Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getSheetName

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getSheetName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getSheetName.


String getSheetName();

Source Link


Returns the name of this sheet


From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Create Report File.//from  w w  w .  j  a  v a 2 s.c  om
protected File getFile(String p_reportType, Job p_job, Workbook p_workBook) {
    String langInfo = null;
    // If the Workbook has only one sheet, the report name should contain language pair info, such as en_US_de_DE.
    if (p_workBook != null && p_workBook.getNumberOfSheets() == 1) {
        Sheet sheet = p_workBook.getSheetAt(0);
        String srcLang = null, trgLang = null;
        if (p_job != null) {
            srcLang = p_job.getSourceLocale().toString();
        if (trgLang == null) {
            trgLang = sheet.getSheetName();
        if (srcLang != null && trgLang != null) {
            langInfo = srcLang + "_" + trgLang;

    return ReportHelper.getReportFile(p_reportType, p_job, ReportConstants.EXTENSION_XLSX, langInfo);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ScorecardReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Create Report File./*from  w  w  w  .j  a va 2s  .c o  m*/
protected File getFile(String p_reportType, Job p_job, Workbook p_workBook) {
    String langInfo = null;
    // If the Workbook has only one sheet, the report name should contain language pair info, such as en_US_de_DE.
    if (p_workBook != null && p_workBook.getNumberOfSheets() == 1) {
        Sheet sheet = p_workBook.getSheetAt(0);
        String srcLang = null, trgLang = null;
        if (p_job != null) {
            srcLang = p_job.getSourceLocale().toString();
        if (srcLang == null) {
            Row languageInfoRow = sheet.getRow(1);
            if (languageInfoRow != null) {
                srcLang = languageInfoRow.getCell(0).getStringCellValue();
                srcLang = srcLang.substring(srcLang.indexOf("[") + 1, srcLang.indexOf("]"));
                trgLang = languageInfoRow.getCell(1).getStringCellValue();
                trgLang = trgLang.substring(trgLang.indexOf("[") + 1, trgLang.indexOf("]"));
            } else {
                Row dataRow = sheet.getRow(sheet.getLastRowNum());
                if (dataRow != null) {
                    try {
                        long jobId = (long) dataRow.getCell(0).getNumericCellValue();
                        Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId);
                        srcLang = job.getSourceLocale().toString();
                    } catch (Exception e) {

        if (trgLang == null) {
            trgLang = sheet.getSheetName();
        if (srcLang != null && trgLang != null) {
            langInfo = srcLang + "_" + trgLang;

    return ReportHelper.getReportFile(p_reportType, p_job, ReportConstants.EXTENSION_XLSX, langInfo);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.SummaryReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void addNumberCell(Sheet p_sheet, int p_column, int p_row, double p_value, CellStyle cs) {
    try {//  w w  w.ja  va  2  s .com
        Cell cell = getCell(getRow(p_sheet, p_row), p_column);
        if (cs != null)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("addNumberCell Error1.[" + p_sheet.getSheetName() + ", " + p_column + ", " + p_row + ", "
                + p_value + "]", e);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.ReviewerLisaQAXlsReportHelper.java

License:Apache License

 * Create workbook name areas for category failure drop down list, it is
 * from "AA8" to "AAn"./*from   w w  w.  j  a v a2 s  .  c om*/
 * <P>
 * Only write the data of drop down list into the first sheet as it can be
 * referenced from all sheets.
 * </P>
 * <P>
 * The formula is like
 * "[sheetName]!$AA$[startRow]:$AA$[endRow]",i.e."TER!$AA$8:$AA$32".
 * </P>
private void createCategoryFailureNameArea(Workbook p_workbook) {
    Sheet firstSheet = getSheet(p_workbook, 0);
    List<String> categories = getFailureCategoriesList();
    // Set the categories in "AA" column, starts with row 8.
    int col = 26;
    for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) {
        Row row = getRow(firstSheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW + i);
        Cell cell = getCell(row, col);

