Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row setHeight

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row setHeight


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row setHeight.


void setHeight(short height);

Source Link


Set the row's height or set to ff (-1) for undefined/default-height.


From source file:b01.officeLink.excel.ExcelRefiller.java

License:Apache License

public void fillGroupContent(String groupStr, FocObject object) {
    ExcelGroupDefinition grpDef = getGroupDefinition(groupStr);
    Sheet srcSheet = getSourceSheet();/*from   w w w .  j ava  2 s.  c o m*/
    Sheet tarSheet = getTargetSheet();
    if (grpDef != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < grpDef.getRowCount(); i++) {
            int rowIdx = grpDef.getRowAt(i);
            Row sRow = srcSheet.getRow(rowIdx);
            if (sRow != null) {
                Row tRow = tarSheet.getRow(currentRow);
                if (tRow == null) {
                    tRow = tarSheet.createRow(currentRow);
                if (tRow != null) {
                    for (int c = 0; c < 20; c++) {
                        Cell sCell = sRow.getCell(c + 1);
                        if (sCell != null) {
                            Cell tCell = tRow.getCell(c);
                            if (tCell == null) {
                                tCell = tRow.createCell(c);
                            if (tCell != null) {

                                String str = "";
                                if (sCell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
                                    RichTextString rts = sCell.getRichStringCellValue();
                                    str = rts.getString();
                                    str = analyseContent(str, object);
                                } else if (sCell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
                                    str = String.valueOf(sCell.getNumericCellValue());

                                if (str != null && !str.isEmpty()) {
                                    int iVal = convertString2Integer(str);
                                    double dVal = convertString2Double(str);
                                    if (iVal != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                                    } else if (!Double.isNaN(dVal)) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (getFocExcelDocument() != null
                                                && getFocExcelDocument().getWorkbook() != null) {

From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.export.base.BaseExportService.java

License:Apache License

 *  ? Cells//w w  w  .  j av a 2 s.  c o  m
public int[] createCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, Object t, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams,
        Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, short rowHeight, int cellNum) {
    try {
        ExcelExportEntity entity;
        Row row = sheet.getRow(index) == null ? sheet.createRow(index) : sheet.getRow(index);
        if (rowHeight != -1) {
        int maxHeight = 1, listMaxHeight = 1;
        // ????
        int margeCellNum = cellNum;
        int indexKey = createIndexCell(row, index, excelParams.get(0));
        cellNum += indexKey;
        for (int k = indexKey, paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; k++) {
            entity = excelParams.get(k);
            if (entity.getList() != null) {
                Collection<?> list = getListCellValue(entity, t);
                int listIndex = 0, tmpListHeight = 0;
                if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                    int tempCellNum = 0;
                    for (Object obj : list) {
                        int[] temp = createCells(patriarch, index + listIndex, obj, entity.getList(), sheet,
                                workbook, rowHeight, cellNum);
                        tempCellNum = temp[1];
                        tmpListHeight += temp[0];
                    cellNum = tempCellNum;
                    listMaxHeight = Math.max(listMaxHeight, tmpListHeight);
            } else {
                Object value = getCellValue(entity, t);

                if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE) {
                    createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                            index % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);

                } else if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
                    createDoubleCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                            index % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
                } else {
                    createImageCell(patriarch, entity, row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                    row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHandler.getHyperlink(
                            row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), t, entity.getName(), value));
        maxHeight += listMaxHeight - 1;
        if (indexKey == 1 && excelParams.get(1).isNeedMerge()) {
        for (int k = indexKey, paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; k++) {
            entity = excelParams.get(k);
            if (entity.getList() != null) {
                margeCellNum += entity.getList().size();
            } else if (entity.isNeedMerge() && maxHeight > 1) {
                for (int i = index + 1; i < index + maxHeight; i++) {
                    if (sheet.getRow(i) == null) {
                    sheet.getRow(i).getCell(margeCellNum).setCellStyle(getStyles(false, entity));
                PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(sheet, index, index + maxHeight - 1, margeCellNum,
        return new int[] { maxHeight, cellNum };
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("excel cell export error ,data is :{}", ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(t));
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, e);


From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.export.base.BaseExportService.java

