the right hand edge of the image
 *         can protrude into the next column - expressed as a specific
 *         number of co-ordinate positions.
private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(Sheet sheet, int colNumber, double reqImageWidthMM,
        int resizeBehaviour) {

    double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
    double colCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
    int pictureWidthCoordinates = 0;
    ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;

    // Get the colum's width in millimetres
    colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber));

    // Check that the column's width will accomodate the image at the
    // required dimension. If the width of the column is LESS than the
    // required width of the image, decide how the application should
    // respond - resize the column or overlay the image across one or more
    // columns.
    if (colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {

        // Should the column's width simply be expanded?
        if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
            // Set the width of the column by converting the required image
            // width from millimetres into Excel's column width units.
            sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber, ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM));
            // To make the image occupy the full width of the column,
            // convert
            // the required width of the image into co-ordinates. This value
            // will become the inset for the ClientAnchorDetail class that
            // is then instantiated.
            colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
            colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
            pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
            colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
        // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
        // to expand ONLY the size of the rows, then calculate how to lay
        // the image out across one or more columns.
        else if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW)) {
            colClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateColumnLocation(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
    // If the column is wider than the image.
    else {
        // Mow many co-ordinate positions are there per millimetre?
        colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
        // Given the width of the image, what should be it's co-ordinate?
        pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
        colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
    return (colClientAnchorDetail);