Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getColumnWidth

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getColumnWidth


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet getColumnWidth.


int getColumnWidth(int columnIndex);

Source Link


get the width (in units of 1/256th of a character width )

Character width is defined as the maximum digit width of the numbers 0, 1, 2, ...


From source file:org.bbreak.excella.core.util.PoiUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * ?/*from w  w w .  jav  a  2  s. c o  m*/
 * @param fromSheet 
 * @param rangeAddress 
 * @param toSheet 
 * @param toRowNum 
 * @param toColumnNum 
 * @param clearFromRange 
public static void copyRange(Sheet fromSheet, CellRangeAddress rangeAddress, Sheet toSheet, int toRowNum,
        int toColumnNum, boolean clearFromRange) {

    if (fromSheet == null || rangeAddress == null || toSheet == null) {

    int fromRowIndex = rangeAddress.getFirstRow();
    int fromColumnIndex = rangeAddress.getFirstColumn();

    int rowNumOffset = toRowNum - fromRowIndex;
    int columnNumOffset = toColumnNum - fromColumnIndex;

    CellRangeAddress toAddress = new CellRangeAddress(rangeAddress.getFirstRow() + rowNumOffset,
            rangeAddress.getLastRow() + rowNumOffset, rangeAddress.getFirstColumn() + columnNumOffset,
            rangeAddress.getLastColumn() + columnNumOffset);

    Workbook fromWorkbook = fromSheet.getWorkbook();
    Sheet baseSheet = fromSheet;

    Sheet tmpSheet = null;
    // ?????
    if (fromSheet.equals(toSheet) && crossRangeAddress(rangeAddress, toAddress)) {
        // ?
        tmpSheet = fromWorkbook.getSheet(TMP_SHEET_NAME);
        if (tmpSheet == null) {
            tmpSheet = fromWorkbook.createSheet(TMP_SHEET_NAME);
        baseSheet = tmpSheet;

        int lastColNum = getLastColNum(fromSheet);
        for (int i = 0; i <= lastColNum; i++) {
            tmpSheet.setColumnWidth(i, fromSheet.getColumnWidth(i));

        copyRange(fromSheet, rangeAddress, tmpSheet, rangeAddress.getFirstRow(), rangeAddress.getFirstColumn(),

        // ?
        if (clearFromRange) {
            clearRange(fromSheet, rangeAddress);

    // ????
    Set<CellRangeAddress> targetCellSet = getMergedAddress(baseSheet, rangeAddress);
    // ???
    clearRange(toSheet, toAddress);

    // ???
    for (CellRangeAddress mergeAddress : targetCellSet) {

        toSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(mergeAddress.getFirstRow() + rowNumOffset,
                mergeAddress.getLastRow() + rowNumOffset, mergeAddress.getFirstColumn() + columnNumOffset,
                mergeAddress.getLastColumn() + columnNumOffset));


    for (int i = rangeAddress.getFirstRow(); i <= rangeAddress.getLastRow(); i++) {
        Row fromRow = baseSheet.getRow(i);
        if (fromRow == null) {
        Row row = toSheet.getRow(i + rowNumOffset);
        if (row == null) {
            row = toSheet.createRow(i + rowNumOffset);
            row.setHeight((short) 0);

        // ??????
        int fromRowHeight = fromRow.getHeight();
        int toRowHeight = row.getHeight();
        if (toRowHeight < fromRowHeight) {

        ColumnHelper columnHelper = null;
        if (toSheet instanceof XSSFSheet) {
            XSSFSheet xssfSheet = (XSSFSheet) toSheet.getWorkbook()
            CTWorksheet ctWorksheet = xssfSheet.getCTWorksheet();
            columnHelper = new ColumnHelper(ctWorksheet);

        for (int j = rangeAddress.getFirstColumn(); j <= rangeAddress.getLastColumn(); j++) {
            Cell fromCell = fromRow.getCell(j);
            if (fromCell == null) {
            int maxColumn = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getMaxColumns();
            if (toSheet instanceof XSSFSheet) {
                maxColumn = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007.getMaxColumns();
            if (j + columnNumOffset >= maxColumn) {
            Cell cell = row.getCell(j + columnNumOffset);
            if (cell == null) {
                cell = row.createCell(j + columnNumOffset);
                if (toSheet instanceof XSSFSheet) {
                    // XSSF??????????
                    CTCol col = columnHelper.getColumn(cell.getColumnIndex(), false);
                    if (col == null || !col.isSetWidth()) {
                        toSheet.setColumnWidth(cell.getColumnIndex(), baseSheet.getColumnWidth(j));

            // ?
            copyCell(fromCell, cell);

