Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getPaneInformation

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getPaneInformation


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getPaneInformation.


PaneInformation getPaneInformation();

Source Link


Returns the information regarding the currently configured pane (split or freeze)


From source file:com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetFactory.java

License:Open Source License

 * Loads freeze pane configuration for the currently active sheet and sets
 * it into the shared state./*from   ww  w.  j a v a  2 s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param spreadsheet
 *            Target Spreadsheet
static void loadFreezePane(Spreadsheet spreadsheet) {
    final Sheet sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
    PaneInformation paneInformation = sheet.getPaneInformation();
    // only freeze panes supported
    if (paneInformation != null && paneInformation.isFreezePane()) {
         * In POI, HorizontalSplitPosition means rows and
         * VerticalSplitPosition means columns. Changed the meaning for the
         * component internals. The left split column / top split row is the
         * *absolute* index of the first unfrozen column / row.
        spreadsheet.getState().horizontalSplitPosition = paneInformation.getVerticalSplitLeftColumn();
        spreadsheet.getState().verticalSplitPosition = paneInformation.getHorizontalSplitTopRow();

         * If the view was scrolled down / right when panes were frozen, the
         * invisible frozen rows/columns are effectively hidden in Excel. We
         * mimic this behavior here.
        for (int col = 0; col < Math.max(0, paneInformation.getVerticalSplitLeftColumn()
                - paneInformation.getVerticalSplitPosition()); col++) {
            spreadsheet.setColumnHidden(col, true);
        for (int row = 0; row < Math.max(0, paneInformation.getHorizontalSplitTopRow()
                - paneInformation.getHorizontalSplitPosition()); row++) {
            spreadsheet.setRowHidden(row, true);
    } else {
        spreadsheet.getState().verticalSplitPosition = 0;
        spreadsheet.getState().horizontalSplitPosition = 0;

From source file:org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.person.UserCSVUploadPost.java

License:Open Source License

private void processSpreadsheetUpload(Workbook wb, List<Map<QName, String>> users) throws IOException {
    if (wb.getNumberOfSheets() > 1) {
        logger.info("Uploaded Excel file has " + wb.getNumberOfSheets()
                + " sheets, ignoring  all except the first one");
    }/*w  w  w  .j a v  a  2  s.c om*/

    int firstRow = 0;
    Sheet s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
    DataFormatter df = new DataFormatter();

    String[][] data = new String[s.getLastRowNum() + 1][];

    // If there is a heading freezepane row, skip it
    PaneInformation pane = s.getPaneInformation();
    if (pane != null && pane.isFreezePane() && pane.getHorizontalSplitTopRow() > 0) {
        firstRow = pane.getHorizontalSplitTopRow();
        logger.debug("Skipping excel freeze header of " + firstRow + " rows");

    // Process each row in turn, getting columns up to our limit
    for (int row = firstRow; row <= s.getLastRowNum(); row++) {
        Row r = s.getRow(row);
        if (r != null) {
            String[] d = new String[COLUMNS.length];
            for (int cn = 0; cn < COLUMNS.length; cn++) {
                Cell cell = r.getCell(cn);
                if (cell != null && cell.getCellType() != Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
                    d[cn] = df.formatCellValue(cell);
            data[row] = d;

    // Handle the contents
    processSpreadsheetUpload(data, users);

From source file:org.bbreak.excella.reports.ReportsTestUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * //  ww w.jav  a 2 s. co  m
 * @param expected 
 * @param actual 
 * @param isActCopyOfExp ??????true
 * @throws ReportsCheckException 
public static void checkSheet(Sheet expected, Sheet actual, boolean isActCopyOfExp)
        throws ReportsCheckException {

    List<CheckMessage> errors = new ArrayList<CheckMessage>();

    Workbook expectedWorkbook = expected.getWorkbook();
    Workbook actualWorkbook = actual.getWorkbook();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("[" + actualWorkbook.getSheetName(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual))
                + "] check start!");

    // ----------------------
    // ????
    // ----------------------
    // ??
    String eSheetName = expectedWorkbook.getSheetName(expectedWorkbook.getSheetIndex(expected));
    String aSheetName = actualWorkbook.getSheetName(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual));

    if (!isActCopyOfExp) {
        if (!eSheetName.equals(aSheetName)) {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("??", eSheetName, aSheetName));

    // ?
    String ePrintSetupString = getPrintSetupString(expected.getPrintSetup());
    String aPrintSetupString = getPrintSetupString(actual.getPrintSetup());

    if (!ePrintSetupString.equals(aPrintSetupString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", ePrintSetupString, aPrintSetupString));

