Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getLastCellNum

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getLastCellNum


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getLastCellNum.


short getLastCellNum();

Source Link


Gets the index of the last cell contained in this row PLUS ONE.


From source file:org.hellojavaer.poi.excel.utils.ExcelUtils.java

License:Apache License

private static InnerRow getTemplateRow(Map<Integer, InnerRow> cache, Sheet sheet,
        ExcelWriteSheetProcessor<?> sheetProcessor, int rowIndex) {
    InnerRow cachedRow = cache.get(rowIndex);
    if (cachedRow != null || cache.containsKey(rowIndex)) {
        return cachedRow;
    }//from  ww  w . j  a v a2 s  .co m
    InnerRow templateRow = null;
    if (sheetProcessor.getTemplateStartRowIndex() != null && sheetProcessor.getTemplateEndRowIndex() != null) {
        if (rowIndex <= sheetProcessor.getTemplateEndRowIndex()) {
            return null;
        int tempRowIndex = (rowIndex - sheetProcessor.getTemplateEndRowIndex() - 1)
                % (sheetProcessor.getTemplateEndRowIndex() - sheetProcessor.getTemplateStartRowIndex() + 1)
                + sheetProcessor.getTemplateStartRowIndex();
        Row tempRow = sheet.getRow(tempRowIndex);
        if (tempRow != null) {
            templateRow = new InnerRow();
            for (int i = tempRow.getFirstCellNum(); i <= tempRow.getLastCellNum(); i++) {
                Cell cell = tempRow.getCell(i);
                if (cell != null) {
                    InnerCell innerCell = new InnerCell();
                    templateRow.setCell(i, innerCell);
    cache.put(rowIndex, templateRow);
    return templateRow;

From source file:org.is.jxlpoi.JXLPOISheet.java

License:Apache License

public JXLPOICell[] getColumn(int colIndex) {

    int lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum();

    Vector<JXLPOICell> collected = new Vector<JXLPOICell>();
    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex <= lastRowNum; rowIndex++) {
        Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex);
        JXLPOICell cs;// ww w  .  ja  v  a2  s . c  o  m
        if (row != null) {
            int numCells = row.getLastCellNum();
            if (numCells < colIndex + 1) { //no cell
                cs = new JXLPOICell(null, null, colIndex, rowIndex);
            } else {
                Cell cell = row.getCell(colIndex);
                cs = new JXLPOICell(workbook, cell, colIndex, rowIndex);
        } else {
            cs = new JXLPOICell(null, null, colIndex, rowIndex);


    JXLPOICell[] cs = new JXLPOICell[collected.size()];
    return cs;

From source file:org.is.jxlpoi.JXLPOISheet.java

License:Apache License

public JXLPOICell[] getRow(int rowIndex) {
    Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex);
    if (row == null) {
        return new JXLPOICell[0];
    }// www . j  a v  a 2 s.com
    int numCells = row.getLastCellNum();
    JXLPOICell[] cs = new JXLPOICell[numCells];
    for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < cs.length; colIndex++) {
        Cell cell = row.getCell(colIndex);
        cs[colIndex] = new JXLPOICell(workbook, cell, colIndex, rowIndex);
    return cs;

From source file:org.jberet.support.io.ExcelItemReaderWriterBase.java

License:Open Source License

 * Saves string values to a string array for all non-blank cells in the row passed in. Useful when trying to get
 * header values./*from   w  w  w .j a va2  s  . co  m*/
 * @param row the source row to get values from
 * @return a String array containing values from all non-blank cells in the row
protected static String[] getCellStringValues(final Row row) {
    final short firstCellNum = row.getFirstCellNum();
    final short lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
    final String[] values = new String[lastCellNum - firstCellNum];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
        values[i] = row.getCell(i).getStringCellValue();
    return values;