            // ??????
            int fromColumnWidth = baseSheet.getColumnWidth(j);
            int toColumnWidth = toSheet.getColumnWidth(j + columnNumOffset);

            if (toColumnWidth < fromColumnWidth) {
                toSheet.setColumnWidth(j + columnNumOffset, baseSheet.getColumnWidth(j));

    if (tmpSheet != null) {
    } else if (clearFromRange) {
        // ????
        clearRange(fromSheet, rangeAddress);


From source file:org.bbreak.excella.reports.ReportsTestUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * /*from w w  w  . j av  a  2 s. com*/
 * @param expected 
 * @param actual 
 * @param isActCopyOfExp ??????true
 * @throws ReportsCheckException 
public static void checkSheet(Sheet expected, Sheet actual, boolean isActCopyOfExp)
        throws ReportsCheckException {

    List<CheckMessage> errors = new ArrayList<CheckMessage>();

    Workbook expectedWorkbook = expected.getWorkbook();
    Workbook actualWorkbook = actual.getWorkbook();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("[" + actualWorkbook.getSheetName(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual))
                + "] check start!");

    // ----------------------
    // ????
    // ----------------------
    // ??
    String eSheetName = expectedWorkbook.getSheetName(expectedWorkbook.getSheetIndex(expected));
    String aSheetName = actualWorkbook.getSheetName(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual));

    if (!isActCopyOfExp) {
        if (!eSheetName.equals(aSheetName)) {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("??", eSheetName, aSheetName));

    // ?
    String ePrintSetupString = getPrintSetupString(expected.getPrintSetup());
    String aPrintSetupString = getPrintSetupString(actual.getPrintSetup());

    if (!ePrintSetupString.equals(aPrintSetupString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", ePrintSetupString, aPrintSetupString));

    // ?
    String eHeaderString = getHeaderString(expected.getHeader());
    String aHeaderString = getHeaderString(actual.getHeader());
    if (!eHeaderString.equals(aHeaderString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("", eHeaderString, aHeaderString));
    String eFooterString = getFooterString(expected.getFooter());
    String aFooterString = getFooterString(actual.getFooter());
    if (!eFooterString.equals(aFooterString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("", eFooterString, aFooterString));

    String eBreaksString = getBreaksString(expected);
    String aBreaksString = getBreaksString(actual);
    log.debug(eBreaksString + "/" + aBreaksString);
    if (!eBreaksString.equals(aBreaksString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("", eBreaksString, aBreaksString));

    // ?
    String expectedPrintArea = expectedWorkbook.getPrintArea(expectedWorkbook.getSheetIndex(expected));
    String actualPrintArea = actualWorkbook.getPrintArea(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual));
    if (expectedPrintArea != null || actualPrintArea != null) {
        // ????????Null?????????????
        // if ( expectedPrintArea == null || actualPrintArea == null || !equalPrintArea( expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea, isActCopyOfExp)) {
        // errors.add( new CheckMessage( "?", expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea));
        // }
        if (!isActCopyOfExp) {
            if (expectedPrintArea == null || actualPrintArea == null
                    || !expectedPrintArea.equals(actualPrintArea)) {
                errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea));

    // (?)
    String ePaneInformationString = getPaneInformationString(expected.getPaneInformation());
    String aPaneInformationString = getPaneInformationString(actual.getPaneInformation());

    if (!ePaneInformationString.equals(aPaneInformationString)) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("(?)", expectedPrintArea, actualPrintArea));

    // ??????

    // ?????

    // ?????


    if (expected.isDisplayGridlines() ^ actual.isDisplayGridlines()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("",
                String.valueOf(expected.isDisplayGridlines()), String.valueOf(actual.isDisplayGridlines())));

    // ?
    if (expected.isDisplayRowColHeadings() ^ actual.isDisplayRowColHeadings()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", String.valueOf(expected.isDisplayRowColHeadings()),

    // ?
    if (expected.isDisplayFormulas() ^ actual.isDisplayFormulas()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("?", String.valueOf(expected.isDisplayFormulas()),
    // ??
    if (expected.getNumMergedRegions() != actual.getNumMergedRegions()) {
        errors.add(new CheckMessage("??", String.valueOf(expected.getNumMergedRegions()),

    for (int i = 0; i < actual.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) {

        CellRangeAddress actualAddress = null;
        if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
            actualAddress = ((HSSFSheet) actual).getMergedRegion(i);
        } else if (expected instanceof XSSFSheet) {
            actualAddress = ((XSSFSheet) actual).getMergedRegion(i);