    // ?
    String eHeaderString = getHeaderString(expected.getHeader());
    String aHeaderString = getHeaderString(actual.getHeader());
    if (!eHeaderString.equals(aHeaderString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("", eHeaderString, aHeaderString));
    String eFooterString = getFooterString(expected.getFooter());
    String aFooterString = getFooterString(actual.getFooter());
    if (!eFooterString.equals(aFooterString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("", eFooterString, aFooterString));

    String eBreaksString = getBreaksString(expected);
    String aBreaksString = getBreaksString(actual);
    log.debug(eBreaksString + "/" + aBreaksString);
    if (!eBreaksString.equals(aBreaksString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("", eBreaksString, aBreaksString));

    // ?
    String expectedPrintArea = expectedWorkbook.getPrintArea(expectedWorkbook.getSheetIndex(expected));
    String actualPrintArea = actualWorkbook.getPrintArea(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual));
    if (expectedPrintArea != null || actualPrintArea != null) {
        // ????????Null?????????????
        // if ( expectedPrintArea == null || actualPrintArea == null || !equalPrintArea( expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea, isActCopyOfExp)) {
        // errors.add( new CheckMessage( "?", expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea));
        // }
        if (!isActCopyOfExp) {
            if (expectedPrintArea == null || actualPrintArea == null
                    || !expectedPrintArea.equals(actualPrintArea)) {
                errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea));

    // (?)
    String ePaneInformationString = getPaneInformationString(expected.getPaneInformation());
    String aPaneInformationString = getPaneInformationString(actual.getPaneInformation());

    if (!ePaneInformationString.equals(aPaneInformationString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("(?)", expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea));

    // ??????

    // ?????

    // ?????


    if (expected.isDisplayGridlines() ^ actual.isDisplayGridlines()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("",
                String.valueOf(expected.isDisplayGridlines()), String.valueOf(actual.isDisplayGridlines())));

    // ?
    if (expected.isDisplayRowColHeadings() ^ actual.isDisplayRowColHeadings()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", String.valueOf(expected.isDisplayRowColHeadings()),

    // ?
    if (expected.isDisplayFormulas() ^ actual.isDisplayFormulas()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", String.valueOf(expected.isDisplayFormulas()),
    // ??
    if (expected.getNumMergedRegions() != actual.getNumMergedRegions()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("??", String.valueOf(expected.getNumMergedRegions()),

    for (int i = 0; i < actual.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) {

        CellRangeAddress actualAddress = null;
        if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
            actualAddress = ((HSSFSheet) actual).getMergedRegion(i);
        } else if (expected instanceof XSSFSheet) {
            actualAddress = ((XSSFSheet) actual).getMergedRegion(i);

        StringBuffer expectedAdressBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        boolean equalAddress = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < expected.getNumMergedRegions(); j++) {
            CellRangeAddress expectedAddress = null;
            if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
                expectedAddress = ((HSSFSheet) expected).getMergedRegion(j);
            } else if (expected instanceof XSSFSheet) {
                expectedAddress = ((XSSFSheet) expected).getMergedRegion(j);
            if (expectedAddress.toString().equals(actualAddress.toString())) {
                equalAddress = true;
            CellReference crA = new CellReference(expectedAddress.getFirstRow(),
            CellReference crB = new CellReference(expectedAddress.getLastRow(),
            expectedAdressBuffer.append(" [" + crA.formatAsString() + ":" + crB.formatAsString() + "]");

        if (!equalAddress) {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("??", expectedAdressBuffer.toString(),


    int maxColumnNum = -1;
    if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
        maxColumnNum = HSSF_MAX_COLUMN_NUMBER;
    } else if (expected instanceof XSSFSheet) {
        maxColumnNum = XSSF_MAX_COLUMN_NUMBER;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxColumnNum; i++) {
        try {
            checkCellStyle(expected.getWorkbook(), expected.getColumnStyle(i), actual.getWorkbook(),
        } catch (ReportsCheckException e) {
            CheckMessage checkMessage = e.getCheckMessages().iterator().next();
            checkMessage.setMessage("[" + i + "]" + checkMessage.getMessage());

        if (expected.getColumnWidth(i) != actual.getColumnWidth(i)) {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("[" + i + "]", String.valueOf(expected.getColumnWidth(i)),