    String formula = firstSheet.getSheetName() + "!$AA$" + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + 1) + ":$AA$"
            + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + categories.size());
    Name name = p_workbook.createName();

    // Hide "AA" column
    firstSheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.googlecode.testcase.annotation.handle.toexcel.strategy.ToHtmlWithExcel.java

License:Apache License

public void printSheetPage(Sheet sheet) throws IOException {
    this.output = new FileWriter(dstfolder + sheet.getSheetName() + ".html");
    this.out = new Formatter(output);

    try {// w ww  .  j  av a 2  s  . co m
        if (completeHTML) {
            out.format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"gb2312\" ?>%n");


        if (completeHTML) {
    } finally {
        if (out != null)
        if (output instanceof Closeable) {
            Closeable closeable = (Closeable) output;

From source file:com.googlecode.testcase.annotation.handle.toexcel.strategy.ToHtmlWithExcel.java

License:Apache License

private void printColumnHeads(Sheet sheet) {
    out.format("  <tr class=%s>%n", COL_HEAD_CLASS);
    out.format("    <th class=%s>%s</th>%n", COL_HEAD_CLASS, sheet.getSheetName());
    //noinspection UnusedDeclaration
    StringBuilder colName = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = firstColumn; i < endColumn; i++) {
        colName.setLength(0);/* w  w w .jav a 2s .  c o  m*/
        int cnum = i;
        do {
            colName.insert(0, (char) ('A' + cnum % 26));
            cnum /= 26;
        } while (cnum > 0);
        out.format("    <th class=%s>%s</th>%n", COL_HEAD_CLASS, colName);
    out.format("  </tr>%n");

From source file:com.hurence.logisland.processor.excel.ExcelExtract.java

License:Apache License

 * Extract every matching sheet from the raw excel input stream.
 * @param inputStream an inputstream that will be closed once consumed.
 * @return a stream of {@link Record} each containing the stream raw data.
 *//* w w  w. j a  v  a2s .c o m*/
private Stream<Record> handleExcelStream(InputStream inputStream) {
    List<Record> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream)) {
            Iterator<Sheet> iter = workbook.sheetIterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String sheetName = "unknown";
                List<String> headerNames = null;

                try {
                    Sheet sheet = iter.next();
                    sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();
                    if (toBeSkipped(sheetName)) {
                        LOGGER.info("Skipped sheet {}", sheetName);
                    LOGGER.info("Extracting sheet {}", sheetName);
                    int count = 0;
                    for (Row row : sheet) {
                        if (row == null) {
                        if (configuration.getHeaderRowNumber() != null
                                && configuration.getHeaderRowNumber().equals(row.getRowNum())) {
                            headerNames = extractFieldNamesFromRow(row);

                        if (count++ < configuration.getRowsToSkip()) {
                        Record current = handleRow(row, headerNames);

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unrecoverable exception occurred while processing excel sheet", e);
                    ret.add(new StandardRecord().addError(ProcessError.RECORD_CONVERSION_ERROR.getName(),
                            String.format("Unable to parse sheet %s: %s", sheetName, e.getMessage())));
    } catch (InvalidFormatException | NotOfficeXmlFileException ife) {
        LOGGER.error("Wrong or unsupported file format.", ife);
        ret.add(new StandardRecord().addError(ProcessError.INVALID_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR.getName(),
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        LOGGER.error("I/O Exception occurred while processing excel file", ioe);
        ret.add(new StandardRecord().addError(ProcessError.RUNTIME_ERROR.getName(), ioe.getMessage()));

    } finally {
    return ret.stream();

From source file:com.hust.zsuper.DealWithPatent.ExcelToMySQL.java

License:Open Source License

public void addTableFromSheet(final Connection conn, final Sheet sheet) throws SQLException {
    final int numRows = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
    if (numRows < 2) {
        //Not enough or can't determine
    }/*from w  w  w  . ja va 2 s  .c  om*/
    final List<Entry<String, ExcelType>> types = extractTypes(sheet);
    final String tableName = Utils.cleanUp(sheet.getSheetName());
        final String dropStatement = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + tableName + "`;";
        final String createStatement = getCreateTable(tableName, types);

    int rowCount = 0;
    for (final Row row : new IteratorWrapper<Row>(sheet.iterator())) {
        if (rowCount > 0) {
            final String insert = createInsert(tableName, types, row);
            if (insert != null) {