        StringBuffer expectedAdressBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        boolean equalAddress = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < expected.getNumMergedRegions(); j++) {
            CellRangeAddress expectedAddress = null;
            if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
                expectedAddress = ((HSSFSheet) expected).getMergedRegion(j);
            } else if (expected instanceof XSSFSheet) {
                expectedAddress = ((XSSFSheet) expected).getMergedRegion(j);
            if (expectedAddress.toString().equals(actualAddress.toString())) {
                equalAddress = true;
            CellReference crA = new CellReference(expectedAddress.getFirstRow(),
            CellReference crB = new CellReference(expectedAddress.getLastRow(),
            expectedAdressBuffer.append(" [" + crA.formatAsString() + ":" + crB.formatAsString() + "]");

        if (!equalAddress) {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("??", expectedAdressBuffer.toString(),


    int maxColumnNum = -1;
    if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
        maxColumnNum = HSSF_MAX_COLUMN_NUMBER;
    } else if (expected instanceof XSSFSheet) {
        maxColumnNum = XSSF_MAX_COLUMN_NUMBER;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxColumnNum; i++) {
        try {
            checkCellStyle(expected.getWorkbook(), expected.getColumnStyle(i), actual.getWorkbook(),
        } catch (ReportsCheckException e) {
            CheckMessage checkMessage = e.getCheckMessages().iterator().next();
            checkMessage.setMessage("[" + i + "]" + checkMessage.getMessage());

        if (expected.getColumnWidth(i) != actual.getColumnWidth(i)) {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("[" + i + "]", String.valueOf(expected.getColumnWidth(i)),

    // ???
    if (expected.getLastRowNum() != actual.getLastRowNum()) {
        // ??????
        if (expected.getLastRowNum() < actual.getLastRowNum()) {
            int lastRowIndex = -1;
            if (expected instanceof HSSFSheet) {
                lastRowIndex = 0;
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = actual.rowIterator();
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                Row row = rowIterator.next();
                // ?????
                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
                    if (cell.getCellTypeEnum() != CellType.BLANK) {
                        lastRowIndex = row.getRowNum();
            if (expected.getLastRowNum() != lastRowIndex) {
                errors.add(new CheckMessage("", String.valueOf(expected.getLastRowNum()),
        } else {
            errors.add(new CheckMessage("", String.valueOf(expected.getLastRowNum()),


    if (errors.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i <= expected.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
            try {
                checkRow(expected.getRow(i), actual.getRow(i));
            } catch (ReportsCheckException e) {

    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
            for (CheckMessage message : errors) {
                log.error("?[" + message.getMessage() + "]");
                log.error(":" + message.getExpected());
                log.error(":" + message.getActual());
        throw new ReportsCheckException(errors);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("[" + actualWorkbook.getSheetName(actualWorkbook.getSheetIndex(actual))
                + "] check end.");


From source file:org.bbreak.excella.reports.tag.ColRepeatParamParser.java

License:Open Source License

public ParsedReportInfo parse(Sheet sheet, Cell tagCell, Object data) throws ParseException {

    Map<String, String> paramDef = TagUtil.getParams(tagCell.getStringCellValue());

    // ?/*from   w  ww .  j  a  v  a  2  s .c  om*/
    checkParam(paramDef, tagCell);

    String tag = tagCell.getStringCellValue();
    ReportsParserInfo info = (ReportsParserInfo) data;
    ParamInfo paramInfo = info.getParamInfo();
    ParsedReportInfo parsedReportInfo = new ParsedReportInfo();

    // ??
    Object[] paramValues = null;
    try {
        // ???
        String replaceParam = paramDef.get(PARAM_VALUE);

        // ?
        Integer repeatNum = null;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_REPEAT_NUM)) {
            repeatNum = Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_REPEAT_NUM));
        // ??
        Integer minRepeatNum = null;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_MIN_REPEAT_NUM)) {
            minRepeatNum = Integer.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_MIN_REPEAT_NUM));

        // ?
        boolean sheetLink = false;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_SHEET_LINK)) {
            sheetLink = Boolean.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_SHEET_LINK));

        String propertyName = null;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_PROPERTY)) {
            propertyName = paramDef.get(PARAM_PROPERTY);

        // ???
        boolean hideDuplicate = false;
        if (paramDef.containsKey(PARAM_DUPLICATE)) {
            hideDuplicate = Boolean.valueOf(paramDef.get(PARAM_DUPLICATE));

        if (ReportsUtil.VALUE_SHEET_NAMES.equals(replaceParam)) {
            // ??
            paramValues = ReportsUtil.getSheetNames(info.getReportBook()).toArray();
        } else if (ReportsUtil.VALUE_SHEET_VALUES.equals(replaceParam)) {
            paramValues = ReportsUtil
                    .getSheetValues(info.getReportBook(), propertyName, info.getReportParsers()).toArray();
        } else {
            // ???
            if (paramInfo != null) {
                paramValues = getParamData(paramInfo, replaceParam);

        if (paramValues == null || paramValues.length == 0) {
            // ?
            paramValues = new Object[] { null };