    // ???
    if (expected.getLastRowNum() != actual.getLastRowNum()) {
        // ??????
        if (expected.getLastRowNum() < actual.getLastRowNum()) {
            int lastRowIndex = -1;
            if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
                lastRowIndex = 0;
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = actual.rowIterator();
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                Row row = rowIterator.next();
                // ?????
                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
                    if (cell.getCellTypeEnum() != CellType.BLANK) {
                        lastRowIndex = row.getRowNum();
            if (expected.getLastRowNum() != lastRowIndex) {
                errors.add(new CheckMessage("", String.valueOf(expected.getLastRowNum()),
        } else {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("", String.valueOf(expected.getLastRowNum()),


    if (errors.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i <= expected.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
            try {
                checkRow(expected.getRow(i), actual.getRow(i));
            } catch (ReportsCheckException e) {

    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
            for (CheckMessage message : errors) {
                log.error("?[" + message.getMessage() + "]");
                log.error(":" + message.getExpected());
                log.error(":" + message.getActual());
        throw new ReportsCheckException(errors);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("[" + actualWorkbook.getSheetName(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual))
                + "] check end.");


From source file:org.lisapark.octopus.util.json.ExcelSardineUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Map<String, Integer> prodCellIndexMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    prodCellIndexMap.put(SHOP, 0);/*from   w w w  . j a  v  a 2s .  co  m*/
    prodCellIndexMap.put(SHIFT, 0);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(MACHINE, 0);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(PRODUCT, 0);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(PRODUCT_TYPE, 0);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(MATERIAL_TYPE, 0);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(RAW_MATERIAL, 4);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(TOTAL_MATERIALS, 5);
    prodCellIndexMap.put(TOTAL_PRODUCTS, 6);

    Map<String, Integer> wrhCellIndexMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(WAREHOUSE, 1);
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(ITEM, 1);
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(ITEM_TYPE, 1);
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(BEGINING, 0);
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(INCOMING, 1);
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(OUTGOING, 2);
    wrhCellIndexMap.put(ENDING, 3);

    try {
        String excelFile = "";

        // Get all xml files
        Sardine sardine = SardineFactory.begin("", "");
        List<DavResource> resources = sardine.getResources(excelFile);

        for (DavResource res : resources) {
            String url = res.getPath();
            if (res.isDirectory()) {
            } else {
                Map<String, String> props = res.getCustomProps();
                if (props.get(PROCESSED) == null) {
                    InputStream isData = sardine.get(url);
                    HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook(isData);

                    int index = 0;
                    int increament = 1;
                    if (book.getNumberOfSheets() > index) {
                        if (increament == 0) {
                            //                                increament = PROD_OUTLINE_INCREAMENT;
                            increament = WRH_OUTLINE_INCREAMENT;
                        Sheet sheet = book.getSheetAt(index);
                        if (sheet == null) {

                        // Iterate through the rows.
                        int splitRowNumber = 0;

                        if (sheet.getPaneInformation() != null && sheet.getPaneInformation().isFreezePane()) {
                            splitRowNumber = sheet.getPaneInformation().getHorizontalSplitPosition();

                        Map<String, Object> rowMap = Maps.newHashMap();

                        int start = 2;
                        Row dateRow = sheet.getRow(8);
                        int end = dateRow.getLastCellNum();

                        for (int dateShift = start; dateShift < end - 4; dateShift = dateShift + 4) {

                            rowMap.put(DATE, formatDate(dateRow.getCell(dateShift).getStringCellValue()));

                            Sheet _sheet = book.getSheetAt(index);

                            for (Iterator<Row> rowsIt = _sheet.rowIterator(); rowsIt.hasNext();) {
                                Row row = rowsIt.next();
                                if (row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() <= 0 || row.getRowNum() < splitRowNumber) {

                                Cell cell = row.getCell(1);
                                int indent = cell.getCellStyle().getIndention();
                                int absIndent = indent / increament;
                                if (processRowWrhSs(rowMap, row, wrhCellIndexMap, absIndent, dateShift)) {
                    props.put(PROCESSED, TRUE);
                    sardine.setCustomProps(url, props, null);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Property PROCESSED: " + props.get(PROCESSED));
                    List<String> removeProps = new ArrayList<String>(1);

                    sardine.setCustomProps(url, null, removeProps);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {

From source file:org.lisapark.octopus.util.json.JsonUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * /*from w ww.  j  av  a  2s  . c  om*/
 * @param sheet
 * @param ontology
 * @return
 * @throws JSONException 
private String jsonFromSS(Sheet sheet, int increment) throws JSONException {
    // Return null, if sheet is null
    if (sheet == null)
        return null;