From source file:org.jberet.support.io.ExcelUserModelItemReader.java

License:Open Source License

public Object readItem() throws Exception {
    if (currentRowNum == this.end) {
        return null;
    }// w  w  w . j ava 2 s . co m
    Row row;
    while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
        row = rowIterator.next();
        currentRowNum = row.getRowNum();
        final short lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
        if (lastCellNum == -1) { // no cell in the current row
        final int lastColumn = Math.max(lastCellNum, minColumnCount);
        if (java.util.List.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) {
            final List<Object> resultList = new ArrayList<Object>();
            for (int cn = 0; cn < lastColumn; cn++) {
                final Cell c = row.getCell(cn, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL);
                if (c == null) { // The spreadsheet is empty in this cell
                } else {
                    resultList.add(getCellValue(c, c.getCellType()));
            return resultList;
        } else {
            final Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            for (int cn = 0; cn < header.length; cn++) {
                final Cell c = row.getCell(cn, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL);
                if (c != null) {
                    resultMap.put(header[cn], getCellValue(c, c.getCellType()));
            if (java.util.Map.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) {
                return resultMap;
            } else {
                if (objectMapper == null) {
                final Object readValue = objectMapper.convertValue(resultMap, beanType);
                if (!skipBeanValidation) {
                return readValue;

    return null;

From source file:org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports.ExcelImportServer.java

License:Apache License

 * ?List?/*from  w w  w .j  a v  a 2 s  .  co m*/
 * @param exclusions
 * @param object
 * @param param
 * @param row
 * @param titlemap
 * @param targetId
 * @param pictures
 * @param params
private void addListContinue(Object object, ExcelCollectionParams param, Row row, Map<Integer, String> titlemap,
        String targetId, Map<String, PictureData> pictures, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
    Collection collection = (Collection) PoiPublicUtil.getMethod(param.getName(), object.getClass())
            .invoke(object, new Object[] {});
    Object entity = PoiPublicUtil.createObject(param.getType(), targetId);
    String picId;
    boolean isUsed = false;// ??
    for (int i = row.getFirstCellNum(); i < row.getLastCellNum(); i++) {
        Cell cell = row.getCell(i);
        String titleString = (String) titlemap.get(i);
        if (param.getExcelParams().containsKey(titleString)) {
            if (param.getExcelParams().get(titleString).getType() == 2) {
                picId = row.getRowNum() + "_" + i;
                saveImage(object, picId, param.getExcelParams(), titleString, pictures, params);
            } else {
                saveFieldValue(params, entity, cell, param.getExcelParams(), titleString, row);
            isUsed = true;
    if (isUsed) {

From source file:org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports.ExcelImportServer.java

License:Apache License

private <T> List<T> importExcel(Collection<T> result, Sheet sheet, Class<?> pojoClass, ImportParams params,
        Map<String, PictureData> pictures) throws Exception {
    List collection = new ArrayList();
    Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams = new HashMap<String, ExcelImportEntity>();
    List<ExcelCollectionParams> excelCollection = new ArrayList<ExcelCollectionParams>();
    String targetId = null;//from w w  w .ja  va2  s.c om
    if (!Map.class.equals(pojoClass)) {
        Field fileds[] = PoiPublicUtil.getClassFields(pojoClass);
        ExcelTarget etarget = pojoClass.getAnnotation(ExcelTarget.class);
        if (etarget != null) {
            targetId = etarget.value();
        getAllExcelField(targetId, fileds, excelParams, excelCollection, pojoClass, null);
    Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();
    for (int j = 0; j < params.getTitleRows(); j++) {
    Map<Integer, String> titlemap = getTitleMap(rows, params, excelCollection);
    Row row = null;
    Object object = null;
    String picId;
    int count = 4;
    while (rows.hasNext()
            && (row == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() - row.getRowNum() > params.getLastOfInvalidRow())) {
        row = rows.next();
        // ???,?,?
        if ((row.getCell(params.getKeyIndex()) == null
                || StringUtils.isEmpty(getKeyValue(row.getCell(params.getKeyIndex())))) && object != null) {
            for (ExcelCollectionParams param : excelCollection) {
                try {
                    addListContinue(object, param, row, titlemap, targetId, pictures, params);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO: handle exception
                    Exception f = new Exception("" + count + "" + e.getMessage());
                    throw f;
        } else {
            object = PoiPublicUtil.createObject(pojoClass, targetId);
            try {
                for (int i = row.getFirstCellNum(), le = row.getLastCellNum(); i < le; i++) {
                    Cell cell = row.getCell(i);
                    String titleString = (String) titlemap.get(i);
                    if (excelParams.containsKey(titleString) || Map.class.equals(pojoClass)) {
                        if (excelParams.get(titleString) != null
                                && excelParams.get(titleString).getType() == 2) {
                            picId = row.getRowNum() + "_" + i;
                            saveImage(object, picId, excelParams, titleString, pictures, params);
                        } else {
                            try {
                                saveFieldValue(params, object, cell, excelParams, titleString, row);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // TODO: handle exception
                                Exception f = new Exception("" + count + "" + e.getMessage());
                                throw f;