From source file:com.hust.zsuper.DealWithPatent.WorkhseetToMySQL.java

License:Open Source License

public WorkhseetToMySQL(Sheet sheet) {
    this.sheet = sheet;
    this.types = new ArrayList<Entry<String, ExcelType>>();
    extractTypes(sheet);/*from w  w w  . j av a 2  s. c o m*/
    this.tableName = Utils.cleanUp(sheet.getSheetName());
    this.columnOffset = 0;

From source file:com.ibm.db2j.GExcel.java

License:Open Source License

 * Put the next row in the dvd row given in parameter.
 * Return SCAN_COMPLETED if there is no more row in the spreadsheet, or GOT_ROW if a row was successfully put in the dvd row.
 * /*from w  w  w. j  a va 2 s  . c  o m*/
 * Uses the attribute currentRow to save the previous row fetched.
 * @param sheet
 * @param dvdr
 * @param numberOfLogicalColumnsInvolved
 * @param columnIndexes
 * @throws SQLException
private int createNextRow(Sheet sheet, DataValueDescriptor[] dvdr) {
    boolean gotData = false;

     * Find the next row to return.
     * currentRow should currently point to the last row returned.
     * If that's null, then start from first row.
     * Else, search for the next non-empty row (until we hit the end of the prescribed range).
    if (currentRow == null)
        currentRow = sheet.getRow(firstRowIndex + (firstRowIsMetaData ? 1 : 0));
    else {
        int nextRowIndex = currentRow.getRowNum() + 1;
        currentRow = null;

        if (stopScanOnFirstEmptyRow) {
            currentRow = sheet.getRow(nextRowIndex);
        } else {
            while (currentRow == null && nextRowIndex <= lastRowIndex) {
                currentRow = sheet.getRow(nextRowIndex);

     * If we've run out of spreadsheet (currentRow == null) or gone out of the prescribed range,
     * then scan complete - return that.
    if (currentRow == null || currentRow.getRowNum() > lastRowIndex) {
        return SCAN_COMPLETED;

     * Get the offset of the first column in the spreadsheet.
     * Note: this is used when iterating below, so that we can correctly relate 
     * the actual column in the spreadsheet to the correct 'column' in the 
     * DataValueDescriptor [] representing the row.
    int columnOffset = firstColumnIndex;

    //Figure out how many columns there are
    int numberOfColumns = lastColumnIndex - firstColumnIndex + 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
         * Note: i is used to refer to the index of the DataValueDescriptor which represents
         * the actual spreadsheet column (at i + columnOffset) in the DataValueDescriptor[] 
         * representing this row. 

        Cell cell = currentRow.getCell(i + columnOffset);

        if (cell == null) {
        } else {
            try {
                int cellValueType = cell.getCellType();

                if (cellValueType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA)
                    cellValueType = cell.getCachedFormulaResultType();

                switch (cellValueType) {

                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:

                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell))
                        dvdr[i].setValue(new java.sql.Date(cell.getDateCellValue().getTime()));
                    else {

                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:


                //If a cell has data that is not null - then flag that we actually have data to return
                if (!dvdr[i].isNull())
                    gotData = true;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.DSWRAPPER_GEXCEL_MAP_LT_ERROR, "Excel cell [spreadsheet "
                        + sheet.getSheetName() + "; row " + cell.getRow().getRowNum() + "; column "
                        + cell.getColumnIndex() + "; value " + cell
                        + "] could not be mapped into the logical table because of the column logical type: "
                        + e);

    if (!gotData && stopScanOnFirstEmptyRow) {
                "Ending GExcel table scan on first empty row (as no row limit was specified in the ending cell config constraint)");
        return SCAN_COMPLETED;

    return GOT_ROW;