    String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();
    if (sheetName.isEmpty()) {
        sheetName = SPREAD_SHEET_ROWS;

    // Iterate through the rows.
    StringBuilder stringBuilderRows = new StringBuilder();
    List<String> stack = new ArrayList<String>();
    Boolean first = Boolean.TRUE;
    int splitRowNumber = 0;
    if (sheet.getPaneInformation() != null && sheet.getPaneInformation().isFreezePane()) {
        splitRowNumber = sheet.getPaneInformation().getHorizontalSplitPosition();
    for (Iterator<Row> rowsIT = sheet.rowIterator(); rowsIT.hasNext();) {
        Row row = rowsIT.next();
        if (row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() > 0 && row.getRowNum() >= splitRowNumber) {
        String stringCells = jsonFromRowAsString(row);
        if (stringCells.isEmpty()) {

        String stringRow = jsonFromRowAsTreeNode(row, stringCells, stack, increment);

        if (first) {
            first = Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {

    // Get the JSON text.
    stringBuilderRows = stringBuilderRows.append("]"
    //                + "}"

    return //"{" + "\"" + sheetName + "\"" + " : " + 

From source file:org.lisapark.octopus.util.xml.XmlConverterUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static String xmlTagAttributesFromSS(Sheet sheet, int increment) throws JSONException {
    // Return null, if sheet is null
    if (sheet == null) {
        return null;
    }//from w w  w.  ja  v a  2 s .  c o  m

    // Iterate through the rows.
    StringBuilder stringBuilderRows = new StringBuilder();
    List<String> stack = new ArrayList<String>();
    Boolean first = Boolean.TRUE;
    int splitRowNumber = 0;
    if (sheet.getPaneInformation() != null && sheet.getPaneInformation().isFreezePane()) {
        splitRowNumber = sheet.getPaneInformation().getHorizontalSplitPosition();
    for (Iterator<Row> rowsIT = sheet.rowIterator(); rowsIT.hasNext();) {
        Row row = rowsIT.next();
        if (row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() <= 0 || row.getRowNum() < splitRowNumber) {
        String tagAttributes = tagAttributesAsString(row);
        if (tagAttributes.isEmpty()) {
        String stringRow = xmlFromRowAsTreeAttributes(tagAttributes, row, stack, increment);
        if (first) {
            first = Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {

    // Close all opened tags from stack
    if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
        int n = stack.size();
        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            stringBuilderRows = stringBuilderRows.append(rightTag(stack.get(i)));
    // Get the XML text.
    stringBuilderRows = stringBuilderRows.append(IPLAST_RIGHT_TAG);

    return stringBuilderRows.toString();

From source file:org.lisapark.octopus.util.xml.XmlConverterUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static List<String> getDateList(Sheet sheet, int start, int rangeLen) {
    List<String> dateList = Lists.newArrayList();

    if (sheet.getPaneInformation() != null && sheet.getPaneInformation().isFreezePane()) {
        int splitRowNumber = sheet.getPaneInformation().getHorizontalSplitPosition();
        Row row = sheet.getRow(splitRowNumber - WAREHOUSE_DATE_ROW_SHIFT);
        int currCellNumber = row.getFirstCellNum() + start + 1;

        while (currCellNumber <= row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells()) {
            currCellNumber += rangeLen;/*from   w ww  .  j  a  va2  s . c  o  m*/
    } else {
        dateList = null;
    return dateList;

From source file:org.lisapark.octopus.util.xml.XmlConverterUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static String xmlTagNodesFromSSheet(Sheet sheet, int increment, int dataRangeStart, int dataRangeLen)
        throws JSONException {
    // Return null, if sheet is null
    if (sheet == null) {
        return null;
    }//  www  .j  a va2s .  c  om

    // Iterate through the rows.
    StringBuilder stringBuilderRows = new StringBuilder();
    List<String> stack = new ArrayList<String>();
    //        Boolean first = Boolean.TRUE;        
    int splitRowNumber = 0;
    if (sheet.getPaneInformation() != null && sheet.getPaneInformation().isFreezePane()) {
        splitRowNumber = sheet.getPaneInformation().getHorizontalSplitPosition();
    for (Iterator<Row> rowsIT = sheet.rowIterator(); rowsIT.hasNext();) {
        Row row = rowsIT.next();
        if (row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() <= 0 || row.getRowNum() < splitRowNumber) {
        String tagNodes = tagNodesAsString(row, dataRangeStart, dataRangeLen);
        if (tagNodes.isEmpty()) {
        String stringRow = xmlFromRowAsTreeNodes(tagNodes, row, stack, increment);
    // Close all opened tags from stack
    if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
        int n = stack.size();
        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            stringBuilderRows = stringBuilderRows.append(rightTag(stack.get(i)));

    return stringBuilderRows.toString();