License:Apache License

 * List??Cells/*from  w  w w  . j  a  va2 s.com*/
public void createListCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, int cellNum, Object obj,
        List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, short rowHeight) throws Exception {
    ExcelExportEntity entity;
    Row row;
    if (sheet.getRow(index) == null) {
        row = sheet.createRow(index);
        if (rowHeight != -1) {
    } else {
        row = sheet.getRow(index);
        if (rowHeight != -1) {
    for (int k = 0, paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; k++) {
        entity = excelParams.get(k);
        Object value = getCellValue(entity, obj);
        if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE) {
            createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                    row.getRowNum() % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
            if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHandler.getHyperlink(
                        row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), obj, entity.getName(), value));
        } else if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
            createDoubleCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                    index % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
            if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHandler.getHyperlink(
                        row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), obj, entity.getName(), value));
        } else {
            createImageCell(patriarch, entity, row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), obj);

From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.export.ExcelExportService.java

License:Apache License

 * /*w w  w .  j  av a 2  s.c  om*/
private int createHeaderRow(ExportParams title, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, int index,
        List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, int cellIndex) {
    Row row = sheet.getRow(index) == null ? sheet.createRow(index) : sheet.getRow(index);
    int rows = getRowNums(excelParams, true);
    Row listRow = null;
    if (rows >= 2) {
        listRow = sheet.createRow(index + 1);
    int groupCellLength = 0;
    CellStyle titleStyle = getExcelExportStyler().getTitleStyle(title.getColor());
    for (int i = 0, exportFieldTitleSize = excelParams.size(); i < exportFieldTitleSize; i++) {
        ExcelExportEntity entity = excelParams.get(i);
        // ?groupName???
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(entity.getGroupName()) || i == 0
                || !entity.getGroupName().equals(excelParams.get(i - 1).getGroupName())) {
            if (groupCellLength > 1) {
                        new CellRangeAddress(index, index, cellIndex - groupCellLength, cellIndex - 1));
            groupCellLength = 0;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getGroupName())) {
            createStringCell(row, cellIndex, entity.getGroupName(), titleStyle, entity);
            createStringCell(listRow, cellIndex, entity.getName(), titleStyle, entity);
        } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getName())) {
            createStringCell(row, cellIndex, entity.getName(), titleStyle, entity);
        if (entity.getList() != null) {
            // ???
            int tempCellIndex = cellIndex;
            cellIndex = createHeaderRow(title, sheet, workbook, rows == 1 ? index : index + 1, entity.getList(),
            List<ExcelExportEntity> sTitel = entity.getList();
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getName()) && sTitel.size() > 1) {
                PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(sheet, index, index, tempCellIndex,
                        tempCellIndex + sTitel.size() - 1);
            /*for (int j = 0, size = sTitel.size(); j < size; j++) {
            createStringCell(rows == 2 ? listRow : row, cellIndex, sTitel.get(j).getName(),
                    titleStyle, entity);
        } else if (rows > 1 && StringUtils.isBlank(entity.getGroupName())) {
            createStringCell(listRow, cellIndex, "", titleStyle, entity);
            PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(sheet, index, index + rows - 1, cellIndex, cellIndex);
    if (groupCellLength > 1) {
        PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(sheet, index, index, cellIndex - groupCellLength, cellIndex - 1);
    return cellIndex;


From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.export.ExcelExportService.java

License:Apache License

 *  ?/*w w w. j a v  a  2 s .co  m*/
public int createTitle2Row(ExportParams entity, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, int fieldWidth) {

    Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
    createStringCell(row, 0, entity.getTitle(), getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()),
    for (int i = 1; i <= fieldWidth; i++) {
        createStringCell(row, i, "", getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), null);
    PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(sheet, 0, 0, 0, fieldWidth);
    if (entity.getSecondTitle() != null) {
        row = sheet.createRow(1);
        CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
        createStringCell(row, 0, entity.getSecondTitle(), style, null);
        for (int i = 1; i <= fieldWidth; i++) {
            createStringCell(row, i, "", getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), null);
        PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(sheet, 1, 1, 0, fieldWidth);
        return 2;
    return 1;

From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.export.template.ExcelExportOfTemplateUtil.java