        // ?
        if (hideDuplicate && paramValues.length > 1) {
            List<Object> paramValuesList = new ArrayList<Object>();
            for (int i = 0; i <= paramValues.length - 1; i++) {
                // ?????
                if (!paramValuesList.contains(paramValues[i])) {
                } else {
            paramValues = paramValuesList.toArray();

        // ?
        int shiftNum = paramValues.length;
        // ?
        int paramLength = paramValues.length;

        // ???????
        if (minRepeatNum != null && shiftNum < minRepeatNum) {
            Object[] tmpValues = new Object[minRepeatNum];
            System.arraycopy(paramValues, 0, tmpValues, 0, paramValues.length);
            paramValues = tmpValues;
            shiftNum = paramValues.length;
            paramLength = paramValues.length;

        // ???
        int defaultFromCellRowIndex = tagCell.getRowIndex();
        // ???
        int defaultFromCellColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex();

        // ??
        int unitColSize = 1;

        // ???
        List<CellRangeAddress> maegedAddresses = new ArrayList<CellRangeAddress>();
        for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) {
            CellRangeAddress targetAddress = sheet.getMergedRegion(i);

        // ???
        if (maegedAddresses.size() > 0) {
            // ?????????????
            for (CellRangeAddress curMergedAdress : maegedAddresses) {
                if (defaultFromCellColIndex == curMergedAdress.getFirstColumn()
                        && defaultFromCellRowIndex == curMergedAdress.getFirstRow()) {
                    // ????????????
                    // ??????
                    unitColSize = curMergedAdress.getLastColumn() - curMergedAdress.getFirstColumn() + 1;

                    // ??????
                    shiftNum = shiftNum * unitColSize;

        // ?
        if (repeatNum != null && repeatNum < shiftNum) {
            // ??????
            // ????????????????
            // ?(repeatNum)??(unitColSize)??
            shiftNum = repeatNum * unitColSize;

            // ??????
            paramLength = repeatNum;

        // ???
        // ?????
        tagCell = new CellClone(tagCell);
        List<Cell> cellList = new ArrayList<Cell>();
        int defaultToOverCellColIndex = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + unitColSize;
        for (int i = defaultFromCellColIndex; i < defaultToOverCellColIndex; i++) {
            Row targetCellRow = sheet.getRow(tagCell.getRowIndex());
            cellList.add(new CellClone(targetCellRow.getCell(i)));

        // ?            
        if (shiftNum > 1) {
            // ?(????????)
            int shiftColSize = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + shiftNum - unitColSize - 1;
            // ???
            CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(tagCell.getRowIndex(), tagCell.getRowIndex(),
                    tagCell.getColumnIndex(), shiftColSize);
            PoiUtil.insertRangeRight(sheet, rangeAddress);
            int tagCellWidth = sheet.getColumnWidth(tagCell.getColumnIndex());
            for (int i = tagCell.getColumnIndex() + 1; i <= shiftColSize; i++) {
                int colWidth = sheet.getColumnWidth(i);
                if (colWidth < tagCellWidth) {
                    // ??  ???????
                    // ??????
                    sheet.setColumnWidth(i, tagCellWidth);

        // ???
        Workbook workbook = sheet.getWorkbook();
        String sheetName = workbook.getSheetName(workbook.getSheetIndex(sheet));
        // ??
        List<String> sheetNames = ReportsUtil.getSheetNames(info.getReportBook());
        // ?
        List<Object> resultValues = new ArrayList<Object>();
        // ??(beforeValue)
        Object beforeValue = null;

        // ?
        int valueIndex = -1;
        // ?????
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < shiftNum; colIndex++) {
            // ??
            Row row = sheet.getRow(tagCell.getRowIndex());
            if (row == null) {
                // ????
                // ?
                // (??)??????????
                // ??null???(RowCreate?)???????????
                row = sheet.createRow(tagCell.getRowIndex());
            // ??
            Cell cell = row.getCell(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + colIndex);
            if (cell == null) {
                cell = row.createCell(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + colIndex);
            // ????(null)
            Object value = null;

            // ??????
            // ??0???(?????????)???????
            int cellIndex = colIndex % unitColSize;

            // ?????????
            boolean skipCol = false;
            if (cellIndex != 0) {
                skipCol = true;
            } else {

            // ?
            PoiUtil.copyCell(cellList.get(cellIndex), cell);