                for (ExcelCollectionParams param : excelCollection) {
                    try {
                        addListContinue(object, param, row, titlemap, targetId, pictures, params);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO: handle exception
                        Exception f = new Exception("" + count + "" + e.getMessage());
                        throw f;
            } catch (ExcelImportException e) {
                if (!e.getType().equals(ExcelImportEnum.VERIFY_ERROR)) {
                    throw new ExcelImportException(e.getType(), e);
    return collection;

From source file:org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports.ExcelImportServer.java

License:Apache License

 * ?(?,,?)//from  w  w  w. j av  a 2s  . c o  m
 * @param params
 * @param object
 * @param cell
 * @param excelParams
 * @param titleString
 * @param row
 * @throws Exception
private void saveFieldValue(ImportParams params, Object object, Cell cell,
        Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams, String titleString, Row row) throws Exception {
    Object value = cellValueServer.getValue(params.getDataHanlder(), object, cell, excelParams, titleString);
    if (object instanceof Map) {
        if (params.getDataHanlder() != null) {
            params.getDataHanlder().setMapValue((Map) object, titleString, value);
        } else {
            ((Map) object).put(titleString, value);
    } else {
        ExcelVerifyHanlderResult verifyResult = verifyHandlerServer.verifyData(object, value, titleString,
                excelParams.get(titleString).getVerify(), params.getVerifyHanlder());
        if (verifyResult.isSuccess()) {
            setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object, value);
        } else {
            Cell errorCell = row.createCell(row.getLastCellNum());
            verfiyFail = true;
            throw new ExcelImportException(ExcelImportEnum.VERIFY_ERROR);

From source file:org.joeffice.spreadsheet.sheet.SheetTableModel.java

License:Apache License

public int getLastColumnNum() {
    int lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum();
    int lastColumn = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < lastRowNum; i++) {
        Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
        if (row != null) {
            int lastCell = row.getLastCellNum() - 1;
            if (lastColumn < lastCell) {
                lastColumn = lastCell;/*from w  ww.  j a  va2  s  .c o  m*/
    return lastColumn;

From source file:org.joeffice.spreadsheet.sheet.SheetTableModel.java

License:Apache License

public void removeColumns(int... columns) {
    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < sheet.getLastRowNum(); rowIndex++) {
        Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex);
        if (row != null) {
            short lastColumn = row.getLastCellNum();
            for (int i = columns.length; i >= 0; i--) {
                int columnIndex = columns[i];
                if (columnIndex <= lastColumn) {
                    Cell cell = row.getCell(columnIndex);
                    // I'm afraid that this only clear the cell and doesn't shift
                    // Also shiting columns is not supported in POI, so nothing happens for empty cells
                    if (cell != null) {
                    }//from ww  w .  ja  va2s.  c  om