From source file:uk.ac.liverpool.spreadsheet.ExcelFeatureAnalysis.java

License:Apache License

private static void analyseSheet(Sheet ss, Element s, Namespace n, ExcelFeatureAnalysis efa) {
    // generic part
    boolean costumFormatting = false;
    boolean formulae = false;
    boolean UDF = false;
    boolean hasComments = false;

    Set<String> udfs = new HashSet<String>();
    FormulaEvaluator evaluator = ss.getWorkbook().getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

    s.setAttribute("name", ss.getSheetName());
    s.setAttribute("firstRow", "" + ss.getFirstRowNum());
    s.setAttribute("lastRow", "" + ss.getLastRowNum());
    try {//from  w w w.  ja  v  a 2 s .  co m
        s.setAttribute("forceFormulaRecalc", "" + ss.getForceFormulaRecalculation());
    } catch (Throwable x) {

    // shapes in detail? 
    Footer footer = ss.getFooter();
    if (footer != null) {
        s.setAttribute("footer", "true");
    Header header = ss.getHeader();
    if (header != null) {
        s.setAttribute("header", "true");
    PaneInformation paneInformation = ss.getPaneInformation();
    if (paneInformation != null) {
        s.setAttribute("panels", "true");

    HSSFSheet hs = null;
    XSSFSheet xs = null;
    if (ss instanceof HSSFSheet) {
        hs = (HSSFSheet) ss;
        try {
            if (hs.getDrawingPatriarch() != null) {
                if (hs.getDrawingPatriarch().containsChart())
                    s.addContent(new Element("charts", sn));
                if (hs.getDrawingPatriarch().countOfAllChildren() > 0)
                    s.addContent(new Element("shapes", sn));
        } catch (Exception x) {

        if (hs.getSheetConditionalFormatting().getNumConditionalFormattings() > 0) {
            s.setAttribute("conditionalFormatting", "true");
    if (ss instanceof XSSFSheet) {
        xs = (XSSFSheet) ss;

    Iterator<Row> rows = ss.rowIterator();

    int firstColumn = (rows.hasNext() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 0);
    int endColumn = 0;
    while (rows.hasNext()) {
        Row row = rows.next();
        short firstCell = row.getFirstCellNum();
        if (firstCell >= 0) {
            firstColumn = Math.min(firstColumn, firstCell);
            endColumn = Math.max(endColumn, row.getLastCellNum());
    s.setAttribute("firstColumn", "" + firstColumn);
    s.setAttribute("lastColumn", "" + endColumn);
    rows = ss.rowIterator();
    while (rows.hasNext()) {
        Row row = rows.next();
        for (Cell cell : row)
            if (cell != null) {
                try {
                    if (!cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString().equals("GENERAL"))
                        costumFormatting = true;
                } catch (Throwable t) {

                if (cell.getCellComment() != null)
                    hasComments = true;
                switch (cell.getCellType()) {
                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                    // System.out.println(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString());
                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    //                        if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
                    //                            // System.out.println(cell.getDateCellValue());
                    //                        } else {
                    //                            // System.out.println(cell.getNumericCellValue());
                    //                        }
                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                    // System.out.println(cell.getBooleanCellValue());
                case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA:
                    // System.out.println(cell.getCellFormula());
                    formulae = true;
                    if (!UDF)
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception x) {
                            if (x instanceof NotImplementedException) {
                                Throwable e = x;

                                while (e != null) {
                                    for (StackTraceElement c : e.getStackTrace()) {
                                        if (c.getClassName().contains("UserDefinedFunction")) {
                                            UDF = true;
                                            System.out.println("UDF " + e.getMessage());
                                    e = e.getCause();


    if (costumFormatting) {
        Element cf = new Element("customisedFormatting", sn);
    if (formulae) {
        Element cf = new Element("formulae", sn);
    if (UDF) {
        Element cf = new Element("userDefinedFunctions", sn);
        for (String sss : udfs)
            cf.addContent(new Element("userDefinedFunction", sn).setAttribute("functionName", sss));
    if (hasComments) {
        Element cf = new Element("cellComments", sn);