Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getLastRowNum

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getLastRowNum


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getLastRowNum.


int getLastRowNum();

Source Link


Gets the last row on the sheet Note: rows which had content before and were set to empty later might still be counted as rows by Excel and Apache POI, so the result of this method will include such rows and thus the returned value might be higher than expected!


From source file:org.ramadda.plugins.media.TabularOutputHandler.java

License:Open Source License

 * _more_//  w w  w .j  a v  a  2 s. c om
 * @param request _more_
 * @param entry _more_
 * @param suffix _more_
 * @param inputStream _more_
 * @param visitInfo _more_
 * @param visitor _more_
 * @throws Exception _more_
private void visitXls(Request request, Entry entry, String suffix, InputStream inputStream, Visitor visitInfo,
        TabularVisitor visitor) throws Exception {
    //        System.err.println("visitXls: making workbook");
    Workbook wb = makeWorkbook(suffix, inputStream);
    //        System.err.println("visitXls:" + visitInfo.getSkip() + " max rows:" + visitInfo.getMaxRows()+ " #sheets:" + wb.getNumberOfSheets());
    int maxRows = visitInfo.getMaxRows();
    for (int sheetIdx = 0; sheetIdx < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetIdx++) {
        if (!visitInfo.okToShowSheet(sheetIdx)) {
        Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetIdx);
        //            System.err.println("\tsheet:" + sheet.getSheetName() + " #rows:" + sheet.getLastRowNum());
        List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
        int sheetSkip = visitInfo.getSkip();
        for (int rowIdx = sheet.getFirstRowNum(); (rows.size() < maxRows)
                && (rowIdx <= sheet.getLastRowNum()); rowIdx++) {
            if (sheetSkip-- > 0) {

            Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIdx);
            if (row == null) {
            List<Object> cols = new ArrayList<Object>();
            short firstCol = row.getFirstCellNum();
            for (short col = firstCol; (col < MAX_COLS) && (col < row.getLastCellNum()); col++) {
                Cell cell = row.getCell(col);
                if (cell == null) {
                Object value = null;
                int type = cell.getCellType();
                if (type == cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
                    value = new Double(cell.getNumericCellValue());
                } else if (type == cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
                    value = new Boolean(cell.getBooleanCellValue());
                } else if (type == cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR) {
                    value = "" + cell.getErrorCellValue();
                } else if (type == cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
                    value = "";
                } else if (type == cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
                    value = cell.getCellFormula();
                } else {
                    value = cell.getStringCellValue();

             * ** TODO
             * org.ramadda.util.text.Row row = new Row(cols);
             * if ( !visitInfo.rowOk(row)) {
             *   if (rows.size() == 0) {
             *       //todo: check for the header line
             *   } else {
             *       continue;
             *   }
             * }
        if (!visitor.visit(visitInfo, sheet.getSheetName(), rows)) {

From source file:org.rdcit.tools.SpreadsheetReader.java

public int twoColumnsJunction(int sheetNum, int cellNum1, String cellValue1, int cellNum2, String cellValue2) {
    int rowNumber = 0;
    try {/*from   w ww . ja v  a  2s. c om*/
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
        int stop = sheet.getLastRowNum();
        for (int i = 1; i <= stop; i++) {
            Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
            String sCellValue1 = getCellValueAsString(row.getCell(cellNum1));
            String sCellValue2 = getCellValueAsString(row.getCell(cellNum2));
            if ((sCellValue1.equals(cellValue1)) && (sCellValue2.equals(cellValue2))) {
                rowNumber = i;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return rowNumber;

From source file:org.rdcit.tools.SpreadsheetReader.java

public int getRowNum(int sheetNum, int cellNum, String cellValue) {
    int rowNumber = 0;
    try {/*from www. jav  a 2  s .c om*/
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
        int stop = sheet.getLastRowNum();
        for (int i = 1; i <= stop; i++) {
            Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
            if ((row.getCell(cellNum).getStringCellValue().equals(cellValue))) {
                rowNumber = i;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return rowNumber;