            // ?
            Object currentValue = paramValues[valueIndex];
            // ??=true???????????
            boolean duplicateValue = false;
            if (beforeValue != null && currentValue != null && beforeValue.equals(currentValue)) {
                // ???
                duplicateValue = true;
            if (!skipCol && !(hideDuplicate && duplicateValue)) {
                // ??=true
                // ??????????????
                value = currentValue;
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("[??=" + sheetName + ",=(" + cell.getRowIndex() + ","
                        + cell.getColumnIndex() + ")]  " + tag + "  " + value);
            PoiUtil.setCellValue(cell, value);

            // ?
            if (sheetLink) {
                if (!skipCol && valueIndex < sheetNames.size()) {
                    PoiUtil.setHyperlink(cell, HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT,
                            "'" + sheetNames.get(valueIndex) + "'!A1");
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("[??=" + sheetName + ",=(" + cell.getRowIndex() + ","
                                + cell.getColumnIndex() + ")]  Hyperlink  " + "'"
                                + sheetNames.get(valueIndex) + "'!A1");

            // ??
            // ??????????????????
            if (!skipCol && unitColSize > 1 && paramLength > valueIndex + 1) {
                CellRangeAddress rangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getRowIndex(),
                        cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex() + unitColSize - 1);

                // ????????????
                beforeValue = value;

            // ???????
            if (unitColSize == 1) {
                beforeValue = value;


        // ??
        parsedReportInfo.setDefaultColumnIndex(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + unitColSize - 1);
        parsedReportInfo.setColumnIndex(tagCell.getColumnIndex() + shiftNum - 1);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        return parsedReportInfo;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParseException(tagCell, e);


From source file:org.bbreak.excella.reports.util.ReportsUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * ??????int[?]?????// www  . ja  v  a  2  s  . co m
 * @param sheet ??
 * @param bStartColIndex ?
 * @param bEndColIndex ?
 * @return ??
public static int[] getColumnWidth(Sheet sheet, int bStartColIndex, int bEndColIndex) {
    int[] columnWidth = new int[bEndColIndex - bStartColIndex + 1];
    int colIdx = 0;
    for (int bColIndex = bStartColIndex; bColIndex <= bEndColIndex; bColIndex++) {
        columnWidth[colIdx] = sheet.getColumnWidth(bColIndex);
    return columnWidth;

From source file:org.bonitasoft.connectors.excel.AddDimensionedImage.java

License:Apache License

 * Determines whether the sheets columns should be re-sized to accomodate
 * the image, adjusts the columns width if necessary and creates then
 * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of
 * an ClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish
 * it's size.//  ww w  . j  a  v  a  2s .co  m
 * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
 * @param colNumber A primtive int that contains the index number of a
 *                  column on the sheet.
 * @param reqImageWidthMM A primtive double that contains the required
 *                        width of the image in millimetres
 * @param resizeBehaviour A primitve int whose value will indicate how the
 *                        width of the column should be adjusted if the
 *                        required width of the image is greater than the
 *                        width of the column.
 * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
 *         the index number of the column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
 *         image, the index number column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
 *         the image and an inset that determines how far the right hand
 *         edge of the image can protrude into the next column - expressed
 *         as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(Sheet sheet, int colNumber, double reqImageWidthMM,
        int resizeBehaviour) {

    double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
    double colCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
    int pictureWidthCoordinates = 0;
    ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;

    // Get the colum's width in millimetres
    colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber));

    // Check that the column's width will accomodate the image at the
    // required dimension. If the width of the column is LESS than the
    // required width of the image, decide how the application should
    // respond - resize the column or overlay the image across one or more
    // columns.
    if (colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {

        // Should the column's width simply be expanded?
        if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
            // Set the width of the column by converting the required image
            // width from millimetres into Excel's column width units.
            sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber, ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM));
            // To make the image occupy the full width of the column, convert
            // the required width of the image into co-ordinates. This value
            // will become the inset for the ClientAnchorDetail class that
            // is then instantiated.
            colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
            colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
            pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
            colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
        // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
        // to expand ONLY the size of the rows, then calculate how to lay
        // the image out across one or more columns.
        else if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW)) {
            colClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateColumnLocation(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
    // If the column is wider than the image.
    else {
        // Mow many co-ordinate positions are there per millimetre?
        colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
        // Given the width of the image, what should be it's co-ordinate?
        pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
        colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
    return (colClientAnchorDetail);