License:Apache License

private void setForEeachRowCellValue(boolean isCreate, Row row, int columnIndex, Object t,
        List<ExcelForEachParams> columns, Map<String, Object> map, int rowspan, int colspan,
        MergedRegionHelper mergedRegionHelper) throws Exception {
    //cell??//from w  w  w .  j a v a  2  s. c o  m
    for (int i = 0; i < rowspan; i++) {
        int size = columns.size();//?
        for (int j = columnIndex, max = columnIndex + colspan; j < max; j++) {
            if (row.getCell(j) == null) {
                CellStyle style = row.getRowNum() % 2 == 0
                        ? getStyles(false, size <= j - columnIndex ? null : columns.get(j - columnIndex))
                        : getStyles(true, size <= j - columnIndex ? null : columns.get(j - columnIndex));
                if (style != null) {

        if (i < rowspan - 1) {
            row = row.getSheet().getRow(row.getRowNum() + 1);
    ExcelForEachParams params;
    row = row.getSheet().getRow(row.getRowNum() - rowspan + 1);
    for (int k = 0; k < rowspan; k++) {
        int ci = columnIndex;
        short high = columns.get(0).getHeight();
        int n = k;
        while (n > 0) {
            if (columns.get(n * colspan).getHeight() == 0) {
            } else {
                high = columns.get(n * colspan).getHeight();
        for (int i = 0; i < colspan && i < columns.size(); i++) {
            boolean isNumber = false;
            params = columns.get(colspan * k + i);
            tempCreateCellSet.add(row.getRowNum() + "_" + (ci));
            if (params == null) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getName()) && StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getConstValue())) {
                ci = ci + params.getColspan();
            String val = null;
            Object obj = null;
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getName())) {
                val = params.getConstValue();
            } else {
                String tempStr = new String(params.getName());
                if (isNumber(tempStr)) {
                    isNumber = true;
                    tempStr = tempStr.replaceFirst(NUMBER_SYMBOL, "");
                map.put(teplateParams.getTempParams(), t);
                obj = eval(tempStr, map);
                val = obj.toString();
            if (obj != null && obj instanceof ImageEntity) {
                ImageEntity img = (ImageEntity) obj;
                if (img.getRowspan() > 1 || img.getColspan() > 1) {
                            .addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(row.getCell(ci).getRowIndex(),
                                    row.getCell(ci).getRowIndex() + img.getRowspan() - 1,
                                    row.getCell(ci).getColumnIndex() + img.getColspan() - 1));
                createImageCell(row.getCell(ci), img.getHeight(), img.getRowspan(), img.getColspan(),
                        img.getUrl(), img.getData());
            } else if (isNumber && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(val)) {
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            if (params.getCellStyle() != null) {
            if (params.isNeedSum()) {
                templateSumHandler.addValueOfKey(params.getName(), val);
            setMergedRegionStyle(row, ci, params);
            if ((params.getRowspan() != 1 || params.getColspan() != 1)
                    && !mergedRegionHelper.isMergedRegion(row.getRowNum() + 1, ci)
                    && PoiCellUtil.isMergedRegion(row.getSheet(), row.getRowNum(), ci)) {
                PoiMergeCellUtil.addMergedRegion(row.getSheet(), row.getRowNum(),
                        row.getRowNum() + params.getRowspan() - 1, ci, ci + params.getColspan() - 1);
            ci = ci + params.getColspan();
        row = row.getSheet().getRow(row.getRowNum() + 1);


From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.html.css.impl.HeightCssConverImpl.java

License:Apache License

public void convertToExcel(Cell cell, CellStyle cellStyle, CellStyleEntity style) {
    if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(style.getHeight())) {
        int height = Math.round(PoiCssUtils.getInt(style.getHeight()) * 255 / 12.75F);
        Row row = cell.getRow();
        if (height > row.getHeight()) {
            row.setHeight((short) height);
        }//from  w  ww . j  a va 2s  .c o m