From source file:org.rdcit.tools.SpreadsheetWriter.java

public void appendNewRow(int sheetNum) {
    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
    sheet.createRow(sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1);

From source file:org.rdcit.tools.SpreadsheetWriter.java

public void createNewRow(int sheetNum, int rowNum) {
    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
    if (rowNum <= sheet.getLastRowNum()) {
        sheet.shiftRows(rowNum, sheet.getLastRowNum(), 1);
        sheet.createRow(rowNum);/*from   w  w w . j  av  a2s .co  m*/
    } else {
        sheet.createRow(sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1);

From source file:org.rdcit.tools.SpreadsheetWriter.java

public int fingLastLabelOcc(int sheetNum, int labelCellNum, String label) {
    int rowNumber = 0;
    try {/*w ww . j ava2 s. c  o  m*/
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
        int stop = sheet.getLastRowNum();
        for (int i = stop; i != 1; i--) {
            Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
            if ((row.getCell(labelCellNum).getStringCellValue().equals(label))) {
                rowNumber = i;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return rowNumber;

From source file:org.rdcit.tools.SpreadsheetWriter.java

public void appendNewCell(int sheetNum, int cellNum, String cellContent) {
    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
    Row row = sheet.getRow(sheet.getLastRowNum());
    Cell cell = row.createCell(cellNum);
    cell.setCellValue(cellContent);/*from w  w  w. j  a  va2  s .  com*/

From source file:org.rhq.helpers.perftest.support.reporting.ExcelExporter.java

License:Open Source License

 * Append a row to the sheet//from w ww.j  a  va 2  s .  c o m
 * @param sheet Sheet to append a new empty row to
 * @return the newly created row
private Row appendRow(Sheet sheet) {
    int lastRow = sheet.getLastRowNum();
    Row ret = sheet.createRow(lastRow + 1);
    return ret;

From source file:org.rhq.helpers.perftest.test.ExcelExporterTest.java

License:Open Source License

 * Test writing a workbook twice./*from w ww  .  ja  v a2 s  . c o  m*/
 * Should contain one Overview tab and one 'test' tab
 * with two times the same result
 * @throws Exception If anything goes wrong
public void testRewriteSheets() throws Exception {

     * Run a dummy test.
    TestNG testNG = new TestNG();
    testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { DummyTest.class });
    TestListenerAdapter adapter = new TestListenerAdapter();
    // RHQ additional timing data
    Map<String, Long> timings = new HashMap<String, Long>();
    timings.put("test", 123L);

     * Set up the reporter
    PerformanceReportExporter rep = new ExcelExporter();

     * Write to .xls file twice
    rep.export(timings, adapter.getPassedTests().iterator().next());
    rep.export(timings, adapter.getPassedTests().iterator().next());

     * Now check the workbook written
     * But first delete an existing file
    File file = new File("test1.xls");

    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
    Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fis);

    assert wb.getNumberOfSheets() == 2 : "Workbook does not have 2 sheets";

    Sheet overview = wb.getSheetAt(0);
    assert overview.getSheetName().equals("Overview") : "Sheet 0 is not the Overview";
    assert wb.getSheetAt(1).getSheetName().equals("DummyTest.one") : "Sheet 1 is not DummyTest.one";

    // 0 based as opposed to xls where it rows are 1 based.
    assert overview.getLastRowNum() == 2 : "Last row of overview is not 4, but " + overview.getLastRowNum();


    if (file.exists()) {
        assert file.delete();

From source file:org.seasar.fisshplate.core.element.Root.java

License:Apache License

private void removeUnwantedRows(FPContext context) {
    ////w w w  .  j ava 2 s  .c  o  m
    Sheet outSheet = context.getOutSheet();
    int currentRowNum = context.getCurrentRowNum();
    int lastRowNum = outSheet.getLastRowNum();

    for (int i = currentRowNum; i <= lastRowNum; i++) {