From source file:org.bonitasoft.connectors.excel.AddDimensionedImage.java

License:Apache License

 * If the image is to overlie more than one column, calculations need to be
 * performed to determine how many columns and whether the image will
 * overlie just a part of one column in order to be presented at the
 * required size./*  w  w w  . j  a v a2s. c o m*/
 * @param sheet The sheet that will 'contain' the image.
 * @param startingColumn A primitive int whose value is the index of the
 *                       column that contains the cell whose top left hand
 *                       corner should be aligned with the top left hand
 *                       corner of the image.
 * @param reqImageWidthMM A primitive double whose value will indicate the
 *                        required width of the image in millimetres.
 * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
 *         the index number of the column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
 *         image, the index number column containing the cell whose top
 *         left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
 *         the image and an inset that determines how far the right hand
 *         edge of the image can protrude into the next column - expressed
 *         as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
private ClientAnchorDetail calculateColumnLocation(Sheet sheet, int startingColumn, double reqImageWidthMM) {
    ClientAnchorDetail anchorDetail = null;
    double totalWidthMM = 0.0D;
    double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
    double overlapMM = 0.0D;
    double coordinatePositionsPerMM = 0.0D;
    int toColumn = startingColumn;
    int inset = 0;

    // Calculate how many columns the image will have to
    // span in order to be presented at the required size.
    while (totalWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {
        colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) (sheet.getColumnWidth(toColumn)));
        // Note use of the cell border width constant. Testing with an image
        // declared to fit exactly into one column demonstrated that it's
        // width was greater than the width of the column the POI returned.
        // Further, this difference was a constant value that I am assuming
        // related to the cell's borders. Either way, that difference needs
        // to be allowed for in this calculation.
        totalWidthMM += (colWidthMM + ConvertImageUnits.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH_MILLIMETRES);
    // De-crement by one the last column value.
    // Highly unlikely that this will be true but, if the width of a series
    // of columns is exactly equal to the required width of the image, then
    // simply build a ClientAnchorDetail object with an inset equal to the
    // total number of co-ordinate positions available in a column, a
    // from column co-ordinate (top left hand corner) equal to the value
    // of the startingColumn parameter and a to column co-ordinate equal
    // to the toColumn variable.
    // Convert both values to ints to perform the test.
    if ((int) totalWidthMM == (int) reqImageWidthMM) {
        // A problem could occur if the image is sized to fit into one or
        // more columns. If that occurs, the value in the toColumn variable
        // will be in error. To overcome this, there are two options, to
        // ibcrement the toColumn variable's value by one or to pass the
        // total number of co-ordinate positions to the third paramater
        // of the ClientAnchorDetail constructor. For no sepcific reason,
        // the latter option is used below.
        anchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingColumn, toColumn,
    // In this case, the image will overlap part of another column and it is
    // necessary to calculate just how much - this will become the inset
    // for the ClientAnchorDetail object.
    else {
        // Firstly, claculate how much of the image should overlap into
        // the next column.
        overlapMM = reqImageWidthMM - (totalWidthMM - colWidthMM);

        // When the required size is very close indded to the column size,
        // the calcaulation above can produce a negative value. To prevent
        // problems occuring in later caculations, this is simply removed
        // be setting the overlapMM value to zero.
        if (overlapMM < 0) {
            overlapMM = 0.0D;

        // Next, from the columns width, calculate how many co-ordinate
        // positons there are per millimetre
        coordinatePositionsPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
        // From this figure, determine how many co-ordinat positions to
        // inset the left hand or bottom edge of the image.
        inset = (int) (coordinatePositionsPerMM * overlapMM);

        // Now create the ClientAnchorDetail object, setting the from and to
        // columns and the inset.
        anchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingColumn, toColumn, inset);
    return (anchorDetail);

From source file:org.efaps.esjp.common.file.FileUtil_Base.java

License:Apache License

 * Copy sheets.// w w  w.  j a  v a2  s.c  o  m
 * @param _newSheet the new sheet
 * @param _sheet the sheet
 * @param _copyStyle the copy style
protected void copySheets(final Sheet _newSheet, final Sheet _sheet, final boolean _copyStyle) {
    int maxColumnNum = 0;
    final Map<Integer, CellStyle> styleMap = _copyStyle ? new HashMap<>() : null;
    for (int i = _sheet.getFirstRowNum(); i <= _sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
        final Row srcRow = _sheet.getRow(i);
        final Row destRow = _newSheet.createRow(i);
        if (srcRow != null) {
            copyRow(_sheet, _newSheet, srcRow, destRow, styleMap);
            if (srcRow.getLastCellNum() > maxColumnNum) {
                maxColumnNum = srcRow.getLastCellNum();
    for (int i = 0; i <= maxColumnNum; i++) {
        _newSheet.setColumnWidth(i, _sheet.getColumnWidth(i));