From source file:cn.bzvs.excel.export.base.ExcelExportBase.java

License:Apache License

 *  ? Cells//from  w ww.ja v  a 2  s.c  o m
 * @param patriarch
 * @param index
 * @param t
 * @param excelParams
 * @param sheet
 * @param workbook
 * @param rowHeight
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public int createCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, Object t, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet,
        Workbook workbook, short rowHeight) throws Exception {
    ExcelExportEntity entity;
    Row row = sheet.createRow(index);
    int maxHeight = 1, cellNum = 0;
    int indexKey = createIndexCell(row, index, excelParams.get(0));
    cellNum += indexKey;
    for (int k = indexKey, paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; k++) {
        entity = excelParams.get(k);
        if (entity.getList() != null) {
            Collection<?> list = getListCellValue(entity, t);
            int listC = 0;
            if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                for (Object obj : list) {
                    createListCells(patriarch, index + listC, cellNum, obj, entity.getList(), sheet, workbook);
            cellNum += entity.getList().size();
            if (list != null && list.size() > maxHeight) {
                maxHeight = list.size();
        } else {
            Object value = getCellValue(entity, t);
            if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.StringType) {
                createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                        index % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
                if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                    row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHanlder.getHyperlink(
                            row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), t, entity.getName(), value));
            } else if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.DoubleType) {
                createDoubleCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                        index % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
                if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                    row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHanlder.getHyperlink(
                            row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), t, entity.getName(), value));
            } else {
                createImageCell(patriarch, entity, row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), t);
    // ????
    cellNum = 0;
    for (int k = indexKey, paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; k++) {
        entity = excelParams.get(k);
        if (entity.getList() != null) {
            cellNum += entity.getList().size();
        } else if (entity.isNeedMerge()) {
            for (int i = index + 1; i < index + maxHeight; i++) {
                sheet.getRow(i).getCell(cellNum).setCellStyle(getStyles(false, entity));
            sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index + maxHeight - 1, cellNum, cellNum));
    return maxHeight;


From source file:cn.bzvs.excel.export.base.ExcelExportBase.java

License:Apache License

 * Cell// www  .  ja  v  a2s .c  om
 * @param patriarch
 * @param entity
 * @param row
 * @param i
 * @param imagePath
 * @param obj
 * @throws Exception
public void createImageCell(Drawing patriarch, ExcelExportEntity entity, Row row, int i, String imagePath,
        Object obj) throws Exception {
    row.setHeight((short) (50 * entity.getHeight()));
    ClientAnchor anchor;
    if (type.equals(ExcelType.HSSF)) {
        anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, (short) i, row.getRowNum(), (short) (i + 1),
                row.getRowNum() + 1);
    } else {
        anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, (short) i, row.getRowNum(), (short) (i + 1),
                row.getRowNum() + 1);

    byte[] value = null;
    if (entity.getExportImageType() == 1) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(imagePath)) {
            value = ImageCache.getImage(imagePath);
    } else {
        value = (byte[]) (entity.getMethods() != null ? getFieldBySomeMethod(entity.getMethods(), obj)
                : entity.getMethod().invoke(obj, new Object[] {}));
    if (value != null) {
        patriarch.createPicture(anchor, row.getSheet().getWorkbook().addPicture(value, getImageType(value)));


From source file:cn.bzvs.excel.export.base.ExcelExportBase.java

License:Apache License

 * List??Cells//ww w .j a v  a 2  s  .  co m
 * @param patriarch
 * @param index
 * @param cellNum
 * @param obj
 * @param excelParams
 * @param sheet
 * @param workbook
 * @throws Exception
public void createListCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, int cellNum, Object obj,
        List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook) throws Exception {
    ExcelExportEntity entity;
    Row row;
    if (sheet.getRow(index) == null) {
        row = sheet.createRow(index);
    } else {
        row = sheet.getRow(index);
    for (int k = 0, paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; k++) {
        entity = excelParams.get(k);
        Object value = getCellValue(entity, obj);
        if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.StringType) {
            createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                    row.getRowNum() % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
            if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHanlder.getHyperlink(
                        row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), obj, entity.getName(), value));
        } else if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.DoubleType) {
            createDoubleCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(),
                    index % 2 == 0 ? getStyles(false, entity) : getStyles(true, entity), entity);
            if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
                row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(dataHanlder.getHyperlink(
                        row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), obj, entity.getName(), value));
        } else {
            createImageCell(patriarch, entity, row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), obj);