From source file:org.h819.commons.file.excel.poi.examples.AddDimensionedImage.java

License:Apache License

 * Determines whether the sheets columns should be re-sized to accomodate
 * the image, adjusts the columns width if necessary and creates then
 * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of an
 * ClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish it's
 * size./*from  w ww.j av  a  2s.co  m*/
 * @param sheet
 *            A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
 * @param colNumber
 *            A primtive int that contains the index number of a column on
 *            the sheet.
 * @param reqImageWidthMM
 *            A primtive double that contains the required width of the
 *            image in millimetres
 * @param resizeBehaviour
 *            A primitve int whose value will indicate how the width of the
 *            column should be adjusted if the required width of the image
 *            is greater than the width of the column.
 * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain the
 *         index number of the column containing the cell whose top left
 *         hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the image,
 *         the index number column containing the cell whose top left hand
 *         corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of the image and
 *         an inset that determines how far the right hand edge of the image
 *         can protrude into the next column - expressed as a specific
 *         number of co-ordinate positions.
private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(Sheet sheet, int colNumber, double reqImageWidthMM,
        int resizeBehaviour) {

    double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
    double colCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
    int pictureWidthCoordinates = 0;
    ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;

    // Get the colum's width in millimetres
    colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber));

    // Check that the column's width will accomodate the image at the
    // required dimension. If the width of the column is LESS than the
    // required width of the image, decide how the application should
    // respond - resize the column or overlay the image across one or more
    // columns.
    if (colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {

        // Should the column's width simply be expanded?
        if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
            // Set the width of the column by converting the required image
            // width from millimetres into Excel's column width units.
            sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber, ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM));
            // To make the image occupy the full width of the column,
            // convert
            // the required width of the image into co-ordinates. This value
            // will become the inset for the ClientAnchorDetail class that
            // is then instantiated.
            colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
            colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
            pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
            colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
        // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
        // to expand ONLY the size of the rows, then calculate how to lay
        // the image out across one or more columns.
        else if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN)
                || (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW)) {
            colClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateColumnLocation(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
    // If the column is wider than the image.
    else {
        // Mow many co-ordinate positions are there per millimetre?
        colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM;
        // Given the width of the image, what should be it's co-ordinate?
        pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
        colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
    return (colClientAnchorDetail);

From source file:org.joeffice.spreadsheet.SheetComponent.java

License:Apache License

public JTable createTable(Sheet sheet) {
    SheetTableModel sheetTableModel = new SheetTableModel(sheet);
    JTable table = new SheetTable(sheetTableModel);

    table.setDefaultRenderer(Cell.class, new CellRenderer());
    TableCellEditor editor = new org.joeffice.spreadsheet.cell.CellEditor();
    table.setDefaultEditor(Cell.class, editor);
    int columnsCount = sheetTableModel.getColumnCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) {
        TableColumn tableColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
        tableColumn.setCellRenderer(new CellRenderer());
        int widthUnits = sheet.getColumnWidth(i);
    }//from  w w  w . j a  v a2 s. c  o  m

    int rowCount = sheetTableModel.getRowCount();
    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
        Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex);
        if (row != null) {
            int cellHeight = (int) Math.ceil(sheet.getRow(rowIndex).getHeightInPoints());
            cellHeight += CELL_HEIGHT_MARGINS;
            table.setRowHeight(rowIndex, cellHeight);

    JLabel tableHeader = (JLabel) table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer();


    TableColumnAdjuster tca = new TableColumnAdjuster(table, 20);
    if (sheet.getDefaultColumnWidth() == -1) {

    table.setTransferHandler(new TableTransferHandler());

    Action cutAction = new ClipboardAction(DefaultEditorKit.cutAction);
    Action copyAction = new ClipboardAction(DefaultEditorKit.copyAction);
    Action pasteAction = new ClipboardAction(DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction);
    table.getActionMap().put(DefaultEditorKit.cutAction, cutAction);
    table.getActionMap().put(DefaultEditorKit.copyAction, copyAction);
    table.getActionMap().put(DefaultEditorKit.pasteAction, pasteAction);

    //table.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));
    table.putClientProperty("print.printable", Boolean.TRUE);
    Rectangle lastDataCellBounds = table.getCellRect(sheet.getLastRowNum(), sheetTableModel.getLastColumnNum(),
    table.putClientProperty("print.size", new Dimension(lastDataCellBounds.x + lastDataCellBounds.width,
            lastDataCellBounds.y + lastDataCellBounds.height));
    new SheetListener(table);

    if (!sheet.isDisplayGridlines()) {
    return table;

From source file:org.netxilia.impexp.impl.ExcelImportService.java

License:Open Source License

public List<SheetFullName> importSheets(INetxiliaSystem workbookProcessor, WorkbookId workbookName,
        InputStream is, IProcessingConsole console) throws ImportException {
    List<SheetFullName> sheetNames = new ArrayList<SheetFullName>();
    try {/*from  w  w  w. j  a va 2s.  co m*/
        log.info("Starting import:" + workbookName);
        Workbook poiWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
        IWorkbook nxWorkbook = workbookProcessor.getWorkbook(workbookName);
        log.info("Read POI");

        NetxiliaStyleResolver styleResolver = new NetxiliaStyleResolver(

        HSSFPalette palette = ((HSSFWorkbook) poiWorkbook).getCustomPalette();

        for (int s = 0; s < poiWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets(); ++s) {
            Sheet poiSheet = poiWorkbook.getSheetAt(s);

            SheetFullName sheetName = new SheetFullName(workbookName,
                    getNextFreeSheetName(nxWorkbook, poiSheet.getSheetName()));
            ISheet nxSheet = null;
            BlockCellCommandBuilder cellCommandBuilder = new BlockCellCommandBuilder();
            try {
                List<CellReference> refreshCells = new ArrayList<CellReference>();

                for (Row poiRow : poiSheet) {
                    if (poiRow.getRowNum() % 100 == 0) {
                        log.info("importing row #" + poiRow.getRowNum());
                    for (Cell poiCell : poiRow) {
                        if (nxSheet == null) {
                            // lazy creation
                            while (true) {
                                try {
                                    nxSheet = nxWorkbook.addNewSheet(sheetName.getSheetName(),
                                } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
                                    // may happen is simultaneous imports take place
                                    sheetName = new SheetFullName(workbookName,
                                            getNextFreeSheetName(nxWorkbook, poiSheet.getSheetName()));

                        CellReference ref = new CellReference(sheetName.getSheetName(), poiRow.getRowNum(),
                        try {
                            ICellCommand cmd = copyCell(poiCell, ref, palette, styleResolver);
                            if (cmd != null) {
                            if (poiCell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {

                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (console != null) {
                                console.println("Could import cell " + ref + ":" + poiCell + ":" + e);
                            log.error("Could import cell " + ref + ":" + poiCell + ":" + e, e);

                    if (poiRow.getRowNum() % 100 == 0 && !cellCommandBuilder.isEmpty()) {
                        cellCommandBuilder = new BlockCellCommandBuilder();

                if (nxSheet == null) {
                    // empty sheet
                if (!cellCommandBuilder.isEmpty()) {
                // add the columns after as is not very clear how to get the number of cols in poi
                for (int c = 0; c < nxSheet.getDimensions().getNonBlocking().getColumnCount(); ++c) {
                    int width = 50;
                    try {
                        width = PoiUtils.widthUnits2Pixel(poiSheet.getColumnWidth(c));
                        nxSheet.sendCommand(ColumnCommands.width(Range.range(c), width));
                    } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
                        // ignore it
                        // NPE in at org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Sheet.getColumnWidth(Sheet.java:998)
                        // defaultColumnWidth can be null !?

                    CellStyle poiStyle = poiSheet.getColumnStyle(c);
                    if (poiStyle == null) {
                    Styles styles = PoiUtils.poiStyle2Netxilia(poiStyle,
                            poiSheet.getWorkbook().getFontAt(poiStyle.getFontIndex()), palette, styleResolver);
                    if (styles != null) {
                        nxSheet.sendCommand(ColumnCommands.styles(Range.range(c), styles));

                // merge
                List<AreaReference> spans = new ArrayList<AreaReference>(poiSheet.getNumMergedRegions());
                for (int i = 0; i < poiSheet.getNumMergedRegions(); ++i) {
                    CellRangeAddress poiSpan = poiSheet.getMergedRegion(i);
                    spans.add(new AreaReference(sheetName.getSheetName(), poiSpan.getFirstRow(),
                            poiSpan.getFirstColumn(), poiSpan.getLastRow(), poiSpan.getLastColumn()));

                // refresh all the cells now
                nxSheet.sendCommandNoUndo(moreCellCommands.refresh(refreshCells, false));

            } finally {
                if (nxSheet != null) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ImportException(null, "Cannot open workbook:" + e, e);
    } catch (StorageException e) {
        throw new ImportException(null, "Error storing sheet:" + e, e);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        throw new ImportException(null, "Cannot find workbook:" + e, e);
    } catch (NetxiliaResourceException e) {
        throw new ImportException(null, e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (NetxiliaBusinessException e) {
        throw new ImportException(null, e.getMessage(), e);

    return sheetNames;